WatausaD3in)'jrat. l0 Cr. Clefoland o Swotielh Birthday He Mow Special Trinvv. ; j V - j ' : , Pointed Remark!,, 'I lAok'wlth apprehension up- General .Mariagjer Nichols, of There is no elevator tip the lad- !.nn tlm wealttvmrvd rush of Atfier-.,tbe Carolina - and Northwestern der of fame. WrV': Published Every Thursday,' jean life, which is certain to Ini- j railroad, in;an interview publish. The mule is an emotional ?.' - ' ' i It nir thi mental and Dhvsical.ed in the Yo'rkville.'S. 0., Euquir- tnre at both ends. ,,U viiror foeafssarv to' every . human er, etates'that the extra passen ' . It isliard to lead a clean life in iiwino.. Tnavven our farmers Wr trains run each summer to, a dirty shirt. ; I "-"'B" - J . ,..,..-. : , .. ' . ... : . . are not contented with their, accommodate travel to thaiilow JHore men vote tneir prejudices (. . . ' '' . I . T 11 ' J '!.... .' fll 4. U-i Wlf Ee ttvse loeerbM Danuli. (Greensboro Telegram.) To the Editor: Will tl editor : . I' IV- r. ; ri. L!u i invpTofl Daniels ofthe'sessed by everyone; yet nature;tiunof the V.eL'isU.t.ure in innkinovvji.rijs!a ftniwxnw. ;,, : ! '! fcLw .3 S51ha.ntoita2w-ttat everyone the pa;2j(c,nts.-Weh H,nv r,W ,as. ,Mar, lamb?j I. nt.1x.inul.' nn Jlt '! flTl 5nT. fl KttWI TirrtTlOHl- I .1 list fl R Oil 1 M.S 1 PT Ul) 1 IPf. ' f ( I l 1T1 T1PW1 II1KI1LUI1V UIIU Ull.in ,uiok I ,. ..e.. v ..iv. s..uv,.- --ir love mm i 1, B-eeauae every fellow that gets hla living out of taking ad vantage of his neighbors hates Wm.'i 'a'.!---' ' 2. Because Republicans hate tim Worse than they hate any. body. : ': ' ' ' 3. Because whisky Jmen hate mm. 4. Because men who know they are oh the wrong side abuse him ' Incessantly, because he keeps his ly of relaxation; in the open air. tion," snidMr. Nichols, "and one) , iUe paibouap? .tne oniy re And in;these times of dollar- we can, hardly see light ahead jpair shop for broken hearts. ;l ;'' chasing,' many of the most vital in ' , . 6 A broken i heart usually , mends necessities of a normal human And soitrg6es alorig.ll the quicker than a broken rib. life are being neglected. .. ; lesser roads are up against the'j .Every trn father; should raise "It is unquestionably true that ( same proposition. '? $ r isiue wuwKera .r ww w : The enure section about,iiiow-!puiu , , ing Rtk and Lenoir must suffer. . Yes, dear their union was a The formers - who. find- a ready howling success and it weighed market at the summer hotels for i nine pounds. their chickens, lejnrs, "vegetables, , No man who loves tlio church etc.will suffer from the effects of j-should split kindling wood under theaw because there will not be a clothes line. ' . " ' ' such a demand for their produce, nearness to nature has an eleva ting influence upon heart and character. The real worth and genuineness of the human heart are measured best by its readiness to submit to the influence of na ture and to appreciate the good ness of the Supreme power who eye on them, R . DAnnn'oA ntrAtv trnmnrnl in. fluJnceinNorth Carolina is being lie its creator. This is thecentral And our old friend Biadshaw , Lnint nf mv nhilosoohv of life, who sells rattlesnake skms and USeU TO rUHl IIHU. It , il. ,.l,.l,,1,lmJA nnvoUioa will mU 1 ifnmno tiv(fl tfi t'lO niimllM flf 1 ' I ISO inaLfei' HOW WOnUenUI I C lUUHUllcuuvu iiuininu .im .u... miuun in-.' iu .,.y ........... It was reported from , Vermont j some days ago that young con llifiil AVi;e(able Prefarationfor As similaling iheFoodandBefiula Ung JcStoinadi3 andDowcis of 6. BecausepieneveTsaid a cross word to an employee of his paper (I am informed of this) nor a cross word to his family in all his life. . 7. Beoausehe i against, sin everywhere, is a consistent Christian, never chews or smokes or drinks, (so I am informed )and loves the plain people. The conclusion of the whole matter is that 1 love him because 1 love his pure life and because of the enemies'he hasjnade, ... . ; , FARMER. : Madison, N.C. March 15 1007. A large Baptist Church that stands in, the eity of Santa Rosa, Cal.', enjoys the distinction of having been constructed entirely from a singletree. Of course, that includes the woodwork of the structure. The tree from which - the timber, lumber and shingles were cut was a giant California redwood. A considerable quan tity of the lumber was left oyer After the church building was