Democrat. - 4 1 VOL XVII. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. C, THURSDAY MAHCII 15, 1900 $P, 17. SO) V Th woman who thinks of. nothing hut 'her. looks most 1 way' looks it, . .I'ROMSSIOSAL I IV I AU'U ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' BANNER ELK, N. C. ' MP Will practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell und adjoining counties. 7 6.'04 Todd fc Balbu. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. : JEFFERSON, N. C j I Will practice in ull the eoujta- J Special attention given to ren I estate law un 1 collections. 6-15-'05- F. A. LINNEY, ATTUKXKY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of thi and surroundingoun lies. Prompt attention iriv en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 6 12 '05 EDMUND JQNES, LAV YER LEN01K.N. C Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of n atauga, 6-1 '05. J.C.FLETCHER. Attorney, At Law, BOONE, N. C. - Careful attention given to collections. E F LOVILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IiOONAN.C. iarS.pec.ial attention Riven to all business entrusted to hl care."8 11 '04. E. S. COFFEY -ATWHSEY Al LA IV,- BOONE, xN.C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature tear Abstracting titles and collection ot claims a special ty. 11 '05. DR. R- D JENNINGS. RESIDENT UENTlsT, BANNER ELK. . C. Nothing but. the best material Used and all work done under a positive guarantee. Persons af a distance should not iiy me a few dave in advance when they want work done. After Match the 1st, I have arranged to be at the Blackburn House in Boone on each first Monday. Call on me. 1.28. WJ1.B0WKK, -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- Lenoir.N.C. Practices in the courts o -Caldwell. Watauga, Mitchell - Ashe nnd other surrounding counties. Prompt attention given to nil legal matters entrusted to his care. Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Specalist, BANNER'S ELK. N. ( Ao Kuite; No Burning Out Highest references and endors meats of prominent persons sue ressfullv treated in Va... Tenn . and N. C. Remember that there is no time too soon to get rid ol a cancerous growth no matter hoOmall. Examination free, letters answered promptly, and atififactlOl uHrantcea. WASHINGTON LETTER Proa oar Regular Correspondent. The. death in committee of the Payne Philippine Tariff ill ran be borne ny the eoun try with cousidernbleeqna nimitv for two reasons. It whs an apparent without be mg an actual step ;n the di rection of free trade. The ad Vacates of the measure. Secre tar.v of ll'ar and th' offl.-ials of the Insular .Bureau nnf the Philippine government laitned that it would not nirt. eithei the riee, toharro or sugar industries of the U niteil States If it was not go ing to affect the export o' these crops, all of them.tiy the way, southern crops. en )ii j;h to hurt theseindustri"s at home, it was not likely to lo tip Filipinos much good. f it was going .to build up the islands materially, then it was going to do so at the eXK-nse of the United States. So the hill was obviously not worth passing or else it was a iond one to kill. But the largest interest in the fight lay in the shadow it rusts on the progress of th" Statehood bill. This is and always been a party meas ure of the most partizan va riety. It means if it passes, not only linking Arizona and New Mexi"o in distasteful un ion, but it means- substitu ting four Democratic Sftia tors f r eiifh? in th" proba ble line up the southwest. It was intimated some time u- lio. intimated too plainly for mistake., that the fate of the tariff bill and the statehood bill was one 'Since the com bination of the Senate has been strong enough to kill the first measure, it mav be strong and 'reciprocal en ough to kill the other. Such ar outcome could be viewed by almost anyone with a de gree of tesignation approach ing jollity. Three amendments to the Hepburn Rate Bill aresehed llled to be taked to the measuie in the Senate, Ir is stronuly protested bv the covert opponents of the rate bill that the amendmentsare nothing serious and that they Mill not ftffnct the spirit and mt' nf of the hill lint the very ini'aii',e of th Sen ate on amending ihe bill rais es (he suspicion that there i a ioker hidileti in one of them somewhere and that it will develop when the "judi cial review' which is being strongly urged, commences Senator Dolliver has come out as a strong advocate of the niiameneil bill and in the course of a long speech on the subject, paid a possitdv unnecessary tribute to the industry and executive abili ty of the Interstate Com merce Commission, No one whoohas lived in Washing ton and watched the Com mission at close range would think the subject called for a very fervid tribute, But if the Hepburn bill succeeds, hs is its alleged intent, in inatill ing a little yitc.lily and ag gr ssiv ness into thet'o'limis slon ndtOddv will iradlei thi tribute even if it as little premature. ,.. The bill "for the iu-reaseof torture to Ike stoek in trans port is ready to be reported from the committee to the House. This measure it will be remembered provides an extention of from 28 to 80 hours in the time, that cattle being rdiipped to market may tie transported in acattlecar without food, water or rest. The measure is being urged by the cattle shippers nnd is opposed by the Humane So ciety which declares that the time in transit should be cut down instead of being extend ed. The 28 hour law has been on the statutebooksfor twenty years or so. But it is only within the past