VZatauga Democrat, 1. C. Hlvon, Miter mi Pretrial Thursday, Not. 1.1906, TIM Diaaaracer at Ekwtaf leek. Sir. Editor: Aiier a Boon pose, in folljriew of his bear Am wit!, that disrnitv which 1 Kaatavtoa a mnn whnifllH . VHW.. MVr v'v " w ; v h9 h seond to oonebot tjfooaevelt in greatness, the Hon. Spencer black born ad dressed a body of ladies, dem. ocrats and republicans at Blowing Kock oo last Friday night. ' wm L 1 . I.MMtfwnA St.. ' ue oegan ma iiaraunuo j hls?0Pnal quotation, and in order for me to follow bit own seonence. I will be com- Delled. In order to do bis ineech iostiro. to pat my ar rangement Ini somo.enjbar- . A. T rassoieui.. tie nros k's a i"- v v" ' the subject of thoughtenter ed an argent plea lor toe to tars to think before they yo - ted, and I think some of bis hearers did think, for serefal of bin own party said before , they left the ground, that thev could not Tote for ntm. . ..tlU-A fonm Mm high pereb, and gate , 6oatbero cbirnlry its deatn Wow. Jand certainly offered an insult to every thinking Democrat buu jvepuuucau, who lives in the South. He went farjabead of bis party's platform and declared that theJinteUigent element of the ' ' ' ' fTnttorl HrntM belonged t O J MSIV sww rm the reoublican party. At this rate he proceeded, avoiding more: skilfully than was at trinuted to Liarall the polit . leal issues of the day, In short, bis speecb'.wns lit tie mors tban criticism! and knaAMflhAMrMl the (lOV IIBV V. - w - - n ernor of North Carolina with spending 1500.00 ofjtbe peo pie's money to entertain President Boosereii jubv eanseijtr. iwiuww? on u d with Booker Washington. He dodged the tariff, but told nh nltlAhlA stories of Cleve- land's administration that his eloauent and sy pathetic words rang icy tears from tbe children andHmade the thinking men of bis audience look upon himitb;pity and dirirust. Had Mr. Blackbnrn stop- . psd here, therejlmignt nave been some of tbe crowd left hi doubt as to his abilities and fitness for office: but it is to be remembered that the nocking bird always lets you IDOW IlilllnUV HO l"vrv..flb bird before be quits singing, ; and so it was with ths Con , arresstnan. He undoubtedly convinced many that he was willing to, use any kind of subterfuge that might with hold facts from the people ..J mmim hli loi'iinn. m ui (nuoin. His reason 'for not meet ing his opponent, be said, fwMkonaa ha f Mr. Hack . . l tt; was nor. a oeceiu mau, H'hat was the matter with Mr. Blackburn four years ago whan ha tailed to meet Mr. KlutU? This question can be answered by any unprejodlc ed man. It is not, as every voter should know. Mr. Hack ett's Indecency" Mr. Black burn dislikes, but be fears to face his opponent and the people on account of his own ' ininnitiefl. H e attacked Mr. Hackett'a private character fan very mean and coward Iy war, and made statements that Mr HnckPtt In fiolncr to hold him personally reeponni A. I t , aiua.tiulUul l'-ta f Ka - BIB J. IVjH UW" I luo election goes. He did not de- tw fk afiRdflrUu that W fl H . a.M ttlrM SW SBrflRPnLaltI HUalUDL UIUI. UUb tried to excuse himself by saving that the man w b o mads tbe affidavit bad neen indicted several times. Now if men wbd have been indict ed word is not to be taken, t h m, vira had better be careful who they believe He tun referred to Mr. Hackftt's drinking, and said in a very boatful manner that be Mr. B.) bed never graduated from the Kely In etitute and certainly from all reports this is a self evident fact. '' His SDeecb was a disappoint client and was but abuse and vituperation, and 1 am not sure of but three men that were glad tbey were t b e r e, and tbey were men . who bad bills, protected checks, etc. against Mr Blackburn with the hope of getting t b e I r pay' out that Mercenary thousand. He referred to those bills, (wbicb has b e e n the talk about Blowing Bock for some time) owning that be owed