ft t: ! ' c if in IaH K r r jr : Tt37te:2a0::;mt.! Enteted at the Post of&ee at Boone, N. C, as second' class mail mutter. SUBSCRIPTION BATE8: fin map. 9 1.00. Sii Months...... .50. .25. Three months. Advertising rates furnished on apphcation. . LOCAL NEWS. K. SMtDade, the Droggit Born to Mr. and John S. Williams a baby boy. Don't forget the school "p elation On i next Saturday. -Read Will W. Hoisclaw's new ad ip this issue. : Just rereired n t Hols claw'j a lot of fold log bed springs, to be sold at a bar gain. . -rMr. and Mrs. Darid Far ( ' itiic, of Botler, Tenn, have . : been sjendlnfc ser eral days with relatives and friends' in and around town. 1 -Regular Communication ' of Watabka Lodge, 278, A. 4 A; M , tomorrow night. liet all the brothers be pres y ' ' Rer. Comann, of lnoir, One of the Conference Evan 'delist, is assisting Rer. 0P. Adr, in a re viral meeting "at : ;j:jenwn Chapel. ArtBtir Hayes, of Vilas who lia a position as conductor "on the street car system of Richmond, Va.f is spending a few day s with home folks. Mr ie&se Grafts;, an aged (X- - citnn of (J lobe. Caldwell Co., father of Mr, Finley Uragg of kelsey, died Bt his hom on Tuesday morning of t'ropsj. ' Don't forget ' the singing at the court; house Friday. The Drdmotera are men of . . .rare rocai attainment, and in public will miss a treat It they fail to attend. Dr. John L. Cotlrell. of Mountain City, Tenn., spent Haoday and Monday lust in Wtftaoga. The Dr. has many warm friends here who are always delighted to see him. We are glad to hear thrlll John H. Ding ham that the school at Wal nut fcrOTe Acad mey is getting oh nicely. He says the school is not on a "boom," but is steadly growing. ' We are sorry to learn that 11. W. Tngmanhas so in fured his health by constant Study and teaching that be -is-unable to finish his work in the Brookside school. We hope tolhear of bis Improve ment soon. The CkiUtaM Diner. ' la spite of the fact that the world dyspepsia mean literally bad cook, it will not be fair for many to lay thr blame on , the cook if they begin the ChtfstniAs Dinner with appetite and end it with distress or name. It may rictte fair for an to do that let us hope ao for the sake of the cook! The disease dyspepsia indi cates a bad stomache, that is a weak stomach, rather than a bad cook; and for a weak stomach there is nothing else equal to Hood's Barsa parilla. It gives the stomach yigoi and tone, cures dyspepsia, creates appetite, na mates eaung iae pica . tnre it should be. ' GALAX WANTED. We will pay cash for first rinaa Bronze Galax Leaves 1 1 vered at L nv lie. We will ...... on fa A in Atl inch ." i.,,mm. 9X tta fnr mndirim .t. - .arnwrH. uv w. . nnri arm. Tbise nnces KO'JO - for two four weeks. . : v ynvill,N.a v T. B. Coffey, of Hickory, spent a day with bis mother and friends here last week. A new lot of fresh drugs at Holsclaw's. The .best )J si ment on earth for juan or beast, : . ' -I will sell you a 2.S0hAt for $1; a $1.50 hat for 75c; a 50c. boy bat for lOcts. Better come before they are gone. l(. M. ureen. -Mr. W. 0. Coffy lelt Sat urday for Raleigh where he went as a delegate to the State Baptist Convention. that met In the Capital City yesterday. The 1909 calamlers are now coming in, but the pret tiest one we have seen so far, is that being sent out by Mr. W. L. Holshouser. of Blow ing Rock. He has ourgtbanks for one of them. . We did not think we would ha re.to mention the matter ot wood to those who have here tofo refurnished ns, but ws do-wish to say in passing that winter is here, "lest they forget,lest they forget." Mr Elbert Green and fam ily have moved to Mr.Darid Ray's farm 2 miles east of Boone. Mr. Greene will work at the carpenter's trade, and his son will carry the mail from Boone to Todd .for the next year. Monday was Indeed a typ leal winter day, the first we hate had. There was plenty of snow, ice and high winds, but Tuesday dawned bright and clear, and it now seems that we are to again have a season of pretty days. Prof. Francum will finish his school at "Bark wheat" this week. H will now spend sometime lecturing in Cald well and other counties. He will leave on his tour on Sat urday next. Ex Postmaster Wm. Ed- misten, of Blowing Rock, has purchased the'Martin House' at that place and took char ge of same on the first inst. He will run a boarding house the year around for the ac cotnonadation of the travel ing public as well as for sum mer tourists. -Little