V ; t UJr :ix. BOONEr WATAUGA COUNTY, K. C rHUllS DAW AUGUST l'19!)7i MO. 13. PROFESSIONAL. I, D.LOWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK.N. C. t&" Will " practice m the court of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. 7 6.'04 Todd & Ballou. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice iu all tbe eoujts- Special attention given to renl estate law ana collections. 6-15-'0G J. E. IJODGES.- Veterinary Surgeon, sanus, jn. i;. Auii. e.iy. ; " !-- ' ' 11 - -: - EDMUND JONES LENOIR, IS- A Will Practice Regularly, in the Courts of nata vga, F. A. LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice, in tbe courts of the 13th Judicial District, in all matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1906 7:-- -- " j.c.fletcher7 Attorney At Law, BOONE, N.C. 1 : rfril nfrflnt inn frivpii TO collections. EFLOVILL -ATTORNEY AT LAW, - BOOSE, N. C Special attention given to all business entrusted to h'scare."! M'04 A, AHolscliw, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mountain Lit r. Tennessee. Will practice hi all the courts of TenDewfiee, State una ueaerai. Hnr.!l attention eiven to col lations and all oMier matters of a legal nature. Office north east of court house Oct. 11, 1006, l.v. rectidn, then Mr. Cortelyoti Would be willing to meekly bear the burden thrust upon him. Ilia preparation for the multifarious duties of the President of the U. S. is better than that of any oth er American. There are more naval moves in the Far East. Now it is serai- e WASHINGTON LETTER. From Oar Rigaiai Correspondent. There is a fnotn ! in t.Vio Democratic cnmiinirvn timt have been overlooked by a good uiankv peupie, out tliat is bother ing the politicians in Washing. ton nnd pljou-koi.r. Ti,., :., i - "'c. luuuioiur ine ia,r i-.nsr. now lr, is aom Hearst. It has been the fashion officially announced that th not to lncludfi him Hi Vm Qam'ntia - J t I 1 1 T discussions of Democratic candi- ton's fleet is about ready to start uu iw, out mere wus the same home, and it may come by way aim 3 11 proveu, me or Japan. Tins squadron con same mistake in his bid for the gists of four ships, the West Vir Democratic nomination for the ginia, the Colorado, the Pennayl governorship in New York. Of vauia and the Maryland. They course, the leaders of the Demo- am the newest and most Dower- cratic party do not like Mr. Uni Hearst m a candidate. They 8aid that they are coming even 1111LM1L 111! IVIIllllir 1 Tllir, lin WU II 1 nil.. i f T in o o r-- r i luuh iu ouu r iuuwiocu. in io him us a campaign contributor, optional with the Admiral on the I for he has enough money to fig- pacific station whether they come lira RprimiRiv in t.hnr.'rnlo Tint l n., nra. inAnnn m. . . . -- i u n,v ui Liic .1 (luiLiirnc uui vi the trouble is that, when he nhin. I1JVV, XI UlUf IU lAIIIAV fcV fires into the nolitipnl mnnlstrnm lnti ir flm Tonnnnca n mtlior C g -I KVU tJJ b Uly U Cl'iyUlIll OO -kJ tUVUVI li 1 II 1 t 11. . 1 I . . iniuis usumi.v ueen nr me oene- fjaunling a red rag at a Dull, it fit of Hearst. His money and his j8 understood that after leaving faculty for organization have the far side of the Pacific 1 hey will !?one to his own linliftina". and n-r, tn fitmit rf lnrrallnn nnA CT ----- - J CI I KV IU MliltIV UI HAfl f,y liuu il ii. n . J 1 il : I.'. . . . .. ..i .1 tnua ii m ngureu uy uie wise ones join m target practice witn tne that they will go again if he battleship squadron. After that I ' - A. t r .m ... a i 1. iimwL'H u tienuuH set lur me x ie -ATWRbEx Al LA- BOONE, N. G. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. W Abstracting titles and .collection of claims a, special tv. - M '07 R, Ross Donnelly. UNDERTAKER & EMBALM ER SHOUN'S. ... Tennessee, Has garnished aud Olass White Coffins; Bluck' Broad loth and Whit Plush Caskets; Bhick and White' Metalic Caskets RoBes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Cms kets always on hand.'Phone or ders irlven nnecinl attention. R. ROSS DONNELLY. .. -KEW JEWELER'S SHOP. f niHhfl lfwrrtfld in Bodne bv Juno t.hn flwrf,. 