A". ' r. T )emocra VOL XVIII. BOOXB, WATAUGA. COUNTY. X. C TIIUIISDAY 'JUNE U,. 1000. NO m. It's queer how., boys rut eh nil their . dUe nen in school term. . ' "TtiUWSSlOSAL. O. W. Connrill has taken work at tin ville- Walter Horton, of North Wilkesboro, was iu the vi'lage Monday., Court next Monday. Kind y come prepared to settle tbe amount you are due this office. Tbe London StofJ-d Hard ware Co. baa another mes sage for you this week. Look it uu. ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOONE-, N. C. Will nrnrtice in the courts of chin and snrronndingeonii ties. Promnt attention giv oti to the collect ion of clattns nnd nil other busing of nje gal nature. 6 12 '05. "EDMUND JONES, --LAWYEIt -LRNOIU, N. fr it" j Practice Jlegnhirlr in the Courts ot Watauga, 6-1 '05. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C Careful attention given to collections. H. F. LOV.ILL, -ATTORNEY AT LAVV,- BOOXh, A'. C. "Spedal attention Riven to all business entrusted to his care."! 1-1 '04. E.S. COFFEY, -ATWRMZYAl LAW,- COONEN.C. Prompt attention given to all matters of n legal nature. t&-Abstracting titles and collection ot claims H speeial- tr. . "r ; . ' M'05. WASHINGTON LETTER, Prom jur Rsjulir Correspondent. Popular interest is still centered on theeffottof the House to set aside the piovi KKin in the Senate Amend - Mra. I). J. tottren, D.-ernVld, while hiving bee few days since was quite j ly stung, but she held h ground unlil.they were put ly boused. Tbe next day ever. they left fdr parts L known, foo bad. !j The Jonee'Wilfox br parry, eighteen in nump npvnt a part of VVednedl night at tbe Coffer H ha ving arrived over the J liiskfl tnrtimke at ..11.ua a very light tax per head of cattle on the big p a c k i 11 u house, itnugh it amounts to a totle of urmut 2,0(j0. 000 to pay. the full force of inspectors. Of course the disclosure of the disguesting methods in 1 he Chicago pack ing Iwuises and the unspenka le filth an I horror of t h e whole businesH raise 1 a storm of poplar indignation. The packing interests up to date liave not dared to fight l he hill in the open. Hut t h e know that popular storms are usually short lived in pro portion to their violence and it is almost a certainty that if the packers can hold off a tion on the bill and get a "oil m and dispassionate view ol tne situation mm they will be able to carry their point. What they are fighting for now is delay. The meit inspection pro vis irfh has thus been has thus been hHd up in the Hons" and all the energies of t b e packers are devoted to get ting the reading of tliea- mendment altered so that the cost of the inspection nhall be borne by the govern mnit and not by the packing houses. This is a strategic move. The cost of the inxpec. tion amounting toabout five ents a Ivad wonl 1 not be a h udshipoa tbe Meat-Trust, and they kno'w it; Hut they o not want tlie large force of inspectors. In the H r s t place, it would close up most of the avenue of la breaking that they have complacently tollowd for years, and fur ther it would enable I he inde pendents outside the trust to get government inspection which they ran now do only in a few cases and with great difficulty. Export meat lias tn usr Government itispee- tor's stamp in order to be Hold abroad. All of this trade is in tht hands of the Trust, hi,(I they do not want to he interbred with. Now they know and everyone else who luiHhadnnrthingtodo wiid .,,rnintions f r o in Con- uresfikuowa. that it is a roou deal easier to get an app'" m-intinn cut down than it is to cet it increased. Congress miuht appropriate .4.uuv, 000 this year to pay for a full force of inspectors, dim novf vwir there would be a multiphvity of good reasons DR R D JENNINGS. RESIDENT dentist, BANNER ELK. . C. Nnthitiir hilt, tll t)PPt materia nsort nnd nil ovork 'done under a positive guarantee, IYrsons at a distance should notity me a few liiru in flitvniipa M'hpil ttlPV WHIlt UU J O Ml T M iivv AtfppMnreh the lst, I have arranged to be at the Blackburn House in Boone on each Brut Monday. Call on me. ,1.28. w;ii:boWebT ATTORNEY ATLAW, Lenoir, N. C. Practices in tbe .court's of Caldwell, Watanga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. I'mmiit ntfontinn iri ven to nil legal mattereentrustcd to his care. . Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Gker SpEcalist, BANNER'S ELK. N. C Ao Knite; No limning Out. Highest references and endors-. n.mronriations was ments of prominent persons swr j j cessfully treated in .Va., Teim.Lntitely too large and as tne and Kememnervaafc '"iPXtent ol me m ai wu.... -S i! - iu tn iruf. rill Ol I . -.... til 1 if. WOllId d cancerous growth no matter how small. Examination- tree, : Jettera answered promptly, and jBatwfaction,urautwa. ; fx.. ' crp Idvit would IS ill If win" , r not.belongb.forf be for ly inadequate aodcondilion would be just , the same ns Ihev are today. There is a deal of real sor row over the death ibis week of Representative Robert Ad atns, of I'ennsylvaniiCvlio committed suicide in his n- partments at the Metropolis tan Club'."" Bert je" Adams as he was generally known was a prominent figure in society, He wns a lub man nnd while not what is popularly known asn high roller, wnssuppos ed to be wealth r. The last work of his life was to steer through the Diplomatic and Consular Annronriotion Bill which he did on Thursday It seems t hit he had' made nf bis mind sometime before to kill himself and had only vvniteil to get tir bill from hisrommittee out of t he way. It was thought that it would be sidetracked on Thursday iu favor of the. l'ure Food Hill, and Mr. Adams went to the Sneaker and made a veri strong personal idea n't to hive the bill postponed. He said that he hail a most im portant engagement to keep the next d y. And so appa rently, be had. for he was found in his room at theclub in i he early morniirg, shot through the mouth and died a few hours afterward at the hospital. Tbe announcement of the Bureau of Corporation that it has under way u searching investiaation of the tobacco business, appeals to a good many people as a thing that has been needed for . a long timp. But the subject .h so large and varied that it is doubtful iPJimmy' Garfiield. with all the best intentions in the world will be able to make miidior it. Tb3 Bureau has undertaken to go into all the ramifications of the toba...o business, thebnying of the. various sorts of pipe chewing and cigar leaf, the relation of the independent companies and the relations of th" subsidiary companies wi'b the Trust, the compan ies conti oiling the licorice industry, which is of course an essential" (actor in the .plug tobacco' business, the conMol ol I lie Cuban tobacco crop by the Trust nnd the relations of the Trust with the British American Tobac co Company which is an intrnational offshoot b o t b f the American Tobacco omoanv of the Unite d States nnd the Imperial Com panics of Omit Britain. 1 he Bureau has been at woi k on tbe investigation lor months and if it does anything like a thorough job it will be nt work for several .months more . But Mr..iarficldBays cheerfully th'at he will get ttirongh in a few weeks, nnd then for some more revela tions. Daring all the recent excite ment. the rate bill has been almost but .not quiet I o s sitrht. of. It iu well to recal however, that it is still in i-i mfereive ana i likely to come out some time by the conference, among them the provisions declaring pipe lines common carriers. Tjiis is supposed to be a blow at the standard oil company. Also the xprs compaui- s! arc tu bo biuught wilbiu the 'ti t iL . IT . si)d; ol Tlie pin ii tne uouwe ,Miferenep will agree to it and Home relict is promises to shippers of various sorts by the provision for side tracks and for rail connexions with ii tories and switches. These three provisions, all seeming ly important, are si ill una' creed upon, but as soon as they n re, the bill will be ready to report. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years ot lorturc. t'Yir n-.oiL- than twenty years Mr J. 15. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St. Minneapolis, Minn., wa tortured ny sciatica. The pain mnl suffering wliic'.i he enrlured ilurine: this tioie is bevond cortinrehension. Nothing pave him any permanent relief im- 1 he usei Chamner :nn h rain IWm. One application f that l:ni ment veliovint the pain and inatlc sleep and rest por.s hie, and less th::n one bottle has etfectid a p'l' nianenj cure. If trouble with snati atica or rheumatism why not try a 25 cent bottle of Tain Balm nnd see for for yourself how quickly it re lieves the pain For sale by dealers iu Boone nnd by Blowing Rock Dru Co, A ' negro woman, hailina from Salisbury, had on exhi hition at thu station Satur day night a dwarf baby that attracted much attention. The baby was five weeks old. was about six inehesdong and would Weigh not over two pounds; Its head was a bout the size of a good big marble, and its hands were no larger than the thumb of the average man. Notwith standing its diminutiveness, the baby seemed to be heal thy and strong. Statesville Landmark. Fortunate Missourians. 