Watauga Democrat Published Every Thursday. FtmkHVi laxlM f . Eat not to dullness, drink not to pvHtion. Speak not but what mny benefit others or yourself; n toid trifling conversation. Lose no time; bflalwaysem ployed in omthlnfc useful; cot off oil unnecessary ac tions. Use no hurtful deceit; thitik Innocently nnd justly, and, if you speak, epeak according lj. Tolerate noclpanlinpss in body, clothes or habitations. Be not disturbed nt trifle or at accidents common or unavoidable. Drire thy business; let rot thy business drive the. Early to bed, earlj to rife, makes a man healthy, weal thy and wise. He that hath a railing hath an offie of profit nnd honor. One todar is woi th two to morrows. Buy what thou hast no need of nnd soon thou wilt sell thy necessaries. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut af terward. They that won't be coihi seled can't be helped. A man may, if he knows not how to save as he gets, keep his nose all his life to the grindstone and die not worth a groat at last. Bit lB.Te.tloM and Disoorenei. Invented the first stove us ed in this conn try. Discovered and defined elec tricity, and proved that it was the element of lighting. Invented the lightning rod. Demonstrated the different effects of color as to heat by laying squat es of differeut colored squares of cloth up on snow on a sunny day, Introduced the basket wil low into this country. Invented the floating sea anchor. First demonstrated the pos eihilities of dtttplay and pic torial advertibing in newspa pers. Proved that vessels move faster in deep tbaninsballow water. Molded the first printing types cast in America. At the age of 21hinvented and built an improved print ing press. First published the lasts a bout the gulf stream and made a may of it. His essay on the people of countries supplied Malthus with foundation for his fa mous theory that popula tion increases in geometrical ratio, and means of susten ance only in arithmetical ra tio. If people living along the rural tree delivery routes want the routes continued, tbey should get to t a k i n g mora newspapers so as to give more mail for the carri ers to handle. It is said the postofflce department is con sidering plans to discontinue ' all routes that handle less than 2,000 packages per month. The routes are a great help to the people and tbey should show enough in terest not to allow any to be discontinued. Greenville Re flictor. It invigorates, ttrengt bens and builds op. It keeps you iu coodi tion phyBically, mentally and morally. That is what HolHuter'a " Itocky Mountain Tea will do. 85 cents Tea or Tablets. M. B. Black burn, Bloping Rock DrugCp Iuh Hd t Strut bt . Four remarkable hand were helo in Jersey City r night last week by two young men and theirgirlxin a friend ly game of poker. It was pen ny ante, two cent limit, and the players were all novices. Mr. A. dealt and Minn B. asked if h could open a jack pot when the figures ran straight along without any break. Mr. A. said she could and she pushed two brand new cents into the pot. . Mr. C. who hud placed po ker before raised the open two cunts and Miss D. trail ed along. The others saw the raise and things began to look very serious. Drew no cards. The young men assu med a reckless air and the girls became deliriously ner vous. "You might as well drop out" murmured Miss B. as she studied her curds. "1 know I've got you all beat en." "Don't be too snre ot it," said Mr. C, Poker's an awful uncei tain game. Two cent s more." "I'll take a chance." said Miss B. shoving two cents to ward the middle of the ta ble. Then the dealer said "Once more, please," and the open er gasped. "What's the use of betting all your money on one hand, she asked. "Why not suve some for the next deal?" She was game, however. and stuck it out until each player had contribtted the' sum of twelve cents to the pot. Then a showdown was n- greed upon and each bad an eight high straight. Three little little babes were nes tled in bed. "I'll name William, Willie and Bill," Mother said: Wide whs her ,Binile, lor triplets they be, She lays her good luck to Rocky Mountain lea. Great baby medicine. Blowing Kock Drug to. M. 15. iilacKbnrn. The proposed bill making it unlawful to bury people a live is the only thing we know of that seems to offer a means by which Mr. Odell may obtain redress. Rich mond Times Dispatch. - Water Curb for Constipatio . Half a pint of hot water taken an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowles regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a puigrtive is needed take Cham, berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab. lets. They are mildpqd gentle in their action. For fcle by J. M. Morett, Boone. N. C, and Blowing Rock Drug Co., Blowing Rock N. C. Comanissioner Garfield says he has "never had the slight est difficulty in getting infor ma tion about corporations." What has he done with the Information?