Hi if t i I A Watauga Democrat, . 0. RlTorf, Editor n4 Proprietor Thubbday Not. 15, 1906, E. Spencer Dlaekhnm has .iven it 'out to the'Stata pn--perVthat he will contest the , elwtion of li. N. Huckett for hia seat in Congress, claim Jog that more than one thou sand men in the district bad voted for Hackett who held no poll tax receipts. Admit . tin for the bakeof nrpyiment thatafewoitbetoys yoted -for Hackett who had no poll tax receipts how will the wi ly I'onKressman proveit? It would be muHi easier to setj jjp the fact that hundreds of lotal Republicans voted a- galnst Blackburn, w b icb . would easily do away with "this little contest flurry. ;Mr. J3Iackburn evidently has too much political sense tounder tuke a contest under eudi a flimsy pretext. The Greenville. S. (3 , News says it 'jsjilad that Congress man lying worth was sen t back to t'ongress on account of M iss Al ico Sa me w a y here, The Observer was mix io'nftor the election of the b n I (l-hHded Cinnnnatian next after that of Haekett, H a n g e d if it wouldeii t iiiicrhty nich have b r o k e n our hearts if he bad been de feated and Mrs, '.Alice, while vet. you inifebt nay a brida, had to anchor amongst those whisky distillers and p. Ik packers in Cincinnati. ub server. Near Mt. Pliant, Cabar rnti county a few. days, ago the 5 year old little Rirl-sof Mrs. Misenhlimer was fatally burnefl. Her clolingcaofihtj file liom an open flrepTace, j r . W'ii .l titbit r hi'iiii iiiui ii v vw i in in i ' l. ... . ... " p " " U.aikle jind Lap and thrill sduduienrannot.be secured BPK1MD:, "" v hw winter, to-work- in the ai.d Wn.sper,jn. Bi ,,:..... siia and wen. It irlitteis like a iluioer reumn in uiifui I-aii,i--- . ...A-l, shield. It r.DIIII(iSliP "KP H JVHUH -llierr wmur mviimh - . ... ,.. in the mill next summer, ;, fountain, u . w - Hons, ir iwiiiMffl 'r ",; Never, so far twk ns we con recollect, haslt&ere hen .so many cattle for sal in the mountain counties us then ore Just now, and the price is " but little consideration--al 'most any old price takes them. Heavy fat cows haye sold recently within the cor porate limits of Boone foi 2cts. gross, when ordinarily the same cattle; would have brought from 3 to3 cts., and milk cattle are almost a dreg on the market. There is, of course, a reason forthc drop in cattle not. political either, The scaicity ol feed in jesponsible for this great dump, and the people a re bound to sell e-very hoof they can spare. The lo68 of the fodder crop, to many of our small farmers will mean a great deal in fact it, renders some of them unable to win ter their cattle. As was expeeied, Joint state hood for Arizona and New Mexico Inet its death at the 'hands oft hp people of the south went ern in st Terril ory in last Tuesday's - election, This if the sequel to. a long 'and bitter controverny dur ing thf last Kens'ion of Con ijrKH, Broadly speaking, i' meiiDH that while the Greaser was willingenough to hitch up wilh the S'lxont h .Saxon would not Btand for the Grea Her. Charlotte Observer. . In North Carolina there are 120 members in the Lg itili to re, this yenr, 09 will b Democrats, 20 will be Repnb lican, uml one will be a Fu sionist. In the Senate there will be.50 menit-ers, Of then the Democrats have 46, and the Republicans have ,4, The HouHentiindsas it did two years ago, but the Demo crats have gained three Sena tors. . Hnmi-I TToon that w'o r d j he dropH the nun whine of luiwlwtr.il ii lid the shadow' ol tnder soi rows ud tbe .re ArUpn of ten thousand fond pmonte. iiomH. i sw ii In book or newPpa,ier ti.xr wit'rd HPcin to rine and WAENIHG , The t aws of NorlH Carolinn protect Ht nil timei Nieht TTawki m R..H Bat. Swallows, Mocking Wms Yellow Hammers. Blue Birds, Red Birds, TbfushcB, Warblers, Mai tinH, uuiu, l erns, nnd all other wild non game ,biid, lso tiieir nesw nna . . Upon con viction $5.00 for each bird killed or ejrsc taken i - Eceptlohg : Birds not protected: Hawks, OwU, Bla9kbird8, Crows, English Spar-' rows, Jackdaws and Ricsbird v, , r: - . - G A ME HlRDS.sa ; ran nnlv be killed durine the open seaaons established bv law. and Ph. ants, Partridges,' Quails, Wild '(V My, Snipe and Woodcock cannot .be shipped out of the State.".' " .... " ' ' . ; North Carolina will have a building, at the JauiPHtown Ex posi Hon , It will be of ;)- lotiial style two stories and he interior will be of North Cnrol'ma hard woods. Coat to ef 15,000, ItleHpnlikea flnme. It s'wairt like an. angl. And If. some pxieographer urged by a spir A II l, it from rwnearii, unuutii r-riv to rnst forth that wc.nl from the language, the children wouldrouie;fortli andhide it n nder ga rla nds of w ildiflo w- ...o nn.l thil UfOlllltlV WOtllll It will wash and not rub of! ' . .h tn , 1 with 1 Ha i-onin exion BHerivv dip. "-'" , : It' uo secret so Hi tell'- ' their diamonds an1 penfisji Take; thou Rocky Mountain .an(j kinga woiillhitle it nu Tea. M. B. Blackburn. Blow ... rr3p ing Rock Drug (0, ' .: u. from Hethleham to hg.vpt, and utterly gircn up tne starch, some bright warm davit would flanh from a mong the gems, and breathe from tb coronets Bad t h e world would read bright and fair and, beautiful, and res'm ate, Home, Home, Home. Talmage. A non-feAident must iccure a hunter's license before hunting in N C Unlawful, to hunt 011 land of another without owner's permission Niehnlisjjongwortn known to the public as the'husband of thePresident'slaughter," was reelei-ted to'j.Congress from the CincinnatM district The intense itchinff characteristic of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's, Salve. Asftcuie for skin diseases this Kalve is uneatialed. For gale by alljdealers at Boone and al Blowing Kock Urugljo. FREE FOR DIS I KlilUTlON. Printed details of the game fwv ..aia nn fli ffjlin(7 '.HhitH of liirilfi end Annufll reitnrt nf ' Oam ICnilbtd VM " " O r ; . . I " ' - u ' V pi UltL', tion in the State, issued by the Audubon Society sent upon application. M . ' . ' 'IT' ' ' M ' . state MQUDon society- Aug..i6,3m. - jo' .GREENSBORO, N.U, F0H LOWEST PRICES ON J V. Ferniture Carpets Matting and Ruga -AND EVRYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE CALL 0Nf- The Mouni Fni ure CofEhs and Caskets. t Opposite ionrt Bouse. ,y'i . , . KoanteinGitT Furp.itp.re- utirpjcy. . "Muntaih Cityi Tennessee. Oct. 17, ' . :. . ; "'; ; The record of "farthpst North" i now held by the United Statps. The feat g7 degrees, Cminutes .was ac- pnmt) whed bv COHiuiatalr The election in New York Jast week was u yery singu lar one; the entire State dem ocratic ticket was elected by a large majority, save Win R. Hearst, the candidate for Governor, who was defeated by Hughes, republican, by a maioritv of not less than ISO .000. This result fs noth ing more nor less than a di rect blow.at Heaest and his methods and not at the par ty. Doubtless tbegreat State had different democrats who could haye won out nicely in tbe gubernatorial contest. The following telegram was sent by Prof. J. J, Britt .the defeated - Republican candi- .date for Congress in the 10th d 1 s t r 1 c t to his successful Democratic opponent Hon. IV. TV Crawford: " Please accept such jhanrty and sincere congratulation! as a vanquished rival can offer and my wish that you hare a useful and honorable career in Congress." Prof, Uritt shows the right . anir'tf ' Hu fof lH nO I Wl IOr W is too broad for that, Indeed he is one of the ablest and cleanest of nrWi. HAS STOOD THB TEST .2$ YEARS, The old original Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless Jorm. No cure, no pay "joe. "The cruiser North- Carolina will be unworthy oi her name it eae does not prove to be one of the beBt fighting machines an oat says the Atlanta Journal. The suggestion thattlie"NorthCaro liua" lie inaiiiied by the North Caroliaians in the Navy would make sure that It