6"irrrvTiTi &Wn fM 6 TP 61V Willi IIM1AWU (Uli VOLXVII. 1300N& WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY DECEMHEU 21, 1905. y0 37. (ul ID Whet n Shiftless man dies it relieves his wife of much responsibility. PftO SESSIONAL. L, D.LOWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , BANNER ELK, N. C. SfQrWiH practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. 7 6-'04 Todd & Ballou. 5 ATTOUNEYS AT LAW. ' JEFFERSON, N. C. , .Will practice in all the covuts Speeial attention given to renl estate law ani collections. . G-15-05- ; F. .A. LINNEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the r-onrts of this and surrouniiingeonn tips. Promut Attention civ- en to the collection of claims and hII othr business of a le gal nature. 612- 05. EDMUND JONES, LAT YEU LENOIR, N. 0 - Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-1 '05. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to collections. - E F. LOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOOSE, N. C. . CSpeeial attention given to all business entrusted to h!s care."a 11 '04. E. S. COFFEY -ATWllhEY A1 LAW,- -BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to aft matters of n legal nature. Abstracting titles and collection ot claims a special tv. 1-1 '05. DR. R. D. JENNINGS, RESIDENT DENTIST, BANNER ELK. (i. C Nothiug butthe best nmterial used and all work done under a po&itive gjiffi;iVntee. Persons at a distance"liGuld notify me a few i t . . . I. . . 11IA,. tir n 4- KYB In ai VII lice wiieu I lie v nam nrk done. Alter March the 1st, I have arranged to be at t li e Blackburn House in Boone on each first Monday. Call on inf. 1.28. W. H. BOWKIt, ATTORN Li AT LAv,- Lenoir,N. C. Practices in the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to nil legal matters entrusted to his care. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specalist, RANNER'S ELK. N. C M Ao Knile; No Burning Out. Highest references and endors ruenfs of prominent persoim suc cessfully treated in Va., Term. , ' and N. C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination free, letters .answered promptly, and iatisfac.tioDjuaj-aatecd. WASHINGTON LETTER From our Regular Cor reifcndmf. It looks ns though the pan nma appropriation bill will bavH a stormy time ahead o' it in the Senate. It was con oeeded that it would be paused. bv the Ht.use with consider able speed, but even at that then whs $5. HOd, 000 cut from the amount and all of the members who had a spite either against the measure or ngafnst th" President took opportunity to vent it. There wen some veryennstic things SHid about the payroll of the Commission, some of which were true and some exagger ated for party and personal ends A good denj of capi tul "was made out of referring to thrt$10,000"pressngetit" of the commission Now it is quite true that Mr. Bishop, who is thus designated, is probably over paid, he is reallv the. secretary of the Commission and why he should be always sp.iken of as the 'pres agents' merely be cause he usually gives out the newspaper statements is a little hari to see. There was sofne critieisn also of the other ft 10, 000 men, W. D. Rose, the pui chasing agent, and E S. Benson, the auditor, Whether these are both good men it will be pos sible tojudge, by experience.' If they are, the.y probably are not even paid. The pur chasing agent is not of the most important official un der t he Commission. He has much more than any other one man to do keeping sup ples of all sorts up to stand ard and his opportunities for graft, if he is dishonest, are limitless. The auditor is alurst equally important, and under the goverment system of hook Keeping, he is likely to earn his salary as it Is. If these two nun are well paid, there will be less temptation for them to look for mony on the outside, and if 10, OOOeaehwil! keep them honest in a tiopical at mosphere, which is redolent of giatt. the Commissions may be spending money wisely in giving them good salaries1 One thing is certain, and that is that the appropria tion bill for the ("anal will have to go through in time for. the end of December pay roll or else the workers will have to wait lor their money There is enough money to the commissions account tomeet the bills up to th loth of this month But beyond that there will be u deti.