Watauga Democrat Published Every Thursday ItlHeiE. ('ill Wall . . w- - . ('uniTi It'll IH 11 lift mil of thrilliutf im'i'JtntB. ' A hmly runawuy bo pick nl up oo the nl tvers of Boa t mi by a kind liwttrtl Sun day whoo! worker. Sii8!ain'd en oaftwal find milk at Wilbraham Aondfiny while struggling lor an edora tion. Left aityi.Kht on a battle field, for dead. Running to hi burning home whto tb wound be n1 rpiyed io the army brokf.oot afreb aa he fought thn cruel flftmP8th.it weie deHtroyinjr his library, furniture a ti d ueddiiiR prfSPntH. uywg in a iiohjjhui m i ai -U, hfijirinj? tlw phyairtanH ay "You have bat a short ira to f?ve." Working on a Boston pa per for $5 a week, while liv jngonone meal of bread a day and carrying bread and milk home to bis loved ones. Barely escaping murder at the hands of gamblers in ew Oi leans, whose precincts he bad'.invaded for news. Visiting Babylon, Jerusa lem, Borne, Paris and Water loo, where his vivid imagiua tion peopled those scenes with the historic oereonuirrs whose memories die. imper ishable. Sick and nigh unto death with fever in a hotel at iiome. Standing by the grave of a loving wire, feeling that ev Ary earthly bope was buried beneath the sod, Singing 'Nearer My God to Thee' on a water-soaked ven j-iel during a fearful storm, when the captain said, 'Wi cannot surrivo an hour.' Undertaking large Christ ian enterprines with no men ey, sustained by a heroic faith. , Turning at last from long cherished ambitions'Jto lay his4liie on the altar ol sacri fii'e'and service. Praying all night in t h e Temple when in extremeneed of money tocarry on building . enterprises, when notes were on the yerge of going to pro test, and having his prayers answered in ways beyond hu man understanding. Waiting by the patient's side before- heaven's open door until he hears the echo of rejoicing in the presence of . the ungels of God. Sel. Greensboro Record: A well known Republican, now a res ideut of another state, writes in the rourso of a business let ter that he notices his party in North Carolina is "having a kilkinne rat time; if (ley fo bacd and rake up nil the dirty linen for a quarter ot a cpntnry, 1he atmosphere of the Old Not th State will not bejagrerable for tourists." Quite true, hut tourists hold out no inducements to theM gentlemen: what they want is a teat to cm-k, one that gives down rich milk. Mr. Tillman says he 'is a bout to digest themass of evidence taken by his com mniee on ranroati rates: so any unseemly outbursts on his part mnv b' charitably aseribed to dyspepsia. Lew jaton journal. Anyway, there is more or less originabty about the jmao who ri b s 11 hobby. Aoonlropfifl (o too flog? '; Ynii will never kmw'the trouble and pleasures of life until you lais hogs. "They Hie a Mother Htid vexation to the. spirit of man while they lii'H. hut brinu nay and con tentmeiit to the soul of man when they die at bog killing l,mP( The American bog, howev i-tii .iM.ihbiuiest.. solitboof vL htiim snooted luisbo.ly animal we ever saw. He can make a felbw madder than any other uiiim-l that infest the premises, He will always Hpia'i and muddy .v.o u r pants when he know y o n ar trying to feed him. He will get in the garden thro' a knot hole and destroy en oujih produce in three.min utes to.bed "ur wife a n d children threejnontbs. He nill pay no attention to wide open Kate nhere you want him.to go through, but will shovel out several cubic feet of dirt to make a bole into a place you don't want him to go. Ue is the biggent mil saoce and most proHtableon the farm. Ex. A GUARANTEKD CUKE FoB PILES. Itching;, BlinJ.BIeedinj,', protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to