- AuguitaChron icle. MAS STOOD THE TEST 2y YEARS, The old original Grpve's Tasteless Cnill 'i onic, xou know what y are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay 5oc. The man who thinks much of his wife likes to bang around home on Sunday fix ing Shelves, etc the other one goes to a saloon and Kets full. IffUtVt f Many a man shrinking his back under u bag of shad ows. ' . - A story is told of a speech recently made by an Irish barrister In a court ol law: . fle was for. 'the "plaintiff, whose cow had been Ktiorked down and killnl t a train, and this was his contention: "It the train had been lun as it should have ben ran, or if the bell had been rang as it 6hould have been rang, or if the 'whig tit had been blown as it should have been blew, both of which they oid neither the. cow would n o t have been injured when she was killed," Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid lhom. Mere fatalities have their origin V ICBUli 111'" " w.v. ....'.a -" ' ; other cause. This fact alone should make people more careful as t.tere is no danger whatfiver from a cold when it is Dronerlv treated in the beginning. For many years Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has been recognized as the most prompt and effecfial meaicine in use for this disease. It nets on nature(s plan, loosens the cough relieves the lungs opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy codition. Sold by all Dealers Boone N. C. and Blowing Kock Daug to. Six million dollars is the sum paid every month to the wage earners of Binning ham. Most of it is epi nt ui home, and that part which is not paid out over the coun tere is placed in savings banks, iu building and loau associations and iu home en terprises. It is not difficult. therefore, to understnnd why Birmingham is so prosper ous. Evening Times. 4 A J A AiCAN Ladv Speaks H ighly Of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs Michael Hart, wife of the superintended of Cart Sa n ice at Kingstcn, Jamaica, West mutest Islands, guys that she has for some years used Chamberlain 8 Cough Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough and has found it very beneficial. She has implicit confidence in it and wimd not be without a bottle of it in her home. Sold bv all Dealers Boone N C. and Bowing Rock Drug Co. Democrats need not. go to sleep with the thought that the fuss now going on in the State betwten the llepuhli cans means that they will not get together when voting time comes this year. They always have a row ovei the offices, asd apparently be come very bitter, but they have a way of burying thuii diBVrenr-es when they goto the ballot box. Louisbuig Times. Half the World Wonders bow the other half lives. Those wlm use Buoklen's Armca Salve never wonder il It will enre cut, wounds, burns, sores and all kin eruptions, thev Know it will. Mrn. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds 8t , Springfield, IU., says. "I regard it as one ol the absolute neceesi ties of housekeeping.'" Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. A golden heart is not gam ed by setting the heart on gold. A Fearful Fate. It is a tearful late tohave to en dure t he terrible torture of Tiles, 'I car truthfully fay,1'' writes Horrv CoUnn. ot MflHonville. la. "that for blind; bleeding, itching and protruding pilen, Bucklen'B Arnica Salve, in the liett cure made." Alsoltest lor cuts, bums and injuries. 25c at all Dealers. KBLLthi COUCH I AND CURE the LUNC8 w Dr. ling's Vm Discovery ONSUKPTION Met OUGHSm. SOclfl.OO OLDg First Trial. ,'j tiureist and Quickest Cur (or sJl 1THE0AT and X.T73TO XEOUB i Z.X3, or BACK. The Cldoken Law. Now that spring iscoming, hm.vs ihe Lenoir T"pi;s it might be wll call th atten tion of our readers to t h hit-ken law passed by the last Ifuislaiure. Section 2 of the act pio-j vides that any person s-i.per mining his fowls to run Ht large, after iieing notified, to keep them uo. shall be gnilt of a misdemeanor and iipim conv c'ion xhall he flnd n t exceeding $5 or imprisoned not exceeding five days, r f it shall appear to any jnMi-e of the pence that after two day's notice any person j"i- slsting iu Hliowing bis fowls to ran nthirgemid fails or refnet to keen them np, then said jus'-ice of the peace may order any sheriff, constable I or other fbVer to kill said fowles. orsni i jiisti' of the pewc may, in his diHTeiion. deputise the nxiipNiningpar ty in kill fowls when so dep redating. Tin?, is n State law, not a 'ity oi'difince, and cannot. bestisp hdeil, amended orrej pealed by local authority. