emtio VO XVII. BOONE. WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY JANUARY 25, 1906. NO. 41. Many a m in thinks he is virtu ,ous because h feels vicious when jheseea others happy. ' PROFESSIONAL. L,D IMfi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. tST Will practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. . 7 6.'04 Todd & Ballou. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. ' " Will practice in all the couata Special attention given to real estate law and collections. 6-15-'05- P. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of thus and surroundingcoun ties. Prompt attention giv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 6-12-05. EDMUND JONES, LAWYER LENOIR, N. f- Will Practice Itegtilatly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-1 '05; J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to collections. F. LOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOOSE, N. C. iWSpecial attention given to all business entrusted to h's care." 11 .'04. E. S. COFFEY J ATlORhEYAl LAW, BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. WS" Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special tv. ' M-'05. DR. R D JENNINGS. resident dentist, BANNER ELK. IN. C. Nothing but the best matprial used and all work done under a positive guarantee. Persons at a distance should notity me a lew davH in advance when they want work done. Alter March tho 1st, I have arranered to be at t h e Blackburn Houne in Boone on each first Monday. Cull on me. 1.28. Y. II. BOWER, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir, N. C. Practices in the courts o Caldwell. Watauga, Mitchell Ashe and other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to all legal matters entrusted to his care. Du. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specalist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C hoKnite; No Burning Out Highest refereuces and endors ments of prominent persons sue eessfully treated in Va., Term and N.'C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid ol . a cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination free, letters answerad promptly, and .eatisfactioiinaraoteoa. WASHINGTON LETTER From oar &egalar Correspondent. Strenuous efforts are Deing made to "rush the "insurrec tion" in the Hmse Hnd foree the joint statehood hill to a vote. An arrangement hus befn made to vote on the Philippine tariff bill within the next few iny and after that will come the real tent of strength to see whether en nui;h of the majority can be dnigooned into voting for a rule on the Hamiltrn bill: The insurgents claim that they have enough otrs al ready pledged to defeat the rule. Hut there is an outlook for peace in a suggestion teat has been made to split the ale ami vote twice on the Hamilton proposition. It will be remembered that the Hum uton Dill provides in one breath joint statehood for Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory and for Arizon and New Mexico. Now it is possible. that the first of thes-- two combinations could be put through without suh a des perate fight. Rut nearly all the people of Arizona are lin ed upairainet jointstatthood with New Mexico and they are in a position to force their views strongly. There fore it is possible that the Ar izona-New Mexico combina tion may be allowed to go by default and the other measure put through. This would bed nominal vi-tory for the majoiity. It would "save their face" and make a way to apparent harmony, lint the wound that the con flict has made alrady is too deep to he easily healed. Strong arKUinents are be ing used against the Philip pine ta.iff bill No cm dis putes that it would be a good thing for the islands, though whether it would make them contented with American rule is nnotherquestion. But that it would be a serious thing for the ranp and the beet su gar interests of this country, the.opponents of the bill say is a certainty. Those oppos ed to the measure say that there would be a million tons of Philippine sugar exported to America if the bill became a law. Out of this there would be a pr.u. ol $8.50 for the Philippire Treasury and a oroflt of flO.50 a ton for the planter. The, people whoculti vate the sugar are paid on an average of 15 cts. a day. and this is the sort of labor that would be brought into direct competition with the labor of this country. The opponents of th? bill say "that is not good enough " There has been a howl rais ed in a number of papers late ly over the request of Secret a' ry Wilson for an emergency appropriation of $135,000 for additional meat inspec tors for the Department ol Agriculture. Now the depart ment has a good many sins to answer for, but if this call in ignored, a it looks now tbttt it might be, it will mean a serious lm for a numher of states, especially in t h e middle west. It is strange that there should be such a nrotest ma le over, thin re - quest apparently Without e? en the trouble ol investiga tion. the facts as set forth by tlie Secretary in an intei view are that theGerman import ers are trying to beat the new German tariff that goes into effect Next March. They are ordering, so the packing houses state, an aggrngateof $50,000,000 worth of Amer ican meat, particularly pork. This cannot he imported in to Germany -without a gov ern meat inspect ion. There a re not enough inspectors to do the work in the short time re muining. Hence the call for t he emergency a ppropria t ion That the packing houses are acting in good faith is Indica tod by the fact that the y haye urged the Agricultural