re fund mouey if PAZO (JlNTMENT nils to cure in 6 to I4 dau. 5oc. .MarriugejM th- ont.v 'hing that will take tnerom-dt out of BoftiH'.uif n. TO CURB A CU lii ONB DAY Take Laxative Rro no Quinine Tah lets All druggists refund the mon ev if i. fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. A diplomat is a man who has' acquired the art of know ing how to wait patientlr ui til his time comes. Toiture By Savages. "Speaking ol the torture to which some of the savfige trilws of t lie Philippines subject ' their captioes, reminds me ol the in tense Hiiflci ing 1 endured for three months from inflammation ol the kidneys," say W. M. Sher tnnii, hi Cushing) 'Me "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me " CunsTiv er complaint, 'dyspepsia, blood disorders and malaria; and re stores the weak and nervous to robust henlrh. Guaranteed bv nil druggists. Price 50c. Looking on the bright side of . things never eaueJ any one to become It .psided. OASORIA. Bo th j) liw Kind You Haw Always Baijfit jiatiat.jwriTgijfe-igsainj i AND CURE the LUNGS with !?r Minw' Haw yisscvore j TONSllMf'TION Prlc !( I I CUGHSund 50c i $1.00 Free Trial. 1 I btu-ost and tuitliout Cure for all jamiOAT naU LU1JO 'XEOUB- 1 or HONEY BAt'lt. Utde scientifically from pure sugars II and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecane Is made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, smooth consistency and the true "woodsy"maplcSavor. Whole some you can eat it e?ery day. FOR 8ALE BT R. M, Green, B00NB, 1 iiwii 11 1 1 1 mil i 1 1 - " ' I 111 N.a 1 1 x . " How (ieoriclaas Get Titlwi. A number !' CungreHHinen werw oae liny joking with a colleague from Kentucky with respect to the w 1 I known penchant of men of that State tor Vcourleey'Vtl- hips. " Why," said one of the R-preijeiitativts. "lis a n torious fact that every inan in Kentw kv i. a cfnnei or a maior." The Kentackiaa smiled. "HVare not the only Southerners guilty of that wenkness," said he. "Joel ehadler Harris onceobserved to' me that in Georgia it was nearly nstjad. H had a the ory to the'W ct that the col t.red population were in a measure responsible. "How's that,' axkeij some one. "Oil, thai?" continued th Blue Grass man, "Harrissaid that when h negro had onv riuh bed one with a Vourtey' till" the habit soon became gener al in the oommutiity. 'Give n Georgia negro a 'chaw' of to bacco, and you are straight veny a Cap'ti;' giv him a otiarter. an l von nno your self u 'rolont'l; present him a dollar and you're a 'Gener al for life; bur just throw in an old suit o clothes and a coupln of drams of corn li quor, and the result win ue that he'll raise his children to address you ns Govprtior, Live Oak (Fl) Demoorat. Chamberlain's 7BO Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite CUIUS Coughs, ColdB, Croup and Whooping Cough. Tnl remedjrl fornoo for it cmeaem lnriro p irt of the civilized world. It can alwuy bo dopemM upon. It contains no oiiiu'a or othnr harmful lmg and may bo f ln w conndently to baby ua to an adult Price 25 eta; Large Size, 60 cts. MORTGAGE SALS. Py virtue of the power of sale contained ina mortgage deed ex edited by IVter Hardin and wife, Charity Hardin, To J. R. Younce, dated Out. 25, 15)02 to secure notes to the t.mount of $490.00, and when as, default has been msdo in the payment of said notes which are long past due. Now, theieioie, by yirtue ot the power in said mortgage contain ed, I will, on .Monday, the 2Glh day of March, 1U06, the same lie mjrthe first day of Watauga Su perior Court, stll to the highest bidder for cash the following de HCrihed tract ol land Hpuated in W'ntiniga county, N, C. on the Reech