'-:' nr. 1 TH'4l VOL XVIII BOONE, 'WATAUGA' COUNTY, NV C, TIIUUSDAY JUNK 28, imo. NO 10 1. 1" , ' U orn fni'jf if tyn who ilvr for'tn hiri-Hf. "v t'RUVESSlOMAL. 1, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. tar Will prnctice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell anct adjoining counties. 7 6 '04M Todd & BalM, TTOUNEY8 AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. 0. Will practice in all the eotuts Sprrial attention given to renl estate law an collt-etiona. 0-lG-'05- F. A. LINNEY, -A PTOLINKY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C, Will practice in the eonrtH f thin and Biirroundingronn ties. Promnt attention giv n to the rnlTection of claims md nil otkW nysinesa of n le sal nature. 6 12 '05. EDMUND JONES, LAWYER LENOIU, N. C W'i Practice Regularly .in the Courts of ,ataugai 6-105. j. c. fletcher" Attornsy At Law, . ' BOONE, N. C. Careful Httention given to ol lections. V E- F. LOVILL, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, -IlOOSh, N. C. s-.Spetdal attention given o all binine entrusted to tv!e caretSS 11 '04. J, '- -HAL J, AT. f I am now located here for the practice ol Pe'itistty, and am ma kin Hridge and Crown work the most intricate work known to the profession, a specialty. $SF?My work is all done under a positive guarantee no satisfaction, no pay. Nothing hut the best mate rial used in the execution of any of my work. .' ' E. S. COFFEY -AT10USEYA1 LAW,- BOONE, N. ft- v Prompt Httention given to ill matters of n legal nature V&" Abstracting titles and collection ot claims a special ty. 1-1 '05. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lenoir. N. C. Pincticps in the- COlirtB of Caldwell, YYatangn, Mitchell, Ashe nnd other surrounding counties. 1 Prompt nttentiongiven to nil legal matters entrusted to bis care. Dr. J. M. HOGSnEAD, I BANNER'S ELK. N. C hoKnite No Burning, Out, HichPkt. references and endors. nents of prominent persons suc sessfullv trwated in Va., Term, and N. C. Itetnetnber that thre is no time too boon to get rid ot a cancerous gTowth no matter hort- small. Examination tree, letters answered promptly, anel atiafactionuaranteed. WASHINQTON LETTER. From our Reyahr C&vrripontlent. Owe more the Dfpuf truant of Justice hna stirred uji trouble rind this time it in with the Fertilizer Trust. It Jias been known for h o rn t time that v l)H)nri mcnt wan on the trail of the trust anrt that it probably would land enough nvidenee to warrant an indictment. Hut the iTJMiltao far are rather beyond ih expectations of even the most sanguine oeto ptiH hunterH.Thp informal ion has ben laid before the Uni ted StateK Circuit court for the middle district of TVnnon aee and j against the Virgin ia Carolina Chemical l!)inp,i ny t'al. The others include 25 d iff '-Tent eoinpanien with a ertnbinert capital of $100," 000.000. TlmrbargeB are vi olationw of tlieShprman onti trust law and forronKpirary. The penaltVyfor the vioLl tion of h Sherman law i $5,000 anl one 3 ear in jail, while the peinfch for con Hpirnc'v is as ma'1!) aa $10, 00O. a ml two years in jail. No one expects that a jail sentence will be imolved in either case. It is not the fash ion to send trust magnates to jail, and it is probable that the findings, as in the Santa Ff. rases, will be that the individual officers of the companies are not guilty but that the corporations are the ones that have commit ted an offense. They there fore may be fined, but it would be rather difficult to put a corporation in jail. So beyond the moral fhVt that the prosecution may htTVe, there is not much to be ex pected. It seems, according to re ports, that tlw-comhine op erated in onlv eight ntates. namely. North and South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Mississippi, -Aikansas, Ala bama and Tennessee. In the eight, states named, it sol 1 about 1.700.000 tons of fcr tiliz'T a year and by mear.B of the combination, it was enabled to put up the price from $2 50 to $4- a ton more than it should have been An indication of ths way l he prosecution in this and other trnl cuVs works, is that the price ol fertilizer has dropped in ;h pimping dm trictsfrom $2tn$ia ton nl rendv. This is a ontepsion that the pi ices charged were pxtortionate. It is the rule , . ... with government prosecu tions thut the moral effect they have is greater than the actual punishment inflicted on the corporations. Te