'When I was a druggist at Lie. ma, , Mo.," writes T. J. uwyer. now of Graysville, Mo., "three ot mv customers were cured of con sumption by J)r. King's New Dis eoverv. and are wull and. strong to- day. One was trying to sell his property aiid move to Arizona, but after using Discovery a short time he found it unnectsiaiy to do. so. 1 rp?ard Dr. Kinir's New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine in existence. The Kurelst cougli nnd cold cure and lung healer, (juaran- teed bv all ilruggisLs. 50c mil $t. Trial bottles free. . When "a frenzied financier encounters a gold brick merchant there is an ex- hange ol winks on the. sly. - . Postmaster Robbed, . O. V. Foutrtl DostniaHter at Riv- erton. la , nearly lost his life a n d was robbed of all comfort, accord ing to his letter, which says; "i or twenty years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a se vere case of j uindice that even my figer nails turned yellow; when iry doctor prescribed Electric Hitters, which cured me ana have kept me well for eleven ytais. ' Sure cure for biliousness, neuralgia, weak ness and stomach, liver, Kidnev and bladder deragements. A wonderfCil tonic. At all druggists. 50 cts. When a women gives a man a piece of her mind sh looses just that much and be gains nothing. " Tlie Evils 01 Annrcliy: Not much credence, was j placed in the report from Oregon that 11 band of an archists had been found whose sold object was the assassination t f President Rooseyelt. Rumors of this charecter are ' likely to circulate nt any time and they need not giye the presi dent any alarm. He is nmplj protected ngamst harm and he is not the t. pe of man io be terrified by such silly threats. At the same time, however, the anarchist is a product with which we must deal, nnd while the extermi nation of tlw order muy be difficult it will not be hatd to hang those whose conduct proves that they are too dangerous to reside in this or nnr other country. Anar chy has been described as the hideous canrvr of the body potitie, if the latter express ion mav be used. The an archist is against (he govern ment in any and every form. The lamentnbln event at Buffnlo showed that the evil ivas coming home to nsA but as a genernl rule it is more often fell n broad. We ore reminded by,the New York World that four venes Scotland Yard is under stood to have had a tacit agreementwith the anarchits in Loudon that they would not be inoltsted if they did not attack members of the royal familr or the govern ment. This meant that the band was free to plot and batch crime in England to be carred out beyond the hor dor. It gives the freedom of that country to the most no torious-outlaws under the sun, and seemingly the report must be true, as it has been said that the details of the attempted assassination of King Alfonso were mapped out ir the city of London If tin .act did exist it was broken when the red devils sonirbt the life of a Btitish princess. It is well to know however, that Continental newspapers are criticising the British goverument'for nffording a refuge for ton tinftital anarchists and noth ing that the press can say on that subject is too severe There are grave problems confronting the world. Social ism itself is bad enough, yet the doctrine of that tiibe is that everything should be conducted by law; the an archist despiseXnll law and all government. We can get along with the socialist with out the constant fear that he 'carrie a bomb, but we cannot compromise with the disci pies of Herr Most. They must h annihilated at any cost. Cha 1 lot te News. V i, Hmr kl I A 1 m " mt n Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish It; give it something to live on. Then it will stop felling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only hair-food you can buy. ror 60 years it has been doing just what we claim 1: will do. It will not dfsfcppoim you. f!j liilr tn he Torr ntwrt, Bnt utter thing Aer' llulr Viu.iru !. tln It lvn t urow.Mirt now It In MutM-u tuthn. lOup. .nt 1. .... . - .nu...iM ...ilf turn rtMr hAlntf ut wlOn.nl ni.f liuir."