Tho Watauga Democrat. Published Every Thursday. Tho Advantage of Country Life. There n l.i k in Germany rpquirinjt . eyrry ritizfii to Ken-J three yeursus iiBoluVr i n act i e in i I i t a ry tier v i The purpose of thia law in to fur oili material for a great nr- iny of national (Mense, It would he better for Germany nnd well for every country, if there were a law requiring each citizen, male or female, to spend at least three years between the iigeH of twelre and twentv-one, in tiiunual labor on the farm. If the dudcf und degener ated, the victims of alcohol and opiates, tl.e weak a n d nervous, those who cennot eat and those who c a n n o.t sleep, could all in early , outh have lived in theroiintr.varxi worked on the farm, could hnveexpprienecd the joy of fatigue from daily lator in the joppnuir and yunshine, the satinfaction of work a compliphed; the invigorntion of natural sleep, the sweet nesH of food and drink tHken only in response to hunger and thirst, the inspiration of contact with mother earth, of communion with sky, and arnrs and clouds, ol Ryrapa thy with grass and flowers, and the humblest of creeping things, of knowing and lov ing little animals, the friend and Hervnnts of men, of draw ing closer to God by living closer to nature, the world, would bo ppared much of the disease, the vie, the crime and the misery that it now cuuuirg, If the human rnce in its de generate stute, is evr to be regenerated, it will be by lite in the count ry, nnd toil on the farm, The man with the 1. : i . iii'K is iiic priujai man, ice fundamental man, the man from whose loins muet spring ,a vigorous, regenerate race. Geo. T. Winston. A Hard Lot of troubles to contend with, spring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless you awake them to their proper action with Dr. King's New Life Pills; the plpasatitest and mo8t effective cure for Constipation. They prevent Appendicitis tone np the system. 25c at all ding stores, Wise men never borrow trouble as long as they can borrow money. Not a cent wanted unless yon are cured. If you are nick and ailing, take Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. A great blessing to the human family . Make vou well keeps you well. 3cfs. Tea or tablets. M. B. Blaekliurn. Blawing Bock Drujr Co, The stubs in check books fcover a multitude ufdisap pointments. K0UI3TE3'3 Rocky Mountain Tea Kuygets A Bubjt Ktxtiolne for Boiy People. Brlnt GoI.Ien Health aad renewed Vigor. A polflo for Cnmflpntton. TwHrontlon. Mvn nil KUney TrouMes, Pimple. Ecim, Wood, Itail Broalh, fllu'reieh llowels. flea.iueli" Hui liaetarlw. It's Runkr Mountain Tu In tub l"t form, m ent a box. fli-tmiu') nrndo by Iioi.U8ca Dkuu Oomi'iit, Mii.K.-im, V.'iu. fiOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE A woman' idea of a true believer is one who believes us sbe doee. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You ta Always Bought Bears the Signature of It in es.v to find fault with the good thingipoMiehsed by Others?. , Does Education Pay. Does it pay to mnke life a glorr itish'nd of a grind? Daes it pas to cpen the door a little wider, the door of a narrow life? . Does it pay to add power to the lens of the microscope or the t'leecopi'? Does it pay to know how to take the drv, dreary drud gery out of life? Does it pay to taste the ex hiliration of feeling one's own power unfold? Does it pay to push one's horizon further out in order to get a wider , outlook or clearer vision? Does it 'pay to learn how to marbhal on's mental force effectively? Does it pay to acq n ire-a character wealth, a soul property, which no disaster or misfortune can wreck or ruin? Does it pay to have expert advice and training, to have ideals held up to ooh in the most critical years of life? Do?s it pay to make life long frinnds-with bright am bitious young people, many of whom will occupy high po sitions later on? -Success. Only 8j Yenrs Old. "I am only 82 years old and don't expect even when I get to be real old to feel that way aa long ns I can get Elect! ic Lsitteas, says Mrs. K. H. B'unson, of Dubln, Ga., Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as yong and makes the weak as strong us this gr:fnd tonic mcdicino Dyspepsia, torpid liver, inflamed kidneys or chronic constipation are unknown after taking Ek-cinc Hit ters a reasonable time. Guaranteed by all druggist Price' 50c. Maud Muller met with a sad disappointment in the hayday ol her youth. Twenty Years Battle. 