VOL; - XVIII. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N, C niUUDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1000. NO. 20. 41 i PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY' AT LAW. .BANNER ELK, N. C. JO-Wiir; practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining "counties. ! 7 6- 04 Todd & Ballou. ATT0UNEYS AT LAW. t 7fcKERS0XN. C Will nractice in all the court i wtate law an 1 collections. 0"AO" UO- r J. E- HODGES, - IfAnrinnru OiLrnrnnn IttltjUMflll OJ1&OU.I SANDS, N. Mrrr Auk. 6. ly. m F. A. LJNNEY, i ATTORNEY ATjLAW,- ' "J 1 BOOE, N. C. Will nractice in tne COUns . . 1 .LI . . 1 .....niin.lliivmiri 04.auu...u. -n tf he nolleotma of claims and all other business or a lei gkl nature.' V y 1 612 Op. EDMUND JONES, LAWYER -LKNOIU, N. q Will Practice Regularly iu the Courts of Watauga, 1 ,'05, . J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N.C. Careful attention given to coUectionsi E P LOVILU ATTORNEY AT LAVV,- BOqM,N.(- .': t3T3ipecial attention given to all business entrusted to ' bte care.1 : ; 1.V04. A, A. Holscluw,, ATTORNEY AT LAW- Mnnntam Litw Tennessee. Will practice in all 1 he courts man, but to b in silence. For air, with hearts as open as ,.rfTenneesee. State and Federal. Adam was flrnt formed then the peak-supported skies a Special attention Kiveu to col- flnd A(,am WUjJ not d(fm bove th(au ftn, potenti- TlSliSuX " " . . Office north east of court house, w ,1 lona iv. ' ' "v- : F W UiOrOV DV S t. M.MAULU. U. u. z. BAL.4JN. t-. I am now located here f or t h e picUce of DenjWy, and - . kw Bridge ndLrowu . ; most intricate wo k known to the profession,, specialty w aaxwui .a " vu-.w. - positive Ruarantee no satisfaction, rial used .in the execution ot any oj tny work. E.S. bOFFcY) r-ATlOlllsErAl LAW, BOONE, N. G.- Prompt attention given to all matters of "a legal nature. C3T Abstracting titles and tolhction oi claims a ?pewai- 1-V05. ATTORNEY Al LAW, ' -v - T.onMr TI I! ' " W v T : '. f Practices In the courts of ;. . Caldwell, Wataoga, Mircbidl, . ?irMintie8. ft rrompi arreniiougivrii ;:,.'''11 legal mottfs-autrusteo On Woman's Rights. ivea submit yourselves unto .your 6n husbands as unto the Lord. For the hus band is he head of t he wife. evetf as Christ in the bead offjears mainly apart from the t lie Clmrcli; and He is th savior oi tne tiotiv, t here, wore as me v 1111 1 en is sui jH'i unto Lhrist. so let the wives be to thir own husbands in everything. Husbands I o v e ,our wiyes even a Christ hI- so loved tl(e, Lhun h. and K biumelf for it, that . hp I iniuht Hanctifv and cuxHt it with the washing of water tnViu.tfi.l t h ri hi . .1 .. K t I present it to himself a Glori ons IThuri'b, not having spot or wrinkl'.'ur any such things; but that it should be hdl, a n d without blemish. So ought men to love their wive as their own bodies, He that loveth his wife, loveth him self. For no man ever yet ha- ted his own flesh, but nour- 1 iHhPt h hiu! rhprialiPth it .hvpii V . ' ' ' I Lord the Cliur.d): For we are memlers of his body, 01 nis nesaana or ms oones. For this cause shall a ma 11 1 leave his lather and mother and shall be joined unto bis wife and ' they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mye tery, but I speak concerning (Christ and the Church. ,' Noy ertheless. let every oneof; you in particular so love his wife even as himself; nnd the wife sh that she reverence her husband." . "I will therefore that men orav everywhef, lifting up holy hajids without wrath and doubting. fn like manner 7lso. that women adorn them selves in modest apparel, with shamefaceneNS and so- britv: not with braided hair or gold, or u.rh or costly array but which becometh women rofessing godliness with good works. Let the women learn in silence with all subjection, ButI suffer not a women to teach, n )r to uinrp authority over the ceived.but the women being peceived was in the traus LiJinnr Notwithstanding he Hhull be saved m child ? .? nearjnffi ,f tlM,y ooatmne in faith and charity and holi- ness with sobriety." TlJft (I0VH 11Pe Scriptures 0f the New Testament found in,.: m . ,,... U"'","Z r,ii. ... - Complied, . which coh- lletlin OUieil UUUCIHIr, speaking in