bis livery bill, but left tbe impression with the people that be did not owe a board bill or anything of the kind NevertbcleM the board bill and tbe protested check totfetber with tbe droc bill which was of two years stand ing was presented to him in person, for one of tbe gentle men said be was afraid to risk the mail as Mr. Black burn bad always failed to get mail of this kind. I will say lor tbe beoitit of Blackburn and tbe vigttence of the gen lemen tbat in bis private chamber tbat nigbt, tbey met with good euccess in covering over $300 from tbe Nflit Tuesdav. will decide the contest between the par ties in the county, State and nation, We want to Impress upon every voter the necessi ty of knowing why he votes as be does and why be votes for the roan be does, ' In ou county affairs the time ba come when every c 1 1 1 1 e n should see to it that tbe man lor J whom he votes is worthy of bis suffragetand will make a bra v, fearless official, who will do bis whole duty regard lena of tbeconseauences. We want officials who will per form their duty honestly and against whom there will not be an everlasting complaint. And then we want men who, when they promise upon ev ery stomp that they will not be a candidate again to tick o it. We want men of truth, and such men are not wor thy of the support ol honest voters. We know tbat tbe ma jority of the , voters of this county are honest and they wbouldlsee to it that honest men are in office. Men, lay a side feeling and prejudice one time and let s put cut court bouse - rings and dictators and let tbe people rule. tanaManatv 'ttinnannfl. If this is ths kind of cam paigning Mr, Blackburn has carried on over this district there can be no doubt tbat Mr. Hackett will consign bim to a political grave tbat will swallow him up to such a depth that though Wsmius were to become active be neatb bim, it could never blow from its crater one hair from that great man's bead. A Voter. Blowing Rock. N.C. Consumption Tbe intense itchlne tfiaractenstic of Mlt rheum and eczema is instantl allared br aPPWine Chamberlain oaire i a cure ior . mm ucbk thfs salve ia unequaled, For sale by alljdealers at Boone and at Blowing Rock Urug uo. There is ao specific for eonnBDftkxL Fresh sir, ex ercise, nooriaSmg food sod Scott's Emulsion wiH coma pretty near curmg k, if mere .u anything to buud oa. M2 Kom of people dinmpSotttlhe worUare BVUgaadT in food hetkh oa one tog. Q From nae Braiwaaooti the doctors prescribed cod aver o3 for coasaaptioa. Of course the patient cook! sot take k in ib old fona, hence it did very fade good. They CSitaLe .' - SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate k for a long time. There is no oil sot exccpbng butter, to easily igested and absorbed by the system as cod aver oil in the form of Scott t EmuUoa, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be coobnuotu. We will send yoa a sajapleiW' '. mM Om tMt fktmn ia cbf him ot bbclitMtfecmf per of every krrif m( kmukion jim buy. Scott AcBowne . " Gheroks' 409 Pe-d Street New York l. t.J t tO Jnii Here is an extract from tbe Elkin Enterprise that sbonl be reud by every voter be- foie he casts his ballot next Tuesday: For several weeks the In dus trial News ol Greensboro, has been charging, in every issue. "Democratic extrata gance and incompetency . Thursday night Gov. Glenn spoke in Greensboro and tbe editor of tbe Mews was pres ent. Governor Glenn asked tbe News man in tbe course of his remarks, if he knew or coold point out some of this extravagance. Tbe penri pusher refneed to answer, and the Speaker pressed tbe question. It was then up to tbe Republican editor. He an ewered that be could not, thus admitting before aiarge crowd that he bad btstn ma king charges tbat be could not babntanfiate. How do you suppose he felt? ' Open confession ta good for the soul."