two years that it has been really enforced. Since then the ship pers have felt the pmcb and they are now trying to legal iznthewiotig they foruierl.t perpetrated in defiance ol what they fondly hoped was a dead law. They have won over Secretary Wilson to their hide and he is actually advocating the extention of the shipping time. But the II oma tie society declares that L8 hears is too long to starve anything or anj body and that, the time either ought to be shortened or the cars fitted with feeding anil watering a 1 1 adi men t s, There are two other ways of meet ing the dilH-uity without fur ther torturitigtnecattle. One is by moving th slaughter houses closer to the point lot origin of their living freight. This would herescsit ate some initial cxpeu litures on the part id the Beef Trust, but that would be quickly made up. for it is notoriously ehea er to the transport or dress ed meai than it. is to ship live cattle. And the beef irut makes enormously on every mile one of its refrigerator cars is run. But in this particular casu the Trust is loath to see that it cjnld save money by spending money. The other method would be to make compulsory the shipment of live sto-k at a greater speed instead, as is now done, of frequently side tracking the cattle trains for hours in fa vor of some freight oi nn in animate nature. The run of a cattle train in this way could heeasd.v increased from 250 to 500 miles per day and everyone would be better off for the cattlemen themselves say that toe steers lose weight terribly in shipment. Any of the. plans mentioned would be cheerfully accepted by the opponents of the billl as ground for a compromise. LJut if the thing is to be fou't out to a vote tha people who are interested in seeing hu manity triumph, can help the cause n great deal b.p ap pealing to their members of Congress anu Senators in per son or by letter. Afflicted With Rheumatism. I was and am yet afflicted with rheumatism," says Mr. J. C.Bayne editor of the Herald, Addiugton, I. T ''but thanks to Chamber lain' Pain Balm am able once more to at. tend to business. It is the het of lin intents ' If troubled w ith rheuma- llsm ive pa;n Raima trial and you are certain to be more than pleued n;. , ',. .. ,. .. firds. One application relieves the pain. For sale by all dealers Boone, and (slowing KocU Uru' Co. I i Ad Antitoxin for Lai!ns8. According to the Berlin re ports, hi leutist of that city has discovered what has been l-ceiionsly termed an anti toxin f (Haziness. Thedoctor thinks his discovery will be of importance in the treat ment of neurasthenia or ner vous exhaustion and the convalescence from acute diseases. His "xperimentsare described as follows: A guinea pig waslrawn backward on a rough carpet by means of a string, until it no longer resisted interfer ence with its motion and was totallf exhaust d. Stimula tion was continued by means of electricity, until thuni mal was in a state of autoin toxication. that is to say, a condition of infection from the toxin or poison genera ' ted by itself. During the ex periment, the temperature of the guinea pig fell very greatly. When xhaustion .could be carried no further, the animal was killed. Im (ii:nediatHly after death the toxin (or poison) was obtain ed from the crusfnd mnscles of the animal. When dried in a space exhausted of air, the toxin was f-und to consist of yellowish-brown scales thai were not very stable ami had to be kept in sealed glass lubes, (inferably ia liquid air. 1 he toxin or poison, in jected into the othr guinea 1'igS produced symptoms of! exhaustion followed by death within 24 hours. The saiufc poison could obtained from the muscles of the non exhausted animals. Antitoxin corresponding to the toxin thus procured is produced very much like that of dypthrria by inject ing the toxin into the eireiilu tion of hoises. When dried in a va' iinm thereshltingscalea unlike those of the toxin ate permanent. In fact the substance retains its activi ty even after months. It is readily takn up by thestom ach, but is generally injected under the skin by ths uid of hypodermic syringe. Small animals into which the toxin was injected, re mailed in a perfectly normal condition when treated with the antitoxin, but su'cnmb tojthe poisou when the auti toxin was not administered. The intioduetion of the anti toxin did not produce any disturbance whatsoever; on ihe contrary, it was followed by increased vigor un.l ener Alwayi Keep Chanibeilain'sCough Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home, says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family should do, When kept at hand rea. dy for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has be come settled in the system. This tcmedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appeirs, which can only be dene when the remedy is Kept at hand. For sale by all deal cis ill Boone, and Blowing Rock Dreg Co. , lie who seeks temptation is either a fool or otherwise ... lncrenee of Diroro'8 The Sccretary.'of the State of Massachusetts is nuthan ty for the statement that di vorces are on t he increase in that common wealth. In ILm nepin county, Minn., las year theie was one divorci f.ireveiy eight marriages. L other . words, one eighth o the newly found homes wer broken up by recourse to th' divorce court, The Springfield Republica: in rommentijig on tins note. that this im rease n divorcer is not so much due to grow ing immorality or brutality ns it is due to a growth ot ili. I ike to restraint. Laws am conventions',a re hostile to in dividual