public, lecturing 11 rid other masculine attl- other masculine atti- tudesof women, now hetng practised and receiving ad- vocacy in some States of tue Republiu. Also which contain admonition to husbands; tbreby showing the Christ- Man attitude of both sexes too. plainly to admit oi on- troversy. Let those who have grown fanatical 00 this subject read study and profit, thereby. -S. M. Mci an, m wmr up. nAr Gup: I hit ye solved the uiother-in-law problem; net give heregula. ly Holllster Rocky Jiountato Tia. It will make her 1 thy, happy nod docile as a IM. B.. Blackburn. Blowing Rock w - - to Diligence ia the mother of The People of The Mountains JCoti find, asyou have beam, that th purept Anglo Saxon llo1 flows iu t heii- Vfins. Linnir until rci'ent rest of the world they have maintained their natiVHHtot'K wun iiiiH aHiiixt'ire4 01 ior eitn element and many of their words which are aimii sing to you hnye;Jroine to them straight from Shake- spares tongue and tune. Many, independent, proud of tlwir noi)le an i their hw tion, sensitive toevery slight t wl Ifiu niuifii. kili.itrt dtit Qltlk terfuge, hospitable and ae commodating, they are a inighty people in capacity and possibilityIt ianfcoursti true that the common n eks in thir land 0 u t n u rat e r the precious gams in their mines, so it is tnjt once in a while that a genius like Truptt'the nreacher or Vance Mho ttPmmi i'a nnrri..d " frortKthe strata of ordinary folk. Yet even the man oi ope taieiit;ainong tnem nave furnished their part of the bone and sinew ofjthe Uoai- uionwealth in peace and war Their dominate trait is relig ousness; they are lovers of t h e scripture and largely members of the church; and their land is a laud of Bibles, of churches of '.ministers. Formerlj twitted with' being behind the times, they are now at many points forginir to the front particularly in education ami maiuioni in duries; it really signifi- kunt that wafchefar back in the country keep Wash- itucton city time, That they were "gieen" haw been the point of many a sarcasm of speech aud print; but green- ness in tbeir Hei.js anaiorests is he sign, and conditon ot growth, anrt, Desiaes mey have found that, in others. W i t h muscl'S attuned to unuintains ditnciiity, with minds alert in the bracing ally a mighty people.-Ex. 7; T ' Stomach trouhK Constipation No one Cdn otmbly hope ! good digestion when the bow , re ,1,,,. virs. Charles Baldwin, of Edwardsville, III, says: "I suffered Iroui chronic 0. to Cbaaibcriuin's i Stomach and T.iva,- TW..t um almost cured." Why not get a lockage of these tablets and get wen ana stav wei? p,i,;e iije. For sale by all iiivninr. ...Q PJck Drug Co. . Henry Daab. who conduc- rej the overalls and shirt fac tory here some time ago and WH8 arrested in . Tennessee, on the chnrge of obtaining L,)0da under false pretense, k,a8 tried and acquitted at Newton court lant week. He WHg arrested and placed in jail on warrants and tele LramH taken out by the Nrw t0n Hosiery Mills and now b hts instituted a suit for '15.000 against the Newton Hosiery Mills, for fulse Im- urisontneut. Mr. Uaabcame to Lenoir Tuesday aud talk ed freely about the rase and seems determined to press it vigorously. Lenoir News, An empty bag annotstaud The Protective Power of a lofty Aim A splendid protection f r a youth, when he leaves school and home and goes out into the world, is a 'great purpose There is a magnetism in a strong' unwavering, lofty aim, wh'nh attracts the things that will help us and repels those that will hin der. Every youth should be taught the inurvelons ex pulsfye power of a great or strong h "Ction, The greater the better alwajs crowds out the lesicr, the poorer. T h e boy who is bent on self un provement, who is detertnin ed to have an education and to amount to southing in th-J wot Id, is soon let severe ly alone by the aimless boys of his neighborhood. They know that ii is useless to try tn get him to waste his time His mind is set on higher things. I never feel great anxiety about a country boy who goes to a city if he has Hn. strong purpose. Tbia will keep hi in from a thousand tern ntations and snares of all kinds. The longing for a larger, fuller life, the yearn