f. ir.- I r i 1, jTtie Watauga Democrat, Entered At the Pokt office At '.Boone, N. C, as second class mail matter. subscription bates: flna voa-r ...X i.UU. Sin Months........ .50. Three months... .25. : Advertising rates furnished on application. ; . CHURCH DIRECTORY. " METIIODI8T CHURCH: , ' Preuchirig 6n first Sunder In each rnontli at 11, a. m., ana at night; also third Sunday nignt. Sunday School at 10,. a. m. J. F. Habdin, Supt. J. H. BanNDXLL, Pastor. episcopal chcrch: - Third Sunday, 11, a. m. Rev. W. R. Savage. BAPTIST CHURCH: Preaching at 11, a. m., and at night on second and fourth Sun days in each , month. Sunday Swool at 10, aV m. D. D. Dougherty, Supt. J. F. Davis, pas.tor. . - -. LOCAL NEWS. . T. S. Coffey, of Lenoir, .has been in town since Monday. . For spring and summercloth ing. see H. C. Milier at Blowing Rock. New ad this wpek. Unusually warm weather for March, and the roads are as dry as they usually are in mid sum mer.: ; Peach and pear trees are be ginning' to bloom, and Mother Earth is rapidly taking on her .spring attire, t Jessie Robbins and (amil.r, wiiq have been in Cafdwdl wince Christmas have returned to their Lome in East Boone. . We are told that Mr. John . Springs has decided to remain in Blowing Rock and.open a livery stable for the coming season, ' Horace Green, of Alleghany County, was here this week look ing after some business pertain ing to the estate of his brother-in-law, Mr. Craig, who died at ;Blo wing Rock two weeks ago. j rrQne.esteemed subscrilmr sent j 1U7 th wtk oii subsoi iption flvej large fat hens and 334 freh ejfgs for Easter. So you see there are others who are fully as unfor tunate ua this humble pencil p'usher. .Mr. R. E. Nooe, so well and favorably known in Watauga, died at his home in Statesville on Thursday of last week after an illness of only a few days, lea ving a wife and three small chil dren! Lost between Balm and Boone on last Monday a pocket book" containing about 55 in cash and .about the same amount in checks. :Finder.will be well rewarded by .returning to G. F. Bingham, , Balm, N. C. Attorneys Councill and Bal lou, of Jrflerson and R. Z. Lin ny, were all the visiting lawyers here this week, as the Lenoir bar and others interested, heard of the illness of the judge and did not come. , The Willmington Star does not see any use of being prosperous when you have to pay out more than you make on account, of the increased cost. of living, Hottce of Totyp Election. ; Notice is hereby given that R. M. Green is appointed registrar of voters and B. T. Brannock and L. B. McNeill are appointed judges of election to be held at .the court hmisA in f Ji - wnu Boone, N. C. on Tuesday after tne Jet Monday in May, it being r the t th dav thprnnf da id ulw ; is held for the purpose of electing a Mayor and the Commissioners for the said town of Boone. A registration is hereby ordered for ou we uuannea voters oi said town under the tipw fVmr.. k iined from the legislature of 1907, Thla Mamh ofK KiAn , J. C. FLETCHER Mayor, ;; II 8. Coffey, ,:. M.B. Bucjcbcrn, v . , C. J.JCottbeu Corn's. Mrs. W. L. Bryan continues to improve Blowly, but is still confined to her room. -Attorney W. R. Lovill, with Daulton Winebarger, left Tues day evening for Fort Washing ton, Maryland, where he will ap pear for Will Winebarger. a Wa tauga boy, who is in prison there under a charge of murder. , The venerable Dr. Brickell, of Foscoe, was in town Tuesday, and said he had been engaged in clearing a new ground this win ter, and added that he feared if he did not get his clearing done while he is young he might not be able to do it when he got old. Horse irading 'has certainly been on a boom here this week Traders from several counties w.;re present and a gooly numbei ol fine horses changed hands. Ed Shull; a