Watauga Democrat W UltdUV.U W i jr UUJ CHds From the Commoner. : r .. Ft . . . . ' ... vjurvr. now run h mpn "stand hy.lloMHevwt nml nt the a in time "stand pal?" Struma none of the loenl F ire trusts hare retained Mr. Fairbanks to freeze up t he Mr, Rockefeller nays: saves money." One word for Frauce and two for himself, eh,- Secretary Taft returned to Washington with ail .idea; that hetbas something yet to learn about the question of rare in the Houth. 'Uiyrle Joe' Cannon returns to Danville to find n whole lot oPjmlilirul nephews at work kicking hoards off of his political fence, "Stand by" and, "stand pat' are favorite republican phrase. . But the republican leaders dare not "staud up" on their records." A democratic congress elected next. N o v e m b e r would be a good basin npon ,-ivbich to build a nationol victory in 190y. Organize now. Speaker Cannon instinctive !y thinks of Gen. Grosovenor when he bears that J o h d Mitchell will stump the Dan ville district against him. The Russian people are be- giniiinR to realize that the only freedom worth having is the kind that tin ruling powers do not want to give them, ' ' It will wash nnl not rub of! This complexion allenvy me, It's no secret bo I'll tell Take thon Rocky Mountain Tea. M. B. Blackburn, Blow ing Rock Drug Co, The Uallus Stan: The"gallus" marks the free man and the man ol genuine, un pretending culture and civiliza lion. Your snog and your savage Abhor it, In Mesopatamia the wild gasbibazouk wear? a belt; ia Yoocatan the Indian wears a girdle of shark's tooth; in Sene gambiathe sbameless'canniba sports a gunnysack. in Atlantic Ciny a few years back, the du des used to wear sashes. But And a man who. when he throws off his coat to begin his daily toil lays bareapairot heavy, sky blue galluses,.and you'll find a man who pays his way in the world loves his wife rears bis children iu'the fear of the Lord and votes tbe straight ticket. The "gnlliis" is useful; it is graceful and properly .adorned with hand painted flowers and . brass buckles, it is beautiful. To be ashamed of it, to con cealitor to abandon it for a somber leather belt is to tail in an essential of true manhood and fly in the face of fate. Bal timore Bun. The intense itching characteristic of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As a cure for skin diseases this salve is unequaled, For Ie by all!dealers at Boone and at Blowiirg7,'K",1r'" f vAnh n,., r B Rock Drug Co. Chambsriain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy i i ii .in . xaaer rra-e Almott every family ha need of a reliable remedy lac colic of diarrhea at acme time during the year. Tha remedy is tecotnmended by dealers who Save told k for many years and know ks value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sician with the moil satisfactory results. It has often saved fife- before medicine eould have been sent for or aphysMsn summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you eifora to ride so much for so !iit!? BUY IT NOW. ' Itlaekbnrn Doomed. -W qjoet the Dupliu Jour-nal- " .. " : ' '. ,:":r The weekly Tar Heel says;' 'The life of the party is at slake In this fight,' " Ys. and slowly but surely b u r h i n g thfr, not as a martyr, however. Charlotte News. "Whirh nhall put the nth'- tr the stake n ott.o martyrs, to besn re, but for witi-bcJaft (political) is interesting to North Carolinians just now, as the Tar HeeV star, E Spencer Blaekbueh, has th President's ear Just now, be cause he sees in "Dick" Hack ett too formidable a Demo crat opponent unless Teddy gives him more pie to "dish out", and Teddy is tutnblins to I he racket to save "de ate ' district to the Republi ans". Rut let it. be remembered that it will take more than the f resident s ear lo save Blackburn