mountain, adjoining th binds of W hitehend and (thcrs, and is bounded as follows: Ht-ginning on n cliestnut and hickory, G. W. Dugger's corner ol Entry No. 1252, and runs west 85 poles to a encumber, thence north 160 poles to a white pine 1 1 on a ridge, thence north 80 east I 50 roles to a water oak, theno- tiorth 14 poles to a chestnut-oak at a branch, thenceeast 58 poles to a doutile chestnut, t h e n c scutli 05 east 60 poles to a chestnunt, thence north (55 poh-s to a sugar t ree in t he 111. liar din line, 1 hen e east with his line GO polCH to a birch, said Har din's corner, thence north with his line 40 poles to a stnkc In the line, thence east 50 pole to a stoke in the Whitehead line, thence smith 22 east 240 poles to his chestnut corner, thenct north 55 west 40 poles to a 'hes'nnt corner, thence north ' 80 west 240 poles to n rough y hop, 1 hence south o west 110 pules to a spruce pine on the , hank of a branch in the G. W. D.tgger line, thenee with his 'ine 1 5S poles to the beginnning, con- Hinmg anoiiT, uo acres. This mortgage deed is duly '"egistered in Watauga county in 'the Retristi-r's office, in Rook 'II' page 407, on Nov. 21. 1 002, Sold to satisfy the BHid notes amount ing ta 4UO.OO with interest on the same, subject to a few small credits. This IVb. 20, 190G I. R. Yovncr. Mortgagee. T. h. Lowk, Atty. in tact. v , ABjldThett. ; Mirfs Addie emitter, of Blow in jf Ro'k. H"iit Sunday at th- Marshal Hou-e io Hi. ko ry. This young lady had been spending the wintpr with her mint in Cinnanatti. Return imr, between Asheville. and AleSTindria, she teppei Into thn drawing-room car. while the train stopped at a little wooding station In; t w e n those places, as she wished to have 11 better view of the French Broad. She left her i1ivsH-Miit case, in whi -h sb" hod two ten dollar- mIK m the searf with b r jacket thrown over it. Aft r bftng out only a cciifflcof inliitircs he ret uni'd to find grip. jacket and all gone, no one knows where. Fortunately, Ml(M Cantor had her ti ! t, I rank check ant! soiiip small chaiifcein her h;ind-lag, ho she was not mj adl off as might have been, She notified the conductor. and the matter will be i::ves tigu ted. Hickory Lmocrat. A Favorite Remedy fcr Rubies. Its pleasant taste nnd prompt cures hae rtiiide Chumbei bin's (push Remedy a favoiifc with the moth ers of .m:tll children. It qJicklv cure theii co :ghs and colds . a n d Drevents a:iv drirer of pi.i-umu- mil or other serious cowsetj.iences It not v'.Ay cures croup, but vlu-r i;ir. en aMon hh the cioupy C"ii;h no peats will privent the H'tack. For sale by all ('enters at Boone and blowinjj Rock Droj; Co. .John H". Yv-rUes. (.'omuii1- sioner of Internal l.l'enne. a llpu'dican who i ctmsi t.-r-ed one of the hhrjwd',st pnli tician in the? countiy, pre. diets a Democrat i nojorify in the House at the, next ses sion. He says that internal wrangles amony; the Il-pa'di cans in various purrn of the coun'ry make this a strong; probability . A Lively Tule. with ttuit old enemy of the race, Ciisti; arlon, ofren ends in Appei di citis l'o avoid all serious ir-'uble with stomach, liver and liowtls. take Dr. Kin; s New I .if e I'iili'. They iitrftcliy regulate ilnse .r vans, wit iout ain or diacoiiifotl. 