The Watauga Democrat. fW-BB Published Every Thursday ::: Mtund by the Common Schools. . The bulwark of the nation to day ih to be found in the finality of its citizenship to nflke it plain,, lji the man ''Hood and womanhood of its people. An o lncated ritizn ship is a blessing, nay, it a country's Balvatioti; the re rerse of this condition id a curse. We have no criticism to o&Vr relative to our many excellent colleges, nniver sities and other institutions of higher learning. What we do mean is to strengthen and support our common schools; extpud their influ ence, lengthen the school term, pay the teachers letter salaries, then get the best teachers obtainable, andithe college, university, the semi nary the fashionable school etc. will take care of them selves. In connection with this we submit a statement recently made hylfharity and chldren. a paper pub Ifched at the Baptist Orphan age at Tnom'tsville. N. ('., that clearly illustrates the necessity for standing by our public schools. It says: "Twenty-two young po Die left Thomasville this fall to attend high schools and colleges ad opposed to the half dozen who went to col lege from here fouryears ago. Graded schools have made this difference, and indeed the graded school is the prime factor in the education o f children of any town, whose people have been far sighted enough to lay this bedrock of education in their com munity. The crying need ol our peoplenowisnotsomu"h for better colleges and uni versities and stronger ones as it is for good common schools, not a thrpe month term with inadequate teach ing foreeand poor equipment, but and eight or nine months terra withcompetent teachers and enough of them to give ever child their iodividnalat tention. Stand by your com mon schools and in that way you will do most to advance the cause ol the university, for from the country acad emy and the town graded school do the colleges and universities draw their best and strongest support. A merican. Biliorw Attack Quickly Cured, ' A few weeks ngo I had a bilious attack that wag bo severe I wasn't able to go to the office for two days. Failing to get relief frcm my family physician's treatment, 1 took three of Chamberlain's Stom pch and Liver Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man. H. 0. Baily, Editor of the News, Chapin, S. C, These tablets are for sale by all denlers. Boone, and Blowing Bock Drug Co. . . ; urn iuuic mwiirrjr i ucit? in jn the world, the more it gets awav from most Donle. - Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . ' The Children's Favorite . . CUBES" CoQffhs, Colds, Croup and (J i Whooping Cough. Tat. Twatir ttmsv tat Its core or a,lanr part of the civilised world. Itcaa aImvb ha AtmauimA anon. It eontalna DO . oniuu br other harmful draff ni may be giTtn M opBwkeli to bA7 Mtou adult Mm G rrt Ijtm lsa. 50 ota.- - . Hopeful for Democracy. -PennrtvlvaniH liiin voted for the Democratic candidate fur State Treasurt'r.'flnd a Dino cratic victosy was complete. Even the old country stand bys that never deserted the Republican colors have either gone over bodily or, have barely pulled through. In New York City there is not enough of the Republican party Iff t, according to the ngures on the mayoralty, to make a decent escort for the political funeral of its candi date, Mr, Ivins. Ohio has gone Democratic. Not only has the state elect eil h Democratic governor, but a legislature Democratic in both branches. Massachusetts has chosen a republican governor but the majority is a small one com pared with the old time tri umnhs. On the whole it looks as if the Democratic party was preparing to make trouble next year, when a full mem bership of the H )iise of Rep resentatives is to be eta-ted, and when there will be impor tant contests over Govern or Khips. Philadelphia Inquirer (Republican.) tJouie people besides college students have strange ideas regarding the playing of prac tical jokes or hazing, asshown by u dispatch from Indanap olis. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Felkner, a popular young couple, who had just been married, were bound band and foot and hauld through the principnl streets of Indi anapolis iu a dray wagon, followed by a crowd of their fool friends who aredes' rihed as "yelling liks maniacs." As a result of this experience the bride is in a dying condi tion. At. thr new home of the couple the hazers turned ev erything upside down, pluc ing the kitchen furniture in the parlor and the purler fur nit ure in the kitchetin, tilling the store, with dishes and brie a-bruc und otherw jpcpu ting the establishment in con fuaion. This form ol hazing is worse, if possible, than that engaged in by the students of Kenyon college, and it was thought that the latter hud reached the limit. Charlotte Observer. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated in an usrlv cut on the leer of J. U. Orner. Franklin Grove. Ill It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years, l hen uucklen s Ar. nica Salve cured. It's iustaseood - 0 for burns, scald, skin eruptions and piles, 25c. at Ulackbern s. North Carolina has a law which makes it a punishable offense to point an unloaded gun or pistol at any person. This may be the reason why North Carolina is getting a bead of Viiginia in popnla tton. Norfolk Landmark. Chapped Hands. Wash your hands, with warm wa ter drv with a towel and apply Chamberlain's Salve just before go ing to bed, and a speedy cure is cer tain. T"i salve is afo unequnled for Bkin disease. For sale by alt deal ern, Boone, and Blowing Rock Dru; Co. FINE FARM FOR SALE. Fine farm for sale containing 220 acres one mile iroro River Bide, Anhe conuty, 150 acres cleared land, smooth and in good condition; 7 room dwelling, two banm and other good out bouses on farm. Large orchards, afiplea, peaches, pears, grapen, ftc An ideal farm. For full de scription address : , Alex Blackburh, Riverside, N.C t., 1 ljft -J Ho Bad a Personal Interest. Blank villf is a. mnull place. but hag enough enterprising citizens to maintain a lecture course. One of the lecturers last yea r delivered an interest ing discourse on the' wonders ot radium. . , He told of Its distfovery, its enormous cost and t he great tbiugs that were expected of it in the future. At the close of his remarks, he said h e would be glad to answer any questions bis hearers might feel like asking him as to pit ticulars he bad overlooked or not maie perfectly plain. After a pa use of a few mo ments, u earnest looking man rose and said there was one qu stioa he would like to ask. 'What U it?" jaid th- lec turer. "I'd like to know." respon ded the man. a e pan in o" pain contorting his featuifH,"ifiH dium will euro bunions." Youth.s Companion- JUtiiiuony Whatjsnarriage? Marriage is an institution lor the bind. When a man thinks seriou ly of muriiagp, what hap pens? Ho remains single. Should a man marry a gill for her money? No, but he should not ii'er. become 00 old maid just be cause she is rich.. When 11 girl refuses to n "sail courtship" what do she mean? She means that the man got away. . Is au engagement ns good aH marriage? It is better. 4 Why does a bride wear 0 veil? , So Hhe may conceal her sat isfacthn, s When a man says hp can manage his wife what does he mean? He means he can make her do anything she wants to. Detroit News. Of two kinds is the preach- r in polities th right and the wrong. The right kind of a preacher Is never out of poli ties. For what, after all, Is pontics, rightly understood, nut sound morim translated into action? The true preach er, veritably representative of the Higher Law. preahps politics every time he enters the pulpit. He prpnehes it,' a hovft all. iu his dailv walk and talk. He tells men by word and by example that they should in civil life, ns well as in