""Klrtl i shed Every Thursday 1 Xdiwi 8oItn Another Problem. c Knrtxville Sentinel. - . Thomas A. EcliHon, the wiz - . jurd of electricity, declares lie has solved the problem oh be . . electric Htorage battery. EMI; - ; son has Riven the world prac tirally all its grt-at electrical .Achievements, and is there iore no surprise t ha t heshould . now claim success in his lat ter day experiments for a practicalcommerciai storage rt u mnat irrit portant achievement, for it means the successful applica tion of electricity as a moti e . power to chicles and devi ..' 1 . a-.il !... -cfb umtrr luuu 11 Jtijr railway tt. j i. i. . car 8. ii inaeuccesa is iiiui : which is claimed by the in ventor, it will be applied to carriages, buggies, deliver r wagons, motor cars, and the day of cheaper transporta tion will haye been reached. It is estimated that a sav ing of 58 per cent, is possible in the abolition of the trolly .system from the electric rail J 1 . L. i U i. ? niMiiM. hi; Biiii HifH ui- - 7 - tery is the only deyire where by this savings may be brought about. Mr. Edison's announcement is accepted in a spirit of good faith, for bis successful en ..f deavor in revealing possibili ties in electricity place him .at the head of the long list of electrical inventors of the world. Though not generally known, Tennessee has some claim on Edison, for Nashe ville was the scene of his ear licr work, previous to. going to New York to carry on ex . tensive experiments which . have since revolutionized pow a on n Imnrntm. Btfaf.kinu f hn world over. Mr. Roosevelt got very mad. treated a Maesachu settr delegation of gentlemen very curt ley. grossly insult ed a good man. IVbatabout? because the Prenident says Mr. Whitney minrepresented his views on Canadian rerip rority. But the public has not been able to learn what Mr. Roosevelt's views are. Wouldn't it be bptter to en lighten them than to ruth Jessly insult Mr. Wbitoey? News and Observfr. AGCABANTEGD CUBE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro .fueling piles. Druggist refund money it Fazo Ointment failstocire any case, no matter of bow lone standing, in 6 to 14 days. .First ap plication gives ease . aud rest. 50c. If your druggist haan't it send ;oc in stamps and it will be forwaided post-paid by Pr Medicine Co, St, horns, Mo- All average girl is neverKat foiled until she acquires a son hi law for In r mother. Ud adeotificaJly from jrore ugars , jud with an ey to heaJUinilneat , - v and ease of dlgettloa i iioyer'sMaplecane . U mada of p4r tuple and.ftfSll y , JLonislaM cane angar, of rich, f fj . Hwuijconsuiency mm the tm 11 II -'4mildn''minllllnr WM W II J r- .1 I . ' yottcaaeatltewyday. II v .fOR.AkWT , ' : 11 R; M, Green, f II BOONE, X. 0. : Prpmiis an Else trie Uf) ; Col. Rirbird N. Hackttt, of VV'ilkpsboro, was in tbd rity ypstprday , for a lew hours, says the Charlotte Observer. He i very much interested in a project I hat is on foot in his part of the country that may nd in an electric ca line from Wilkeboro to lilow ing Rock by , Jefferson a n d Roone. The road would fol low the turnpike from Wilkes boro to the top of the rnbun tain, eight miles this aide ot Jefferson and 1hen r u n by Boone. The distance travers ed would be about 55 miles. If the road is built, and Col. Harkett believes it will be within the next three years, it would connect some of the finestjtiinber, farming and mineral lands in the State, with the outside world. A great section of country would be developed. A number of business men of abi ity and capital are be hind the proposition. Bilion Attack Quickly Cured, A few weeks ago I had a bilious attack that watj bo severe I wasn't able to go to the office for two days. Failing to get relief frcm my family physician 8 treatment, 1 took three of Chamberlain's Stom pch and Liver Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man. II. C. Baily, Editor of the New s, fjhapin, S. C. These tablets are for sale by all dealers. Boone, and Blowing Rock Drug Co. . Mr. A. L 'Kigman. nays the Newton Enterprise, returned ed a few, days 'ago from a trip by wagon to Lenoir for apples aud cabbage. He says LenoirJiH crowdedjwith down the country wagons and ev erything is bringing a big once; cabbage $1.50 a hun dred and apples in propoi tion. On bin way home he met.forty wagons going up for mountain produce. A Runaway Bicycle. . Terminated in an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Ar nica Salve cured. It's just as good for burns, scalds, skin eruptions and piles. 