happiness is the pro ' ' ' dart oi' selti-dincHs. Slf grati ficotion can not be indulged when there is any 01 hers People find the ret ponsibili ty irksome and through sheer selfishness dmke it off. TlJe tendency to reworMo the di vorce court fot relief from the marital th whn"it is found to conflict wit ti the per sonal ease, comfort or pleas ure if, a man or a woman, without regard tot be rights of children, whn there urn any, is the greatest'evil of the practice. The next evil is Ihe demoralizing effect, so light a legard lor the mai riage relation has upon s x'ie tv. If the family is a sacred institution, and its preserva tion a necessity to the moral an 1 material growth of the race, ant it is all that, then the increase of the divorce practice is striking at the veij foundation stones of so ciei.v. Seattle Post-In ti-Ilig-encer. Ductoih Are Puzz'cd. Tin- remarkable recoveryl Ken neth Uclvcr, of Vanceboro, Me, is the Hiihjt'ct of much interest to the medical Iruternitj' und a wide circle of friends. Me says of h i s cise: ''(),viiig to severe bdlamma tion of . the throat-.and conges tion of the lungs, three doctors gave im up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy 'to say. it saved my life." Cures the worst couyhs and colds, bronchitis, tiaisiliTis, weak lungs, hoarseness and la grippe. Guaranteed by nil druggis s. T0c and $1. Trial bottles free. . The Iowa Senate has knock ed out (Jovernor ('ummius' primary election bill, whh-h was one of the main pros of his campaign lor renomi nation, but the low. i idea i still alive ajid kicking. St. Louis Uepllidii!. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that st niiJ t its credit muke IJucKl n' Arnica Salve a scientific, wonder. It cur ed E. K.Mulford, lecturer lor the Patrons olltusbandiy. W nynes horo. Pa., of a distressing case of piles It heals the worst burns, SOtes, boils, ulcers, cuts, wounds, I a cure is obtained quickest ; by a proper,.,! U.,lti-Uiitii. Onlv!te,!m?.ntoIt,,kh!l,eJ "jotmrc fecl- 2ic. at ull druggists. No previotir attempt to wuge war with ('hina would involve so much of effort and expense ns such an attempt at. this lime. Detroit Jour ual. ' "Hear'ng alone is building on the sand. Ile.w inj; nnd do irur is IniildiniJ 011 the it-i-k." OASVOnZA. i Barilla f IM MM IW H3W AlW3"S Bn tli ) Toil Kit AIW3S BOCJRI Ask Your OwnDoctorl If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "I tiRv uaed Ayari Clurrr Pctorl for tiMd co'nla, bil rnuiiha. mnl IhHiifiim. It hu dona me RrMit pixx), kiiU I btilicre It la. tlie bent coupli marttelno In the world for all throut unit lung trublo - Eu O.BTVABT, Altmiij. Oregon. A UwlobrJ.O. A aB manufMtiuan of . A r na.. LowalL Maaa SARSAPAWLU. OA JLi&0 HAWViGOS. I Koeo the bowels ooen with one of Keep the bowels ooen with one A un.'n hnHtllYI lust rtl Ayer's r Ills at bodtlme, Just one. Every dollar a man bor rows is a step towards the ill will of his friends BANK STATEMENT. Fol lowing is the report of the condition of tliu WatUi ga County Rank at IJoone N. (1., in the Statu of Nort'n Ciiio'.inii, ut the close of business ?an.. 29, 1906: UESOCUCHS. Loans unil discounts $24,795.81 Oveni rafts unsecured 43-53- 15.111 king house 800.00. Fun itui e and fixtures 400.00. Due h um luinkb und ban- kt'is 8,800.11, Cash items 1 1 1.05. (Jold coin, 42-50. Silver coin, including al minor coin currency, 812.58a ' National hank notes and oilier U. S. Notes 5 780.00. rot al .141,585.58. 1,1 ABILITIES Capital stock f 10,000.00, Undivided profns less current expenses and ' taxes paid 830 19. Hill payable 2,490.00. Deports Miihject to checK 27,776 64 Cashier'n c'ks outstanding 488 75, Total $4'.SS5.5S. Stale of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: I, E. S. Coffey, Cashief of the above named bank, Jo tol emnl v swear that the above state mant is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. E S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest. V. C. Coffey, ty," L. Hryan, N. L. Mast, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 61 h day of Feb. 1906. Thos. liingham, C. S. C. There's noihing so mean ingless as the kiss one ho man bestows upon another unless if i the expensive smil" t.f a hotel clerk. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There 13 a (Unease prevailing in thia c juutry most da-.igurous because fo dece tv. live. .Many sudden deaths arc cnised I b bv it lieart iliiu ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvauce the kidney-poison ed blood' will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of IrN. the Madder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by eel!. Bladder troubles almost alwavs result from :i derniiRciiieut of the kidneys on.i 11 11 11 vv. inir ti.-ull v von r.-iti make no liiiKtake bv , taking I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tbo great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over- . comes that unpleasant necessity of being comiellel to go often through the day, and to get up many times during th ni;;ht. The mild mid the extraordinary efieet of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its vroiiderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Hoot is pleasant to take and is sold by nil druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, '. both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil-. tncr& Co., Bingbamton, K. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. liou't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and th address, Biiigliainton, N. Y., 04 every', bottle. . 71