completed. .The building has a spire seventy feet high, an an dience room , capable of seating 300, a parlor capable of seating 80, a pastor's study 14' by 20 feet, a vestibule and a toilet room The building is 35 by 80 feet. There are not many buildings in the country all the timbers oi which came from a single tree. Technical World. progress of the future may be, the standard virtues of indepen . , . . i. i... ,i dence, industry, noneiv turn patriotism can never be improved Aslonffasthe world lasts they will be the basis of true national greatness and prosperity." Do not discourage either girl or boy in the matter of taking pride in their personal appear ance. No matter if they overdo a little in their "salad" days, time and developed taste will ! tone it don. There are so many dirty, slipshod men in the world To'Der "Everv dav is a little life." was -an old thinker's wise epigram. each day gets the better of us how are we going to conquer in life as a whole? Only as we make each day! a victorious battle ground where selfishness and shirking and disobedience an discontent are overcome, can w make life a victory in the end Lavater, the old philosopher, laid. down the rule that "eacl day should be distinguished by at least -one particular act o! love." It is a rule which makes life happier for the doer, and for everybody else. Set many a custotne Tar Heel. 000,000 were . sacr.fiwl, to the Christmas tree market from that State a4one last year, two cents apiece having been' paid moun tain farmers arid their children A certain Kansas school-boy was called up one day by the teacher and asked what excuse he had for placing a bent pin on ! for getting them, and it was said the seat that was afterward oc- j that the devastation would be cirpied for. abyut half, a second j 'worse this year. A dispatch front by a fellow pupil, "i" w as just ; Maine published yesterday said trying to put in practice the'les-j that some 930,000 had been i re soVvou taught us yesterday." i alized by farmers of that State tm ul tlin W. "Ynn n r that we tnis season irom me sameHouire, should never miss an opportunity to help others to rise. Ex. If the cutting of these young trees were pursued intellegently and with discrimination theruvonld be nothing to grieve over,' b u t Promotes DigesUonJCheerful ness and Itest.Contains neillser . Opium.Morphinc norliaexaL Xot Narcotic. jiHfiaroUDrStKVZlPnVM sktim.Urd C , . y ' tppertniit - ' ' C'aifvd.tuar - Apftfccl nemady forCtibslipa Oon. Sour Stoiiwch.Diarrlioea Worms .Convulsions JFcverish ness nnd Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Si'gnnlure of : NEW YORK. H Is 1 m WACT COPYOF WRAPPER. 1 rj t 1 ft For Infanta and Children. The -Kind -YiHaive' s Bears AIwavsiBoiighti gignatiu In S8 For Over Thirty Years c TMfl MHTMIII MHnMTk TOBK OITT. i ' ' The citizens of Elkin. with their -men who before marriage were i brass band, turned out in massesl the chances are in most cases quite passable, as to cleanliuess j Tuesday evening to greet ex' but who allow themselves to de generate into "slouches" that it seems a duty we owe trie ooys to impress upon them early the value of neatness, orderliness, and a due. regard for the boy. No dainty woman likes a du ty man, even though it be her hus band. Commoner. A Scientific Wonder. The cures that Mnnd to its credi- raake Bucklen' Arnica Salve a&cie entif wonder. It cured E. R. M"l ford, lecturer for the Patrons of IIus bndry, Wavneshoro, Pa.- of a Ois tressinff case ol Piles, ft heal the worst burns, sores, boils, ulcers, cuts wounds, chilblains and salt rheum. 2$ cts, at alll druggist's.- Lieut. Gov. Dough ton, who was retnrninar from Raleigh to his home at Sparta. This wa a lican. token of appreciation of his ef forts in securing State Convicts to build a turnpike from Elkin to Sparta The convicts now em ployed on the Jefferson road will when that road is completed be transferred to the Sparta road. Wilkesboro Patriot : that it has been a ruthless slash ing conducted lx .the farmboys very largely. Springfield Repub- It never makes a" girl .tired to dance till it's time toget up nrt day, , .CASTOR lift' For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bean the Signature of Torture Uy Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage' tribes in t h e Philippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense Buffering I endured for three months from in flammation of he Udneys," says W. M. Sherman, of. Cashing Me Nothing helped me nr.ti Iticd. Elec trie Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me," Cures Liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood disor ders and malarii, and restores the wolf fnd ncrvoiH to"nbut health. GvirntceO by i j)t ugtsts. price 5)CtMt!.,' ; ...A'.,,,-..,, - ' A GOARANTEKP CVKE Full PILES. Itching, Blind,lileeding, Protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO .OINTMENT ails to cure in 6 to I4 days, 5jc. The freak .throughfaw at the A in oklahomo owns 100,. Jamestown Exposition, will be q00 acreg o fineiand. There are called warpath,", but Jviijitore pienty G men wl,0 could lovethe ar wiuuuneu nut iu in n u v Vppv oi-miitii t int. rn L va ks- on. i 1 1 u-" I'll'' e-"-"";'"":6" . ", . .. it. t o o seriously. 'Washington i'o... . , Ti.h worsU hinp iil)r li.,nrMy is the way.vouciiii't iret.jkh byil. -Ex. Wheii u ni'in Imsa reull.v good disposition it's n:sign he has to relatives to be'nicc to. ' . Everybody is waiting lor Wr. Rocki feller to have another ino'i ey storm. . . ; . NOTICE. ' ; Having .qtialifiW as administrator of the estate of H. F. Tester, deceas ed. Notice is . hereby gWen to nil persons who have claims against said state to present them . within one year from this date or this no. tjee will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons de said estate will please come forward and settle at once. This Feb. 7. 1907 S. P, SltULL, Adiuiniii'ratoi'. . . J. C FUETcnfiu, - Attorney. 9rm - says the doctor to many cf his lady pa!ien'.3, becausa he dpesn't knew oi any medicinal treatment that will positively cure or - ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knlfo. ' ' - 1 That such a medicine : exist3, however, hts ben proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women,' la thousands cf : .cases, by , , . . .;, . 1 It is bard to lead ii clean life in a dirty shirt. The old original Grove1 Tasteless Chill Tonic. Ydu know what you Hre taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay 50c. : The progress of the Chnrch of Jesus Christ is strikingly depicted .by the pen of John.'the desoipleof love. I call you to follow the pro gress of the growth of the Christ Jan church in John's writings. First there was oniy one man who believed in Jesus John the Baptist. Thai we read of two, then of three, then of five, then of twelve, then of 70, then of 120, then of a great multitude which ' no man can number, all singing Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, . and strength and honor, and; glory and blessing. Ex, , Faster and faster the pace 'rs itt, . By people of action, vim and get, So if t the finish yon would be, Take HoIIwter'i Rocky Mt.Tea. SI. R Blackburn.dilowing Rock v- Drvz Co.; ; : f z '"Kntry Notice 'No, 3466. '''Stab.- it Jioith Carolina. Watauga ; Comity, Office of Entry Taker for j said C"unty : . J. Hodges locates and enters 25 acres of land tn Uoone township, on the head waters Lfiurel Fork. Beginning on an oak nd maple in L. J. Hodge' .line then with Clawson's line to Will Gragg's line then with Graggs line to Long' line, then with I.ongs line back to L. Hodges line, then various courses to L.J. Hodges line. Entered March'4th 1907. II. J. Hardin Entry Taker.-'- -FEEEfNG.;';- TMs-Biorning? 1 jmmiW1 WiNE ;M Pill . OF; :;y fill II III ;(f' ,''', V7birian''s' Belief 'r':--::r (l It h.i3 saved the lives of'thcttSinda cf veak. sick women,, and has rescued thousands c!-' others from a melancholy lifetime of. "chronic : invalidism. ' It will cure" you, if you will only give It a chance, , Sc'.J at every drug storo In $ 1 ,00 bottles. , Try it ' ii WHITE U3 A LI.TTf.3t freely and frankly, In strictest wnfi dence, ..telling as all your troubles. We-will send Free Atlvk-e (in plain,' ealcJ envelope). Address: LAlics'. Advisory Df?pt.', The Cliattapcoga Mediclno Co., Chattanooga, fenn. GAVS UP SUPPOKTES , ' "I wore a supporter for years, for ir.y wo:nb, which had crowded es'ery t:ii:ij do-A-n before It, writes Mrs. S..J. GuHnan, ol Mannsville, N.Y. "fsut fered untuld misery and .could hardly walk.- After talcing Cardul 4 gave up ray . supporter, and can now be on y feet half a day at a time." : M 1 i .