would whip whenever it went into a tight News and Observer Mr. Henry Ridisill, a one ariridd Conf"dcrate veteran will be a mudidate for at-tis tant door keeper ol the .State R . t R pptipv nf th-NHvV. . . - . ' J -- V Senate, says inewwion Tlo h h(di(, not rea,n the terprise. "; ''. S North Pole' a he hoped to hotnir inu finctriltt; nriKtriirt Stomoch trouble Lonstipauon , , , Roo8eTlft.; he i wwfuayu) ""Pri dot nearer than had the ion wnea tne uuwiu : , , . .. .... uune 01 Aiinnzzi expeuiu ord waa .80 Eaery Iwo nutes It i again TheSolid South, thKrcntatate of Missouri, that, two years ago, soiled her spotless political ermine, again erafitffully swung her nelflintothe Democratic col . urau hint week. All honor to (he great State for redeem Jng heraelf. a, - Tt Kici Yci Ran lwar Booght PhvsicLins tell us that all the blood in a healthy human bodv passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; bcott s Kmulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION ft is such a great aid is because it passes so quicklVsjnto the. blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan- 1 tage in - this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. Tn pet the createst amount of good with the least pos sible etrort is the desire ot everyone in .poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just . a . J .1 that. A cnangc tor tne better takes place even be-; fore you expect it ' Witlo 700 . nmple fm. B tor tht thk ftcturt In the form of a label is on th wrap- ' p of tttrj bonk of Emulaioo too bur. 1 Scott k Bowxi J : Chcinitb) -409 Pearl St., N.Y. . foevataaad li.oo ... AUdffUar ' No one can frr irnnfl fliirPHtifin elsarecoustipated. Mrt; ChaMeS VWf of Abrm Baldwin, ol EilwartlHvilie,lll , tion. whbe 'rect Hftvw "I Huflered Irorh chfVitticl :r,.,0 . . .1 ii.. . 1 I UT lljujtiirc, bsfor several years, but thanks ? . to Chamberlain s .stomach and - a jt Liver Tablets am almost cured. AS I IJ K I A ""l For Infants and Children. taoiers ana nei wen ami n v .,.. n . . weii? Price 25c. Fr Bale ty aii The Kind You HaiB Always Bought .1 ... D ...1 ninl'inn I . ' jm . . illiUiein ill uuuuo auu u-u "ms, Uock Druj; to. Goveraor Glenn's brother Edward Glenn of Maeon Ga,; iied recently. His is the "41b death in the Governor's fa mi , since his term of office. be gan, Summer Diarrhoea in Children. During the hot' weather of the summer months, the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowels should have humediate attention, so as to check the disease htfure it becomes serious. All that is nectssary is a few doses .i Chamberlain's Colic. (J loki a and Diarrhoea Remedy lol ln.viu? bv a dose of castor oil to cl-anse ,the system. Rev. 'M. 0. Stocklahd. Pastor of the first M. E. Church Little Falls. Minn., writes! "VVe have used Chaniber.laiu's C o I i c. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years and find it a very valuable remedy, espciallv for. summer disorders in children." Sold by all dealtrs,at Boone and by blowing Rock Drug t;o. It is sti'p)sefi thai the lati Mrs. J-fTerson Davis w a s quite well rff and her oiil.v liilt Mrs. Adihson Haj't-s. is the wife of an exieeuinlj wealthy hanker. , , L . ' L1J". L'.. J ! A Mystery Solved. ,'! How to ktei) off iwrioilic at- 1 tucks ol bihoUHiieKs.ann halntu al roiistipn'ioii wsh a aKtereiy thiil Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for tne. wntes John N PI- nsu nt , ol Mapnulirt.aad. The onlv iiil!