Mattie, daughter of Mr. W. L. Hendrix.iof Sto ny Fork, has had a very dan gerous at tack of dy pt heria, but it is indeed veryjgiatiff- ing to know that she is.,, now Improving. It is feared that the disaseroay spread but all precautions will be taken to preveut it, Not A Sick Day Since. I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of j- T iS-l i: I meaicinca, none m wnicn rcucvcu me. One day I saw ad of voir Ejec trie Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses 1 felt ' relieved, and aoon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick ay since Neighbors of mine have been cured of rheum a tism. neuralgia, liver and Kidney troubles and general debility." This is what B. F. Bass, of Freemont, N. C writes. Only 50c at Black burn's. Never judge a woman's beauty by her make up. Clear thinning decisive action, vim and vigor of body and mind, the sparxle of life, comes to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. xi cents, Tea or Tablets. M. B. Blaekburn, Blowing Rock Drug Co. Even hunger isn't au lable cure for laziness. infal Beautifying methods that injure the sKin and health are dangerous. Be beautiful without discomfort by taxing Hollister's Rocsiy Mountain Tea. Sunshiny faces lotlow its use. 35 cents. M. B. BlacKburn, Blow jng Rocs Drug Co. ; A big lot of dry goods and notions just in at Hols claw's to be sold cheap for cash or produce. Fresh candies, nuts, rai sins and other fruits, toys, and a foil assortment of hoti day goods at D, J. Cottreli's Deergeld, N.C. At the close) o f the Thanksgiving services bld in the Baptist church on Thursday night last, a collec tion for the Tbornasville Or phanage was taking that a roounted to 20.00. -Our old friend, Ex-Treas urer W. E. Greene, was up Monday, he is greatly dis tressed about the condition of his son. who is now confin ed in Boone jail with his mind entlrley dethroned. Steps are being taken to get him into the Asylum as soon as possible. Messrs. James McCane, Charly Vuncanon, and J. B. 3reene, all of Johnson county 1'enn., came over last Thurs day to inapoet farther the tim beroo Rich Mountain. Up to this writing, however, they have only been in the forest one'day owing to severe wea ther, butspeakratherencour agingly of the outlook. '(Jo forward" was the text used by the Rev. J. H. Brendall in hU sermon last Sunday. He handled the text in a most masterly way, and if his initial sermon is an in dex to bis year's work tbete is certainly a spiritual as well as a literary feast in store for this work during the pre ent conference 3 ear. Sorry to hear of the death of one of friend Calvin Green's little children, which occured on Monday. The lit tie child had been euffering for some time with scarlet fe ver, hot the immediate cause ol her death was an acute at tack of raeningetis. His oth ker two children have scarlet fever, and the latest news is that they are yery low. It seems that theappoint ment of a post master at Blowing Rock is a matter that is hard indeed to settle by the powers that be. More than a month ago it was giy en out that H. C. Miller had received the appointment, fill ed his bond, etc. But to the great astonishment of many, W. L- Holshouser received the appointmenton Monday with blank bosd, otc. If there is no further chance for Mr. Miller, we are glad that Mr. Holshouser has received the appointment as he has all the qualifications to make a yery acceptable official. Doesn't Respect Old Age. It'a shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age but just the contrary in the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age.' Dyspep sia, jaundice, fever, constipation all yield to this perfect pill, Price 25c. at M. . BlaeKburn's. mm Most of men are better lor knowing the worst of them selves. Sfld Bleed b reaocsSIa for most of tba t&esses csd aSscats of tba hujasa systca. It te riocsly affects every orgsa cndfcsction. causes catarrh., dyspepsia, rheumatism, wedx, tired, kaxidd feeSaes cad worse tronbtes. Tce HoodsScrsapcriIIa vt2ca fcrcss cm enriches tbe Hood cs nothhj eecea foetssrsssnnlsiiar far took oa Sm CtooS. No. X . C L Hoo4 C., UwtJ, Mess. Orfing to the extremely rough' weather 'an Monday, the rail road meeting was not largely attended, but a goodly number of public epir ited citizens assembled in the court bouse, talked railroad to their heart's content; ap pointed a committee to cor respond with companies in terested to find what proponi tion, if