und "de ate" to the Itennblican party. In fact both:ears. a noan, a pair of eyes and in fact tho entire head of the President would not be sufiiceient to save the "Drummer Boy,' Uh is doom ed to beat another retreat CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind Yen to Always Bought Bears the Signature t be married man who ro pent s nt leisure is lucky to have tbe leisure. H0LLI9TUS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggsts ' A But Medlolne fbr Buit Peopl. Brings Golden Eeallh and Btnswad Vigor. A. irwctflo for Conntlpntlon, Indigestion, Lt ... i j m 1.1... In i T. . T . ... . nm ivituipt xruHDiuw, t liiitftrs, avium.., .imm. Ul vl, Had Drenth, BluMish Bowels, Headache " nrl llaolrxrhA If' Hivkv Mountain Ton III lab Int form, Sri otoW n hox. flimulna made by HOU.ISTBR DitDa COMPANY, BlHdUKlU, Wit. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR 8ALL0W PEOPLE It is a wise dentist who is aide to draw his own conclu sions. A GUARANTEED CUKK FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMEN tails to cure in 6 to I4 days. 5oc. 'A few hard cases ureapt to make a lawyer case harden ed. OA0T Buith ' . yTlia tlnd Yw Haw lwra Boutin Slgnata of A wife's pointed remark may keep t.er nuHUand on pins and needles. Stomach troubles, Constipation No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bow els are coustipated. Mrs. Char les Baldwin, of Edwordsville, III., says: ''I suffered Irora, chronic constipation and etomuch troub l ?s for several years, but thanks to Chamberlain s btouiacu ana Liver Tal)lets urn ahuofet cured." Why not get a package of these tablets and get well and s t a y 1 we",' 1 n r ur "" "J.u" no t 1 n - . T"' 1 I... -.11 NOTICE. North Carolina. Watauga Coun ty. VV. L. Hemlrix and wife, Jfunie, vs. -) D. Smith and wife, Mat tie. Ry virtue of an order of sale made in the above entiled cause the undersigned an coui. appointed by the rourt, will on tb 17tb day of S 'pt. 190G ot. 12 o'dock, M., at the court bouse door in Boone, N. C , offer for sale to the highest bidder tbe following de sciibed lot or paicel of fand ly ing mid being in Stony Fork fowiifihip, Wotnuga county, N. C, adjoining the land of VV. D. ffendiix, W. E. Green and oth ers, containing one acre more or lens, on which is located a stotf houHe. Maid nale is made tor ar i. ion. This Aug. 10th, l'J(!C. Terms of sale cash,-.- -' J, U. Fletcher, CoHindnhioTieh For the Children 4 To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How is it with the children ? Are they thin, pale, delicate ? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparllla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Th children cannot powlbly br Rood bmlth odIsm lh boli ftr In proper eondl Man. A $liiKirlh Ilrcr eoebxl lonnu. bd brMth, -unttiptert bow, I, Corrcnt ill lhM by f Winn mll UHt doM of Ajn't mil. All TKUblt, ingMCMUd. by t. 0, A7t Co., roweU. A.1M iMna&toiarcr of t Ut WflOB. OVO AQtccvm. It is terrimV to reflect that we have reached the stage of the pioneers who were forced to carry their Hiparina to church to protect tbfir wivs and children against the rnv ages of the Indians, but it does appear that we are not far distant from that state. Three assaults on whi,te wo men in South Carolina with in two weeks, five in Georgia and almost the same story in other Southern states calls for som nction. With the At lunta Journal we believe that we have come to tbf paes whpre our wompn should arm themselves and learn to use their arms. It hnsalmost gotten so that a woman is In danger whenever ehe leave. the shadow of the home und oftentimes in the home, a- gainst the assaults of these black beasts. Our vr o in e n should learn to shoot and whn thev are attacked tbey should shoot and shoot to kill. Charlotte