Democrat t - - . VOL XVIII BOONE WATAUGA COUNTY, N C niUHSDAY JUNE 21, 190(5. S3. 0; TV New. York City govern meat roots twice hs much as that of London costs. Vrqitessioxal. L,D;L0WE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N, C iQrWill practice in the court of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. 7 6-'(H Todd & Balbu, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice in all the coaits- Special attention given to real at law and collections. 6-15-?05- F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LAVV,- v . BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of this and surrounaingeoun lien. Promiit Btteiltion KIV' en to the collection of claims and all other business of a le gal nature. 612-'05. EDMUND JONES, LAYER--LENOIU, N. 0 Will Practice Regularly in the Court ot n atauga, 6.1 '5. J. C. FLETCHER, Attornsy At Law, BOONE, N. C. Careful attention given to jollections. . EFLOVILL, -ATTORNEY AT LA.VV, BOOME., N.. C- Special attention given !. all business entrusted to eare.lfit I M'04. E. S. COFFEY, -AT10RSEY Al LAW,- BOONE, N. C. - 1 Prompt at tention given to ill matters of a legal nature &-Abstracting titles and iollfwtion ot claims a special ty. M'05 WASHINGTON LETTER. From oar Regular Correspondent. DR. R D JENNINGS, resident dentist,) BANNER ELK. wiC. Vnthino" hut, the best material used anrj all work done under a positive guarantee. Persons at a distance should notify me a few "days in advance when they want work done. Alter Marcn inn isi, I have arranged to be at the Blackburn House in Boone on ach first Monday. Call on me. 1.28. -ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lenoir, N. C. Practices iu the courts of Caldwell, Watauga, Mitchell, Ashe and other surrounding counties. Pmmnt Attention given to all legal mattere entrusted to his care. , Dr. J. M. HOGSHEAD, Cancer Spetalistr BANNER'S ELK. N. C o Knite; No Burning Out. HiirWt references and endors- tients of prominent persons sue wssfull v treated in Va., Tenn. and N.Ci. Remember that there ianrt ttma mntUUMf to ItetlTld 01 .a cancerous growth no matter now smau. . EXanwiaiioii nw. letter answeraa promptly, n President Roosevelt tlds week delivered a sharp re huke to Chairman Wads worth of the House Com mittee on Agriculture that has been holding hunrimrs on the Neill-Reynolds report con'-etHing the dreadful con di lions prevailing in the ChitMg.) packing houses Chairman Wadswortb'satti (tide throughout the invest- igation has been remarkable auit has caused com men c all over the country arid especi all v at the Cautto . He has appeared openly as an advo cate of the packers and during the bearings this week when both Mr. Nf ill and Mr Reynolds were culled to the staml, they were cross qus tioned and treated with as scant courtesy as though they had been I he ones under invesigation instad of the packers.. This attitude of the chiirman and some of the members of the committee was so marked that other members of the committee protested against it and said that Commissioner Neill and Mr. Reynolds were at least entitled to as much courtesy and consideration as was bhovinto the representative of the packers. The President today wrote to Mr. Wadsworth and trans mitted nun the report of the committee of investigation appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. This report bore out the general state ment of Messrs. Neill and Reynolds, The report was eniirneo in verv cwiuiujbb IrtUiiuage, but, theraain facts were there, disguised as well as-they "could be under precise departmental phraseology. Thp President called the attention of Mr. Wadsworth to the fact that there was no conflict of statement between the two reports and aided that the investigation he had in hand was by no m a u R finished but that enough hnd been shown already to prove that drastic legislation was necessary to correct the abuses that had been develop He added for the del e- ctation of Mr. Wardswortb a letter froai another investa irator. at present unnamed. . ma hn is still in the held, ims gentleman, whoever he is. is evidently a personal friend nfth President and wrote in n familiar and concluded vein, saying that his part of the work had not been con cluded but that he had taken ,i little time off to. watch rhnt hecharecterizdns -the Mwekeninir of Packingtown.,'-' it,, ci.iiri th:it from the mnmpnt the report of