business and in homejife, do the right and avoid the wrong. He ties hi in self bp with no faction, and promotes, as a minister of the gospel, no partisan inter put. But as an exponent ol 1 he Truth he is bound to hit and down thp Lie in the ran nit, in the'eonvention. at Hie prima 1. v and the polln. nh well as in business and domes tic life. Louisville Herald. Cupid taken a day off when the feminine match n nkcr gefH busy. A woman has hioiiiw to he able, without auv, to -do.. so much more than men. - KILLthb COUCH and CURE thb LUHCS lr. King's WITH I ijL'GMS ana 50c HI. CO Free Trial. i ' y Surat ur.& ttuic?tct Cure for all THOU 3- x,E3, crKOKEY BACK. NsirDisG3v$ TftJISilS'PTInM ' P.-rea FflSl A country iniulhter. in a rertain " Jqcaliry," took w maneut lea ve, ol hisi ongregH tion, in the following pathet, ic 'manners: Brothers ami sisters, I edme to the place when I must say goodbye 1 don't think (Jod loves thif church, because nona of : you die.. I don.t think you love each other, bpcanse 1 never marry any ' of you. Yon don't loyp me, bcans you ha ve never Tpji'l jny b.i la ryi Your donations are mouldy fruit and wormy apples, and by there fruit ye shall konw ihun. Brotherc and Hist ers, lam going to a better place. 1 have been called to be the chaplan o f a penitentiaiy, where 1 go to prepare a place for you, and may th? Lord have mercy5 in you. (iood- byi-I-Selecteri. - Last Call for Taxes, I will he at the following plafv, es on the days named lor the pur pose ot collecting the taxes for! rite year isoo: Boone. Boone, lec. 4 '03. Meat Camp, v annoys store, December the 5th. Ball Mountain, Voting place. December the 6th. Sfon v Fork, Virgil, Dec. "7tb Elk, ('ox's Store, Dec. the 8th Bine Ridge, Stories' - Mo re, i December toe 0' b, . .... Blowing Bock, Blowing Bock, December the 12th. Watausa, S hull's Mills, December the 13th Shawneehaw, Banner's store, December the 14th: Beech Mountain, McGuire's Store, December the 15th, Laurel Creek. John W ards, Store, December tne 10th - Beaverdams, Sweet water Dtcember the 10th. roveCWk, Mable, Dec, 20 h. North Fork, Thomas' Store, December the 21sb. Remember I expect these taxes paid b January the 6th. 1906 and if you waul to save cost pay before that date. . Resprct.'ully, . , . .T' us TV.lIfpoiis. Shft. Made RrIpnfiflrllT and with an eye to heaJthiulness and ease of digestion Goyer's ftl aplecane Is made of pure maple and Louisiana cine sugar, of rich, mooth consistency and the true "woodsv"manlfflairnr- UhnU. some you can eat it every day. FOR 8ALK BT iJOOXE, .... - N. 0. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Thadc Marks Disigns Copyrights 4c. Unlcklr nvwrtuln our opinion fra whether m Inrentlon U probubly tuit.ntable. ComraunlOA UdiumrletlreonaileutUL HAND800K onl'atenti iiuit f pre. Oldest lurencr lur securing jmleuu. Pntnnu token throutb Munn k Co. recelvt tfttUA tivtict, without cbunra, ia the Scientific JRtnericaii A hmiitsomeif flinntnited weeklf. TJtrveat Mr ni!tlm nt any taienllna Inomil. Ternm, $3 a ywr : fruir month, Sold bj all newMteeler. MUNiUCo'BroeNewyork breech Cflloo. (Si f St. Wublogton, V. (J. Anrnn nrrrdlne tketrh Mid dmoHDtlon nil W tvlimmptir ol(aiu U. suu roreiRn tied DHldtLj. antch nr t U)tni.lii.til ti(,i- mi freernorteu r&tvtiUbli"Uy. frc Unit, Ftntitr.(l ll-.HU'f'iMIO o ppssite U. S. Patent Otrieo WASHINGTON "D. C. Crov " si HI ? Dr ISR-lffr?! a 1 1 nwai ha tied Chs tcct 25 years. Averse Ajviiud SIcs II I tctt!. Denttbrtccrdcficritc-?sa!toyou? , . Caaunr4 v.Li cvw-y Uli U a TcacUi JwCir3 cf Crsr,eS 7 1 , 'J The Kind You novo Always Bought, and whteU has been In .use. for over SO, ycars,"Has borne" tho signature -of ' -.'.-. - J .. ...... rJcj4ffljl'h y ' soial supervision since its Infancy futfy, Jk&4At Allow no one to deceive you In this, , ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-ood" are but ' ; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. VifliatjsCASTORIA Gastoria is a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is pleasant. It . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation .and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep . 1 The Children's Panacea The mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' r-t otimtuii eoaMNT, rt muriut smtET, iinr vsm orrr. r ' t Win n i imtn is lon'on en erry and nlmrt on I he i,rit,v to use it he is apt to be pit ierl.,- You can't tmin up i chi'1 in fth way he shoold jjo'by.. throwinir coM water on his nrisl i'ion. Let Common Do you honostly bilievo,tbat vpcta tn your kiwiwj. This has UON COFFEE the IJUDCR OF All thOUSt COFFOS. Millions ff American Homes welcome LION COFFEE daily. There is no stronger proof of merit than continued and increas ing popularity. "Quality survives all opposition." (Sold only in 1 lb. jiackages. Lion-head on every package.) . (Save your Lion-heoda for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE ' '" '. . , W00LS0N BPI0B CO., Toledo, Ohio. D. I GUJNN, Ziouvtllk, N. C, R. F. D. No. I, says : " BUm Native Herbicured Die of Rheumatism and Constipation. I think it a great medicine." A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents aud cures pt tec Constipation, Dys Dlrfloa pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE liver Trouble.Skin HERBS seasesi Rheuma .tism and, many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetablti contains no min cia yuiauu turn ia ic-- Af pared ia. Tablet and : w Powder, form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes C QQ Tvith a Guarantee to s cure or money back. Our $2 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MBDiaNS MAILED PROMPTI.? BY MAST & CO.. Agents. .", Zionville, N. C. . ' R.r.D.No. 1. THE AL0NZ0 O. BLIS5 CO., ! WASHlN(lTdN,D.C. ; :-v.'.' Tasteless Chi!! Tome; Signature of A womnn tbinkHnbc is jn rlei when she enn kH on h r waist without u button hi k. oabvo: DOftTl u$ yy turn aiuu iu nannmirt rwMl Com raon JJucimu is mighty iinnmiiiMin, TL. WI.J U II . A .a Sense Decide coffee sold looso (in bulk), exposed ,1... i. . l : i ; ,through many bands (somo of thenv not ovcMloan), "blended," you don t tnow how or by whom, is fit for your use t Of course you don't ,5ui . . , LION COFFEE Is another story. The green - berries, selected by keen fudges nt the . plantation, are skillfully roasted at our fac tories, where precautions yon would not dream ol are taken to secure perfect cleanliness, fiayor.streogtbandnnllonnlty. From the time the coffee leaves ' the factory no hand touches it till HOLLISTER'8 Stocky Mountain Tea Nugget A Buy Mtdtoln tat Bur People. Biingt Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A in-oiflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Me Hid Kutnov Trouble, llmpiea. itciemi, impnr Jlooil, Pari Breath, 81u(tirlh BoweU, Hoft'IaolJ m l II li'Varhn. Tt'a Roekv Mountain Tea In In ' form, ! ennt1 a box. Oennlnn made b '.Iii.i.iETica 0va Company, Undison, Wla. i-CLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE DeWItt le the name to look for when you co to buy Witch H-uel Salve. . DeWitt'a W,tch Hazel Salve la the Original and only tonul. e. In fact DeWltt'ela the only Witch HaielSahre . that ia made from tlto unadulterated Witch-Hazel AH othera are eounterfeite baae Imi tation, cheip and worthier evea darwerou. DeWitt'a Witch KnolSarr la a (pacific for Piles; Blind, Bleedlnc. ' Itchlnf andProtrvdinfFflea. AlsoCuta, Bum 1, Brulaea, Sprains, Lacer&tions, Contusions. Bolls, CarUincles, Eczerpa, Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other Skra Dlseasea, . I paariuis ar Wl fy V TIT... A ... . XU lie IT III C CO.. Cbicaio Sold by M U Blackburn. over Osa end a Half IVElan No Cure, Ko Pay. v 50c P RrvJIJvrf'.Sa.- - . DeWitt n DeWItt le Um name to look for when A ea

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