; rim W4 -n i :..r,"-'. : v.r The Vatauga Democrat. " EuieiBdaz tb&Po&t office at Boone, jv. v., pssecona? class wail matter. subscription hates: ...$ 1.00. Six Months... .50, fhrecmonth8...:....Zi .25. m . A d rert'ming rates furnished on application. LOCAL NEWS. H. S. McDade, the Druggist Mountain City Tenn. 'Phone No.2i Miss Ella Blair has taken charge . of the dormitory at the Training School. . -Miss Annie Weoden, of Blowing Rock, has been add ed to th TraiuingSchool lac ulty for the present term. I have the shoes lor you; they are made ol solid leather, The Craddock Terry goods always please yon. For sale by H. C. Mil er, Blowing Rock. R. K. Bryan, of Jackson ville, Fla., spent a few days with hi? parents in Boone, leaving yesterday for, Ashe-Tille. The County Board of E lections met in Boone Mon day and appointed the reg" istrar6, judges, etc., for the November election. Ho orp glad to learn thai Mine Grace, daughter of J. W. McGhee, has bepn a warded a scholarship at Tu culora College, Tennessee. Lumber it being deliver ed on one of the mostJDeauti fal plate of ground in the ril lage by one of oar y o n n g men. Wonder what this means? . ' When yon want that new fall suit be sure and look through ray big new stock. I can fit yod, and it won't cost you much. AH kinds of suits for men and boys. II. C. Miller; Blowing Rock. -Charles Williams who has spent the summer in Boone, left or his New York home yesterday morning. His ma ny new made friends here aie indeed sorry to see him leave. Co: Snpt, Dougherty ask us to say that all the .'school census blanks will be sent out this month. So commit teemen ran rest easy until the blanks are sent out. Harley Rrendall, who has been with bis parents here for a few weeks, left for the V. D. School at Morganton this week, The young man, du ring his short stay has made many warm friends. The first Teacher's Institute, fr i n....L.j. ...Ill Vui hoU says rroi. iuugucivjr, w .- at some point in Cove Creeic town ship on Sat., Sept. 15. The exact place will be named later. FOB SALb. One Jackson hand power foot drill. One portable Kickdriye forge. Oue anvil. One Blacksmith's hammer One 20 pound stone sledge. Two 5 pound mason's ham piers. Two 5 pound sledges. One 30 pound bar. Two 15 pound bars. One blastiug machine and 800 feet of copper wire. Fiye shovels. Two hundred feet of Manilla rone with double and.tripple pul ley blocks. ' Two chai jb, One set one inch drills. One set 84 inch drills. Two wheelbarrows and one crass cut saw. These implements will be sold at giat bargains.. Call and see them. THOMAS MLLIAMS. Boone, N. C., Aug. 28. -WHUtt Adaiue. olSilrer- stone, was in town Tuesday. He tells 08 that he wilt move bis shingle and uriat mill tn Meat Camp neit week where hebasalargecontiact for shingles. J. M. Moretz, of Boone, was first this season to Dut cabbage on the market from this section. He left Tuesday 1 for Lenoir with an unusually fine load, to be shinned to a merchant at Rock Hill, S. C. That no one may hereaf ter question my candidacy I hereby announce myself an independent candidate f o r sheriff of Watauga county. This Sept, 4th, 1906. T. A. Cable, Quite u crowd of people in town Monday, and sever-. alofthe candidates of both political parties were also here, and we Buppose quite a little lot of political talk was indulged in by the local poll tictans. Among the students who will represent Watauga roun ty at the State Normal and Industrial College this fall are Mioses Rosalie Mc Bride, of Sugar Grove, Margaret Hulcber, of Todd, Grace Blackburn, of Boone, and Misses Ruth Reeves and Ola Peudley, ot Blowing Rock. The Fourth Quarterly Con ferenee for Boone circuit will be held in the Methodist church in Boone on Satur day and Sunday, the 15th and 16th, Elder Cordell pre siding. Pastor Brendall will nreach next Sunday night and continue the services up to the conference. Mr. A. 8. Edmlsten, whose serious illness we mentioned last week, died at 