any, we can get for the construction of a road in to the county. The outlook is good, unleBa our propects are chilled by a few citizens win have inducement they might offer: but good money into their 0 n pockets and thereby encourage the wnter prise; S-hriff Hodges has n o t yt settled with the State, and there is no money with whirt to pay the school vouchers now coming in. Why is it that on each leceipt giv en by the sheriff for taxes the State, school, county and oth er taxes are made out in sep arate items, yet the; school teachers have to wait foi their money until the entire State tax is paid off? To be sure mui'h of the money with which th State i paid be- longto our school fund. It is evinentiy the intention of the law that all taxes shall be paid by Jan, 1, of the fol lowing year, so that all may be treated alike. Had you ev er taken this into considera tion? There is a wrong some where that should be righted. CASTOR I A For Xafimta and Children. Tit Kiel Yea HmAtvsjs Ecrjfet Special Notice 1 -From now until January 1st 1906, I will makf Special Low Pri ceson .leans. Clothing. Hats. etc. 1 will hpII them on a 10 er cent basis, and all other goods in stock at greatly re duced prices. Brown Sugar 20 pounds for $1; Granulated Sugar 16 lbs; French Mixed Candies from 8 to 15 rtn. per pound; also a fine lot ol penny goods, rborolatfs, oranges, Cocoa nats. Figs. Ruisins, Nuts, Soda and Lemon Crackers, Sardines, Oysters, Pie Peach es. Corn, Tomatoes, etc. I also have Lemon, Vanilla and Pineapple extracts, chU na ware, gold band glats ware, alttnms, vaws, boys, express wagons, ladies' jersey logins. All kinds of hamlker chiefs, baby cloaks Shawls, Fascinators, and, in fact, almost any thing you sunt for presents for old or young. A big lot of fine shoes for men, womn and children will be in for X- mas. A new lot of men's win ter caps, gloves, etc. When in need of goods call and examine my stock and prices, as I will not be under sold bo any one. I boy most lj for cash and get bottom fricess and all discounts. All ask is a trial. a.! want all kinds of conn try produce at highest mar ket prices. Everybody invU ten to come and see my nw goods nnd low prices. Wishing you a merry and happy Christmas, lam, Yours anxious to please. Will W Holsclaw. Vilas, Dec. 6. i , jKcdc! Dyspepsia Ccro , . ' ptgetts what yea eat - ; ' Croup. '''- . ': A reliable medicine and oue that should always be kept in the home for immediate use ! Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It will prevent the attack if given as soon as the child becomes, or even after the croupy cough appears. For sale by all deal eis, Boone, and Blowing Rock Drug Co NOTICE. I. T. M, May. Clerk of the Bd. of Co. (Joms's of Watauga county do heieby certify that the following is a true atatement of the days each meuber of the board of county com mission ers has served, and also the number of miles traveled for the year ending Nov. 3o, 1905: L. A. Greene 17 davs at fa per day, $34,00. L. A. Greene traveled 1S0 miles travel at 5c. a mile 9.oo. Total . $43.00. O. W.Robbinal7days at Saturday, f 34.00. G. W. Robbins traved 180 miles at 5c per mile $9 00. Total $43 00. t, C Younce served 15 days at $3 per dy, $30.00, P. O. Younce traveled 360 miles at 5c. per mile, $13.00. Total $43.00. Given under my hand this 30th da of November. 1905. J. M. MAY, CIk. Bd. Co. Corn's. NOTICE. North Carolina Watauga county W. G, Tiidd, adm.of J B.Todd deceased; vs. W. G. Todd and wile, Belle Todd; F. P. Moore and wife, Mary (X Moore; J. P. Todd arid wife, Mary C. Todd, By virtue of u decree of the Supe rior Court made in the above en titled cause to sell land for as sets, the undersigned commis siouer will on Saturday the 23rd day of Decern tier, 1905. between the hours of 30, a. m., and 2, p. m.; offer for Hale on the following terms, one third cash on lay of sale; one third in six months and one third in twelve months the following described lands, to wit: 1st tract 011 Joes fork of Buf falo creek iu Wataug county, N. C. Beginuiog on a white pine and runs south along tbe top , of toe ridge 125 poles to achstnutoak, thence west 64 pols to a stake, then north 125 po'es to a stake, then west 64 jioles to the begin ning, containing 50 acres more or less. 2nd tract: Adjoining the lands of Joel Triplett and others, in said county nnd state. Beginning on three chestuuts and a dog wood and mas northeast about 100 poles to a chestnut, then