- but few there are of tbe Republican states men who would come out so boldly and admit before an audience tbattheirnutteran- ces in Denaii or tne g. o. p. In North Carolina is a con glomeration of misrepresen tation. The editor of tbe In dnstrial News is to be con gratulated upon his detrac tion from tbe wicked charg es he has made against the Democratic party dnncg tbe past few weeks. Dkmocrat. iliitas Sheriff last Mr. Editob: J wiahtbroogh thn mlnmns of vone paper to state a few facts in regard to a small battle which took lare at my home on August the 28th, 1906, in wbicn Sheriff Hodges, Tom Wat son, and eiitht or nine more were engagwi. It bas been rniereprernted, and I wish to give the true statement. For n number of weeks! bad been in West Virginia'at work, I have a large family all of whom are dependent noon me. During my nbeence tny whole family-was taken with the meaiwls, and I came home to see them. At about 2 o'clock one morning I dis corered that these men were around mv house. Tbe raid was made at about 6 o'clock, I have been accused of fir icwr the first shot, wbicbis false, and juet as I give this 1 can prove It by 6 witnesses and a part of their crowd. ,. Hodges knocked on t b door. In answer to his knock 1 escaped the window and ran as fast as it was powible for me to The crowd opened fire and fired about 40 shots. I made;a narrow escape, and thought more than once that i was bit, one ball kd cing my side. . I ran in six feet of Hodju's and Green; told the sheriff to stand back and he gave tue all thejioom I needed. I think they ran as fast as I. In time of the fight one man, Potter, fired three. "hots at. me, and in response I fired at bim to b i t. ; My weapon w a a Smith & Wesson 45. By this time Hodges had disappeared and I drove all out but Tom Watson. He and I were very sood friends and talked of the bond, and I was inform ed tbat there were no papers for in at all. lam Safe, 1 think. in KHvinir tbat the crowd was drinhing. J. Tins Wagner. Giato, Weet Va. P. 8. Send hill for pnhlra tion to my mother at Valle Crueis, or my wile at Stonj Fork,-J.T.W. The End of Thn World of trouble that robbed . H. Wolfe of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came wnen ne negati iKing jsiec trie Bitters. He wattes: "'Two years ago Kindly tronbls caused me great suffering, which 1 would never have survived had I not taken Electric Bitaers. Tbey tho cured., me of General Debility." Sure cure for all Stomach. Liver and Kidnnv com. plaints. Blood diseases Headache. DicxineM and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 59c. Guarantied - by all Druggie, . , . .S'.'ff, It will wash ami not rob ofl u ' This L-omnlexinn nllcnvv h'ii: It no secret go I'll tell Take thon Rocky Mountain Tea.M. B. Blackburn, Blow IDR KOCK Drug to, FOK LOWEST PRICE30N Tumltnre Carpets; Hatband Ifi AM) kvrtthino ix tne rurahAB LlKBtAli bs- The HountainCHy Furoitare Cofins and Cadni Funiit UTfrC) InnntM t .Milt BOVMf.' . , ' llUUDJVV .I"- - - .): . fenlanCi TFiirai iire CtfiiaM. , : Mountain City, Tennessee. Oct 17, . :,. ;- " : -- Kist tod fbr Taxes, : f,nninir nlaerg on the darn namArl fn- 1 Will w a "" p r - . . ' -m W ' . ' the nurpoee of collecting the taxes for the car 1906 us foU OWS ' , is,'..-! i Tmu fLtt 1 inn M .' '' i'l Bald Mountain. Voting Plaee, H'ed." Meat Camp, Nona tioi. i nor. ,,. f Stony Fork. Voting Place, Frf. Elk. Voting Place, Sat. Kim Rutire. 0. L. Stones Store. Blowing Rork, Voting Place, Wed. f Watauga. Shnll's Mills. ThuriC : y . Shawneebaw, L. M. Banners Store. Fri. Bpech Mount lggy Hap, Sat. . -..;. LatiH I'm-k, Voting Pla-e. Wed. Beaver Dams. Voting Plaw,Thurs. Cove Creek, Mable, Fri. Boone. Sat. The County Candidatei will be present at these appoint, ments. Eerybidy come out and pay yoor taxes, shaks bands and have a good time. Mespectlally. 7 ; JOHN WHODOES. Sheriff. 17. 1906. 19, 1906. 20, 1906. 23, 1906. 24, 1906. 25, 1906. 