'twas a loser in a twenty year battle with chronic piles and malt. gant sores,until I tried Hucklcn's Arnica Salve;vhich tumid the tide, by curcing both, till not a face re mains," writes A M. Brncc, of Farmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, tnts, Burns and ounds. 25c at all drugirista. Many a tnaa would losehis jub if his wife was a mind rea der. It vour stomach troubles vou do not eoneliifle that there is 110 cure, for n jrreat nan.y hnve been pprmnnenllv cured by Chamber lain's Stomnch onr Liver Tab let". Try thrm. They'ore certoin. to prove beneflciaf. They only cost a quarter Sold bv all deal ers in Boone, and Blowing Rock Drug Co. (Jood looking girls a r e born, but manv pood look ing women are self made. OABTOIIIA. Bean tht ltM Yoa Vm "W1's ECILLth. COUGH akd CIS RE the LUNGS i irsg's JisGOvery VJW JBIUnMUKIIIIVIl Ml'. W HjH B OUGHSesd C0c&51.C0 1 - - - n " - - rre trim. Hurcii and Oiiickefft Curo tor nil -jlHIiOAS nnd LVKO THOU2J- .J LE3, or MONEY 2ACK. TMIf 601. LEGE Tour nepartinents-Collegiate, (Jrtiduate, Engineering and law. Large library facilities. Well equipped labot nt iries in nil de partinenta of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid lor woithy students. Young Men wishing toStudy Law should investigate the superior advantages off red by the Department of Law in Trinity College :: .: :: :: Eor cutnlogus and further in formation, address, .1) W Newsom, IJpgislrar, Ihiitir.vM, N. (.. 4 The State Democratic Co:; vent'on, held at Greensboro, was noted for its harmony and good feeling. A platform was adopted endorsing Gov. Gienn's administration and reaffirming allegiance to Democrat if! principle. The an' ion of the judicial conven tions whs latified and the convention votedto endorse lion. William Jepnings Bry. on for President for 3908 and the Hon. Charles B. Ay rock as Viee-President. The harmony of the convention is gratifying and the action taken meets with the hearty concurrence of every tru Democrat of . tho State. -Charlotte News. a m k w Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea RemfJf of a reliable refnedy foe colic or 2 cTwrrhea at sotr.e time during the 2 This remedy a lecommcnded by dealers who have sold it (or many yeare end know its value. It has received thousands of testimonial front grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the meat satisfactory results. , ' It has often saved life before medicine could have been scut for or a physician summoned. It orlv co& a quarter. Cen you afford to risk so much for to little? BUY 11 NUW. ENTRY NOTICE. No. 2454. State ol North Carolina, Wa tauga county. Office of Entry Ta l;cr ol said cuunty. K. S. Cofifoy locates and enters 25 acres of land land lying on the waters ol New River, Boone township, ad joining the lands of E. S. Coffey, W. C. lotley, tuo heirs ot Jon n Winkler, dcd.,0. C Winkler and others. Banning on a spruce piue, W. C. CoftVy's corner, run ning N. about, 32 poles t o a white 011k, said Coff ey'scorner, thence E 32 poles to u white oak, cor tier ol said W. C. Coffey nnrl heirs of JohnWinkler , ded.. thence 0 S. fcj. course to n ehestnut, legin niiig corner ot John Peniev's grant, now owned by G C. Wink ler, thence west with line of said grant 1G0 poles to a stake cor ner ol suid grant, llience south .with line ot suid grant 100 poles to a stake, corner o said grant, thence east with the line of said grant to Sam Austin nnd Mike OxendineV line, thence with Ox endine's line to a double chest nut, the extreme S. E corner ol T. J & W. .Coffey's grant No. 933, thence north line ot said grant, crossing a creek about 100 poles to the beginning cor ner ol said grant and beginning ol this location so as to cover nil vacant Mnd letween S. . Winkler and ol Mike Oxendine, the heirs of John Winkler, (led., W.. ofley and the T. J. & W. C. Coflev grant for complement. Eutered June 12, 15)00. II. J. Hardin, Entry Taker. NOTI E. North Carolina, Watauga ounty. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. J. C. Ray, administrator of J.L Kincaid deceased, vs. J. W. Kinca'd and O. A. Kincaid heirs at law. By virtue of a decree of the Supcri or (,'ourt of Watauga county made in the above emit led cause, I, as commissioner appointed by said court, will sell to the highest bidder at the court houe dor in Boone on the 16th day of July. 1906, at 12, M.. all the right, title and interest which the said J. L. Kincnid deed , had at the timt of his death in the following described bind, lying and being in Boone township, said cum tv, adjoining the land of W. I. Miller, G. II. Blair, Wehslcr Mor lis and others and bounded as fol lows; Beginning on a strike in G. II Bluir's line near the top of Wil son's ridge, run north So0 east with said ridge "Jo poles to a white oak rock, S, 57 E. with top of ridge 50 poles to a chestnut oak, Mcrrris' comer, then S. 350 W with his line 3o poles 4o a white oak, then S, with Morris' line 60 poles to two maples, then W, w itli Cottri'll's line 72 poles to IHx'h cor ner, a white oak, then with G.. H. Blir's line 80 poles to the begin nin g, containing 44 acres rimre 0 less. Said sale is made for assets. Terms of sale one half cash down and one-half in six months with! note and approved security. Land is sold subject to widow's dower,! This June nth, 1906. j J C. Rav, Commissioner.! J. C, FunriiEK, Attorney. Ul nart! Borq H'riiiklM. The roving eye seldom lights on thB')ld of life, The best time to repent in before you corn tnit. It takes more than net-quit tnl to make 11 enrih. There is noMiintf m o r e eioqu'Tit than eilen'r in dustry. There is none of the music of Heaven in n holy tone. There's u world of difb rence between wishing nnd willing. Kd net tiotiisfJ ways d-fit'ient so longns it con sen lerin. inus. The prea'-her who is nnx ious for popularity loses his power. Wenlih is a matter of up preeiation rather than of a quihition. You cannot prove your holiness by pnttiog yi-nr l;vni into Heaven. lie to whom success is the oul 1 f all will not find sue cess in his soul. The blessings that .nourish j a living 1 1 00 work the decay i of a tlend on'. The worst part, of any trouble is waiting for it You lose force with men as yon lose fait bin them. Every great tahnt has come out of many a furnace like trial, No mini ever succeeded in preaching truth bynetiiig a lie. The worldly Christian will never maks the Christian world, The first fighting may bo but tho polishing of the crowns. Only the smile that is root ed bears fruits of refreshing, The world is not fig'h ted by burning the candle at both ends. A man's judgement of others is often an indict ment of himself. The emerged tithe will do a lot to hi live the problem of;Kj .... it vi l tie t' no merged tent 11. i j Many women forget that it take more thai: a 'perfect house to make a home. If you Knew the vnlueof Cham bei laitiV S;tlve vou would never w M to be wit.ln.ut it. Here a r e eome of the iliH-'iiucH for which it is epeci.iily VU limbic; 8orc llip pleB, chnpiit d hiiiulH. 1mm us, frost hites, chiltkiins, chronic sore eves irci:mg I'IIch, tetter, fa't rheum, and ifzwim, All denlers i;i 15o;.ne arid Illr.wimr Rock Drug Co. H- who thinks no evil can do wrong. Bmrjtin ) Ilia Kind Von llaw Almj fcught 4d Kft VtISC" Trade Mai3 Designs Ccpyrightb Ac. Ar.nno n1lng a eketrh and dpucriirtlon mat I''kly iis.xrumi our oilnlon froe wdpilior ri Invfliitinn u fnibablr pntentnt.Oa. Conuuiintn tlOMirilrr.ir0.lMitll. HA'iuCOOK on funta BfiMtiroo. iMeit Butinty for flticunux puleiitR. J'iiiniu takrn tlinragh Wunn & Co. rwelva tptiMtwtiet, wilhoutcl .riia, in the Scisjaific mmmi A l:ir.1tw.i. Illn.-triiKx! wivklT. "'r. r.i! u:..n of anr fii.u:!c J. .irnsj. 