- illlt-.J.n. t IVXU, UX tfj.d. Af'r Co., 1.owU, mUm. j Alto tuAnufAoturftrs tt 7 KARS.iPAWULil. l.l.S. CMtiKKV PtfCAl.. ! A' U lifers z BANK STATEMENT. Following is the report of the condition of the Watauga County Hank nt Hoonc, N. C, in the Statw of Nortli Carolina, at the close of business April 6, 1906: KKSOUWCKR. Loans and discounts $27,04000 Overdrafts unsecured 35 47 Hanking house 800.00. Kurriture and fixtures 400.00, Due from banks and ban kets 7,t4o.o6. Caub items ' 86.05. Gold coin, 20.00, Silver coin, including all ' minor coin currency, 7773' Mational bank notes and other U. S. Notes 4,629.00, Total f41.638.31. LIABILITIES Capital stock ' f 10,000.00, Undivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid '.io9 5 Hills payable 5,490.00, Donosits Hiibicct to chccK 27.660 06. Cashier's ck's outstanding 37o.ooj Total ,. f4i.638.3if State of North Carolina, Watauga rniintv ss: I. E S. CoffeV. Cashif V 1 . ' -of the above named bank, do sol emnly wwear that the anove sraie ment is true to thebest of my knowl edge and belief. E S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest. W. 0. Coffey, W. L. Bryan, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of April. 1906. Thos. Bingham, C. b. C. It oouib the oil of life into you system. It warms you up and start the life blood circulating That is ...... . v 1 w what lloliuster s uocny fliouniauv , Tea does. " 35 cts. Tea or Tablets. M. B. Blackburn. Blowing Rock Drug Co. " TheMnan who paj's In debts usually hoe'nore money than thn man who dosen.t DO YOU GET UP WITH A lyAMU BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, . Almost cvcrylxxly w ho rends tlie nen-. papers is sure to know of tlie wonderful cures iiwue uy uii 1 Kilmer's Swamp I Root, the great kid l ney, liver and Mod-" T tier retnetlv. It is the trrent med- jy ical triumph of the I I tiiiiL-tceuth centnrv : Tri'lii discovereilufteryeHrS s4 of wieiitific research ptiiiiiciit Vidnev and bladder-specialist, and is wonderfully sticcesiiful in promptly curiae lame back, uric acid, catarrh f tlio Jjladder and Iiri.:-.' Disease, winch is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for f verythiiiK but if you have . . 1 1:....- .1 1.1...1.1.. tvrttiM. it will lift KVIIICV, IIVCI Ul .;a...... - .- fo.,.1,1' iiiut the remeilv vou need. It lia It is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold I low often do we bear it remarK ! ''It'H onlv a cold" and a few dnvs later learn that the man is on his back wih pnenmonia. This is of such common occurrence mat a coiu however slight, should not be c'isie garded Cbambci Iain's Cough Rem edy counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and has Vained its irieat nooularity and ex tensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ;ailmnt It al ways cures and is uleasant to take. Vn. cif l)vi!t!i!f r in Boone and by B'u-wiiijj Rock Dru Co, Mnt im T?icb ns llnfkfcfeller. ..... ... 1. - w . i fomm just me remeuy juu m. i . If you bad all the wealth ot Rock) Wn tested iu w.n-,XyB SfflS . ., 3 i t- 11 r . . work aud in private practice, ana uast efeller, the btandan' Oil magnate, so successful in every case that a you could not buy a tetter medicine 1 fp.cj,vi arraiiKcinent bus been made by far bowel complaints than Chamber I which all readers of this paper, who have J .ill's Colic Solera at,d diarrhoea Kg -aple Ucmetly. Tbe most eminent pliys'-Ji110BWSwanip-Ko.t,mlhowto cum cannot presenile .1 ireuu jh.- ' fir-'lou.tit you nave kiu ney ur uuuun wuu naration for colic or diarrhoea, both ble. When wi ltiiiR mention reading thi or children nnd adults. The uni.JleiunaoUeriniuiBp-..". f.,rm ..rcesH of this remedy h a 8 Address to liriiiiier , ; . ,.- ,. 1 St Co., liinvjiiaunoii, 5tffj-ter2-js ii shown it to be superior to all others. ft vr f iila nn.l when reduced t rct., with water nnd sweetened, is plea- dollar iize bolttes are f b ant to take. Every family should be $ SJSSZ suppliei? With it. I or sde by tlealeis g w.amlvRoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, in Boone and by Blowing Hock gnd the address, Bitighamtoii, N.Y., on.. L'iDhig C. . evtrybcttle.

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