department to allow them to pay all the expenses of t h e inspection. But the Secretary can not do this under the law, and if he is not furnish ed the money he needs f o r the extra inspectors, the big borders will be lost to this country. So much for the false economy of the govern ment and also the failure 1o take any steps to" meet the situation created by the pew German tariff. The Department of Agrieul tare ban had an interesting visitor in the person of Sir Horace Plunkett, the Se-reta ry of Agriculture for Ireland and a member of Pail foment. It is not general known, but the Euglish M. P used to bea western cow puncher and he still has considerable ranch interests in Nebraska, Mon tana and Wj oming. He comes over about once a year to look after his American inter ests, and when he does usual ly stops over in Washington to see what is doing in a de partment of whivh he id chief at home. He said on this vis. it that he was particularly in tercsted in-the diatary ex per iments the Department waH carrying on,- as he considered the proppr feeding of the Ir ish pennant a good deal more important than the proper feeding of hiscattle. He also looke.il into the questions of plant breeding and seel selec tion for use in Ireland, say ing that the American gov ernment had made such strides in these lines and in these lines and in the tjues tion of farm management that he whs much in hopes of . laking the small Irih farms more produ-tive and onab ling the Hinall. farmers who were Htruggling bravely un der the Land PuMiatw Act to become landlord on their own nctouut in much less time than anyone now ex peoted. Of course if Sir Hor ace is able to take home w i 1 h him any suggestions t h a t will materially help this cause, America will havedotie more lor Ireland than by any amount of contributions in money toward ,the political agitation hind. Half the W orld Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never wonder il It will cure. cuts, wounds, burns, sores and all skin eruptions, thev Know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds St., Spnnafie'd, III., says. "I regard it as onp of the absolute neceesi- Itiea of houekeepinjr. ''Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. Mrs. C. K. Mount Is Dead. Tennessee Tomahawk. At the home of her parents, Capt. B. R. and Mrs. Brown, near Vaughtsville, Mrs. 0. K. Mount died last Saturday morning soon alter giving birth to a child. The annouce ment ol her death wan a se vere shock to her numeroiiH friends as it came so sudden Hnd unexpected. Mrs. Mount was 62 years of age and was one 'of the most pleasant and cultured young ladies ever reared ih Johnson county. She belong ed to one of the best u 11 d wealthiest families in this sec tion of tho country, and she had manv friends among the poor class' of people. - The husband of the decean ud and two small children stir vive. Thev have the tender sympathy of a large cir de o riendtf in the loss of a model wife and affectionate mother. Not long since Wiley W.Brown only son of Capt. and Mrs. Brown, died in the prime of young manhood and this loss was yery great to the pa rents who then centered their parental affections ou their only child and daughter, Mrs. Mount. Now that death has again entered their home and rob bed them of their brightest and most cherished jewelthe bereft parents have the kind est sympathy of their numer ons relatives and friends who rind language inadequate to express their feelings. Funeral services conducted by Rev. V. J. Williams, were held at the homeSnnday mor ning at 11 o'clock. M a n . friends and relatives were in attendance and followed the remains to the family ceme tery where interment was made. Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Thorn. Mere fatalities have their origin or result from a cold thiiri from any other cause. This fact alone should make people more cat eful as there is no danger whatever from a cold w-hen it is properly treated in the beginning-. For many years Cham berlajn's Cough Remedy has been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine in use for this disease. It acts on nature, plan, loosens the cough relieves the lungs opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy codition. Sold bv all Dealers Boone N. C. and Blowing Rock Daug Co U E. Bake . of F.ui. 0 JohtfMti I'linntv N ('. li !i s b'Highi a ifirm itit'h r'ei H, I county. Va , and will Mioh lih thereon h training school for h'Mll.'less lievs. A Jan aican LadySpkaks I'ighly Of Ci am be main's Cougu Rem buy. Mrs Michael Hart, wife of the superintendent of Cart Sarvice at Kingston, Jamaica, West indies Islands, gays that she has for some years used Chamberlain 8 Cougli Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough and has found it very beneficial. She has. implicit confidence in it and woiiild not be without s bottle of it in her home. Sold by all Dealers Boone N.C. and Bowing Rock Drug Co. You are not likely to slay the enemy by drawing a long bow. . . jders, general debilifv and bodily It invigorates, strengthen nnd 1 wwikmss. Sold on h ifiiarante" builds up. It keeps .you la condi-! by all druUts. Price nlyiiic tion- physically, mentallv and morally. That is what HollisterV . r - ' Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 ! ThH rc"",,n H"""' or not Wh'1 cents Tea or Tablets. M. B. Black ded to one bad habit is because .burn, Sloping Rock 4Prug Co. It Is Better Farther 011. "The world moves on. Ii cares little who is on top who is underneath. If you would go with it you must swallow your conceits, your prejudices, your