1'r:n., i a yt.r; f.iarriKn'.ha, I flianeU offlcij. IS 9 8V, WnebiDtc. B. C.' "linn 11 ;f iuiHsi,twtfa or ri otottli,v(i:t:( i) loil ' How so fVuI(: .. j-....i.h,.iu jJiu-urFijiiuv. lot free boefc. ( PatuM's and tr, mm mm wpposito U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON O. C. 1 fdml i p promi-iiy -btiii V. H. and r,r-ln 5 itvSJS?5 y: AYago Aimcal Sales . Does this record .At'jMB it' If! 'IB -mr-rrpa- i, A.tflalilc Preoatauonfor As similating nicFoodMidBcgula ting Hie Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cimfu ness and Rcst.Cont.iins neltler Opium,Morphine norllincraL otKakcotic. put tfWdjySMVZLPlTQlER flaifJtm Sad' sitx .Smna StAdU Stilt' Ame-timl Kumyum fhmn Ancrfecl Remedy forCons'Jpa Tton, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Wonns .(xjnvulsions ,1'everish iess and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oP NEW YDHK. lvrsi iMt' vf?rrt'$fw EXACT COP OF WRAPPER. A woman's vanity begins with her hat nnd ends with her shoes. Whore ate vou wck7 Headarhe, loul tongue, 'no appetite, lacks energy, piiu in your stoniacli, const'ipationP II.Vilister'H llocky Mountain Tea will mnkeyou well nnd keep you well. 33 cts. M. B Ulaekbiirn, Blowiitg Kock Drug Co. The lister a man lives the sooner he will occupy ground floor spaeu m a cemetery. MINf Ul PERIOM Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods. The eternal bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, griping, cramps and similar tortures are dreadful. To make life worth living, take Vomau9s Belief Ii quickly relieves inflammation, purifies and en riches the blood, strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased conditions from which n weak women suffer. It is matchless, marvelous, reliable. At all druggists' jn 10o bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely tind frankly, In strictest cmiA don:e, ttlling us a I! your symptoms and troubli S. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope). AJJits;: La dies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanaog JWediflrtfl Co.. Chattnnooi'a. Tenn. ----- UNIVERSITY OFNORTHCAKOMXA.- 178-190G. Head of tlH'Htnie'H l.tlucntitiiuil I'Kl'AIITMKNTS. Collt'tiiftc, lvioincei inj, (iiiuliiatc, I.iiw, JIallciiic, rhnrmacv, Lihr.ii'v co:it.ii:iK ij.doo volttnit'S. water works, electric light:;, cen tilil he.ttinrj system, Xcw U'lrim tones, jymn,n,re I'm, Y. M. C. A. Iiuih'.ii. r CP.?, r,tf 74 Jn pacti!y, The F.ilJ term hearts Sept. io. i96. Acldreba KANLI!' 1 ' V knadlk, President, . Chapel Hill, N. C. " of merit ai to you ? ...,. fnwn'4v V4 N VVU 4 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TNI OINTUH OWMiNV. NCW VOHK CITT. A man is seldom as ohl n be b-els or a woman usyouiij? as she says sh is, Beautify your complexion with httlo cost. It you wish a siiiixith, :lear, cream like etiinplexion, 10- sy cheek h, laughing eyes take Hoi hster h Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest beau tiller known. M. 11. Blackburn Blowing Rock Drug Co. Poverty would soon die out if babies were allowed to J select their parents. "I EUiTERED GR2ATLY," writes Mrs. L. E. Clevetifrer, of Bclle vlew, N. C, "at my monthly p-'iiuds, all n:y life, M the first buttle of Car dui me wonderful relief, and now I am In better health than I have been for a long time." Tjirary Park School A liif,t-liisi; ntfiinrntorvfcl"'"! Ccl tifl.-iifpn HCCfpt i'ii lor ciitrrai'ceto K'jiiJiUKn . . - . .. .1 ..iU erii coIK'utb iiEf t Kyvipri- li rnnMHATnr.1 M 1IOOL l 1 I1K SOl TII. ois. CnriiMiH ol kpvhii ' v-iivnafl Lihiiit v rotitnitiiiif? tliii tv tl' an J voluins. Wt'H i-quipn : TH...I. .,.,, ..InnlPtltl fi itiWilMUUI liln hum" . J notlcru nifthodti of irstiii'j'i FiTqupiit, lecture by I"'011.1! J ii'Clurora. .LxperiHPH puw,u' Tno'VrMtp. Spvpti years of M omptial Hiim'K8. . , I;r 'atlorup and oHier w JJ, M Noux. lmhun ' Durham. over Ono end a Half 10 No Care No Pay. JUIOC.K lAJUW At AAtr t 1 mj m mm J w i rv jo1 in In f se 'fif For Over I Thirty Years I yiii i in a V HJ h mm mm mm Hk M mm mri-3 twra

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