'Watauga Democrat Iuib pay. Jane 22. 1006 C. BiTJrt, Editor n4 Proprietor Court convened on Mod- An nwirninn arith .! a (f ff 0 Jhaw presiding, who. ranch to the gratification o! our people exchanged courts with Judge frtoKe, wnose nine hi was to bold this term of the Superior Court. Judge Sbaw is too well know by our peo pie and the people through out the State for us to at tempt to i ay a word ol com mendation for him and will only suy, in tb6 words of one of our attorneys, "There is none better in tbo State.'.' After his able charge to the erand iury, covering in short the criminal law, the State docket was taken up and the following cases were dispens ed of: State ye. es May, assault with deadly weapon, nolpros with leave. wm. Bodenhamer, assault - gith deadly weapon; nolpros with leave. bobs Anderson, retailing. nol pros with leave. . I J 4 jonn Haynes,aoanaonnnrui, nol proa with leave. Bob clin, assault and bat tery, nol pros with leave boss Anderson, retailing. nol pros with leave. pr. Joseph Hodges, practic toe without license, ludgmen suspended on payment of cost. The Pr. passed t h e .state Board and obtained li cense at its last meeting Bob smith, retailing, not gnilty. Bill Hamby, assault, n o t - iruiltv. Frank jones assault, plead . guilty, 30 days in jail and cost. jonas NorrU. carrying con cenlsd weapons, nol pros with leave. iter Bingbam, assault with deadly weapons, nol pros simon woodiing carrying concealed weapons, guilty, lined 20 and cost. Bob vannoy, carrying con- S aaaloH trpnnnnn cniltv . fine " r-i r 425 attd cost. George Bower, colored, for rlble trespass, guilty, sent enc ed to four months bard la bor .on tbe oaston county roads. Fin Minton, Avery Minton and Avery watson, larceny o timber, guilty, judgment con tinned on good behaviornnd . payment of fost. The defend ants barely escaped the pen, and should be wnrningtooth - rs, ofi this crime jh entirely too prevalent in I hi county, There being no civil caRes on tbe docket court adjourn ed on Tuesday evening as soon as the atate docket was ,. completed. Tbe North Carolina Farm erB' State Convention will be in session in Raleigh on July tbe 10, 11. and 12, 1900. and we hope a number of onr Watauga farmers will be 1 in attendance. Tb Conven t ion is an organization of farmers fr study and discus iiinn nf tirfli'tipHl flcrru'ultnral , mlijerts, and tbe program in eludes attention to all impor tant phases of our State ag ricnlturai t-ndeavor. Special programs are provided tor ... j f . cotton ana louurcu mruier; for dairymen and forwomen. Able speakers will discuss im ' iiortant" suMects. Informa ticn may be hod hjr address - log Seen tery Farmer's I on t vention. West Rateigh, N. 0. JkkU, Th KicJ Ya Ha Uinjt toqjt 'The Penotratle Crarmstuul Coa ..TMtiOS. ' ; - Mr. Editor: Having atten ded the Democratic Congres sional Convention for the 8th district of North Carolina, held in Statesvilla on tbe 12th inst., and having been one of the secretaries of said convention. 1 would like to say a few words through your columns. Oftourse I presume that each and every voter of the entire district has already been informed that perfect liarmonr exiKted and that hRon. R. N. Haekett, ol Wilkeshoro, was unanimous ly nominated. . All were apparently well pleased with the result, and wedohopethat he(Haekett) and bis rival, whomsoever he may be, may make a cam- ouiitn in friendliness so that the people of IhedistrL't may kewise be friendly and neigh horly after the war shall have ended. This of coutsa would not de prive either of thecandhlates of the privilege of making his spoech to the voters for this s absolutely necessary in the Unterest ot liberty. SA nice, l clean campaign by each and then no regrets. John H. Bingham, Sec. iJUBRblKSB iCC'PtHC7: . Wisconsin's Republican sec retary of state, Walter E. Houser, is charged with at tpmnteii hnberv. and -a war rant has been issued for his arrest. The accused man who will be prosecuted by District Attorney Gilbert, a leading candidate for the office of attornef general, announc pr hi own candidacy for a third term. The complaint a gainst the Secretary is made by State Insurance Commis sioner Host, who charges hat Hotiser in 103 offered to conttibute 12.000 to the Republican campaign fund if tbe commissioner would ren der a decision favorable to a certain company, ' But why has the latter waited three years before preferring char ges? was it hoped that Hous er tnitfht raise tbe ante? The Republicans of the present day hove forgotten what tbe founders' of their party declared in i860, when they-were seeking "tbe ap prove! of the American people; At that time.the did not.nttributetbe growth