Watauga Democrat THURSDAY.. Mai Ch 1 5, 1 900. ft. C. BirDrt, TCdltor nd Proprietor 'Under the Starry FIhjt, Civilize Vm with a Kraic, And return us to our own be Joyed Home." Thissayn oar our Washing: ton correspondent, was the sone the soldier used to sing in the Philippines, nnd (Jen. Wood seems to have ta ken the advice to heart in dealing with the Moros to judge by the dispatch to the State Department last week. Six hored Moros, alleged to be a band of outlaws, are re ported to have been wiped out to a man with smaller but still considerable loss on the American sidp. Whether the annihilated hand were merely cattle thieves or peo ple with a deal of fancied grievances will never he dell nitely known for they are all too dead to testify, and their friends, if 1 hay have any will paint them all as martyrs and their enemies as the ex act opposite, Gen. Wood, who commanded at this slaughter of the natives, re ports that the whole of the island of Jolo is quiet. It very well might be after that sort of a lesson, Possi bly that way of dealing with the natives mav be the most Jjumane after all. They have been used to a rule hereto fore in which any display of leniency was a sign of tiiuidi ty, and possibly it may take some harsh lessons to teach them that the United States is not as a whole that sort of a country. It's rather hard on the natives, but as Ionic ,hs we have the islands we w ill have to handle them or else they will very promptly han die. us or at least such of us as aceept the generous offer of the government to go out there and get shooting at 1 1 3 per mont h. The govern inent. if it wants to adminis ter a course of training of training of this sort, is fortu nate in having Gen. Wood there. He is a gentleman who does not "shun the gen tie lime light nor shirk the pubJic way. He is a' good fighter, co one would deny that, but rather prone to fauot for trouble around the corner instead of in e r e I y meeting it half way. There will be a lot of talk in C jn gress ubont this last piece of 'brutality." It probably was brutal and may or may not have been necessary. But it is fiafe to saj that any Con gressional talk will end in talk and in ten days the mere fact that 600 Moros have been permanently "pae ifled" will have been forgot ten in the hurry of more ur gent and practical measures before Congress. A stronger reason t h n n usual why the people ot t h e South should desire that the Democrats carry the next House is that Speaker Can non would be put down and another less prejudi-ed a Kainst this se-tion elected in bis place. The present Speak er has ever since it was brought up in Congress, re fused to allow the Appalachi an forest reserve bill to be considered in the Houseknow jng that it would he immerli iiy passed, as it bad nlrea dy gone through the Senate once or twice, The lst thingj for the p-lrW- touer Hintion i -out Charlotte Obyeryt?r.' Xotb PuMw On the night ol the 6th our friend ami ueigbbor, Joseph Cook, lost bis dwelling by tire with nearly all his valua ble goods. Absolutely no clothing was saved "except what they wore at the time, and nil bis provisions, indu dingcorn, buckwheat, b aeon, te., were destroyed. This is a hard blow to the poor fel low whom it seems the hand of fate is indeed against, for only a short time since he lost his only horse and last summer his only and splen did milk cow was killed by lightning.andif this were not enough his grown daughter who had been slightly sick only a few hours, sprang up, threw her arms around her father's neck, and died at once. Does it not sepm that thin poor fellow has beensoreli nf flicted? Hut friends, m this last