investigation has cer- '-I.. ,.t. ...... .,1 i,ri 11 niiu.' Jltlil tainlv showed up a new am neat way for the corpora tions to ut least temporarily get 0 round the nnli-trnst law. They have made use of Canada as a clea'ring hbiie. While the companies in the combine irere nominally inde pendent, they mnde uw of n corporation in '.'anada. for a sort of holding company to keep matters straight be tween 'the members of t h e combine and to act. practi cally: ns the trusrees in the old trust idea nt devt lop ed by the Standard Oil Com puny. Ir looks ni thoueli tnent! legislation were net unlly blockaded lor the sepsiou. Tbejha been excitement at theCupitol nil the last of the;alt of them 1110" through a week over the letter the Pies .coal and oil country, ident sent toChairmun Wads I - Worth of the Agricultural Sciiltk-:l After Twenty Year (, . ..... , i (if 1 01 ture. i.omminee, criticising the , xr ... , , ( or more than twenty years Mr proponed IIous subMitutej j. j. slassi.Vi f v,i2 io .St. for the t'cveridge Ainendmerif, to the; Agricultural Appropri a lion bill. J he I'resident came out aii'i hm mi iranuivk that the substitute was al most as bad as nothing, at all. that it was inferior to the tteyeri Il'c amendment tvhei over it differed from the lat tr, nnd that, if be signed'it at nil it would be witn a dis tin'-t memorandum of ijiyap pioval along with the signa ture. This ca'.mcd no end of nr row in th committee. The mnj'U'ity of the members de cided to stand pat on their report and let the thingj.be fought nut between the House and Senate. The result of the whole, troublo probably will bw that no inspection legislation will be. passed at tliis'session and the next Con gress will be left to deal with it. ThiH is only what w as to beexpected, The majority of the committee that has been considering the TJeveridge Amendment ii? given over body and soul tothe packing interests and these same in terests ha v enough staunch friends on the floor of the House and it is sai l in the speakers' chair to make a stubborn fight. The cry has been all along for a "sane and calm" cons'deration of the matter, knowing that time is always on the side "ol the trust. Speaket Cannon has echoed this sentiment whenever he has bei n inter viewed, and when th) Speak er is against a measuse, it has vf-rv little show in the House.. The Commissioner of Pat ents has at last responded to the demands of inventions all n ver t he cr n n t r y as eX pressed in their protest through !. A Snow & Co., of Washington nnd has consented to hold summer hearings on cases in stead of taking his usual summer recess. This will give the ollice n little time to catch up with the mass of work that has accnmlated ahead of it, but the work i-i slill too far in. arrears and complete impoveuient can be nttaincn only by havinz the Pateni Oillce force work over time nnd defer vacation to every man on th3 force un til the work is up to date, The Intcrstal Commerce Comtmssiion id reaching .out for more information as to the coal and oil '-currying mads of the country and their relations with the prod a i'(.rtuir lias now ismiod a Hfhs of questions 'that are! being sent to uli of tho rail roads of the country cover ing seventeen points of in quirys to the ownership of coal and oil lands by the roads, the ownership of coal and oil stocks by railroad oHjcida, nnd a numtcr- of ot her. things enrtcetrd n it h he wnsntkniiil iiiouiry ib.il the commission is now prose cntmg. Of eouiH. only a mull portion of the roads will be directly interested in the coal and oil lands -n not Minntuoli - , Minn., was tortured hy sciatica. The pain rind Huffenng which lie endured during this time ishejond eoniiieii(!iiBioii. Nothing 'gaye him any permanent relief un til he used Chamberlain u l'ai 11 P.'!m. ()'ie applicntion of that l:ni mcnt relieveil the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less th:.n one bottle h:is effected a per manent cure, trouble with sciati atica or rheumatism why ilot try a 15 cent bottle of Pain Hal in and see for for yourself how quickly it re- lievesthi pain lor sale by dealers in Hoonc and by lowing llock Drug Co, . 1 The last vessel to bring a Car go of Africans to this country nr. cording tocoluiieliVilliuni Young blood of Alnbntntty reached the cost of (Icorgia in 1800. It linuiglit between 500 and O'.H) ngro.