25c. at Blackbern's. Many a man'a mind, like a garret, jsj filled with uselesi) things. Chapped Hands. Wash your hands,with warm wa ter dry with a towel and apply Chamberlain's Salve just before ga ing to bed, and a speedy cure is cer tain. This salve is also unequaled for skin disease. For sale by .all deal erfl, Boone, and Blowing Rock Drug Co. When the account you'v? been dodging is at last laid down before you, don't put up a woeful tale of bard luck instead of the cash. It maken the tnai you owe-fel like he helped to bring it all on you Uastonia Gazette. KILL COUCH and CURE the LUNGS wm,Dr.King' 'A Jon Discovery forC roNsuumon Priea 0UGHS and BOeifl.OO Fres Trial. iOLOS Surest and ftuickeat Our for aU THROAT and LXJNO TBOUB- les, or Koinnr back. FINE FARM FOR SALE. Fine farm lor sale containing 220 acres one mile from River side, Ashe county, 150 acres cleared land, ' smooth and in good condition; 7 room dwelling, two hams and other good out bonoeson Jarm. Large orchards a nples, peaches, pears, grapec etc An ideal farm. For full de scription addrexa , - Ajlex Blackbiirh. - - Riverside, N,C Last C?JUl for Taxes. I will be at the following plac es on the dnys named lor the pur pose of collecting the taxes mi the year UX)5: . i v -Bonne. Boone, " .:Dpc;4 '05. Meat Camp, V'annoy'H store, December tb fit h. V -. Ball Mountain, Voting place. December the 6th. , Stony Fork, Viriril, Dec. 7th Elk, Cox's Store, Dec. the 8 1 h Blue Ridge, Stories' Store, December the 0th, Blowing Rock; Blowing Rock, December the 1 2th. Watauga, S hull's Mills, December the 13th; Sbawneehaw. Banner's Btore, December the 14th: Beech Mountain, McGuire's Store, December the 1 5th, Laurel Creek. John W ar d s, Store, December tne 16th Beaverdams, Sweet water December the 19th. , . Cove Creek, Mable, Dec, 20th. North Fork, Thomas' Store, December the SJlst Remember I expect these taxes paid January the 6th, 190G. and if you want to save cost pay before that date. Respectfully, , John W. Hodges, Shfl. Usually when a man teaeh ea the turn in the lane he burin that it turns in wrong Jirection, ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite CURES Coughs, Colds, Croup and "Whooping Cough. TliJtrcmodjrlt funoan for ltainovr larg part of the etrillsad worl.t. It cna lwr be depnidwl upon. It cnntalnt no optara or other famnfsl driK (ml may tx givaa m oonfldnUr to babr u to u adult Price 25 eta; Large ize, 60 eta. NOTICE. N"rth Carolina, Wataugiacountv. T. A. Cable vs. R. P. Millsaps. By virtue ot an execution directed to the undersigned from the Siperior Court of atauga county in the above entitled action. I will, on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1995, at 1 o'clock, p. in., at t h e court house door in Boone sell to the highest bidder for cash to satis. fy iiaid execution all the right ' title and interest which the said R. -P. Millsaps, defendant, has in the fol- owing described real estate, to wit: Lvine and beinsr in said countv.and state and in Beech Mountain town. ship, adjoining the lands of M. G. Keese and others and bounded a fo ows: Beginning at a Btake at the ford of Beech Creek, thence up said creek 5 caU 32 poless, tiien south, lo d. east .22 poles to a small birch near a rock at the mouth of a branch in Lenoir and Reeses' line. then leaving Beech Creek, with Reeses' liue, 60 poles to an oak cor ner of Mt. Qiletd church lot, then with said church lot to the Poga road, then down said road about 60 polos to the turnpike road, then with said road about 1 J poles to the beginning, containing 20 acres more or less, This Oct. 261905 Johh , FIodoes, Sheriff. v44. BO YEARS EXPCRIENCB D Tradk Marks rrlf111 CoevRWHTa Ac Dcaiana quickly aaoartaln our eptnmn fro