-i. iff m Deai WVlllbUtUII Entered at t&a Post offuv Ut Room, N. C, ua second class moil matter. - 8U.BSCKIPTJON rates: One year.. J. u $ 7.00. Six Months.... .50, Three months .25. Advertising rates furnished on application. ' i" ' .. r. l. LOCAL NEWS, It. S. McDade, the Druggist Mountain City Tenn. 'Phone no.2i Buy your winter overcoats from II. C. Miller. Plenty of 501b Lard cans ot Sherwood's. The Sheriff advertises his firnt round for tuxes io this Issue. Mi8."Mollie Coffey is vis King;" her. daughter. Mrs. Ram bo. at Mountain City, Tenn. - .nil. w. vy. Miunirr in yin King her pareots at Saouus, Teno., this week. The chestnuts arefalhng, but the crop is said to be rather light. Council! Boydeo, of Val le Cruris, is with home folks this week. - Only a little more thau a month and the great politi cal fight will be oyer. Df; J. W, Jonet has been vitsitirighis mother in Alle ghany county since Thurs day of last week. F. H. Wike, who was to have gone to Bluefleld last week, wus taken ill nod did RVv. David Greene and wife have been spending a few days with their son, It. ,M. Green, in Boone. ;. -Uev, Wm. Wilcox, wbois now 88 years cf age, will '... a. a ft f 1 1. preacn ac jupbi camp cuurcn at 11, a. m.,'n?xt. Sunday. Oct. th4th. andnofrost Tyet. But it routines to rain, , with no prospects of letting ' no. V. f For sale, two fine two year old mules; wIl brokpn and wll crown, (lull on P.O. Carroll, Rut herwood, N. C, .Interested. i My fall and winter stock of shoes und rubbers is in. I can save you money. "Thp : best goods are the cheapest.' H.C. Miller, Blowing Ko-k. A son of Mr. Yancey Gall ion,' of Blowing Rock, is ut the Blair House under treat mept of Dr. Blackburn. AUCTION SALE. JUe undersigned vyiil, on Tups day, the Uth day of October, lWO, at Blowing Rock, N.C.,8t'U to the highest bidder 10 or 12 good horses, good surreys, bug gies, hacks, wagons, harness, saddles, bridles, etc. "All bids oyer five dollars on 6 months time, note and good security. Sale at 11, a. m. This Sept, 24, 1906. , PbksNEIX & HoDGKB. Blowing Rock, X, ft, NOTICE, . We Have for sale 143 acres of mountain land' near the mouth of Cove Creek, Also 1 tract ad joining the obdfe of 124 acres which will be sold eepatate or to gether. We wil! also sell crops and fuMning utencils. J-C. BaibO, . N. S. Raird. - Iftiita of Dissolution W. W . Presnrll has sold his en. tire interest in the 8ock ol goods t ftagnman, N. C to R. J. Presnelf nd the said Presnell is to pay all the debts doe for goods, and alt : of the debts due W. VV. and P. T. -Pfesnelt re:' to be paid to R. J. 'JPresnefl. This Oct. 1, 1906. Beat iiw of writingTaokU at ftht-rwiiod'e. R.;M. Green hnsereetfd o benniifiil tablet at the yrave of his little son Bonner, in the town cemetery. -Mvs.J.K. Bren.lall has been quite unwell for more than n week, but we are in deed glud to leorn that she is now improving. . Mr. Bill Colrrell, who rp- ceutly returned from Colors - do, is wii h hi parents in Boonn, Mr. arid Mrs. C. J. Cottrell. Mensels is an epidpmic n raoug the colored population id the suburbs ol the villHge, there being seven cases io the home of Jack Shearer. -Charley Norris. who has been at Oandall, Tenn., at Work, for several weeks, was brough hooieTiiesday a very sick boy. Miss Bertha Eller fans fa yored us with her essay, writ ten for the closing exercises of the Summer School, which will appear in our next issue. Sherwood'sline of 25 and 50ct fail and winter dress goods is hard to bent. Also One dress good up to $ 1,00 per yard. Mrs. Nettie Norris, after an absence of more than 17 years, ut her home in Ore gon, is in on a visit to her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jont