-'s awd proceeded up the Savanna!) rivr to AugustiU,.ji, )f Miss-niri who was See when 'tho uuction was held. The retnpy f the Interior in Presr slaves nold nt prices vnryinjr from 30O to $800 each. Colonel Yung, blood, was a school boy, remem bers seeing some ol the now negroes in the possession of his neighbors. Ex, It is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. How often do we hear it remai k ed: "'It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man i on his back will pneumonia. This in of suchjlmmon occurrence that a cold however Blight, should not be clisre. garded. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and has gained its gicat popularity and ex tensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailm?nt. It al ways cures and is pleasant to 'ake. For sale by dealers in Itoune and by Blowing Rock Drng Co. A w( m n n is f ul l.v clever t o mak ber husband mint her to buy lots of clothes because she fools him in believing be has such good taste that lie appreciates their.. Not as Rich as Rockefeller, If you had ail ttweahh o Rock efeller, the Standard Oil magnate, von could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera arid diarrhoea Remedy, The mnl eminent pbysi cian cannot pretcrilie n I letter pic paration for coiic 01 diarrhoea,- botli for cr.ildren a;id aautf?'. I no ti in form success of this remedy h a s shown it to be superior to all others It never-i ails, pnd -when reduced with water and sweetened, is ideas. ant t-i take, livery family should be supplied with it. Tor sale by dealers in Boone and . by lJlowing Hock Drug Co. Don't think the Bef Trust barons have noiriends as the Uppnblican members ol t b e co ro ml t tea on aEffieulture of the House ot'Keprepf-ntn fives headed by chairman Wads vyorth are evidently trying to modify harsh leg i si. it ion. 1'os.t mister Robbed, G. W, Fonts, postmnf.ter at Riv erlon. la , nearly M his life a n d was roblcl of ail comfort, accord- in to hi letter, which say.?: ; "Fo! twenty ' years 1 had chronic liver complainf, vvliich led to biich a s.e vere cn-"e of jaundice that tven rny lii'cr efiils t imed yellow; when my fjoetor prescribed Electric Ihiter.Ti v.hich cured me and hav kej)t me wel for clever, years ' fcure cure kjv l iiiuusiiiss, neuraUia'j wcifk nCK a?nl stomach, liver, Kidney and hlidorr dr-rf .rements A wonderful lonir. At all druggists. 50 cts. jp-hr,-1)0 (tp with 'mtn wu lVj ,r intn,. 'Tfli'ning To Bryan: Strange things come to pass in tho realm ol politer as well as elsewhere. The re ; jerted leader, to today may become the popular idol of tomorrow. There is nothing more fickle than public opin ion, It strews palm branch ; es ill the pathway of its Icro ; one dav and joitiij in the cry ; of the jioliticaus that he. is; dangerous the next. It has; always been so. j There ia uotfing for the: statesman who knows he is; right todobut takehiHstand j for principle and trust to time and the sober socorfl thought of the people, to 1 work ont results. This has been the coujye pursued b.r Sir. Ury an. I'be country is turning to hfin. It misjudg ed him in 18H ami 1000. It thought him 3mpracti!nlahd dangerous. He now looms up as the higgJtmnn in any party. Nothing more cleat"-' y indicates the revolution in public sentiment than the ;,etion!of ex Governor.Fiun- dent Cleft-laud's Cabinet, in eulogizing Hnynn nt the State Convention the other day and nominating him for President in 1908. He sai:! the roimervutiyes, of whom he was one, bad theinvay in 1D04. and everybody knew the result; and now no was willing to follow the great Nebraskai), believing him sincere lover of humanity nud a good man. Can Mr. Bryan be elected? It is too early to prophesy Sau: Jones says there is only one man who ,?un defeat him and that is Roosevelt, who declares that be will not run airain. The corrnptionists will find it. h harder job than it wain 1SJ0 and 1900 The S'anda!iuis revelations of the past year have dit-gusted.the country? Mr. Rr.vnn. like Clay, CaU houn and Webster, does not need the presidency to estab lish his pcimac.Vr He over tops the leaders of the period in ability and character, and there is no stain on hid rec ord, either pei'Monni or polit ical. He is brave, manly ana consistent, -Whether he ntakes another men for the Whire House vu!l depend entirely upon whether the nit nation demands it. If a moreovaila hie man is found. Mr. Uryan will cheerfail.v . stijiport the nominee, as he did two years ago. Webster'n Weekly. Fortunate MUscurians. 