con ditionshad been made public, i hp mickershad peen worK in it An v and nieht to get ,JA their plares in some son oi uhn for public inspection Then he detailed some ol the HiflnireHin method and re- " ... nnvtion. that bad oeen a . . . . ornnmnliHhed. He said that r. . tiimo8tolitcame irom i t. and the financial conseqances, but that there was mixed with the general movement some1, small, evidence that the con-l Heand theother Republicans iai ma nf thiK r avi rinv- ot tn tiouse wou i iKe 10 .iv -1 , ..... i - - intr muatpra imii netiirt v hnvo tnin oeiievcu nnu uie.v been a little touched by the will make a show ortbinkln nortravnl of conditions they that way as long as tney had them self es created. can. Rutthefa'-t is t h a t Altogether it was not a I hev would rather make snre I . . . i. rv nice piefe ol correspouence oi getting oniy iwo uemn- for Mr. WaiiSworth to have cratic Senators out oi UKia tu hwhIImw. PHOflL'iiillr as the Ihnma and Indian leriitory Ptesident immediately made now than toiun the risk of it all nunlic. But it was the netting four latenu thegame . . .. . . . .... Mart nf n Htincrinir nub le It mav be taKon US TOierauiy v - - c " n i - rebuke that apparently the certain that the two territoiee chairman of the committse named will be admitted as needs to make him, realize one state ot this session. that he is being spoken to. Meantime Commissioner Neill seems to be taking his roastings before the com mittie irooJ naturedl.v. He Not as Rich as Rockefeller. If vou had all the wealth ot Rock efeller, the Standan' Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine fru- howut complaints than Chamber nu.i.w nfliiii tha Bupiind 1 lain 's Colic. Cholera and diarrhoea rto.3 DPIIUK ail I . twi... . - - - . - , days sesHion how long he " J thinorht (lift ilinillsition WH8 L.7,,,An f,,i-r(11ir nr diarrhoea, both "oing to conunurt ne repneu wr cnnurcii uuu '. . I ... ....n.u nf I Ilia ri'lTIPllv h II I that he did not know, but -0 that it Could not continue lt never fa,i9) and when reduced ( (,rhim "Yriiiknnw'" wiih water and sweet med. i pleas ant to take. Every family should be i- i i supplied with it.- For sile by dealers n Boone ana by mowing uoch Drug Co. , toolomr for him. "You know he said by way of explana tion, "1 come of Irish stock, and it is the general impress tin that when inv ancestors oMinrpri diversion, thev went . Tnventor Nixon has contri out and killed a landlord. ved a destroyer of the lasf Well, if the landlords want destructive sunmannt uoai. to tnke a hand in the killing now, 1 will lie there While It IS It is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold cminir nn " How i if ten do we hear it reinarK I . - ., ...... The humane societies of ed: -it' omy a coia, ai.a mcw I .1 . I . i n Un.M f Unf ha man la nn a i J i ivb lit lci icniii iiini. niw the country are raiting aa . . .. nnenmoni- Thisisof vantage of the present discus guch common occurrence that a sold Hion to rail attention afresh however slight, should not be chsie al.. warded r.hrmberlain's Coiih Rem to anotner unase m iue . - nf . slaughter bUSIhesSin LhlCagO cofd to re8uUin pneumonia, and has that huino-l liinif hpfore the crained its tri eat popularity anil ex- lUUb "rM ' - m . id . - f Mttleiretto the.vards. It is sale by its prompt o, " . I ihn mntt -nmmnn niimzni. 11 m- the question of railroad I Bv.cure. an(1 Dieasant to take traspX)rtatioD during which For sale by dealers in Roone and the cattle are carried 28 by uiowing kock urug 1,. lw.,rai if tha milHu lUlUIOi 'i nv. i , , . m-n rnn pontr ve t. without rumunu i"" I . 1 1 . a I tit ix Ti i i -ofni. Tha are smu H imyr i;imi fio in mnnti n! thom HiA in build miiroaus to nuuson transit, are knocked down and their legs broken and whole trainload made crazy mad with fear and suffering. Their meat is rendered unlit Hay. Postmaster Robbed, G. W. FoutH. postninstcr at Riv- erton. la , nearly lost his life a n d .va. rnUKpfl nf all enmfort. accord- for human lood and the loss inR to his letter, which says: ''For in the niTLn-eenre tO the '-wenty years I had chronic liver ... D . complaint, wnicn ieu w sutn aC- cattle raisers is enormous. o :lulKuCe that even my A trmmr .ffnrt will be made firr nails turned yellow ; when my ahn thH nackinir bOUSe doctor prescrioea :.s" .. ' M.,M11 which cured me ana nave Krpi me cou'iiuuun ni " umn wen for eleveneas. ' sure cur o-tfil to force the separation fnr biliousness, neuralgia, weak of the killinir and the pack- new and stomach, liver, money am inir deDaitments. It is held by many that if the cattle could be killed where they are reared or reasonably bladder derailments. A wonderf u tonic. At all druggists. 