H. Brown, at Sands, N, C. Miss Sallie Sienknecbt, af ter a vacation of two mo nth, returned last Saturday and resumed work in the music department of the Training School on Monday, Mrs. Mollis Harliri and little daughter, of Win field, Tenn,, are visiting relatives on New River. They will re main in the county for sever al weeks. A fine yoke of two year- old oxen; well grown; well matched, and good stock, will be sold reasonably for cash. Apply at once to A. D. Blair, Boone, N. C. That no one may hereaf ter question my candidacy I hereby announce myself an independent candidate for sheriff of Watauga county This Septi 4th, inOG. T. A. Cable, We f wiled lust week to note the fact that Messrs. Gill and Drk 'Hodges, who have spent some time in Wu taugn, had left for their wes tern homes. VYe hope to see the boys back again nxt year. Key. J H. Brenlall will preach in the, Methodist church in Boone at 1 1, a. m., and at niftht next Sunday. He wiil preach in h Moun tain church, on the Junnlus ka turnpike in the afternoon of the same day. Another case of t b e "Faultless' Breech Loading Shotguns at Sber wood's. NOTICE rlavlng qualified as adniinifi' tratorsof the estate of A. S. Kd miston' deceased Notice is here by given thut all jwraons buving claunes a(?aiiMt said estate will present them for payment within twelve months from date of tins notice or it will be plpnd in bar ol .their recovfry. AH pereotiH indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement. This 8eit. 24th 1906 a. F. Edmistin, D.J. CoTTKBLL Adm'rB. J. S. Coffkv Atty. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of Watauga rniTfitr: I hereby an.iounoeiny- cdf nn Indeueiident cMtididute for the office of Couutv Surveyor, TbisJuly the 31st, 100C. During the dinner hour last "Thursday, the top j istsj of the hank building, under1 the great weight of hrb k, lim hern, et1:., piled I hereon, gave ny with a crash, ..and did considerable damage to the walls and timbers, Fortu nately no one was hurt. The Blowing Hock Mer cantile Co. broke earth' let Momiay mornmg on which to erect a largp hrirk Htor house. Robert Campbell, of IjPiioir, hastbeconlral and, the weather xwrmittinir. h" hopes to complete the walls within the next nix weeks. E S. Coffey, cashier of the Watauga County Bank, tells ns that rhe total depos its of thatinlifution todate has reached aliltlemorethnn half a million dollars. ' Good, when yon consider the fact that the hsnk has been do ing business less than two years. The registration books in the various townships of the county open today, at 10, a. m., and will remain 0 pen untii sunset on the eve ning of the 27th. It is now up to every man h the coun ty, to t.ee that his name is recorded there with rib misthke. J. D Con nril i9 the registrar for Boone town ship. It seems that there is a little neglect some where be tween here and Lenoir either on the part of mail carriers or post masters. We have received so far this week two Charlotte papers, and all of our Raleigh and other pa pers are days hehiud, True the weather is bad, but the contractors on mail lines should go prepared to move the mail and then move it. Many local events fail to reach us. and occasionally weovfHook them after he ing told. The marriage of Mr. ira Critcher to Miss Ger trude Kerley more than two weeks ago, is one ot those o- verlooked events, but we are of the opinion thut. congrat nlationsand good wishes for the popular couple are still in older, so here they are in tho greatest quautity. The meeting of ih Dis trict Grand Lodge of Masons at Blowing Rock, despite the ver.r unfavorable weather, was fairly wi-ll