affliction we can help him. Put yourself in his place without home, clothing, provisions or money! Would it not look dark indeed to 5011 a ad would you not be thankful that . you lived in a community where people have, a fellow-feeling for a brother in distress and would you not tee sure that y o 11 would not be allowed to suf fet in this land ot plenty, gen erosity and Christianity? Anything that you are wil ling to give this family who are in such sore distress can be left at .!. M. Moretz's of Boone, L. L. Critcher, of Sands, or CM. Critcher, 01 New River, either place which is most convenient to , ion. Or, ifjou wuntto send him money (which I hope 'you will do), h;s address is Jos. Cook. Boone, N. C., H F. D. No. 1. I Ice! that thin appeal will not be in vain, for the major ityofotir people ure ever ready to divide with those upon whom the hand of af fliction has rested so heavily. John 8. Williams. A bud man is far less dan" geroue than a running one. SP ffIT LIFE That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the. public, hut the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of . remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion . is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. V win stud yoti a utnpU free. B un fib rJdiH In At form at ft b on thf wrappu " octroy bettl si Bmulrion you SCOTT & BOWIE Chemists 409 Pearl St, N. Y. $0c tsi $1; AMntttfi. Lenoir Topic: Iii a short talk preliminary to pronoun cing ...sentence upon George Franklin in Superior Court last week, Jmlge C M. Cooke spoke of the needof a State Reformitory for lit -ye such as Franklin. Heenil and all his hearers agreed with him "That it is a burning '.ut- ! rage and a disgrace to the State of .North Carolina that no provision is made for the proper care of such 'youthful offenders.": Punishing hoys is one thing, saving them is another, ai.d it hardly stands to reason that b,oys who are so unfortunate as to lay themselves lialde to pnnish nint will ever reform when the courts are-, obliged by law to semi them to a place where thev are confined with nil kinks of hardened crimi nals. Truth, every word of it. and Judgs Cooke will hbye a similar case before htm at our nfxt eourt. A small boy, Baldwin by name, locked up io the county jail awaiting judgment of the court under the charge of an affray, is the case jnquestion. A reformato ry for such youthful offend- eis is a crying need, as t h e jail, the roads or the peniten tiary only make hardened criminals of them while n It". forma tor.v. in man instances, might make useful citizens of them. Democrat. Winston Sentinel: It is an nounced that Burton Craige, of S'-ilishury, has made a fi nal settlement with W. N. Coler & Sons, t he hondhol I ersm the celebrated Wilkes county bond suit, and today went to Greensboro to file his report, with the circuit court o! th United States for the fourth district. Na timal interest attached to the unit in which Wilkes and Stan'ey counties repudiated their bond issues. The H'ilkesi papers were issued in 1889, and not until' the spring ol 1904 was the question as to their payment settled. The amount of th interest that llese ? 100,000 bonds have brought is $62,075.44. The principal has uot been paid as yet. , After Mr. Blackburn was re ported as haying made i-har ices against Judge Piitchnr, the statement, was printed in the Asheville Citizen that he had expressed a desre to have his case heard tielore the distinguished jurist of North Carolina. The Ga tte News was not piepared to hc cept tha without more or less salt. On Saturday it tel egraphed ' Judue Byniiin at Greensboro a ad. asked if it was Blackburn or Bvnum who had made the request. Judge By mini sent this reply: "1 suggested to Judge Pritch ard that we were anxious for a trial, and would be glnd to hayebim or any other fair minded judge try the case. I did this not at the rnpiet of BlacKbnrn, but on my own responsibility,-'' Th's, it does seem. Rej ties it. Haleigh Ev ening Times. OASTOniA. BMnth AV Y Haw Bought Bigntu of Tring to avoni trouhle will keep uny man busy. '' 11 " a HOLLISTCR'3 Snftkv Mminfoin Tea tin""?