horse dealer from AkIi? count?, old oua pair of horseu for $375, the highest price we heard of being paid. . Fate Hodges tells us that the large' band-saw mill plant near Elk Park, with its entire fixtures, save the boiler, was destroyed by fire last Friday night, entailing a, great loss to the company. ' The depot at Roan Mountain Sta tion, Tenn.. was destroyed by fire the same night. K E. Herman has sold h i s farm to Messrs. Tillman and A- mos Adams and will leave for Northern Texas by the 8th of Ap ril. He has purchased a farm in that State and has much of his crop already planted, the work being done by his son Dock who has been there for some time. 'The Medical Association of Watauga county met in annual session in the court house Mod. day afternoon. Tnemeetfngwas fairly well attended aud the usu al routine business transacted. Among other things-done, the prices to be charged inv 'wrtain practice were slightly raised. . Yes, we thank you every dtoe, who have remembered us so kind ly this week, in a financial way, and for the many words of en couragement .we have received during that time. Such treatment is what lightens the burdens that are so numerous in the confines of a country printing office. Capt. Johnson, of Lenoir, who Is so well known in Watau ga that be almost seems like one of our own esteemed citizen died of pneumonia at his home on lust Friday and was hr:i-H!ith Masouic honors on 8f Jk ternoon. The uewa ofWwath is received by our people with gen uine sorrow, The two weeks meeting con ducted by the Revs. Davis at the Baptist church closed with the services at 11, a. m last Sun day. The meeting, beyond ques tion, did great good. There were fgur received into the church by baptism on Sunday mo mint and many others made professions who have not as yet connected themselves with any church. On one day last week Durham Supreme Court granted 'five di vorces.. Mary DarK circles under the eye indicate sluggish circulation torpid kidneys And liver. Exercise nd Hollister? Roky Mountain Tea will make ycu well and beautiful. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. M B. Black burn. Blowing Rock Drug Co. Lees-McRae Institute. , (GIRL'S DEPARTMENT.) The Eighth session of thisPhria tian Industrial school for girls, will begin May-dl, 1907, andcon tinue until Dec. 18... The course of instructions will be as follows: Literary, - ' - Industrial, . Music, '. Art. -; ' Experienced teachers, Delight ful summer climate; Best moral influences; reasonable rates......... : Free tuition for miniater'a dan. ghters. - Write for catalogue, to Rev, EDGAR TUFTS, T , ,. JX" Banner Blk,N. p. The attention of the various Masonic Lodges of Watauga Co., andLinvifle Lodge, of Mitchell county, is callad to the fact that May 6, 1907, has been set to pass on an Annual Picnic to be held by said Lodges for the bene fit of the Oxford Orphanage. We earnestly hope that each of said lodges will have a full.'attendance at the meetings immediately pre ceding said time, and discuss the matter thoroughly. The matter is one of no small import, and demands the attention of every member of the lodges ham ed. Friend Jerry Ray, one of Wa tauga's best farmers, is experi menting on a small scale, with spring-sown wheat. On last Mon day he sowed three bushels of seed with 400 pounds of the best commercial fertilizer he could buy, Oh a well prepared piece of land " He is of the opinion that the experiment will be a success, from the factjthat last year he spread some chaff from his straw stacks on a piece of ground and turned it under in preparing for a crop, and the scattering wheat grains came up, grew finely and reached full maturity. Conntr Startup The County Singing which was held at Three Forks in March 1907, was a very enjoyable occa sion. The three classes