News. TheEndofThs World of troubles that robbed IS. H. Wolfe of Bear Grove, la.', of all usefulness, came when he began taicing Elec tric Bitters. Me waitesr'Two years ago Kindly troubls caused me great suffering, which I would never have survived had I not taken Electric Bitaers. They also cured me of General Debility," Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver and Kidnsy.com plaints, Blood diseases Headache, Dizziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 59c. Guarantied by all Druggis. m CURE the LUNGS WITH T0N8UMPTI0N PrUa B OUGHlaed W0LD3 BOcdSI.OO Frs Tnel. Siuofet aud Quickest Cure for all IHBOAT ad LT7NO TEOTJB- LES, or 2X01OET BACK. FEELING IIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKB A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer TRIHiTY COLLEGE. Four Dej)ai tnients-Col)egiato, Graduate, Engineering and law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of Hcience. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid lor woitby students. Young Men wishing toNt-udy Law should investigate the L Bupenor advantages offered by tbe Department of Law in Trinity College :: .: :: :: For catalogue and further la-! formation, address, D W. Newbom. Registrar, jmiwAtu, u., f. ht A Au 1 Eim'8 !tro Wuukb.' , , They who bny what they d' not na,d, soon nvd what th.v i-annot buy. S-nsation may be good as HPiiMMiiintr. hut noor as thr. main Hiibslaticf. I i'bp highest d-ilics are en trusted lo those wl h.-ive jev.lted th lower ones. ! The sins wh wink at today i we drink of tomorrow. 1 Our, disapoiiitments come from our misap)inlmfnts. Facts are stubborn tiling but f.iith boks beyo.i ltli 'n. Tb re are still noin ' thin ? too bi human owner ship. Ilygene isnot holiness, but there is no holiness withojt it, No church is organiz"l un til it has . ils sympathetic nerves. Oar rights become wrong when they-prevent another's right,t)UsneMH, Thecnrnmonway i 1 to hate a man first and h'ind a rea son for it afterwards, Tho politic make many new friends, thy need to, for the haye no old ones, Summer Di.irrhoca in Children, During the hot .weal her of thp. summer months. the first un;if.tin;tl looseness of a child's bowels should have immediate cttentian, so as t check the disease before it Incomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic. (Jholtia and Diarrhoea Remedy tal lowing by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev. M. 0. Stockland, Pastor of the first M. E. Chinch Little Falls, Minn., writes'. "We have used Chamberlain's 0 o I i c, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years and find it a very valuable remedy, espcially for summer disorders in children." Sold by all dealers,at Boone and by Blowing Rock Drug Co. Wbat to Bead. If you haye the blues, read thf twenty-seventh i'sulm. li your poeketbo k ir ernp tv. read the thirty-seyenlb Psalm. Jf you are losingcnnfidencf. in man, read the thirteenth chapter of b irst Corinthians, It people seem unkind, read the fifteenth chapter of St. John. If you nrr .discouraged as bout your work, read the one hundredth and twenty s'xth Psalm. If you find the world grow irg small and yourself great rend the nineteenth Psalm. If you are all out of sorts. read the twelfth chapter of neurews. Dear Gun; I haye solved the mother-in-law problem; juRt give her regularly IiolliHter's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35 cents, Ten or Tablets. M. B. Blackburn. Blowing Rock Drug Co. vjJfBk, 60 YEAR8' fl CopvmQHTB An. AnTononfllns aketob ind llicrlntlonm qnlcklf uoertnln our oplnlnn trtt whuther u InTentlnn la pn-h.blr Pntnble. rmmunlr lioiM.trtrtlycor-a.limtW. HANDBOOK Ou HatenU cut fro OldMt neennr fur ooi-ine pnteiiu. Pntvnu takea thronib Mnnn CyTroodT Scientific America A nnnmomelr IUntrate woaWr. Ijitnwt olr. ralalluu of any rtenuilo loumU. Tcrma u I'V.,.f2?rS12Ul fiowbllnirloJ(jri; MUriN & Co.38"' New York W promptly obUiiii p. . and fmviga tieua iaouol,3l6K!U or rlotoglUiVMilmn tor iFae nyon oa wucnlaMlity. Tor trtt book aWlocjW.BiQ 1 i-.caiawjity. Tor frt RADE-feAHKS 10 Opposite U. S. Patent Offletj WAoMlNGlTON D.C. 1 I M stood tho test 25 vezra. Av a 1 TfT.ll u.iMffik?c bottle. 