-it. The canal is going to cost many millions ami it will h worth it whatever it costs. So Con gress had jusr as well appro priate the money cheerfully since this counfy is commit ted to the enterprise, There will he a great many enf icisms made as the work pro gi.sss. But they can not effect the ultimate outcome and Congress cannot prevent the ultimate nu'res of the nrop'Pt b y niggardliness. though it can hamper it. One of the moves of the wareho dm nn's assoiHHtion meeting here this week wdl appeal to every one who baai to face the problem of the increasing cost of foodstuffs without a corresponding in crease salary. They have petitioned the goverment for a federal cold storage plant. This will necessitate an ap propriation of $1,000,000 and the plan may or may not be well worked out. But the i lea is to throw the gover ment in between the people and the feed trust which uses the cold storage plant to en h a n c e prices. Practically ever article of human food is now subject to the cold stor. age method of preservation and it is the ability to keep anything from eggs to beef steak for a year without spoiling that enables the Beef Trust, which handles a great many things besides beef, to dictate orices both to the producer and the consumer. It is most likely that the goverment cold storage idea will never come to anything, but is a writhing of the worm in an effort to turn. Pos sibly by thrf time thecountry is reduce to meat once a week as a luxury there will some better idea than the gover ment cold storage plant turn up and stand a better show I passing. It developed that there are more roads to fame and com petence than being born in Ohio, graduating from Bars vard or having served in the Rough Rider-. It is rumored that the President is about to appoint "Bat" Masters on,his personal bodyguard in place of Mr. T.vree, made United States Marshall of II est Virginia. There is no indication that the president is threatenead with any par ticularly pressing danger or that he is more than com monly nervous. Hut he does love a man who is light on the trigger. Masterson, the fa mous exsheriff of I dg City only reeeutly came to New York to accept the post Mar shall there. Jut he has re- ently had u couple of con ference with the President and ii: is more than possible that he will be picked to uc ceed Tvrec. "Bat" always was a handy man with a gun hut he was decidedly on the square and he held down the delicate and difficult post ot sheriff in the days when it was eaid that there was "no law west of Omaha and no Ciod west, of Dodge City''. The chances are that if he becomes aspecial secret man he will never have to crook a ringer oh a triger. But he is a man who has proved his ability to do that, when re quired, and the President has an especial fondness for a man who is delt in that di red in.' King ok All Ccugh Medicines. Mr, E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has been in the TJ. S. Se'vice for about six teen years, &avs: "We have tried many cough medicines for croup but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is kin.g of all and one to he relied Ulion evry time. We also find it the best remedy for coughs and colds, given certain results and lea ving no bad after effects. For sale bv all Dealers Roone. . (!.. and Blowing Rock Drug Co., Blowing! A littl patient pushing is worth a profound lot of puN fin- '"" V Gounfy Exhibit. (continued from last week.) John wlHodges agent for G watsoh"4 (55. I w Gross grard jur 5 00 j A stout ' 6 30. o v B.vrd 4 4 5 00. J A liaird 4 4 5 10. M H Norris 4 4 90, j F Hardin 4 4 4 20, TL Morel z 4 4 . 