ing for self improvement; for a better education, the deter initiation to climb up in the world, will shut out vicious and demoralizing tendenci-s His satanii; majesty has very little ue for the youth who is bound Mo be some body, todosometbiug worth while, for he is too busy to give his time to evil. It is the aimless, the indolent and those without ambition that Satan is alter. He knows that there in no nse in want' iug his lime with the youth who is dead in earnest. lhese dead in earnest peo no hart Iv know what is mennt by those whi talk of the terrible temptation of city ilife, for their lofty life, for their lolty pupose, their one unwavering iiiui. shields them ii'orn the tempter and keeps them in another road entirely. Their danger is in breaking dowu 'mentally. not morally. Success. Summer Diarrhoea in Children. During the hot weather t'f the summer months the first unnatural loyientsi of a child's boweln should have immediate attention, so fi to check the di&ense before it becomes serious. All that is nectssary is few doses -f Chamberlain's Colic Uiok'ia and Diarrhoea Ucmedy IjI to .v.ng by a dose of castor il to ct.aiise the system. Rev, M. O atockland. pastor of the first M. E Chinch Little Falls, Minn., writes! "We have used Chamberlain's 1) o 1 i c, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined v for several vears and hud it a very vIuahle remedy, espeially for summer disorders in cliildreir.'' Sold by all dcalers,at Bootie and by blowing Kock Drug (;o. Three persons were killed and three severely hart on Long Island by a. train stri king a baktas the latter re- turned from a funeral. Unnecessary Expenses' Acute attacks ofcolic and diarr hoea come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained There is no necessity of incurring the expense af a physician's service in such cases if ijriniriberlin s Tone Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose ot this remedy wi relieve the patient before a doctor coidd arrive. It has never bee known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous case and no family should bewitnontit. tor sale by all dealers ; at Boone and by Bly.itr jP-wk Drug t'o The Jews and Palestine There are now nearly n, score' of Jewish colonies irij various parr of Puleatine, supporting themselves b y tilling the land and waiting ; hopefully for the day when the son of .Judab shall pos-i sews sovereignty over their' ancient inheritance, Thenurti her of Jews in the Promised Land has increased nstonish itigly of late years So that there are now more Jews iim Jerusalem itself than there were in all Palestine 20 j'ears ago there were not in ore than 12,000 in all the holy Land. At present the Jews in Jerusalem are pnt down at 45,000 and in nil the country at over 100,000. The recent influx, of Jews has been twice th -number that returned with Zurubhabel to Batijlon And so soon ,as a favorable move is made np on the political chess board of the-orient, the Jews are prepared to seizn the oppor tunity for reparation iu still greater multitudes. There is 110 doubt that with their prcsentwealt band enterprise they could plant such a colony there ns does not elsevhere exist in the known world. Chicago Interior. If the possession of great ndeyeloped natural resour ces h n safe basis for predic tions of a safe basis for pre ictions of a great future, the South is the region to 00k to, Its coal fields ex eed in area aud-contents those of Pennsylvania, th "mother country" and th Fatherland " In iron ore it has vast resources, and tli same is to be said of it sal ihur, phosphates, iietroleum and materials for Portland :ement, Trie exploration of Mich substaifes has made the wealth of most of tti world's millionaires of tin tockefellers, Carnegies, nnd Krapps nnd other industna magnates, la pomt of profit, next after gettingout earth's treasure is the trnnsporta tion ot them, and of this bus iness the Southern railways have a magnificent prospect Southern soil is likely aluo to wive its innings, Baltimore Sun. Make Hay While the Sun Shines There is a lesson in the woik of. the thrift v fanner. He knows that the bright sunshine may List but day and he prepares for the