and prosperity of tbe nation to protectionism as tnej. now do, but to tbe true of both that is, to tbe union of the States acd the consequent freedom 'of trade among them. They declared: "That to tb union of the States thirt Nation owes its unpre cedent ei increase in populn lion, its surprising develop ment of material resources, iii vamri . niiumeniaiion ui wealth, itsbappiness at home and is honor abroad." Thiswibe declaiatiop has leen sturtioosly avoided in all its recent platforms, and the exact contrhrj has bfen asserted. In 1892, tbe party aaid: "We maintain that the orosperious condition of our conntr is due to the wise revenue legislation ol the last Republican Congress. For a generation or more the advocates of pio'ection- ism who controls that part and plunder people ol an pajties, have ascribed tbe con tinuance of prosperity to us own legislation; thus giving the lie direct to the ' RepuMi canSOl IOOU. nuatiuumi'" and fakirs the : Republican bosses art I VhiUwufhing wiin u muck-hrush", remarks the Washington Star not altogether satisfactory in its results toany body concerned ThPslansatthe Preset from sacbRepubli.au purees ore on tbe verge ol lew majeste. . CASTOR I A -For inauiw WW v"i mm Till Kind Yon Hais Alwajs " Boars tin Big&atoroof London Stoffel Hardware eppany Have iaet rc-eived a car load of windows and doors. If Vou are going to build, see them oefore you buy; L I ,.n -Hve rou money on Building Material Bu,h -Dors Windows. Locks, Hinges, Paints. Nails,(!e. inland Lime.AlHo hayea large stock of Steel Ran l and Cook Stoves at Yerf LowPnc,.... II vo.i should need Mowing Scythes, Snaths, Hay v J Sovthe Stones. Grain Cradles; McCormick Mow m and Rakes, or anything In the General Hardware line, call on...... LONDON STOFFKb HAKUWARE CO. (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Teim. -.:::rVt; '; Thns who think the R' lirins will not be able to .t rnmitaiirn funos thi- fall from th railroads and trusts should remember A. I l it,., Ufl minwtrntion IS IllUl lUi nm.. knincr secret most of the re nnrtsnn in pnt ifiTM t ions thnt have been made and that the mints and corporations are willing to pay, rather than hate publicity. U nmira the oil of life into you Rrstem. It warms you up and start the life blood circulating, That is what Holl.ister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cts. lea or laoieis. M. B. Blackburn. Blowing Kock Drug Co. Eeptblicio Jadicial Convtntloi' In the absence of a Chairman of the Republican Expcutive Commit- ZX,&;TZ Rsre Bargains inClotbJnff, Til THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. . COURSES Literary Classical, Scientific, Fidagogical. Commercial Domestic Sc'u IHCini , v lf....J Trnimncr. MUSIC. cncc,.MMv. 01 Three courses leading to degree.., Specwl coum. for graduate, of r. her colleees. Well equipped trtininR osnoui lor iewncrs. Board, laundrv, tuition, ana lees ior u " 1 - J-" f reelltion student, $.25. f ifteenth annual seM.on begins September n 1006 To secure beard in the domitones, all Iree-tuition applications should be made before July 5- Correspondence invited from those dni. ring competent teacher, and stenographer.. For catalog and other mfor. mation address CHARLES R MdVFR. President. GllEENBBOKO, N. C. Spring Goods Arriving. He now have on hand a splendid assortment 01 Clothinjr. inolndin the latest in styles and fabric and of the very best Mali-rial; and, while our Bar 1 : 1 1 Anlinna in rr va gain Sale is over w muuuuv, feJ,v Even conservative people have couie to the Democratic content 011 tbat fining corporations for breuking th law of the land has but littleeffect and that nothing short of imprinonment of the officials will compel obedience to to the law. The enforcement of law, sayB the New York Evening Post, is bfcorMhga hobby of ex eculive officers and district at torneys. The new ol tbe day is full of BDeciflc intttances. Certain officials of the Department of Justice at Washington are pre dieting that there will soon be "whole Hale suits" against the Standard Oil Company and the rail ways for violating tbsLelkins Anti-Rebate law. ? If, as wellin formed men aswrt, the Garfield nvestteations have uncovered 2.000 illegal shipments over a simile road, there may be fines running into the milliotiE fines that will make 160.000 recently exacted by the court from the Chicago, Burlington and Quney, a mere trifle Tbe fines may be salutary, but for our part we believe that the ptnalty of ira tjrisonment which may lw im posed in the discretion of the .Tilde would 1o much more to n inspire among shippers and com mon carriers a wholsome respect for the'stntuos. It is not only our commerce bnt