5 0'), j h Norris 4 4 90, jt Hampton 4 4 4 70, j g vannoy trav 4 5 40, w L Greene ' 4 6 80, jl wellborn 4 4 6 70, T f Yates ' 4 6 40. j a Hartley 4 4 6 10. g h Blair 4 4 5 35, s n Bingham 4 4 5 60. U M Bradley 4 4 5 55. j w Hortou 4 1 5 80, j h Lunsford 4 4 6 70. riK Hartley 4 4 5 70. solomon Grogan 4 6 40, wt profit 4 4 6 10, w BGraj heal 4 4 2 10. Kimber Johnson' 4 2 10. L H Holler 4 2 10, j s L"wis 4 4 2 10, AJIvnley ' 2 10, j c nay ' 4 4 10, w WMast 4 4 2 1, j b Williams 4 4 2 10. j ii Norris 4 ' 2 10, it L Bingham 4 1 10. W w Giagg ' 4 2 10, tc Carlton ' 4 2 10. b f Bran nock 4 4 1 10. w T Hayes 4 4 2 10, c k vannoy 4 4 2 10. Lot f Green 4 2 10, j j Brown 1 ' 2 10. jc Miller 4 2 10. D v Harrison ' 4 2 10. jc Greene 4 ' 2.10. c c waiters 4 '2 10, Thos Binubam c o whole and half lees 41 05, J B clarke w and h fees .75. u e spann w and h feet 1 25. m N Harshaw w and h fees 4 15. J w Hodges shff. w and h fees I 40. t l crircher w and h fees HO, w h B.vrd w and h fee 4 90, J v. Young w and ii fees .95. ci-e- ro liliuikenship w and h fee ,60. J w Miller w and h fs 1 45. li smith vv and lifvh:75 vv B Gravbeal whole" and half feen 1 25. w L Hols'hoilser Hg't for Maud Hodges 6 00 B Bran nock day juror 1 10. Oct 2 190.)- c nlankerisb'p keeping county jil 22 70, v M Hodges keep ing county home i0 Go, Thos niniiham stationary and rec ords for C s c'soltb'eO 15, Jao ward blasting material for countv 7 60. w s carroll in quest juror 1 45, j iv Hayes in quest juror 1 45. H H Farth ing road surveyor 8 lo. w H Byrd work done on vvatauga bridge and road 14 65. o w Hobins ftir material used on watauga bridge and rd 31. 24. G w Bobbins for labor done on watauga bridge anil; road 75 90, w j wsgaer for labor do'.e on watauga brhlg ami road 4 60. Henry coffey road damages 5 15. hp Ash lv iiionesr iurorl 25. s ivniig ger road surveyor 8 15, M B Bla'-Kiaim for picks nails. et ior .niiintv 2 17. win Gie?r rd juror .75. A NMast linnher for county 5 15. w m cottHy road damag s 15 15, Nov, 6, 1905. Jonas winebarger services as county coroner 13 lo FM Hodges keping county home1 40 65, c Blankenship keeping county jail 25 35 j w Hodges furnishing cloth'" g for Fred Tiiplctt 22 75. M BBlackbnin holding inquest pa,ing wit hesses and jurors in ease of coroner's inquest of win Teas tr 19 80) TM Greer day juror Z is, Honlen D i vis roui tiani ages 1515, w lj Holshonser for blasting material 20 25, s w Coffey road damaoe 7 65. C A Hay t ra vis juror 7 10, J w Bryan exaininin a lima li" 1 -65. Jerre Watson day jm 1 10 f ollovving is i he ,i ifioiini ;t ountv claims an iied n n d nutnl'ercd from Nov. 30. '04. $5,416 89. The amount of claims cam-fled fr -m Nov. 30 15)01, l9Npy-30, 1905, fo, 938 06. The amount of conn ty indebtedness on Nov. 30, 1905.81.254.45. This Hint. is claims that ha ve not been cancelled from the claim book. The bonded court house in debtedness is $18,000 and. in terest. There are c o u n t v (taimsin the hands of ex ShfJ. Baird and Treasurer Hayes to the amount of several nun deed dollars which if cancel led would reduce the county indebtedness very materially (liven under my hand this Noy. 30.1905. J. M. MAY.CIk Bd. Co. Coins- In Praisk ok Chamberlain's Cough Rkmkdv. There is no other m-'dicine man ufuctured that'ha received ho much praise and so many expressions of gratitude us Chambut Iain's Cough Kemedy. It is effective, and prompt relief follows its use. Grateful par ents everwhere do not hesitate to teHtify to its merits Jor the henfit of others. It is a certain cure for croup and will prevent the aUact if iriven at the first aonearance of the cdisease. It is especially adautcd!to children uh ;t is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious. Mr. h. A. Humphrey, a well known resident and clerk in the store of Mr. E- Lock, of Alice. Cape Colony, South Africa, says: 'I have used Cham, herlain's Cough Remedy to waid off croup and colds in my family, I ftund it to he very satisfactory and it gives me pleasure to recom mend it." For sale bv nil Dealers Hoone, N. C., and Blowing Rock Drug Co., Blowing Rock, N. C. A gill can always find phvnt.v of peoj)e to tell her t he truth. She p.(ects her lover to be "different. No OlML'M IN CiIAMHEKLAND's Cough Kemkdy There is not the least danger in giving Ohuniherlain's Cough I'eni edv to small children as it contains no o'limn or other harmful drug. It has established reputation of more than thirty veais as the most suc cessful inediciui in use for colds, croup and whooping cough. It al ways cures and is pleasant to take. Children like it. Sold by ai Dea lers Boone, X. and Blowing Rock Drug Co., IJlowing Rock. N. C When it comes to a show down, the engagement ring has the circus ring bent, for fool antics. WATKK CURIi FOIf CONSTI PA.TI01 . Half a pint of hot water taken