10, o, m., last Monday. He was strirk en with paralysis at t h e home of bin son, R. F. Ed- misten. on the Monday be fore, where be died. Truly one of our best men has been gathered home, and the com muntty mourns. Da venDOit College at Le noir, opened yesterday. Mine Edna Holsrlaw. of Vilas, one of the faculty, passed thro' Monday. Missses SnmaLit tie, .Florence Blair, Cora Blair, of this community, al so left for that institution this week. A brighter beyy of young ladies never left the county for school, ana we shall expect a good report from them. The following Watauga yoorg men have left and will leave for the University of North Carolina this week: Robv Green. R. T. Greer and Oscar Hardin, of Blowing linrk. and I. G. Greer, of Ma ble, and perhaps others. Wal ter Staubory also left won rlAv for Trinity College where he will take bis thi'd year' course. Success to each and every one of the worthy young men. Appalachian Tuning Scaool has orjeued . erandlv this time. The senior class this year Is large, perhaps there will be lo. The dormitory is doing well. It is one ofthe best eaoio ped homes in the county, with good spring water flow ing always into the building. Again the location is ideal being in a sheltered place, well protected from the storms. The floors are all doubled. The building storm sheeted and well ceiled. The yonng ladies will come out of the home into the school building without being the leaBt exposed. The influence of this school will help many communities. Good strong local schools can be establish ed w i t h efficient teachers, When the Training Bchool gives to a neighborhood a good teacher it has helped that community wonderfully, when it Rives to the teacher an opportuni ty to gather knowledge and inspiration, at a small cost, it has helped those teachers. Within a fsw years all the people of the mountain belt will be helped. Boone is a little Athens on the Blue Ridge, Many young people have wulked and will upon uer streets. The people of the town and community have done what they could to make this a pleasant place for students. We wel come and are alwava glad to see students. The Sunday school and church appointments a re good. The moral tone of our people is excellent. The social lifo is simple and re fined. While there may be some Weltering now and then. We doubt if there be anywhere a people that get along more smoothly and couiteouslv then ours. Had It not been for this one thing co-operation this school long ago would heve failed, We must not forget this. The Laws of North Carolina protect at all times Night Hawks 01 Bull rof. Swallniui Mnolrinir Uirl Yellow Hammers. Itlue Birds. Red Birds, Thrushes, Warblers, Martins Gulls, Terns, and all other wild non tj- game uirus. vittu uicu uci mu eggn. IS'PENALTY.-Wl TTrvm conviction .oo for each hird killed or ecsr taken : Exceptions: Birds not protected: Hawks, Qwlsf Blackbirds, Crows, English Spar rows, Jackdaws and Ricebjrds WQAMEmRD8.-W can on)y be killed during the open seasons established by law, nnd Pheas ants, Partridges, Quails, Wild Turkeys, Snipe and Woodcock cannot be -l: I ..... . U. Cat. tmnpcu uui u. ins umwi A non-resident must secure a hunter's license before hunting in N, C. Unlawful to hunt on land of another without owner's permission. . FREE FOR DISTRIBUTION. Printed details of the eame laws, leaflets on the feeding habits of birds and annual report of Game protec tion-in ine state, issueu oy me Auauoon oociciy scm upua uppuc-auuu. State Audubon society GREENSBORO, N. C, lug. 16, 3m. For Sale by H- 0. MILLER. Blowing Rofk, N. C Wise is the architect who plans to have a mansion in the skies. Scrofula Few are entirely tree from it. It mav develop so slowly as to cause little If any disturbance during the whole . a . n .1 j penoa 01 cniiunwu. It mav then nrodnce dyspepsia, ca tarrh, and marked tendency to con. sumption, beiore causing erupuuw, sores or swellings. ' . " To eet entirely rid of it take the great blood-purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known HltrtaUbi. 