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite CUBES Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This rented jr U faraon for it pure tyrer Urge part of the civilized world. It oca always bo depended nixro. it enntnim no opium or other harmful drag and max be (Wen u oonndenUy to a baby at to aa adult Price 26 ots; Large Size, 60 eta. Hade scientifically from pure sugars and with aa eye to healthfulness and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecane is made of pare maple and boiuauuia cone sugar, ot rtcn, smooth consistency and the true woodsy "ma pie aayor. Whole someyou can eat it every day. FOR SALE BT R, M, Gresn, BOONE, N. C 4. BO YEAR8' A Tradc Marks rtffO Copyrights Ac. Anrnn eendlng a aetrh and deeetiptlon may anlclilf aacertaln our optnton frae whether a Intention to probably patentable. Communlo tlonantr'atlrennDdentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent! tent free. Oldest arencr fur eecunnf patent. ratente laaen inroueu Muna m , xetal aetke, without oharea. In the Scientific American, A handaomelr ntntrated weeklf. TJirireet dr eulattun of anr fientlflo journal. Term. 3 a Tear i four month, SI. Bold by all newaneelera. IWUNfiiCo.""". New York Branca OrSee. (OS F BU Waehlngton. D. C. We promiilly obtain L. i. anj rorrljin aeiul model, ikutch or r) oto ol Idti iition lot free report oa Patcntabillt patcntaMlltT. For frt book, TRADE-MARKS V now to secure Patent) ri ' ; .1 ysism m aaaaaaiaak. mm ;; Opposite U. S. Patent Office ; JWiHITOND rr Jtood the test 25 years. Average Anntial Sales wiuw. AAuusrecoraoi merit erjDeol to von? . factos with saHttfah Ten Cr; X? X 1 1 .1 XVtgctable Preparationfor As similating UieFoodandBegula ling the Stomachs andBowels of urittA iijnitiini i Promotes Digeshon.Cheerfi nessandRest-Contalns neither SMumXorphine nor Mineral OT NARCOTIC. Mx.Smut Itaaaw AaflM Aperfecl Ilemedy for Cons lipa HonrSour Stoovach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOS9 OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. U&WH Ml: EAACT COPY OF WRAPPDt ClnH duly Uniikf umi n diM'ult.vJn jfr-rtlnK nn un1i enre with th PresiilftiH. Hav inn just rwome a Rfd Mnn hiiiHtflf, th- Prediilent rouhl not refuse h pow wow to a iliatinirmshrxl brother. Kn HtH Oit? lournnl. In Mad Chase. MillioiiB riiKh in mud elinpe af ter health, Irom one extreme of faddism to another, when il thev would only eat jrood lood. and keep their bowels are regular with Dr. King's New Jfe Pills, their tr.iubleK wiu!d nil jmush n way. Prompt relief nnd quick eure for liver and Ntoinach truulile. 25 Ct-t. "t I'll denler TRAVELER TOBACCO. TUK BIGGEST BIG PIECE OF GOOD TOBACCO ON -EARTH.- A 15 CeLtHuB for 10 Cents- MANUFACTURED BY - Alien Bros. Tobacco Go., Lynchburg Va, SOLD BY: . . Rotibina & Grag, Shull's Mills. N. C. II. V. Miller. Blowing Hock. N(V Hull & Robbina. Blowing Kock. N. C. J. M. Morelz. Boone, N. (. D. . GLENN, ZioumtB, W. R. P. D. No. I. anys: "BliaaNaUTCHcrbecnrcd me of Rbrnniatura and Conatipation. J think it a great medicine." A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures BLISS Constipation, Dys NATIVE Liver Trouble.Skin HERBS. r?seases Rheuma tism ana many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable contains no min- I era! poison and is pre- ' pared in Tablet and 200 Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes i rn with a Guarantee to ,,uv cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request MAST 6 CO.. Agents. Zionville. N. C. R.r. D. No. 1. THE ALONZO O. BLIS5 CO., ' WASHlNOTON, d. c. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic For Infants and Children1' the Kind You Have Alw Bears Signature Use For Over Thirty Years Sine we nri not to vole in tlie Miiroeran affair we tr same we are merely going to the 1'oriferenro to how that, we have nn international retf istration certificate and h poll tax receipt Charleston News untl Courier. lou will not find beauty in your rouge pot oi complexion whitewash. True beauty corres to them only that take Holliri ter'H Rocky Mountain Tea. It in a wonderfiii tonic and beantilier. 5i.rn!eiitH Tea or Tablet M. M. lilncktiurn, Biowii g lu.ck Dniv Co. HOUinXR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Modiste for Boiy Fpl. Brisfi OoUm lesltk ssi Keatwai Vfpt. A aneclflc for Oonatlnttloa, Indlf estlon. Live ml Kiilney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Howl, Bad Breath, Blnnlsh Bowelj, Hea-lai lie .ml Backache. It' Rock Hmiotatn Tea In lab 't form, n cent" a bo. Ortinlne made bf Um.T.iBTan Daua Cohpaht. Madison, Wis. ! GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE. DeWitt DeWlrllaNia bum to look lor when A K I to to bay Witch Htel Salve Witt' Witch Haul Sarrs I (be ortelnal and oal? tenwlr.. In (act DeWllt'sla the only Witch Hatel Stlre that I mad from th anaduitwated Wilch-Hazel An others sr corsMrfetts-baM Iml totkna. cheap end worthleu even danserotn. DeWltt's Witch HaialSalrf Is t spedflc (or Plies: BUnd. BleedUif . hchlni and Protredlni Pile. AlwCuts. Bums. Bruises, Sprain. LacentlorA Contastons. Bo41a, Carbunelei. Ecmp. Tetter. Saft Miaw sad sit ether SkN viiaaaea. E.CaBeltia.Co.,Chie.o Sold by M H Ujackbum. over One ai a Nnrw NaPav. ays Bought the . TUG IMMM MMMMMb ACW VMM WTV m m w SALYE

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