tin hour befoie breakfast will usually keep the bowles regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgptive is needed take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab. lets. They are mild and gentle in their action. For sale bv J. M. Moretz, Boone. X. C, and I51ovv:ng Rock Drug Co., Blowing Rock, N.C. Torture ol a Preacher. The storr of the torture of the Rtv, O. I). Moore, pnstor 'ol the Bwptist church at Harpersville, N. Y-. will interest you. lh: says: "I suflercd agonies because of a presistent cough, resulting troin the grip. I had to sleep sitting up 111 tieil. l Tried many lememes without relief, until 1 t((d Dr. Kinu's New Diseovery lor c o 11 sumption, coughs and c o I d s, which entirely cured my cough, and saved nie from consumption. A grand cure for diseased condi tion of throat ind lungs. At all dealess; price 5(J'. and Tnul bottles free. It's an unreason itde m,i n who exp'-t." a - to sing or a beau'y t-ikno how fo bake. . OASTOniA. 2tn th f I111"1 'cu HaveAlwajs Bought The icnn on He- treadm'1! doesn't enjoy seeing the wheels go round. HelplHelpl I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all parts of the world for sixty years. " About one year ts I lott nmrlT an of my hittr following mi attack ot mrulea. I waa ariviaed Dy a mend to me Ajrer'a Hair vlpnr. I did ao, and aa a rMi)t I now hare beautiful liead ot tmlr " MR. W. J. BBOWH, Ueiiom odc PalU, WU. Mads by J. O. Ayr Co., Lowall. Haas. iao manmaamrara 91 7. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL BANK STATEMENT. Following is the report of the onditon of the Watauga County Bank at Roone. N. C, in the Statu of North Carolina, at the close of business Nov. 9, 1905: 1JESOURCES. Loans and discounts $19,699 41. Overdrafts unsecured 76 24, Hanking house 800.00; Furniture and fixtures 400.00. Due from banks and ban- keis 18,476.76, Cash items 144. o5. Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, 499.67, National bank notes und other U. S. No'teS t.&S.od. Total 4i,344.i3. I.I AHILITIKS Capital stock $10,000.00, Undivided profits less cm rent expenses and taxes paid 464 77. Mills payable 2,335.80. Deposits .subject to checK 28,337 16, Cashier's c'ks outstanding 206,40, Total $41 344.13. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: I, E. S. Coffey, Cashier of the above named bank, do sol emnly Hwcar that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. E S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest. W. C. Coffey, W. L. Bryan, Directors. Subscribed -and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of Nov. 1905. Thos. Bingham, C. S. C. If the shops fit, it's a sure sign that you could wear a smulier siz. C3-A.STOn.I-A.. Betnthe ft Kind You Haw Always Bought Signature of In the langtiter of lovers ia always an under.iur.ent of pain. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths, There is n disease prevailine in this country most dangerous because so decej). tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or 1- apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidnev trouble is allowed toadvance the kidney-poisoned blood will at tack the vital organs, causiuir catarrh of I the bladder, or the kidneys themselves j break down and waste away cell by cell, j I'.lauaer troubles almost always result j from a derangement of the kidneys and i a cure is obtaiued miiekest by a proper ! treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel I ing badlv you can make 110 mistake by taking Iir. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. I It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over 1 comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realizett. It stands the highest for its wonderful I cures of the most distressing cases. I Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is soid by all druggists in fifty-cent anJ one-doilar size bottles. You may have t sample lxrttle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Pr. Kit mcr & Co., Bingbaniton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make my mistake, but rememljerthe name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtou, K. Y., oil every ' bottle. . A i lifers mm

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