50 ctsl 'The Mutual Reserve Lite Iiiuiipjnr.a ("mnnnv has close in the neighborhood, Lot,e(1 uj it8 l)raes in Grea I. I J U. J innf I the wors couuj uw uuu judi Biitriin. .ia ofonomicnllv and ex I ; peliti0U3ly and the inspection Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years would 03 mucu more eu-uiiB . i and carried ont under , more For more than twenty years Mr .... 1. li. fuassey, 01 iuiu" sanitary Conditions. Kfinefloliiin . was tortured by thJ sciatica. The pain and suffering Statehood bill going on. It which be endured durini; th-tie bad almost been ac cepted . him any pent rdief un. as an accomplished fact that ti, he used chamberlain's Pain Oklahomoand Indian Terri Balm One application of that l'ni. torv would be allowed to mem rc. U.C H-... . T:: . . . 1 sieep ami resi kiuic, mm tv. come in together and tnai than one bottle hai efected a per- the referendum WOllId be manent cure. If Irouble with sciati- worked on New Mexico and atica or ilumatism why not try a , . ,.TTn)lo !n"T 5 cent bottle of Pain Balm and see Arizona. But Uncle Joe is . auickly1l re. ightily SOt in his way and jevcs the pain For sale by dealers In Memory of Mrs. EUiftbclh Caroline Darter Slioemaker; I write write this tribute be cause the subject ol it was the "Honored mould that gave m 1.:-. 1. un 111. Did I not write it, 1 would lail in my duty to the noble of her sex; because, all there is ol good women is embodied m one trooo woman, end the praise of her u tbe praise ol all. I write it be cause she lived through a beau- lilul period of forest life, that it past, and can never be repeated: but may be enjoyed by the younj! in a retrospective reyiew of my mothers, hie. At the dawn of my recollection our log cabin stood in the cornei ot a small oblong clearing; It looked as if we lived' in a large box whose sides were corduroyed vertically with tall trees; aud over tho chestuut burrs and a corns that bowed their topmost twigs, peeped in silent graudeur, the high mountains that stand ike the corners of a triangle around Banner Elk. Down a little declivity, back of our stick and mud chimney, a copious sluice of limped water, that had been turned through a liollow locr, poured its louming volume into a large trough. Our domestic herds feu upon wild herbs, whoso crushed flow ers poured odorB through the beautiful woods; and at evening tide, when Sol put his flrey hand behind bim, and pushed his last golden billows over the hill tops to the east, my mother'8 clarion voice was heard calling the kine. Her birnd was in everything 11 the orchard, in the garden, on the udders of the cows, in the fleece of the sheep, and on the shuttle as it darted through the warp of our family;loom. As the country improved, our place became a hostlery on a pub lie highwny. and for many years she fed the hungry traveler with out money or price; and at her door, the needy around her found (ood arid raiment. Throughout the prime of hir life there was no physician near, and often, in the dark hours ol night, alrapping was heard at the door, when ulie arose and went Ioviuftly to the sick, where her pleasure was to save life and her pay grateful hearts! Our mother's hie rises before us like a dream like a morning dream when the sunburKting the portals of the lay, flosses tho mountains with pi.ik and gola, and robin red-breast car loling from the trees, makes a sweet impression on our half wukeful slumbers. Our deceased loved ones are not Rone, but their dissolution as living organisms, has again placed the elements, of which thev were com posed, in the earth and air, as plant tood lor thelit- tle flowers; snd the matttr that once colored our mother'syoung cheek will tint the rosts by our doors and we will have mother with us asrain. The air that in flated her luugs, will swell the brenBt ol the warbler and wewil! hear her lullaby song once more. No, she is not goue Her hair trpmliWinthw trembline: lerns. her eyes roll in the blue-veined linn ITtl SSt till lV I tl f K O The Jar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, Jars and tears the thfW and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. "1 lwy, kM, Aym'i Otmrrr TnmS la tb houM. It giim prft rtltof whnet any of ui hT cnnuhl or hard tola. 1 bar UMd lt for a xr many " and to know all about lt."