-4,-a i'i 4 A wblte tarkey done brown peyer makes one Iwl blue. If yon want to dollars grow, f ed i . ..!,,. w.k VIil.,J'd.nl',1. lnn lolUa 1 r Held with Virpriula-Carolin For- Ibcf will -lncreane your or sore." ana thus Dftnr down haeodtof Droduotlon.ovsaUyou ue fewer tennu and leM labor. W have thousands of itmn torn- sitnlali from farmprswho have triirl 11 outer manea oi leruiuers ana aMorc that Tirginia-Ctrclina Fertilizers . are by far tha boat. Tfcey will rive Ton crops that will mat moro money tor you. Buy no oUior,vra Jf ai.ine dealer endeavura to aet ynu to buy aume "cheap M brand lurt because be may make a little more proft on tbut. Of oourtw, that would b to bla iuterest a-tyoura. fiRBiNii-tanotmi tmMi to:,1 Urtnai, Ta, brblk, it. Inrt.B. I. C mawk, 8a. .. loMrmvr. Ik. Itailt Tiaa, NO TICK. Bale of .Valuable Ileal Estate In I'XH'iitiou ol triiHt "rlwtl to ui by' Jos. T. Kay, of dnte th j liM h'day ol J ie. 1905, and of j record in the ofticn of ll'-ninttir (f I IVhIs lur Watawira rounty North Crtiobna, book"K,ol tnortjriifrps pape 201, I wil', on the SOtliday of llaicli, 1907. on the jireiniseK, tat 12 .oVlock, ,M., ol said day, j sd1 at public outcry, to the high ,ht bidder lor cuslr in hand: rtu ! diiv olnale, the land iu said deed ineiitiuned, be.i njrllB acres, litom or less, in Watflnpa to.; IN. l., adjoiuiiir the, .lands ol 11. It. Dolyn,'W. R. Grayham, J. 11, Holmaii. B. Miller and others, ! the name land conveywl by Juo. fHay and othern t Joh, Itay,' bj ; fU'd iri m:urd iu tb oftW ot I he i -IlejiiHter of Deeds for TVattiuya !Co.,N C. in deed book .No. 3, ! paps 522; for a moVe parta r.lar i -description ol said laud refer;iee is iuikIo to 'ud deedh. '. If This sale is maaernr tneuenenr. W ol Goo. C, VaujrhJ,,thF bnefici. H nry in said first nn med d e d. j 8. K. V Vl (ill AN, Ti UHtee. A Gentle Laxative - ; And Appzer Charnkdain's Colic, Cholera & Disrrhea Remedy Almost every fasuly lias need of a reliable remedy for colk or diarrhea at tome titne during the year. ;-,' ::: Thu remedy is recommended' by dealers, who have sold it for many years and knovr its v Jue. , - It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful beople. ' -It has been prescribed by phy sictans with the most tatisLclory resulu. . h'haa often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. ; ' h only costs a quarter. Can you afford o risk so rrmclv for so little? BUY IT NQW,: '.. The Oldest ntiruseript wntten on cotton paper in linlnnd is in Hie Br'tifili muHeumond bears the uare iu4;i. H4-4. 60 YEARS' lf EXPERIENCE 51 The C!iai!o!t8 Otar: Maaks DtSIONt . IGKT8 4C. Anronnndlntf a.kiHrh and (lMrrfltloa maT fiMtckir i"i'oriftin nur opinioa ire wnwiior mm , THE L.AU0KST AND K E S T KEVVSPAPltR IN N.C t fiiiip Till' 11 trip i fit 1 o 9. Iiivcniuwi l pri.hsblf pRlenlaMe. Conimnnlra. UMIJ JSUJ III lliV ifilJ J0 llnil,rlct, ,. f.fL I. HAKO&MI onPtntt "-! aunt Irea. Olclnt luimiry for sccunnRpaUnta. (lir. ..:,!. l'nimi takun tl.rMiuli Miinn a Co, roeaiv Tl . Oil. ' '' ' ts of 10 tO I? t"taitutc' wi,y'g)tt "l"tr1' tba . oaes daily 'and to to 32 pages Son;. Scientific UwSea.v d-. lr KqiwIIi mr.1r iipwa maltfr handsomely WnrtratM we' ttr. I,rct Ww ' .iy. It raiMlltS molt liew maurr, ilatlon of any iuaa Jonrnrl, Torm, S3 locaL Stute, TtHtiunsi and . foreign VA'l'itSXbt'1' wiTi- tnau any oi,ner tsonn iiraiina news uivJUU uu. "iigii iviit J i - &mnclx Oho. (95 r tU Waahluitoa, D. C. TliJfl . UIlbtKV iiK. is unexcelled as a news medium and. is also filled with excellent matter. of n miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER, issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1, ; per ynr, is trie largest paper for the money In this secJiort.' )t cons-ists of SJ to 10 pages, and prints' all the news of the week local, State,; na. : tionaf aiid fcrelgn. -- -, 1' Addrfis, .-; ' THE OBSERVER CO; . '' '. Him lot te. N.C a--' Wo iOLUitiy obtain V. it. bikI rotelaa 'n4 model, oltctch or j,)otoollrtttic loi J 1 ' free report on rwtmitr.HlUy. For trtt fceoa, J Opposite U. & . Patent Offlcaj !fj WASHINGTONOOj :;'Cfip8astcss has stood the test 25 years. Avenga Annud Sale$ pvci Otui end a Half bottles. Does this record cf cent crteal to von? No Cure. No Pay- 5W. m - - - . w - " - ... - . la . tastofd wtii vary boKla h a Tan Cent, paclngo cf Crows EmcX R-o Liver Pi. tJy JuiiurV'Hls li)07.

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