26, 1906. 27, 1906. 81. 1&(A Nov. 1, 1906. . . 9 IIMIM 3. 1906: 4 V M U' Ma Stoffel Htrdware Conpaoj JIOUNI'AIN C'ITT, TENRESSEK. HEADQUARTERS for Steal Ranges, Cooking and Heat i nStores, tbe biggest and best Hoe ever shown in Moun tain llty. . :; i-;yj:sStUr:'' We also rnrrr a large and well assorted stock ol Windows, Doors, MASTIC PAINT and all kinda of buildTng Hare- ware. ' v Ask to see our line of Harness, Bridles, Collars, Saddle &EtC' 1 '' '" -J-'-' V Remember, we carry a BIG stock of- Fertiliser and higt grade field Seed, 1 - . if tnn hio mtrssreii in anv or tne anove arncps or any thin'tf in tho flAltDWAltE line, .write or call on u lor prices. LONDON STOFFEL HARDWARE CO. (ViHOLKHALE AND KStAIL.) P. S. We make a special effort to 'kef'p what the peopk want. " v-. v." ' HAS STOOD TMK TIST , YEAKS, The old original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Yon know what you are taking;. ; It ia iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Mo cure, no pajr ANNOUNCEMENT. To th Totera of Watamrii county; I hereby announce my. mil so independent candidate for the office of CSonntr Bnrrevor. This July tbe 81st, 1906. LBVIN UMBKM. . A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic at tacks ol bPiouftness and habitu al constipation was a mreterery tbat Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for mo." writes John N. Fl- asant. ol Magnolin. lad. Tbe only pills that are guaranteed to give perlfct satisfaction to very body or money refunded. Only 25 cents at all druggists; o Sm tlklMTRlrathimllMM , NOTICE, We Have lor sale 143 acres of mountain land near the month of Cove Cm k. Also 1 tract ad. joining tbe above ot 124 acres which will be sold senaiate or to. get her. We wil? also sell crops and (arming utensils. J-C. Baibd, N. 8. Baird. NOUISTXR'S Rocky Uoustaia Tea Nuuocts mm ummm wm BMMJ rmmt, BHafi mint Ewlth h4 Imn VI WAKRI ED, MARRIED; MAlpED. lARRlEDtt --SOOGfrleinWatauifaCoBnty.- The cause of such to Beauty, and, there is no girl, tjbat can M beautiful unless she be well drtedsh auql ; be w'ell dread n ess she wears.... SOUTHERN OIRLTBlMI-iED HATS. AH the 500 Rirls who bad tbem on awi if yoa want to get aij ried you had better buy one, For sale iy JH i, uiacioBm. Grove; L W. jPartbiiig, Sweet Water; Haganwajt., V Khprwnnd AmAiitliA- ti. Tw Mant. Hi ant: and many other ..FT , ..I , cbunls iu the countv. Tbey, all sell tbero sad if you Ian w man and tbe bat blame youreell, - Remember tbe name, Girt." -'Wte - State tal Ar.j totolCdleje. U'terary, dasaical, ScienHfk, rkiaRbical. Comrnercial Domestic trier Maniirl Trainihc. MUSIC. ImiCmi tn dMrm Rnenal enurscs for graJa"! .. r-.--- 6 ?i-7:--r- . m.v u tlhtr ml . Wll .nimn..I Tr.inina SrhnOl lOf ICIluci- llaundrj, tuition, and fee for use of texr books, etc., I170 7 tree.tuition students f 125. r ifteenth annual- session wg"" ini innA IV. .... k.t . it .11' frs.tuitfOD SpP" .kn..f.l U. I. V.l r L J . :v!m1 from IN i ijlMa.w IIIBUC IPCIIWC rfUIT IS. XAITTKMWWW .i-a my (.uiupciciii icacners anu nenogmpner. m - roauon aoareu -r -jt CHARLES D. McIVFK. r.- 5EpAIIT AIIDJRADER'S BANK 3 Fountain city. Tennessee. ATTTTTf miTR H fix "PITA tA.... f'ft 0FFJCERS: J. Walter Wwoht, Pr6edent, w. oak, vice President, 1. Ji.JtAB., w ft- f . MCUADE. ASS't. .tvHBDivr. , - Stock-holding Dibectobs: J. WALTEftWGB' 'fl , bo.R. F. Wright, E. E. Bntler; J. . MnnaHJ . J ITIMI - . . k Y fl! Unlit llDl i"K, K. tu. uonnelly, J. . Wills; w.j . vw- " , V X.. UI IIIHU, . - . . , I . - : . . jr nn Rlnot kliv,. h.r.... fr fl : TlntUr. T. ') JtSLTdX 'and, R. 8. McDade, W.8,Coie,l B. V. Bf &iZi?.ilZ?SS. V,,". K. WUsnn, W..H.: rrlison. J mi form. M nmts si Im nnnniM wa, a - . ' A tftnluk 01?-J1J ... ... . owfC'tea.". OQLDES NUQGrm FOR SALLOW PfOPlg i V. To Cure a Cold in Cao DoyS I Loxanve Dromo Qur3tb8 nil V ay v

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