our national character that has been injured by the frauds .and scandals now astonishing the world. If the laws had been faithfully ex ecuted, sneta scandals would have been impofnible. The greatest and most damaging of all these scnneals is that laws of the United States haye not been faith fully executed that graft, and hypocrisy, and cnnivan-e at crimes and political parti sa n success won by criminal with 6tolen money and liush- money, stand in the place of dutv and- morality. The people may applaud the spectacular rogues for a tims but thev will turn ami ren t hem just as soon as they are undeceived. . asSecretary of said committee, here by calls a convention of the Repub licans of the 13th Judicial District to convenein the town of Blowing Rock. Watauga county, on July 4, 1906, at i2, m., fcr the purpose of nnminarin? a candidate for Solici- ........ r - itor and transacting such other busi liens as may come before said Jcon- vention This May 20, 1906. ' J. A. CUISP, Sec. to Com. Elegant FOOT-WEAR Wo Imvfl on hand a Large Stock of Nice, Stylish (joods,and Good Patterns that we can sell you tit Wholesale Prices WE ARE PREPARED TO SAVE YOD MONEY Andifyonneedasuitoars isthe.place to get. it, Our Slock of Shoes, Hats, etc., ia o! the very la test and bought before the advnnce. So in this wb we Bre prepared to give yon t ha Best Goods for the least money Dos't fail to come to Bee us when in need of anythiugin oor line Yours for Business, MOUXUIh WYLL07ULXG COMPANY. Mountain City, Tenn ; March 18, 1906. 9jnv& UDIES, LADIES! I S If cnath of r is an Mother's Ear "1 - . - , mummmm tut mrurr, amo im rum V 0ni THAT COM a0 THAT t Ttmm, f SCOTT'S EMULSION . vMtnt rum turn mrrtmtr--MO t moumaHtr ao Mcf mom k TM3 nrLT or eor eH.",to ghiuo. . .. . . ..; . 7 :.. RTirrr nou :. L'.jm:i. t TO-m ran .rn, - ... iir TheNw York Sandeclases that. President Roosevelt is he only man that can make the Panama Canal an act uality. As it is estimated it will take ten years to com plete the job with the PivrN dent making tbe "cirt ny and at the rate the work is nnn nrnffrenninff it will nrub alily take 20 years. It will be necessary to hire President RnnHPYeit to complete th- ioh. after his terra expires, if the Sun persists tnar ne is the only man that can do it HAH STOOD THE TEST 2 YEARS, The old btQlnal Grove' Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay The Republican leaders of tbe Houseof Representatives are deeply stirred by grnve constitutional doubts about the Sennteomendments to the railroad rate bill apply ing to express compames, pri vale car lines, sloping cars, and Standard Oil pipe lines The gray haired guards of tbe House must now curb the headstrong reforming gray wolves of thi Senate. It is a great game these Republi can reformer ah? playing. service1 1 imnortanf corLsirfr ration thteiUiiIishivisii firlinn dio' is unexcelled f-otjajlra- 1 have pint reieivd the most UP TO DATE LINE Of Ttrimmed and Ready to Wear Ladies' Hots Ever Shown in Watauga County. Thev are the Celebrated "Southern Oirl." 1 will 'barge you nothing for looking..... " 8Come and See them."l M. B. BLACKBURN.; Boone, N. C. Man-h, 1. MERCHANT AND TRADER'S Bp M OTJNTA I X CITY, TENNESSEE. .AUTHORIZED CAPITAL W'Tm OFFICERS: J. Walter Wright, President, f. vu. GAN, Vice Frenident, 1. S. UAMBO, uuBiur., R. F. McDade. Afs't. Cashier. Rtf OtOI'K-llOKIinK UiHtX TIIKS: 0. UlAlil ta imiw-i- . ho.R. F. Vnght, E. E. Butter. J. S. Donnelly. U- l B; vuih u. rJ. Donnelly, j ; in wins, vv.i . l" " ler, B.Jl. Rirown. . lhfI. Non Stork-holding Directorh: t. G. Rntler, T- f" "j, land. R. S. McDade. W. S. Cole. J. B. D. Robinson. B. Wills, M. E. Wilson, W. H. Ifilson. aiwuuw in emu, i ui fjvmiiisuo, Sclicitedr V l) H. IT l)H E AND FIJBNISBTNIiS I FoR SALE BY U P. Millar Blowing Rock, N. C. K. M.MADlXjy, D. b. h. DALJ,S.. I am noW located Mere for the practice of DentiMiy, anil am ma. king Hodge and ('rown work, the most intricate work known to the profession, a specialty. 8My work is all done under a positive guarantee no satisfaction, no pay. Nothing bu: the test mate rial used in the execution of any of my work. The Mountain Cty Furniture Co TTfTRE. uao MUST LUMFL-ISTK LliNrj urruuv- . : HOUSE FUR Coffins and Caskets. WPRICES THE LOWEST.-" WCall and see us when in totrn. : ' Mountain Gitj FurnitDre Company Mountain vhj. Opposite Wright and Hulcher Bros. Jan. 1, 1905. TotimK A cold In one day. j Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tahj eta. All dfuggists refund the mon y if it fails to ctre. E. W. Grove's! enature is on each box. 35c. To Cure a Cold in Oa3i)ay Sev IiCmon bom soM fa ye j mont. "Tfc!s Hi This tiz&gsre. L . I