-' A Bnav Madidns for Bns PhhI Brlnfi Ooldea Health and Renewed Vigrr, .. iKKrtfln for Constipation, Tm11frentkn. f.l- . KMii'-y Trouble, rlinples. Kcrem lnipi r ;:mui1, B-itl Breath. Rlmirish Bowels, H"...!l--v .1 I IJ.L'a..U. IllaUbu It.....!. . :' :n .. I. , ' firm.. St "ttn ft lion. Oemilm r. ido hv i n.iH'ttii Oaua Company, Madison, Ww. 0i.0UM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Dr. Lord, a colored physi cian, who formerly lived in Statesvilk, ik row a resident of Concord a ml t he Triinrne tells that a citizen of that town askd the doctor recent ly "how come" colored folks don't haveappen'iiciti 'That is simple enough,' answered the doctor, "they havn't got the price. ; Once when there was an epidemic of scarlet . ( ver in Statenyille 11. council of physicians wan. held to ad vise with th- city authorities as to ways anil means to hold the ne!t in i-hpck. Dr Lord was called on to leport conditions among the color ed people. He said there were some eases but thev werenot easily detected for the reason that the "red glow", which the 'tooks fciire hhmh evidence of 1 i fey. r does not tisrnllv show itself on ihe aveinne colored person, Statedille Landmark. Keep the little ones . heathy and happy. Their tender, seasitive hoi ies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep rhem'well and ctron?. 35 cents. Tea or Tahlcls. M. B. Black burn. Blowing Rock Drug Co. Wwfll ootrrtnoe yon that yon can "lnoreaae your yields per oure" ad you won't havo to keep it a w cret, either. Bend what Messrs. whorry As Bon, of the Magnolia Fruit Farm, Durunt, Mis.. write: "From two noroi of Btrawberrlea. on which 1,000 pounds of VlrglnU-Carollns Fertilizers per acre were used, we cleared a profit of ni.00 pnr r.oro more than the other HX aercstf strawberries which hud only 600 pounds of th.'a fertlli7.r.r.' T'i"8 d-iub!o the qunn tityof ii"e .'rtill;rsfiU each cro of any crop, and mr.ro than doubly "lncictw) your yi-Idsir acre." Ite sure you buy only Vlrginia-Cwo-lina lortiilicrs. Viretnla-Carellna Chemlest Co. Blcfcrannd, Va, Atlanta, G. Norfolk. Va. Pivnnnah. Oa. Durham. N. C. MontRorocrT, Ala. Charleston, R. a Memphis, Tcr- . Saltimoro, Md. ehroveport, La. TO PLEASE ALL TASTES. We-k"enn ritock of Watches, Diamonds nnd JhwcIij at eucli a witle rnii?e o! priceH that n(. in a ter what tlin condition of t li e purse, ometlnii'r nat nfactory can le (Uirt-hnwl. LtM.tkmg throiijrli our lnrf n sortuiwir of beautilnl artii lcH ia an (iltjf-ct IctJsoii of va!np Here are jLrathciul tht worthiest pro duel ions p( flu- JwhIUt's art. Tlie.dfMjrning, workinniiHliipand quality of evu-ytlnng will call forth admiration and praise, Write for an illustrated cata log. LF15ED W, DULA, Jeweler atidOptician, LENoin, N. C. ENTRY NOTICE. No. 2;4"2. Slato of NoMli ( arlina, Wnt'ou fzn cnunt.v, ( fflec of E.iirv Taker for naiil county. T. M. Wheeler locatfH nivl euttTH (ilteeii ncreB nf land in'o on t waters ol Yadkin Elk, in Ek iuwimhip, said WIih ler's old corner, tlieni-ei w.i tn sum Wheeler's nnennd mh ers and various coui-ni s no as to include all the vae-inr Inml lor compliment. linteml Fehiuaiv 22nd, 1UC0. 