whetbar a hiTgntlnn ta probably patanubla. Commanlerr. tionaatrUitl7aona4anUal.JlAN0B00K ooPalmU aant f raa. Oldaat (nor for aaeuruu jwlanta. Patania taken tbruoita Munn Co, racalT teciml notic, wrthoot ebanra, la Uta Scientific Jltr-erlcax A bamlaofnsiT flhntrat4 weakly, f anreat eb cnlatkon of any tctenufla JoumiiL Trmt, $1 yenrt f mr montba, L SoMbyan nawadaalar Hmi Mndlna a ikatnk and doaarlntlofi ma p"5 We promptly obtain C. A aud Foreign Send model, sketch or rtotootiovtMiGB K f ree report oa patentability. For frtc Book, How to Securer n a nr IflCVO itt Patentiand lnAUr."l AUKO to - )ppositeU. S. Patent OfHe i : r7"s 7i . mom C WASHINGTON D.C. I A Devppt man of God had preached at some! length to hia congregation, relative to their oSligationt to both G)d and man, dwelling at iepgtl upon the advisability of sar ting hehprvyear within clean balance sheet. The sermon being ended, ; he - remarked . "Now, I want all In the rr n gregntion to stand op." Aft er all were standing, he ftairl. "Now all those who haveset tied last years viihligations and are starting the new year with a rlean records will plea S9 be seated." All took their seats with one ex-eption. a rripp k looking indi vidual, who remained standing. The min ister addressed him ? asv fol lows: "How is it; my brother that you alone, in all this congregation, have not been able to start, the new year with a clear record?'' Theful prit8tood for a seccond and then answered, "I am the Editor of th pa per and these brethren, m y suhscribers. hav not" But before he could finish, the minister m-i tempted him with the excla mation, "L"t nsprayl" CASTOR I A . Por Infanti and Children. . Tt3 Kind Yea Ran AIxejs Ecrtt .Bear tha tHgnatoraof NOTICE. Whereas, on the 8th day of Feb ruary, 19 5 J, A (Church executed to the undersigned a mortgage deed to secure the payment of the sum f 233.2 , due as follows.' One note of $51.00 due Tune i.;I95; one note of $100.00 due Oct.' 1. 1905; one note of $86.05 due February 1st, 1906, and the la6t note of '$86. 05 due June t. 1906, and whereas, the said Church agreed in writing that if default was made in the pay ment of the said note of f 5 1.00, or in the payment of any subsequent note, then the molt igcc, his heirs or assigns were empowered to sell the liimls onvevrd in sajd mortgage to the n ghest Imkler, nd whereas default h. been made in the p iy ment of stiid note o $51 00, and al so in the pjivncm nttheKioo.oo note. Now. theTe.rori.', by the virtue of the power in said mortgage con- taintKl. the undersigneJ mortgagee will ou Monday, the 4th day of Du cembei. 1905, sell to tne highest hid der for cash, to the highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Boone, Watauga County, North Carolina, between the hours of 10 a m., and 4, p. m., the-following described tract of lam! situated in the count j- of Watauga, Mate of N. C, on the Beech Mountain adjoin ing the lands of Whitehead and oth ers, and i bounded as follows; Be. ginning on a chestnut and hickory, the G. W, Dugg'er ccrner of entry ao. l2oi, and runs wet 35 poles to cucumber, thence north 160 poles to a white pine on a ridge; thence north Sod east o poles to a water oak ; thence , north I4 poles to a chestnutoak at a branch; thence east 58 poles to a double chestnut; thence south 65 d east 60 poles to a chestnut ; thence north 74 poles to a sugar tree, William Hardin's corn er: thence east with his line 60 poles to a birch ; said Hardin's cor. mrj.lhence north with his line 40 pole lo a stake in the line; thence east 50 poles to' a stak? in the White head line, thence south 22 d east 24o poles to his chest nnt corner; thence i.orth 55 d west 40 poles to a chestnut; thence south sd west 110 poles to a spruce pine on the hanjjof a uranch In the G. W. Dug gerohl line: thence west with said line 58 poles to the beginning, con taining two hundred acres of land more or less It being the hind sold to the said J. A. Church Feb. 8lh 1905, and for a better d scriptiorr reference t made to4he deed which ith his mortgage, is duly register ed, this mn tgae having lieen .exe cuted for the oppose pf