attended. One of the State Lecturers, C. A, Bahnson, and District Depu ty Grand Master, J. L. Ban ner, wtro present, and work being exemplified by them h; all the degree, lhn fraUrni ty was much brightened, to say nothing ot the pleasures i derived by th brethren in so rial intercourse. The occa sion wus one that will long he remembered by all those who were fortunate euogb to be preseu t. - 1 Wtf wish to serve notice on tbe owners of doggeries in Bristol, Tenn., that arc ruising so much hell in the western part of the count by shipping in whiskey, that we will not, for any price, ad verliBe their home wrecking and soundest roy ing prod ucts in thesecolumns.und we hope they will send no more flattering propositions. We need cash, but prefer to euru it in more legitimate and lion oruble way than advertising whiskey shops. A poor paper it is that ndyocates temper ance in one column and fills another with whiskey add. HAS STOOO THE TKST J YKAHS, The old original Grove' T-tstelcss Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It iron and quinine in a tasfl iV(, o rwre, m py To the Great $ No rthwest A one-way ticket from St Louis to alrhbst any point between Vancouver, B. C, and Portland, Ore., may be had lor this small sum any day until October 31. Dunn;; the same period the cost of a ticket to- Spokane, Wash., Nelson or Ross land, B. C.j and nearby points will be only $27.50. Cheab lir.hntt in Norlhwosi point will t on tala ( North Carolina arid lenncsec poiuta tvety day, Smuomboi is Io October ji. Auk the icent for raiea vii Huilinirl'jn Koutn. Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and other Washington cities, and Portland, Oregon, are directly reached by the Burlington's modern and comfortable tourist car service from St. Louis. The cost of double berths to Pacific Coast cities for one or two people is only $6. 50 just half the usual charge. fill Disbursement of County School Funds, To the people of Watauga County: We herewith publish tbe financial report of the public school funds of thiscounty or the year J)0."i 6. Hulunce on hand Jnne 30th, forward General State und county poll tax $2,332,50. (lenenl property tax,..., $3,222.16. Fin forfeit urcsnnd penalties $507.10, From first $100.000 $744.66. From serondl 00.000 , $1,008.80. From State loan fund.... $140.00 . From State for libnn ies !; .$30.00. Fiom .1. S. liumgarner, rent....... ; 50. Fiow B. 13. Dougherty, library.... $30.00( Totul; r...... , $9,983 12. EXPENDITURES. Paid Couuty Superintendent..,.. $294 54. Paid white teachers.... .1 $7 675.01. Paid colored teachers ..;.;. L..$203bp, . Paid Co. Treasurer 2 percent on $8,650.6$ ...$173,01. Expenses for county Hoard of Education $79.60. Taking school censiin... $92.91, Furoitur for office... $26 30. Libraries ".... $90,00. Installment on loan fund $81.60, HepairH on houses (white,).. $29.19. Errors and overcharges...... $78 22. Total , ...,$8.82338. Dumuce lu hands of Treasurer $1,159 74- VV, T. Hayes, Tinas. T. P. Adam1, Chm. Bd Ed, H.C. MilLeu, . 13. B. DoughertV, Sec. WABTO, The Laws of North Carolina protect at all times Night Hawks ot Bull B.its. Swallows, Mocking P.irds, Yellow Ilai-vncrs, Blue Hints. Red iSirdd, Thrushes, Wnrhlern. Martins, Gulls, Terns, and aliother wild non game birds, also their nests and eggs, PENALTY.