that were present united in singing No. 28 in "Windows of Heaven No. 3," after which, E. J. Norris lead in prayer. . On motion, "Perfect Praise" adopted in connection with the other books for the present year. After the transaction of busi ness, adjourned for one hour for dinner. The congregation re-assembled and the classes were arranged for singing. There being no con test entered into with the classes, Poplar Grove, Mt. .Vernon and Howards Creek, sang pieces ol their own selections. Then the classes united in singing No. 57 in Windows of Heaven No. 3 and the people were dismissed by E. J. Norris. The next singing will be held at Brushy Fork, on Friday be fore the fourth Suuday in May 1907. . .: The association gives any one in the county the priviledge of leading a choir in our county singing. , . We hope to see more classes present in our county singing than ever before. W. T- Vandyke, Pres. ' Z. T. Geene, Sec. R. Ross Donnelly. UNDERTAKER & EM BALM ER SHOUN'S, ----Tennessee, . Has Varnished and Glass White Coffins; Black Broad.loth and White Plush Caskets; Blick and White Metal ic Caskets Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Cns kets always on hand. 'Phone or ders given special attention. R. ROSS DONNELLY. WANTED AT ONCE. From One Hundred to One Hundred and Fifty Strong. Able-bodied Men, to cut and peel Hemlock Bark, and cut Chestnut Cord Wood. The work will continue all year round for next 4 years. Good place to board at 30 cts. per day, and we will fur nish shacks for men who pre fer to board themselves. .Will pay $1.35 to$1.50 per day CASH, for ten Hours work. Pay-day every thirty flays.. . Work will open up April l, 1907. Apply to: C.X. R0WE, Secretary, r Linville Improvement Co., 1 , .Linville, N.C. OAATOniA. BatntUv Tlx Ktad Hm Mwar8 Bocgfit Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it, it one of the most weakening diseases known. Scoffs Emufston, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di- : gested form, is the greatest strength-builder known to medical science. ' It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's Emulsion after Influenza. Invaluable tor Coughs and Colds, ALL DRUOOI8T81 50o AND tt.OO. New Spring clothing Just Arriving, When you want your SPRING SUIT come to me, as my splendid new line has just arrived. The best gooods and the very Blowing Rock, March 26. $ $ $ ? A CHANGE. -On and nfter- JANUARY 15, 1906, 1 will offer ray goods on the Pay Down System. 1 have tried the Credit System, for 12.Teor, and find it unaat- i8frtctor to my customers as ., ., c, w. . well as myself. So I have de- rt.led 1o tell Koodsrheaperl nod sell. I-FOR PAY DOWN." NO GOODS SOLD ON TIME EX CEPT BY SPECIAL ARRANGE MENT. MY . Stork la Complete My Prices Will Sore S"INTEREST0U.-6 All persons who are due me by Dote, mortgage, or open account, will please call and settle promptly aslmustco lect. AH kinds of good country produce wanted at the high est market prices. Don't fail to examine my goods and prices when yoo want to buy. ' Thankios my many friends and customers for their past patronage, asking you tor a continuance of the same, and wishing: for each and every oue of yon a happyand pros peroua year, I am Yours lor Bnslnegn. W. F. SHERWOOD lowest prices possible. H.C.MILLER. The commissioners of Mitchell county have decided to build a new court house. READ THIS. The attention of the public is re spectfully called to these facts; When ycu arc in need of shoes for Men, Women or Children, don't fail to call on me as I an save you money on every pair you buy. My Stock is new and up-to-date. The ladies' $3,25 patent leather is truly v - 1 ... T .1 - I - r'r . . l" "7 I also carry a nice line of Ladies' Dress Goods at prices to suit the buyer. I also handle a full line of Qro. certcs, that are