-Maa. MakT 6aaaTBa, Vary. burg.N.T. VA m a - Mad br i. O. ar Oo., lowall, KM. Alio raanuOwturara of ACUPDILLA. W O BA1IVHWR. covery. Cure thM with Ayer'a PUla. , BANK STATEMENT. Following is the report of the condition of the Watai-ga Ounty Hank at Iroonc. N. 0., in the State of North Carolina, at the close off business April 6, 1906: KKSOURCE. Loans and discounts . $17,040 00 Overdraft unsecured 3547 Banking house 800.00. Furniture and fixtures 400.00. Due from banks and ban- . keis 7,4"-6. Cash items 86.05. Gold coin, 20.00. Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, - 77'73' National hank notes and other U. S. Notes 4,629.00. Total ..rrr....f 4 1,638.31. LIABILITIES Capital stock f 10,000.00. Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,109. 35. Bills payable M9 Deposits Bubjcct to check 27,669 06 Cashier's ck's outstanding. 370.00; Total..... $41,638.31. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss : , E. S. Coffey, Cashier, of the above named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. E. S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest.V. O. Coffey, W.' L. Bryan. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Ibis 6lh day of April. Thps. Bingham, t. &. L. Peasant members of the Russian Duma Insist that the iiff jt urico of two cents and n hull for a sandwich is too ra be is going to insist Oil New in Boone aud by Blowing Rock Mexico and Arizona being statehood railroded into even if one or both ot them are opposed to it. It has bean said Jn print that the iWaker would rather leave all four territories out in thin cold than it o allow two of them to come in without lh other two. This is not true.i The total number of auto mobiles regfstered in Calitor nia up to May 1, this year, waR 5798. v A GUAR n rsto CUitS PILES. Itching, Blind,BIeeding, Protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to re- fund money if PAZO OINTMENT JAil .tp-eu.rjs .iy 6 to I4 da,v. jc. vinlpfs. her voice sines in the ninnnlmii ht-ooks. and her loot- falls still echoing upon the floor tell us that sue is near. Arnnnd hr irrave there limrers n hnlo of clorv 11 halo made bv the lijrht ol good deeds fitUing ihrnmrli a mist ol tears. Within tlint hnlo snace blossomswiMi sweet flowers flowers invisible to mortals, but gathered by ser aphs lor nosegays. " She wns a memler of the Pres byteriau church at Banner Elk, rlicil.Mnv 11. and would have been 75 ynrs old the 13th day' of iNOV. luuu , S. M. Di ogkb Banner Elk. N. C. - bottle. h'gb. It is wonderfully easier to go to church with a new coat then with an old one. Women asell as Jen Are Mail) Miserable iy. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. ITllnov ftrntlHlf. nr.vl nnnn till, fulfill discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor aim tiicrriui- ness soon disappear when tlie kidneys ara out of order or dia eased. . Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to ba born afflicted with ueflk kidneva. II tha oliiM nrinntonfnonften. if the urine acalda the flesh, or if, when the child reaches aq age when it suouiu oe awe locomrormo passage, it is yei anncieu wuu Dcu-wei- i..rnH nnoii it. t lie -use of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step Bhould be lowarus lue ireainiciu 01 these important organa. This nnpleasaiit 'rouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a hubit as most people suppose. Women aa well as men are made raiser, able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the aame great remedy. T1. ttiitl 011,1 tti immediate effect ol 5 wamp-Root is soon realized. It is soU, by dng!8ts, in tiity cent and one-dollur size bottles. You mav have a sample bottle hv mail free aluo a ' Bafaaaf I pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi. moiiial letters received from sufferers cured. Iuvwriting Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binsrhainton. N. Y.. be sure and mention Ojis paper. Don't make any mistake, v 1 1 1 twiBool. but remember the name, Swnmp-Root, Dr. Kilmerja Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bingjia'nton, N. Y., on every I ' 4 ?.v s - 1 m it .v 'i 1 1 1 nr- tt BHD (VP oRUG I I t VPiN-ff.