25c. at ail dniggtblH. t'l'Olt) iell, 1 eh;iri t h e 1 , fling a way ambition; iy that sin leil the iiimely. volsey- Morgan to the' Panama law yer. mil w hat te cauailer sai l to Wnsb'v. to n't tie orin ted N.'w Y.iiU Evi-niiitf Tel fgiiiin. HAS sTOCP THIS TEST 25 YEARS. The old original Grove's Tasleliks Chill Tonic. Von know what yon aX taking. Ii is iron and quinine i i a tasteless form. No cure, no pav 5'c ti4 i rad marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone urn (ling a fkelrh and dmerfptlnn ma; qulruif ascertniii our opinion frea whether b$ Invention la prohfililf pntetitnble. Cnmmiinlriv linnantrictlyooniiUfiitiiil. HANDBOOK on Pateuti out S i-oo. oliret nvetirr fur flefnniiir patetita. I'Alonifl taken tlirotinQ Munn & Co. rocelTi tpeciul notice, without chares. In th Sdetiiific Jimtttm. A h.mrtaomplr lllnrtmtdil Ijirtrett. rtr- Ktlntittn (f nny actentldc journal. Tornia, 93 a rc'ir; (nnr months, L Bold by all newailwlrr. UNiUCo.3C,BNewYcr?( Iiticcn Otfloa. t t 8U WublUKton, I). C. 9nl nsorttJ,oU:li or Klo c!ii..i,titt lot lreeroMrtrn plontnUllty. " Pot fe book. Mil 1 Opposita U. S. Patent Office IA f & I tV I rTW al ma 4 W t fbWilL, 60 YEARS' 1 tetSL..2! 5ST!V A Ann-al Sato 1 1 tm i ' i n n aUUWEB WITH MaW Kleeplessness. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itctr, Disordenuf the tomacK prodn, , Worm Herpes Barber's ccs a nervous condition nnd often . c ' , . 1 prevents leep, Chumbei lain 8 Ntom All ot these diseases are attended ach and Liver Tablet st'imtlate hy intense itching, which is Hhnoht the digestive organs, restore the instantly relieved bvapplying Cham system to a healthy conditio- und berlain's Salve and by its continued" maK sleep poK.ible". For sale hv all se permaneht cure may be effect dealers at Boone, nwl blowing ed. It has irt facircurtd ' pitny ense Rock DriK' Co. tha" had resisted all other treatment.. . . " ' A trail p's working hours il..i LiVivNriii lli.irt tttAJQ kf tllU ait-nuwii-f in fc. . I- aV. k. . oHnKerryerine .erage hail rather be a banker. ' .. .. s ... ... Ei mniaiuiMi i mi i iiiiiuwi'.pa;wu-""1 . ii iinaani ii ri-naim ""ir r. r "" 1 1 T LVegctable Prcparalionfor As similating the Food andRcgula ting ttieStomactts ondBowels of Promotes Digc3lion,Chcerfur ness andRest.Contains neitlier Oj)ium,Morpliine norlincraL W Narcotic. fin?iM SstJ- Jtx.Smn lit (urtxnukSoSa Hirm.fn.d- Apcrfecl Remedy forConsh'pa loa, Sour Stontach.Diarrlioca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature Of NEW YORK. 2C HBSSBB&BOS lmct copy or wrapper J P x3uU IO Money Saved on If you are going anywhere west of the Rockies this spring, we can save you money. Any day from February 15 to April 7 we will be glad to sell you a ticket from St. Louis to Portland, for example, for only $30. The usual price is $47.50, and the $17.50 difference might as well stay in your pocket. It will stay there if you buy your ticket of us. This is only one example of hundreds of similar low rates in effect during this period. Coupled with these cheap tickets we have the most complete and convenient traiirservice ever offered Northwest passengers. Tell me where yon ire going and when (a poital will do) and I'll tell you how beat to get there and the cost. UN lite I J. N. 5 TRAVELER TOBACCO. THIi B.1G0EST BIG IMEuE OF GOOD TOUAfXO OX E.BTH. A 15 Celt riuG for 10 Cents' MANUFAC1URED BY Alien Ores, Tobacca Go,, LynchbDiE Vi. SOLD BY: Rob!. ins & Grfljrjr. ShnM'M M'tls. N. 0. H.C. Miller. Blowing Rock, N. V. Hull Jk U.iM.inK. HlowiriR Rock, N. C. J. M. Mureiz. Boone, Grove's TostekiM Chn TaJ .TTr 1TO rf " 'Vnt Pkaf4Ia Ia frice J cents a o'J. ". ; nil dealers io Boi,;, and Blowing Rock D'"g Co. -k a . f A Ihe bnnKJTH AHMalUllfiR an '" . . ... will meet at Lake ,Toxawa . r,pxt June. For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For Over Thirty Years THt octrrMin aaatnurr. aitw row crrr. MERRILL, General Southern Agent, North Pryor Street, Atlanta, Ga. N. (V oyer Or cad Half MB? NoCnra-NoPav. J F a n I Signature Km 1 of yttT 1 W Northwest Trips IBM Bfr-fc T not. I hur Wli "WIilllBiPB