shower which a' e so hanle to follow, bo it should be with every househnld Dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some meml er of the home without warning Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera am Dianhoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine for these dis eases, should always be kept at hand as immediate treatment is necessary and delay may prove fatal. For sale by all Peiilers Boone and by, Blow ing Rock Drug Co. NwvHsijy never uiade a goot: bargain, Galveston's Sea Wall makes life now as safe in that city aaon the higher uplands. K. W Uoodole, who resides on Dutton Si in Waco, Tex., needs no sea wall for saftv. He writes: ''I have used Dr. King's New Discovery fr Consumption the past five yearn and it keeps me well and safe. Ikfore that time I had a cough which for years "had been erowine worse Now it't gone." Cmes chronic Coughs, La Gripe. Croup Whoop ing Cough and prevents Pneumonia Pl-.Dnt r. talp F.ierw hntilpCirnnp anteed by ,11 DrnggUts. Price 50c. my' $.1.00. Trial bottle free. 'octors Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. " I hna nM(t 1 PTMt deal of Atms Chorrr pMtoral for nuwtii ftitJ Intra coiri, on (be chmt. It hu tlwnyi don me ret (nod. It ! certolnly ft nuit wonrinrfnl eouxh rnal clM. NlOUAlb t. FlTMKAL, ilOlUord, aim maaunotuMra of 9 fAHAPJUQLU. PILLS. iuh vwon You will hasten recovery by tak ing ono Of Ayer'v fills at bodtloi. BANK STATEMENT. Following is tho report of the condition of the Watauga County innk at Boone. N. U.. in the Mate of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept. 4, 1906: UESOUKCES, Loans and discounts $34,443.11, Overdrafts unsecured 437 7 Banking house . 937 66 urniture and fixtures 400.00. Due from banks and ban-' keig ' 8,169.11, Gold coin, 300.00 Silver coin, including all minor com currency, 649.01, National bank notes nnd other U. S. Notes 7,027.00. otal $43,364.46. LIABILITIES , Capital stock f 10,600.00, Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,399,01. Jills payable 3,146.00, Time certificates of deposit included in bills payable Deposits Bubjoct to checK 27,684.45.. Cashier's ck's outstanding 135 00. Total.. .f43.364.46, State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: J, it., a. Coffey, Uasnier of the above named bnnk, do sol emnly swear that the above state meat is truu to the best of my know1 edge and belief. S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest. W. C. Coffey,' N. L. Mast, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of Sept.Kjoo". J, M. May, Register of Deeds, A OlMRAN TEKD CUUB KOtt PILES. tching, Blind,Uleeding, Protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PA ZO OINTMENT tails to cure in 6 to I4 days. 5oc Two duels were fought in A Havana, but there were no . ittalities. Thousands Eavo Kidney Trouble and Nsm.Snspect It How To rind Out. v Fill a bottle or common class with your water anil let it stand tweuty-four Uoura osedinientoret tlingindicatesan . unhealthy con dition of the kid- , ncys; if itstaius , your liucu it is ' evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent detirt to pass it or pain . in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys aud bladder are out of order. , . Wfcat To Do. There is comfort iu the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Uoot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish m curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage; It corrects inability to hold water and scalding imin in passing it, or baa effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes ttwt unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times duriux the nijht. The .mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for iU wonderful cure of the saost di , tressing cases, if you need a medicine you should have the bestj Sold by drag gists iu fifty-cent and one-dollar sues. You mav have a sample bottle and s book that tells an . about it, both sent free fT" bymaU. Address vr. fa Kilmer & Co.. Bine-r ihamton, K Y. When'. writing mention this, paper and doti't HiwOwil Out. ' ffi&SPSc? and - the address, Binghamton, N..Y. upright. BMS ' (BH D CoTi UG 1 1 1 VRf, -'. -