3 H T IlAPniN. Entrv Taker. -- xe. mDHitl. New Jersey, the eradla of tiusts, bfls turned ngainbt them; i trying to-oust the biggeHt of all its children, the Standard 0:l Company.. This is base ingratitude, a f t e r pocketing millions of dollars in f e s for incorpora ting trusts, Farm," Stock a n d Home. Bum Is certain If you take Hood's Sarsaparilla. ; This great medicine cures those eruptions, . pimples and bolls that appear at all seasons; cures scrofula sores, salt rheum or eczema; adapts itself equally well to, and also cures, dys- . pepsia and all stomach troubles; cures rheu matism and catarrh; cures nervous troubles, . dfibilitv and that tired feeling. - Sc,AL.-T,meetthew..he,f th,.. whoW, jfJSSS medicine In tablet form, we are now putting- up Hood t from Hood' Sanaparilla. which Sarsaparilla In chocolate-coated tablet as well aa In tborooghly parlSed ber blood tttor an .1 1 tjA.,M am R voHnlnir Hnnri'i RarSRna ... - . .. vi j . . ... , (OO UDUM JMUIU WIW bWCA VI HHH WlWU'VUHUIUna Oil1 rlila to a solid extract, we have retained In the tablets , warlet tmi. ItgaTehoritnngth the curative properties of every medicinal ihsredlent. and renewed health. Thousands of .Sold by druggists or sent by mall, others tell of similar cares, also eons : 100 doses one dollar. C. L Hood Co., Lowell, Haas. of scrofula, salt rheum, ecsema, ste. LADIES, LADIES ! 1 have Inst received the most UP TO DATE LINE' Of trimmed and Ready -Ever Shown in' Thevars the Celebrated "Southern Girl." lwillchurge you nothing for looking BQTCome and "See theiu." M, B. BLACKBURN. Boone, N. C. March, 1. . Do You Want to Save Money On Fertilizers, Lund Top, On-hard Grass and Blue in Car Load Lots and ure in fore to Miye you'niauey snd iet our prii-es. HARDWARE Genuine Oliver Hii'ilei) 'P!''w and 'fpiirs. Pnrmer's Friend Plows nn. I impair. Double Shovel Piuns. CnItivHrots, Hoes, and nil kinds of Fmniwff Jnipleint'tifH. W hImm ri v a riiinidfie line (.f BUILDER'S HARDWARE. Such us Doors, Wimlo.vs, Ghss. Roofinii. Hiiitfl N.iils, Locks, Paints, Oils, Vurnishes. Lime an I Oineut. Wh nrn HendounrtfiH forSieel Rrtims.ull kind nfSinvn li irness, Bridles nnd Collars, us, &!(- ih.Riikes. Disc Harrows, Wagons. Et-. LONDON STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. . (WHOLEhALE AND JtETAIL.J Mountain Citr, Tenn. MERCHANT AND TRADER'S BANK MOUNTAIN mXTENNESSEE. AUTHORIZED (CAPITAL.. ...... ....'..f 50,000.00. OFFICER: J. Walter Wkight; President, W. P. Dvn gan, Vice Prpsident, 1. S. Rambo, Cashier. Moek-holding Directors: .1. ho.K. r V right, E. E. BntW. .1 S Donnellv. II. T. ft . '"tVjf ,E- ""b', J. N. Wilis, W.T. Smyths J.C But let. B. R. Birown. Non Stock hi.idim Pireotor v. vviiis, ai. jjj. wiihim, W. H. 1 ilson. Accounts ofFirm. (oiporatioLS, and Individuals .Solicited,. - ,. . , I'l RViTtKE AXD The Mountain ITlLi 'Pitn iAr.M u.io .MUo i t.UMl'LETE LINE OFlUUNITURE, f TTz-kfTun rrTr viWfflN'Gi!il Ccffins and TRICES THE ('a'l nnd sen us when in tovn. Mountain City Furnitnre Company. Mountain City, Teuness Upi-oMit. WHt ail(, nulcher Bios. Jan. 1, m05. months. Thk .?n-. ML Mucb that passes for love wouldn't stand tlie test of eurr papers. " Ice 1 prices are going ud throughout the country, and onecannot help thinking that the dealers might at least wait until the tariff on coal comes down. Philadelphia Telegram. : . 1 fo) to Wear Ladies' Hats Watauga County Plaster, Clover, Timothy. IM Grass? We buy these poods hetter position th'in ever tie increase your bank account. M. Cormick Binders, Reap- W at.tr n W mnii iv T S. Rill- I G. Pnfhr T H Snthn- FllliMSlIhGS. dl : City Furuituic.Co, Caskets. LOWEST. VZKm tOt. r

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