'When I was a dr"7git at Lie ,.ia, MO., ', wines 1. ,1 . uwycr, , .. . m T I 1 ... now of Giaysvi'de, Mo , "tlirtc of mv customer!! were curcu ! con- sumption v Ur. ivtng s i-"'; . 1 . tv covery, and arc well and strong to dav Onc was trvirig to c-H h i property 3nd .novo to ArZon:,, '' ifter using IXscovery a bhort time ho found it unticrmnry K th fo. 1 rpc-artl !)r Kintr's New - DiCovcrv .. nu,Kt wi,di-rfut m.:d;r : ne in existence. 1 he tiiircit coiifli "1" cold cure and lung healer. Guaran teed, by "ail driigUtf . 50c rvA $1. Trial bottles tree. . , IVjinociufiJ urti rigtit ia suppo- oi mi- f f 1 rrn n ri ii rrcA in ti r fi n... .,w ... ... v ... ... - u,f.i.. t . m nnv rrh.--i' mnfi u t I . . ... -.. iin.l l.f,n!iMt. Tni'tu 1,.. t .. . Cbiiicr. Tlmt fe.ct ti.1 l ' proven twine.-BarliDgtoo Enter -i'lli'-- - . 7, 7a V.-.l 7 T 1 T H 9 3 Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do It? Haven't enough hair? It must he ycu do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro duction I May the acquaint ance result in a heavy prowth ofrich,thich,plofsyhairf And we know you'll never be gray. I tWlf thut Ayer IIlr Vigor t the mnit wondfifiil iMlriiniwiir lliit mi tm mal. I hvK un-! It I t mrniK limn unil I nn truth, fuliv jr Unit I him Krmitlr ill with It. I fhierfu1lj HT'iinm-nH n leiinlJ P'"i. ri;."- Mis V. Huoi;, Wiylnml. Mkh. ,(1 Mai hy 1 C. kjnr lwoll. liffl. of iijers PILLS. CIILSCV rtCTORAU HANK STATEMENT. J;)ll.)wing is the report of the condition of the Wattu.ga County l!-Aiik at P.oono, N. C., in the Statu of N'orth Carolina, at the close of business April 6, 1906: ItKiOUIIC'ICS. Eoatis and discounts " $37,01000 t Overdrafts unsecured 35-47-800.00, 400.00, 7,ti.4o.o64 Hanking honge v l'ui ritui e and fixtures .'uc froia banks and ban , kits ('anh items S6.05. " 20.00. 7s7-73- Gold coin, Silver coin, including all minor coin currency. National hnniwiiotcs and other U. S. Notes 4629.00. .41,638.31. Total....... UAMUTIKS Capital stock f 10,000,00, undivided profits, less rurrent expenses and taxes paid 'i'9 J5- Dills payable 2,400,00, Deposits subject to checK 27,669 06 Cashier's ck'e outstanding 370.00, Total 441.638.31, State vi North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: I, b.a. Coffey, Uashier of the above named bank, do sob emnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. E. S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest. VV. Coffey, W, I.. Ikyan, Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6ih day of April. 190 Tlu-s, Uingham, C. S. C. It would be nicrj thought on the part of the Doumn, when visited by Mr, Hryan to draft thatgentlemou into membership. I'hilidelphia Ledger, People are always regret ting to delay the thinga th'.-y did yesterday Therefore the lazy man has the few regrets. Wmmii llavs Kidney' TiGiibls 8r;l Never Suspect it. Bow 'to Find Ont. i'iJi a I kj1 Lie or common glass with yonr wntcr and let it t'Luim tweuty-four hour j - 11 Geut mentor et- Ili.MMii.lw.a.nn fin lf3. uKfcalil.y e.,n- '..CW mtion " 'lie kid- 1n 1 v nevs; if it stains your liucu it is evidence of kid :ey trouble ; loo frwjnent desire to pass it or paiu in the back is e'.so eoavincini proof that the kidneys and bladder are out nf order What To Do. - There i:i ccniiort 111 Ui knowleuge so i 1:1 1111 1 .un r-,-?, ' k. thut ur. Kilmer 1 tv..t,mT,.ko,,t. tte .-real kidney remedy, - f Mijiijg every wu-.li in Curiuj' thennwUsni, si l'ia In Uie tael;, kidneys, liver, bladder nfrVo;rielS1'"i;,;bii;tT to 'lloui wat , n,)(1 Mug Mjtt in passing it, or bad t.fKet3 follow m use. of liquor, wiue of licer, and ovtrcomca that unpleasant tie- . , iluriie.' the dav. -ami -to eet up many icessny 01 i.u ! i,1.J 'i.tHni' tfie niifht. the mild end the esfraorninnrv effect of Swamp-Root it wa realised. ' It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis trefsing cr.ses. 'If you need a medicin you shuul l have the best. Sold by dm Kifct in fifiy-cetit and one-dollar sues. You May nnve a ssiupua im lKok thut tells Ml rv'U - atlt.botUscntfrectfemil; , .' .11. t- &Sa-V&JP-!' Kiiaier & Co., BiHff-. ?;.ra',,Ar::"Z& .A rriTi li Win l iriTz v,,.,,,-,, v' V-WK(n Homo oBa-Root , n virUiag' mention this paper and don't, - , 7 ' tit? i-r-j, BgVamton.i. V mil rviuciuucr iur ftU'i .I - V ' j rrrt''.''.- -.-)