- Upon conviction 5.oo for each bird killed or v.r-r tiikent Exceptions; birds not pruttcled: Jl.iwks, Owl:., Hlackbircts, Oows, Hngliba S'p.ir. rows, Jackdaws and Uicebiids can only beiril'ed during the open seasons established by luw, and Pheas !ns, partridgts. Quails, Wild Turkey, Snipe and Woodcock cnnnot bu shippel out r-l ibo State, A non-resident niust pecure.a hunter's license before hunting in N, C. Unlawful t hunt o.'t laiJ of anolher without owner's permission. FREE FOlt DISTRIBUTION. Printed details of the game laws, leaflets on the feeding liabits of birds s nd annurd report of Game protec tion in the State, issued by -the Audubon Society sent unon iDolication. Aug. 16,3m. ' 30 For further cuttcolari send me roar uiirOM on a poiial. W. A. LALCR, Assistant General Piwenger Agent, C, B. & Q. By., St. LouU, Mo. 1905, brought $1,007.40, State Audubon Society GREENSBORO, N. U, PVrSdohyH C.M1LLEK ANNOUNCEMfcNf. I hereby declare myself in Jndes pendent candidate for Treastifer of Watauga county, and elected I promise to attend to the business of the ofHce myself and have no deV, puty to do it'for me. This Aug. 14th 1906. D. C.IUqxn. At Cottrell's YOU WILL FINb-s. Au elcgaut asssortment of SHOES for men, women and chib drenjin the latent styles, of thi best material and workmanship; and at price that can har dly be dd plicated in the totiuty :.i..;.i, , I am offerinfr special bargains In every department and I am ankionS for you to reap some of the! bene tits that arc now being dispensed at my place ot buineM..,..".;.;ii.iu: Dicks goods, hosiery, luceo an4 hundreds of other articles for th4 hdies, and can please them In any; thing they . may need ,; , i A full supply of Groceries. sticH 18 sugar, coffee, rice, bacon, ,uour-, etc., always on hand that will bd sold us low as possible. Remember I am no cheap Johni but am a firm believer in the maxim ''Quick sales and short profits'' and have adopted it in mv business. 1 want at least a part of your trade j and you are earnestly requested td call. The highest prices paid for all good country produce. -Very truly, D. Jones Cottrell) (At the R.M. Green old stin AFTER YOU - - ' I1AVE SUFFERED FROM EYE AGUES For awhile yoa will appreciate the immense relief thu,t comefj Iryw the Weatldg 01 properly flt ted gla6el - All thebarningeenHatldo86eaed And all the acbes and paina. ADd where diticomfurt formerly was is ndw absolute eyecomlort. This change can be brought about in a very short time, in deed and we are ready to tmdy1 take it at dhy time you Bay. No charge lor anything but thd glasses, ALFRED W. buLA, Jeweler and Optitiiatu Lenoir, N. 91 Mcro Business Talk I mast hate rooui for njy fall and wihtr etck-k, and .a . m 1 it have decided to oiler BOthe :ome very rare bargaids Id spring and hummer goodd illl UK! UI.Al..., .....i.i.li THIRTY DAYS. All 10 centlayn8 0t8;12J4 cent lawnw at 10; l; cent. lawne at 10 cts. Ladles' terni worth $1, going at 6.1 eents. A few ladies' Bummer hat at ect. Oreat bargains in tny pntiro to;k ot pnm nter drpHN coodn. notions. etc.. I have Jost received my fall lin of t CLOTH 1NU It will pay yon to see tbent lt foie buying, for 1 Pure will nave you money. Over 1 0(i suit to select from. A few 80 miner cnits f u big sacri fice .", ,,( SiYfVl Ut, .hni. lino Sj cuuiplete with -the most tip to date line of footwear ! have ever handled, Onts' ladiee, nnd children's oslordj at. eoit... i...tu.i..,i Remnant rnlieoiiioneyardl lengtbs nod under inpponndl rolls.atfl per roll. (JreaC thing for quilts and fhildren drspt s.- u. ..,.t.. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK. Mauy bargnintlmt I have not time to$ tell yoo abont. rotue mid Hfc...i.....u....i.ti,.it . VY ANTED: All kinds of iiiivi ai. 111 i niuju nun an good country produce at the very highest market prices. 8 Remember tny big cut In pVices on Summer Drestf Goods for tbe next thirty days. Yours lor Business. ' W F- SHEHWOQP Atuantuu, Aog 2vi.-. . : '1

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