sold as reasonably as possible, ' I am always ready to buy yonr produce at the very highest morkef prices, and sell you goods at the lowest possible figure. Be sure to call on me when in town, always remembering that it is a pleasure to show you'tny goods and wait on my customers. ' Thanking my friends and custom ers for past patronage, and asking for at least a portion of it in the f u ture, I am respectfully yours, D, Jones Cottrell, (At the R. M. Green old stand,) KILLthi cough ua CURE th LUNCS wi Dr. King's flow Discovery FONSUMPTION Prlea OUGHSand COoifl.OO Frtt Trial. 0L03 Barest and ttuickeat Cur for ail THROAT und XA7NQ TBOUS- JuES, orarOMSY BACsK. . , ,j i...i Kntrv Notice No. Atn ' State Ol North Carolina Watauira County. Office of Entry Taker fof said county. ' R. p. Coo)t locatei and enters iw acre of land on tho waters ojf Elk River, Hi'ShoneehjjW' townshiy,; yYataiig ;c6utty, ; p l) Pick's Ridge beginning on a chegt, nut in the southwest 'line"of the" old C. C. Banners tract, running vl. ioua courses so as to include the vacant . I W u ...L H. J. Hardin, Entry Taker, ' AFTER YOU ; HAVE SUFFERED FROM. , , . ' EYE ACHES , . ; . For n while you will appreciate the immense relief that comes from the weariug ol properly 'fit ted glaue8.s ' , . ,. t All thebnrningsenHatlqnsceasesi And all the aches and pains,.: And where discomfort formerly wns is now absolute eyecomlort. This change can be brought ubout in a very short time,, in. deed and we. are ready to under take ic at any time you say. No charge for anything but tbe glasses. -ALFRED W. DULA, Jeweler and Optician, Lenoir, N. C BOONE AND NORRIS N.C, We wsh to announce to our customers that we areJbet ter than ever before prepar ed to save them money on every purchase they make from us at either of our We keep on hand what th people need, and if we can not save you money on General Merchandise. We are sure to make i som? one else do it. We carrry a nice line of Clothing, ury uooas, Notions, Shoes, ' . v TT J . naraware Hats, Caps, Groceries, Pro : - - 1 . visions, etc., etc, SPRING GOODS ARRIV ING. Uiacn weeK we are receiv ing new" goods, and as they come in we mark them' jus$ as low as we possibly can tp save ourselves. ; . . REMEMBER we are ontha market for all kinds of coun try produce, and pay Jnghest price for same. Roots' find herbs taken in exchange for goods at cash prices, , X OURS FOR TRADE, Cook Brothers, (BOONE AND NORRIS. N. C.) The PublisW Claims Sastail United States' Court c? Claims ' Tlie rnbllt'hor of Wcbfter'a lntrr:biil DIcthMkry Mlliio tnnt it "I s l i (.irt.i t . it. t)i purpoxo f adaptiDir it to meol In liiri-r rkfitlyanrlobM lnevorvtwrt. witu ndoverer ronulriwuenU of auolliu' etautf tion'J , We are of tho opinion thottb't lljrntto,ri moat clonrlv und oocumtuly dcrile li work tlirttr ns tioen rcoiupilxiui and tit result thnt hn lu rmolipd. Tho lHnt lunar?, it notf'ttnndik bus been thoroughly jv- Cdlted Id evtiT detail, bos been rwroiid In it nowstnndu, bus teen tuoroijiyily ft. rr pe.rt.iind u adinlnutly udaplcd larger mid-aeveror requfreipcn lerstloit tJjlcb driuwMli more f 1 aeveror reauiieux-nte c tec aliHolotrlcnl kaowledir tlutn uy g nit the world, bmevercoMlnluo. I. liHolofjlcnl hitowledir tlutn miy gauon.'-oii It Krliipe ieeUw to add thnt worefkf the dictionnry In our Judicial work ul tlia hlarlieet Buthoritv In M.'ourarT of dollnu tin oe hi : a tlonj will b tb avurce of couaiaut ruiureiico. and that in the futureaimtliopautt CHARLES a SOTT, CkH lfm LiwRrrn wnoos, - JOHN DAY IX. rriiiToM j. mux. 9 M iwntti. DU ooom rtfen to VTXBSTEH'8 INTERNATIONAL DICTIONAJ? THE GRAND PRIZE (thhlR-ht award) m (rtyen to the )ntarna UonalMtba Workl'ai'alr.bctvuis. " GET THE LATEST Mil EEST Tot tW nf trmUi in our tpeitrn yafu, lent Jrt. ' a&aMERRiAMca, f voitiii l