wfcurinj the purchase money for which the said land was sold a id title made as a foresaid. Sold to satisfy the afore mentioned notes with interest from the 8th day of Februarj I905, with the cost of this advertisement and the expense of sale. Dated (his the 2nd day of Nov. 19 S. t'ETKit Uahdin, Mortgagee, T I Lwe, Atty. for mortgagee. ; Grove's TcstelsGG Chill Tonic hS ttcoJ th3tcrt25 yccrt. .Averts ARr.dSsli3 over Osa csi a HiItZ2ca fectts. Docs tlbrsccrd cf iscrit e??cd to yea? ro Ccre, no ray. 30c rartnteewfeJa every hocUk a Tea Cent. ptasaeCrxyvVi tlloot.LMr fCj. fjltn pimp j)' AetaUe IVepartfiwr&rAs skaSating ttienodandReguSa ong the S tomacts owiBowcb of , Promotes DiuCwlKerfuu ness andResLContalns neither Oriuni forphjne nor Macro! KotXarcotig, Aperfecl Remedy for Cons upa Hon , Sour Stwnach,Diarrtoea Worms XkMtvulsiorB .Feveri sh nrai pndLoss or Sixer : Facsimile Signature of i VEW YD UK." If -i Ml E EXACT COPY or WWArWt Trusts ma.? o. A Cmi-ln iiHttt man han b-en forced to betr, because thej rlosed a fac torj in which his wife hail a job. Amerieasj early Bettiersare those who pay u promt lj tne nrHt oieaeh luoutli. says thi ChlraRO News Let Gammon Do you honestly believe, that : utm corn V A lQliona of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE doily. : There is no stronger proof of merit than continued sad increas ing popularity. "Quality survives aU oppositioiL" . (Bold only ta 1 IKwtclagea. liosvhesd oa erwy paciigii,) ' - (Save yoBT Lion bceda fat valuable pwrnhma.) . SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE . W00LB0N SFXGS OO, Xobdo, Oale, D. Ik GLCTJ.Zoirvaia,N.C, P. D. No. i. aay: "Bliaa NatW Hrrba cured ne of Rhnmatisra and Coaatlpatioa. I Uilnk it a f reai mediciae." - . A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family, doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures' k feci cuuaujwuou, uys- . pepsia; Kidney and NATIVE LiverTrotible.Skin Blood diseases. It is purely .Tegetable contains no min- ,cnu wind iuu lajuc- 9Vl pared in Tablet and W Powder form. Sold DOSES hi 'One Dollar boxes . t aq with a Guarantee to .w ' cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MJCDicnni tunKD raoMMXT bt MAST & CO., Agents, Zionville.N.C. f .r.o.No. t. THE AL0NZO O. BUSS CO., - . WASMNOTON, D. C. II II VJU Tot Infzstj and CMlirca. :' Tha Kind Yo'j lluvo Always DK3I1 Only a few married m n rare to attendpulilitrleelnra. 1'hey hare too many jiiivate lectures at hom. ' Instead of seeking the man the otfl.'p is kept busy trying to pick him out from the crowd of applicants. ,; Sense Becifla coffee sold loose (in. bulk), exposed to aiiBi, germs ana inaeofs, pasBtng (broogh many bands (some of them sol over-clean), "blended." you don't know how or by whom, is fit for your use t r Of course you don't. But ;, . V LION COFFEE la amofher tacy. leiTte; ' sedteetca Itjr keen ladacs art lb iMamtatloaw r kfll tolly ivaatc at aar fae totiea, where preeawtloiia yoa would awt dream ol are taken to aecwe perfect elranllneas, From the time the eofit leaves the factory tto hand tmtehe$ it till it it opened in yvulr kitchen, am mm w ui nana trnm. HOUISTCli't x Rocky IScuntsia Tea Nuggets A Bmir Hidlaia Br Bur ratal. Brist Wdta Htalta Ad lnm Tlt. . A mMdflo for OoaatlraHoo. IailtUioa. Uf md Klrtwy Troabiaa, nroplea, Eaenai, Inpat ilood. Bad BtMK BWWlBoria, HtwUcte ; tnd Rnckacfaa. It' Boekjr Monatata Tea la ta. let form, 85:ni( box. Grnntos mad by Hou.iarch Dura Oompakt, Madiaaa, Wis. . GOLDEN NIMGET8 FCt SALLOW PEOPLE. DaWItt l tti lumato look lor wbaa El to to buy WHck Hual Wilt' Wltei Hani Safra I A orlflnal (no enhp awNlii. I tad DtWttt'alf Ida only Wttca Hl Satra HK ta naoa iron laa Vitoh-Hazel A tt - - . -A MA - 1 k - . . ' (KBTrV OBnaTIWaraBWjBII Moaa. dMap and wortalaat ara ntaraaa. DaWltt'aW HaMlSahw I apadfk for Pll: Jital BlwTi. Fc)itn ana rrotrwftnc HW AkoCZ. Bwna. Bntfta. 8pnat, I imiIIi CootoJlona. Bolk Cartaaclaa. Ccawaa, f attar. Salt Kkaaaa. aU al uwr. Sa . naauDif,V LCDaVmCocuc, Sold by M . Blackburn. Ipl SJ , Uso For Over Thirty Years DeWitt SALVE

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