100 doses H. NOTICE, t om ..flomnor for ea'e mv entire stock ot farming tools; one borne mowing machine, rate, I wo noree . ! ama onrpv acimi ww -ora . . MAUjUtL. one-horse narrro, uioituvi. nt....ia h.-toa nnades. etc.. etc, a ..nmW nf mri Tounjr cattle. five mi Ik cowe, one norm, yoke of five year-old oxen, 1,100 lbs. liOiTH. nousanoju uuu mimu :v,.A rno vrv Larcre Cook Stove, sewing machine, tables, rim rs and neatioz Biovt-s. The above will foe nold at pub lic o"tcry on the first day ol Oc- tx.r.m. lufw nn nix mnnius rrw t .;fi nntn nnrl crood security i ;iMfn tntwtlon and nale from now until that time. This August 25, 1900. I. NT CORPENIXG IJtftcnerEIk. N. C. The Salisbury correspon dent of Mondaj's Charlotte Observer indicates the stirr ing campaign that Hon. R. N. Backett is waging through out and in every corner of the Eiitbtb: "Mr. R, N. Hackett was here yesterday returning from the data he had at Albemarle Friday night when nearly 150 men joined the Pemocratic club there. One of the State's best known young men who was there es ti mated the crowd to which be talked with huskjnees and sore throat too severe for a aneecb at one thousand. This young wheel horse is arousing the district and when be gets in g)od shape he is ready to tnrn loose some of the spiciest cam paign matter heard on a stump in a long time, Owing to hi condition and to the fact that be had four dates this week. Mr. Hackett was unable to speak in Salisbury tlrs week." IAt Cottrell's YOU WILL FIND An elegant asssortment of SHOES for men, women and-., chil dren) in the latest styles, of t h e best material and workmanship, land at prices that can hardly be du plicated in the county I am offering special bargains in every department, and I am anxions for vou to reap some of the bene- fits that are now being dispensed j . I - I ! ' i at my piace 01 uusmce. Dress goods, hosiery, laces and hundreds of other articles for the Indies, and can please them in any. thing they may need A full supply of Groceries, such as sugar, coffee, rice, bacon, flour, etc., always on hand that will be sold as low as possible. Remember I am bo cheap John, but am a firm believer in the maxim "Quick sales and short profits" and have adooted it in my business 1 want at least a part of your trade, J and you are earnestly requested to call. The highest prices paid for all good country produce. Very truly, D. Jones Cottrell, (At ihR. I ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of Watauga county: I hereby announce my self an Independent candidate for the office of Count v Surveyor. This July the 81st, 1906. Ehvin Gkken. The Charlotte Observer. HAS STOOD THB TEST 2$ YEARS, The old original Grove's Tasteless jChill Tonic You know what you I are taking. It is iron and quinine I in a tasteless form. NJ cure, no p ly roc. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER 1 N. C. Eveiy Day in the Year $8. a Tear. ' The Observer consists of to to u pages daily and 20 to 3a pages Sun day, It handles mow news matter, local, State, national and foreign than any other North Caralina news paper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER. U unexcelled as a news medium and is aho filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER. issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1. Der vear. is the largest paper for the monev in this section. It consists o( 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news of the wuck local, state, na tional and foreign Address, THE OBSERVER CO More Business Talk I most have room for my fall and winter stock, apd have decided to offer some some yery rare bargains in spring and summer goods for the next THIRTY DAYS. All 10 cent lawns at 8: 12X cent lawns at 1U; In cent lawns at 10 cts. Ladies white embroiderv waist oat terns worth SI. troinjr at 65 cents. A few ladies' summer hata at cost. Great bargains in my