N. 90 poles to a pine, then south west with a ridge about 90 poles, then south to a creek, and with said creek to the beginning, con taining 50 acres more or less. 3rd tract, adjoining the lands of Joef Triplett and others. Be ginning on a white, Todd's cor ner, and inns north 54 poles to a stake, then south 45d. east 120 poles to a stake, conditional cor ner between Todd and Penley, then west conditional line be tween Todd and Penley 220 poles to a stake in Thos. S. Robbins' line in or near Walnut Cove field, then north with said Iine45 poles to a stake in T. C Triplett's line, then south 65d. east 40 polef. to ailakeatthe pocket rock, then 110 poles to the beginning 4th tract. Adjoining W, S. Shepherd and others. Beginning on a white pine in what is Known as Pine Orchard, on tbe waters of Buffalo CreeK and runs south 40 poles to a white pine. thn east 14 poles to a chestnut, then south 90 poles to a stnice, then 57 piiles to a staice, then north 130 poles to a staice. then west to the beginning containg 50 a crea more or lea. 5th tract. Adjoining the lands of J. B, Todd and others. Be ginning on a wnitc pine and runs south 90 poles to a chest nnt and roc in old line on a ridge, then east 13 poles to a chestnut oak, then north 90 poles to a double chestnut, then 14 poles to the beginning con taining 7 9-i6 acres more or less These fire tract are known as the Dugger tracts in said coun ty and state. 6tb tract, on tbe waters of Elk river, in saiJ county and state, adjoining the lands ol Thos. Smith, Jerry Green and others. Beginning on an iron wood in Smith's line, and runs east 75 poles to a stake in the old Dugger line, theiice north 45 eat 140 poles to a staxf , thence east i30 poles to a state, thence to the begining. Con taining 60 acres more or less. Deed in fee will be made to fmrebflser or purhasfr upon nil payment of purchase price. This November, the 22nd, J 905. J. C. Fletcher, Coram. CstTItffo Ciro r Fct FSssy CsntSj Csrcs ' It wouldn't be auy fun at all to be lazy is there wasn't any work to do. : ; i Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It goes to every part of your body, bring ing new blood, strength and new vijror. it makes you well and tetpt veil well. 35 cents. M B- Black bum. Blowing Rock Drug Co., ou TO Examine These Prices---- Genuine far hats not trash -25 cts. eacb. One thousand yards of lnce from 3 to 10 rents oer vard: Ladies' Mark hose 7c. iHr pair. Writing tablets from 1 to lOcts, Bor paper from 5 to $1; Saxo ny yarn 5ts. per skein; iced wool 10 cts. per ball. Candies at all piices. Dnn t If ill line of lamps from 25c. to $1.60. each:buckets 10 to 30 ts. each; two pint cops for 5 cts. Almost anything in glass wore, from 3 to 50cts. each; a nice line nf delph and china from 2 to 40 cts. each. Almost any little thing yon want may be fonnd on' my 5 and 10 cent counter. Write vme for a complete list of articles. I Cm Say You Money. I3"A nice book FREE, when you trade $1. Hatch ray local ads eorh week. BOONE GASH STORE. It. M. GREEN, Manager. IT IS EASY TO SEE a long distance with a good pair of Field G'asseB, and events are so shaping themselves that interesting sights may be of fre quent occurrence. We hav a large stock of glass er of every description. From Smoked Glasnes, on through the line of Field, Opera, Beading and Eye Glasse, Telescopes, etc, the assortment is complete. Eyes tested and glasses fitted under the direction of a skilled oculist. ALFRED W. DULA. Jeweler and Optician, Lenoir. N. C. E. M. MAD HON, D. L. S. BALJ, N. I. I am now located here for the practice of Dentistry, and am ma. king Bridge and Crown work, the most intricate work known to the profession, a specialty. t&Mv work is all done under a positive guarantee no satisfaction, no pay. Nothing but the best mate rial used in the execution of any of my work. Dr Fred W, PhiferT" Office Hours: 'Phones: 3:30, 9:30 a. m. ) ( Office, J14. 6 to 7. p m. j ( Hosp 234. X Ray treatment forCmncer, Complete Electrical Outfit. Special attentiongivecchroa c cases. Address BILIN0SLY CITY HOSPITAL, 8tatesville,N C. H Ross Donnelly. UNDERTAKER & EM BALM ER SHOUN'S X ROADS, - Tenn, I have a nice bne of Cotflns, Caskets and Uuu Jertakers goods always in scock, I also represent the Knox villi Monumental Works, manulactu. rers ot Monuments and Tomb stones ana wouia ne giaa 10 iur nish anything ia either line. R. ROSS DONNELLY. ..

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