1w.t- ! H " L" W lev vim tvnrv NWiiffigargsagT v The Kind Ton Have Always in use for over 80 years, ana nas Deenmauounaor Ms per , sonalsapervlsion since Its Infancy. 'UtcAtM .-Allow no ono to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria la ft harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is- Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, enres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and naturnl sleep. Tbe Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30- Years. THI OCWTAUR N.NHi TT MURRAT ITMIT, N(W VOMI OrTV, Some peoul make a spec Any fool can write p. ialty of answering qupstiona but it takes a genius to before thev are asked. an editor with it. A Mystery .Solved. "How to keej) off periodic at tacks ol biMousness and habitu- only pills tbat are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to every horlyor money refunded. Only 25 cents at all druggists. Burglars who raid a drees maker's establishment may be train robbers. aiconHtipaMon wBHa niVHterery wt. Iht ,Hi8 pet yont. , that Dr. K.nsr e Npw Life Tids back Thnt.H jajr $5 CH! solved for me, writes John N. B Biackburn Blowilltf w Plonsant, of Magnolia. Ind. Tbe t, i A Happy Home 1 M . . ! 3 To have a harjcv home vou must have children, m as they are great tpy-horne makers. If a weak U woman, you can be made strong enough to bear fcj hpn thv fhilnrpn urlth yourself, by taking WIRE OF Woman's Relief It will ease away all your rain, reduce Inflam mation, cure leucorrhea (whites;, falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. . At every drug store in $1.00 bottles. , m W9 WUTX US A LETTER freely and frankly, telling us all your troubles. We will send free advice (to plain sealed envelope). Address: La dles' Advisory Dept.,TheCliatlanooga Modklne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. UNIVERSITY OF NORTIICAROLINA.- 1789-1906. Head of tho State's Educational fey stem, DEPARTMENTS. ColIegi?te, Enineerine. Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes, water workB. clectriclights.cen tral heating system, New dormitories, gvmn-.nae urn, Y. M. C. A. builoin. 662 Siudentg, 74 Xa Faculty. The Fill term be Sept. 10. iyo6. Addess Francis P. Venadle, President, Chanel Hill. N. C. TI .r- '-ues ,01 Kent aaaed to VOU? hrn'o la f . . . " ' ZZ, JZZ orcrove'g mm 1 1 y rm Bought, and wliiciriias beea has homo the signature of Signature of If you aro troubled with . upells,, headache, indijjestif'i. Htipation, Iloliister'e 11 01 Monnrain jea will itihkh v Drug O jf m m m nawwwajs sop The average mau waUK , lot of time wondering whv b fcn't making more moui'V. Httta nam cvr nivnirrtort to l: DDI TO CARDUI and nothing else, Is my baby girl, now two weeks old," writes Mrs. J. P. West, of Webster City, Iowa. She Is a fine, healthy babe and we are both doing nicely." 4 r. Trinity Park School A HisHaKH prejuir. M CVrtiflcates otfrrMiiu1." " ''. " I'd for enteraneftolf.ini2v- eru colleises. jiest EQi ipnca ! '' SrHOOhlNTHK 1 Faculty ot ten oflir-ir. ers. Cumpu8 of wvi-nt Library containinir tl.-iriyi.n- nnj volums. Wp1 nvmnasiuin Uifrtifn'd'f;';;. modern methods ol irfn:' Frequent lecture ly P'"";!;, lecturers. ExpenBes moderate. Seven ye;o ' : oinenal success. ( For catalopneand motion, uddrew II.AI-NoBTii,Heii''!" overviw ona"'" crv. No Cnrc. No PaV 50c - ---- Block Root. Uvw r i Mill I