entire stock of sum raer dress goods, notions, etc. I nave just received my tall line oi CLOTHING It will uav vou to see them before buying, for 1 sure will save you money. Oyer 100 suits to select from. A few summer suits at a big sacri flee SHOES: Mv shoe liue is complete witli the most up to date line of footwear 1 have ever handled. Gents' ladies, and children's oxfords at cost Remnant ralicoin onevard lentrtbs and under in 5 nound rollB, atfl per roll. Ureat thing fortjoilts and children dresses. NEW GOODS EVLRY WEEK Vfnnv Uar-ffnins that I have not time to tell you about. come and see.... WANTED: AH kinds of good country produce at the very highest market prices. DeyRemember my big rut in price on Summer Dress Gooda for the next thirty days. Yonrs lor Business, W. F SHKWOOP. WANTSPI The books orierinally belonir )ng to the Valle Crucis Library, also all kinds ol Indian relics and minerals of value, for. which a fair price will be paid. Address W. R. SAVAGE, Blowing Kock. N. P, 7-19. ?m, Attention, Fruit Growers; I have on hand a laree lot of Mm flncMt nuratrv stock averse? n in the county, copsistiug of all .ehoiec acc!mated varieties, which (I will dispose of 00 better tprmB tnan any otner man can oner, with the additional advantage of tin vino- tree trpsh from the soil, undried ot unwithered. W.L. COFFEY. Morets, N. 0, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 3. A ITER YOU HAVE SUFFERED FROM (EYE ACHES For awhile you will appreciate the immense relief that cornea Irotu the wearing ot properly f)tv ted glaf-Bes. AH theburnlngsenaatioos censes, And all the aches and pains. And where discomfort formerly was is now absolute eye comfort. This change can be brought, about in a very ehort time, n? deed and we are ready to under take it at any time you say. No charge tor anything but the glasses. ALFRED W. DULA, Jeweler and Optician, Lenoik, N. C, Bargains, Bargain? Indeed. I have just retnrned from thf markets where I purehased 0) lull line ol General Merchandise which I have decided to eell at a VERY LUiy BATHS far cash or crood orodnce. 1 will give you only a lew prices, but all tnegooas in ine nouse win op sold correspondingly low. I will sell you dark stno dard calicoes, thefc kind, at 5c a big lot to seieft irom, Domestics b 7 and 8 cents. Good vard wide bleached 8 to y cents, ladies nne orgaq dies and batiste, worth 18 to 25c. that 1 will Sell von UtlO to 18 cts. Nice lot to select from. White goods very cheap. School boy Jeans. worth 5 cts. going M 17f . cents to close out. " Mens' cordnrov pants, the $1.90 kind, at $1.85; mens1 striped pant, the 1.50 kind, at 1.00; mens' fancy pants, the 3 00 kind, at 2 50. Cbjl drens' mens' and boys' over alls, best grade. Mens fancy summer shirts, the 75c. kind at 50 cents. A lot of nne no Charlotte, .v. vC . A CM D t b, Aug . 22. tions at. Greatly Reduced prices I secured a few mens' suits, worth $15 00, that I will sell for only $10, the greatest bargains io the county. SHOES. SHOES, SHOES, lor' men, womi and children. I havt' ladies' fine Vlc Kids regular sf f j.oo and ti.50, going tn thl sale at x.65 and I.75. Mens' fine s h p e worth $1 to ll. going )n this cut sale at (.50 to $3.25, Now is you; tune to nuy anuria ,., Prices on hardware, tinware in? glassware CUT away DOWN snd1 you will find a good h n froin whicl) to select. A full Mne of family nied. icines that I will sell at redqeed price. You will also find a complete line of Fancy Groceries, consisting of sugar, coffee, rice, all kind of canned meats, f ru ts and" fishtf , gOf ing at. ., RocK Bottom Prices, Now is the chance of a life-tim to secure bargains, as these gooda must be closed out at an ear) date. I defy any store on low prf ces. Come along and supply your self and family, as these goods must be closed ont. WANTED: AH kinds of good produce at the highest market price. No goods sold on time, only on special arrangement. yours Anxious 10 riene, WILL W. HOLSCLAW, j Vilas, N.C,