fuds a n il your whims, and join in the fight with honest enrnest ness Sitting down to sti uggle ami complain, to lament, to cen sure and t ) blame, may re lieve your mind, but will leave you still at the post when thr others h'lve won. The school boy has an uimpenkable eon tempt for the lad who has a sore toe. The 1 h 1 11 is fathei to the man, and the rest of of the world has only con tempt for the grown-up lad who is always thrusting out some mental or moral sore to be guzd upon. Get it into your head if you have a head what youwant to do in this short and uncertain life, am keep pegging away at it, till D'Hth or Success stops vou, For Death and Success are the came. Imita tion is the tribute, they say, that Mediocrity pays to Geni us. So work out your own sa' valion, and so long as you are honest and work faithful ly and to the extent of all that is in you, it will matter not, at last, whether you went up with the locket of Success or slipped on the banana peel of Mishiune." When you are feeling "sort o' bine," and you imagine that the sun is neyvi going to shine again, sit down and read the loiegoing until you have learned it by heart'. Then you will go out into the world feeling like a new man; you will hear the birds sing ing a hymn of hope.andyour rosea that hare withered will bloom again. After all it's a good o 1 d world, Oftentimes you will be knocked down anil rolled fi ver, hut get up, shake off the 'lust, and know that it is her ter further on. Selected. A Modern Mi rude. "Truly miraculous seemed the recovery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of tl.is plnre, writes J. O. It. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn.. "she was so wasted by eoughingup puss from her lungs. Doctors de:lared her end so near that her family hud watched 'her bed-side 48 hours; when at my urgent request Di King's New Discoverv was nivri her, with the nstdiiisli'.ig ivM,t i hut inipriM . in -lit iic , i n (I Continued u ti! sll limliy n-roV. ered, and she h hen I thy woumn today. (lUHMinteeii cure for coughs rind cold. fiOc nnd $1, at all diu'rgiM. Trbil bottles tree. "I lov" w, iv in th" m r aing," sang die voung aian, ard-mMv. ,,Htili!' hj -laiaied Ins younget iv" tinr, "y o n hiiin't never .-'a n-rin th moining ver." Pii'-k. May Li ye 100 Years The chances of living a foil cen turj areexcellenl in the case of M's Jennie Duncan, of Ihiynes ville. Me., now 7(J years old She writes: "Electric bitters cured nic bt chrmiic dyspepsia of 20 years standing, nnd made rne lee) as wellnnd strong as ayoun? girl.' Electric Bitters c u r e Stomach . nnd Liver diseases, blood disoi- they are couiling so .many. How Many Birthdays ? You must have had sixty at least! What? Only forty? Then it must be your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops these frequent birthdays. It gives all the early, deep, rich color to gray hair, and checks falling hair. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. t wm cmtlT trnublMl with dindrnff which produced moat dtUErecabl Uchlnc o( th druff noon ilHamfrd. M J Hair Uo flopped foiling nut until now I have plrnritd limd ra n. I inu Aj.r nir v ijfur aun wia ui.ii of uaii." David U. Kihwb. flainOald Conn. brj. O Ayer Co.. LonUi m Ail M nunuffcoturar of ll.ll vers SARSAPABILU. PILLS. C11ERRY PECTOEaL. BANK STATEMENT. Following is the report of the conditon of the Watauga County Bank at I' oone. N. CI., in the State. of Nortli Carolina, at the close of business Nov. 9, 1905! KiisuURCES. Loansand discounts $19,599 4! i Overdrafts unsecured , 76 24, Hanking house 800.00. Furniture and fixtures 400.00. Due from banks and ban kers 18,476.76, Cash items 144.05. Silver coin, including alj minor coin currency. 499.67, . National bank notes and other U. S. Notes . 1,348.00. Total :....4t,344 3. LIABILITIES Capital stock f 10,000.00, Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 464 77, Bills payable 2,335.80. Deposits subject to checK 28,337 Cashier's c'ks outstanding 206.40, Total ; $41, 344.13. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: I, E. S. Coffey, Cashier of the above named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above state meut is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. E. S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest. W. 0. Coffey, W, L. Bryan, Directors. Snbscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of Nov. 1905. Thos. Bingham, C. S. C. Tears over today's broken toys blinds us tomorrow's treas ures, O AST O TiXA. . Bean th f in Kind Yob Haw Always BflUCT Big tutor Cheerfulness is a virtue hard to practice when you persist in late suppers and manufactured "happiness." Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder trouble were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood- that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneytare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. . If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sola on its merits by all druggists in lifty-cent . and one-dollar sizes -,t bottles. You may RE. : have a sample Dome HoMotSwunp-Root by mail free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney .or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writingto Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing- '' ham ton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, . but remember the name, Swamp-Root. . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the sd j dress, Bingluunton, N. Y., on every bottle. 4 1 S (is !!' 1' it t;' '! f.

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