&thut, areKuarunteel to give pfHh'Ct satiilactioii to t very hotly or aiony- refunded. Only 25 cents at all drufrmts. . ' v.;, ' Both Conjjreea and ib Sen ate remain largely R-publi" can; although the Democrats mada considerable gains in the lower House. " "In SeU Defence ' Major Hamm, editor and rhanaj;er of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky.. when he was hercely attaC'crj four vrars ago. bv Piles, 'oouaht a box of Bncklen's Annicp Salve,1 of which he says: ' It cured me in ; ten days and ii trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, sours, luts and Wounds, 25c at all Drogfists. , Land Entry, Ho. 2457. ... State of North Pafolina. Wat- auea County, i-fflca Of Entry Taker of Bnid f'cuntv. AH- Hod?es, Ixjoates and Enters - 25 new s of Nttd on thA waters ol Elk rtek-nril)iit8rvliof thw Yxtl kin Rivft';inEliT',wnKlir. :,Her jonuinon atnrtftie. th octnnn ninc? crtraef-;of -the Marvv Dula 1 0O fiini frnrr. rwi:nl ncr' rnrioiiH 1 v w ... 7 . -n Entered Nov.: ft, 1i)00 ' 11. J. Hurdin, Eutiy Taker. Bears the Blgnatuxe of ;ain City Furniture Co London Stoffel HarOware Company f MUU.N 1A1IN HI I. J bWIHhK. -i jtljv1;! Jet, uriv i'r n P. 4 DOfT A RTERS for Steal Ranjrea, Oookinir and' Heat- i nStovee; the bijJKeat and best liiie eyei ' hbowh in 'Monn- tain City. :.. ...':-v.- .y-.i.- .; '" We also carrv a laraand weiraseorted stock of Windows Doors, MAS riC PAINT and all Ki" otbmldjiiir Harn- ware... ?..;:". . ,. Ask to see our line of Harness, Bridles, Collars, Saddle &Etc. , . , . ..,...:,;." " Hememher, we carry a BIG s'tock.of tertinzer and high grade field -Seed, - . r . . .. If VoU ie interested in any Ol ine nunvK nriiuiMi r an.y t bin )n thb fl AHDWAUE liue, write or call on. um lor r.c. (wholesale And retail;) P, S Wejimkea special tffurt to ke p 'whut the people . ., iris in'Watartga totnity.-t:;;:' The cause of such w BeaiVt' y', aM thtirfe is hrt.-0ri that ican look beautiful unless she be well dissed she cannot be wejl dressed nu ess she tear&...J.,..;.....4.ii.U&.M& 'S()UTHEn4aiRLXlikl:.:T; Grove; U WFarrhMiW&Veei WatWttiittattoh4CSii'., Reese; W F. Sherwood, Amantha;W;lL.'-MafstMaW; anu; taftayr pjner chants iu t be county. The Wl'seU'theiu and ifQ9 tft find ,he man pna tne liat uiame yotirseiit itemeniner jne- awjue,, .-"u , ' W A NTED I , The books; originally be.louK- 112 Vj- the.Valle C'rucis Library, nlrib all kinds of Indian relics and minerals of viiliu;, lor which a air price will; be paid. Address W. It. SAVAGE , , . . . Blowing Rqck.K.0, 7-1 02m ' JJoffins an j Gaskets. We are now carrvuu? a full nnd (oniiilcte line ot CoHins 11 ml 1'ns- ket thit will tn- soti at reasona ble. fUtnres." All Sizes kept in stocV ariff nt ' prices to suit all buyers. Very Respectfully - TA 1 LUK alAST. ValleCrcis.,N.C - . State Normal And I ndustialileie Literary, Classical, Scientific, PidaKoical. ,Cornnjwr,cial Domestic ence, Manuel training, music, j . Three courses leading to degrees. S'peciaTc'oirsfs'for gralus " nthw fotWrn. Wll -onitSnnA.! Ti uininn SrVinnt lor TTeacherS. U04I0, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of texr bo"kj, tc f 17 '. ye ' . . free-tuition students Si 25. t ifteenth annual setsion begins Septemwr . .v -i . . ...... . ... t rationl 2o, 190b. l'o secure beard in the domitoncs, all . tree.iuioon "pk " iteil from those of ring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other in ?' ruauon auu res . ; . . . .(.. . , ; CHARLES D..McIYFR nes,aTr MERCHANT ArJRApER'SJKfC 5" .. . HOLUSTCR Rocky Mountain Tea Kuygete A Btif Koalcltc tot BUJ rpi. ' VAvn OoMea Djalii utl Eucmd VLror. ' h twifli fore(oirtlMttndlrW.f.l' Hwl,' Bad Brewli, Aluxirlth BoirU, Boadacbn w rwio. iriiwcicf ttomiuim len ... Inan fK Mnl. a Ki . n.tMiilt ml !LMTKM Duou Cohpuiy. UiullKin. Wic !50lDE:f5UOGT8 F03 SALLOW Vi ! St' -. l-.r.' v. MOUNTAIN CITY, -TENNESSEE. AUTHbKIZEIJOAPITAL OFFICEB: J. Walter Wright, Pi eoident. W. P. -W ' oan, Vice President, I; S. Hambo, Caetner, - R. R McDape. Ass'ti CaKhier;- Rii. Stock-holding Directors: J. .Walter WRianr, I .ij lei, Iijt Ufown. ' 0 rtfftjiiia iftto-H , ...... Jfcjg? land, R. ,S. Mi Dade Wl'S. mk'y I. Itobii)n, SfWWfc Wills, M. E. Wilbft' itfjoft- , fidfit ' Account of Firm, Coimm tfoha I : Cure a Gold in On a liov Take Laxative Bromo Qciinine & & ; Sevenwakbctowfauawtth,. This signature,' . on evetf 1 'Jik