1 1)07. nrertared to do all kinds of watch and clock1 repairing on short notice. My work ia all. guaranteed , and no work is charged tor uuless satis , factory to the owner. Bring me yourworkandl will give you a first-class job. " , , SQOffice" up staii-s , in Critcher gILAS M. GREENE, Jeweler. ; thev will make their wav ud the idential nomination. coast and the whole fleet will Of course, one may like Mr. concentrate at San Francisco. Hearst, jor he may not. lie may There is some interest in the believe that he is sincere, ' or he state Department over the news may not. But there ra no deny- from Korea of the abdication of ing the fact that he has a faculty the emperor, Yi-Hyueng. The for organization. This is more way that this bears on the A than the faculty for hirinc men morienn sitnn.timi in that it is to do the organizing for him. He apt to divert the Japanese popu- nas mat, too, anu me liiuiiej w jacylrom tneir intense interest ao it witn. iut a long curwr ui iU an events in America ana par newspaper work and a shorter ticularly on the Pucific Coast. nnfl ol noliticai me. nave neer Tim Knrcnn Kmnir tins been found this organization wanting toppling for a long time, and when it comes to the pinch, this is as good a time to give it WVinflior it, WAS hnnminfr a flOW-tali. flnnl olmvn na onv Tho Viiir ..wv..wi .w ' " r? 11 IV 1111 Utl DUV I V lW gj tyt er festival in Southern California peninsula, for it is a great terri or throwing relief into San Fran- tory, has been the scene of mis cisco after the earth quake or vu conquest, and reconquest 1 ...1. A rt lrr i-vf . a! maKing u wini imui;uuiiuiu wi ior ages ror many generanouB New York in an unsuccessful back there has never been a fight for the governorship, Mr. Korean Emperor who has died Hpnrst was alwavs there and had ;n his hpA. He either abipateu as hiH nro-nnizatior' with him. And th nresent nTie haa done, or else that is the reason that a gdod he was assassinated or sometimes ranny people are afraid ol his it was both. making a real effort for the Pres There has been no question idency. -' . that the Japanese have had their TIp is bpinf? seriously discussed eyes on the country from the o I - .... .... in this connection. No one who first of their success against the knows the situation believes for a Russian? iuthe la te war. They tnnment that he will throw his need the territory, they care no nprrv and hissunnort td Bnr- thing for the several millon na on Tf ho Hhmild do this Rrvan's tives. and theTnatives have been UVIt v v I nomination would be assured, so badly ruled and so thorough- But as the case stands, he is the ly robbed by successive govern- only man in the Democratic par- ment, that they care little who tywitha real organization be-1 their ruiers are, ueneving w n a t hind him. His Independence ever change may come they have Trfmmieifl a thins older noliti- known and endured the worst cians are now ready to seriously In this emergency the J apaneso reckon with. government lounu us nanus run r nf fh fonrp intherow not with the United n v r.. States, but iwith lte own neonle. telyou boom. Tliishas been talk- to keep them from picking a ed up of late and rather to the fight with the United States. The annoyance of the Secretary of Korean plum was about ripe for the Treasury. It is not denied jMCKuanuuiBjupuuewguvewi thatMr.Corteiyonhas an ulti- ment simply gave the tree a mate and far seeing eve on the shake and is now watching ttie nomination for the Presidency, eyes oune japaues peupw vuru But he is not working seriously oreawarq, wnicu is ronc.ii for the nomination at the com- safer direction than toward the in" convention. He has not been united mates, inere is an oia JLiflniw invito into the fmv saying that a hound can only Rm-uiovoit n.T in follow one trail at a tiro-Jlt is the view of the case, he would not generally believed at the State be a good republican to intrude, uepariment mat me nounu ue tu tA ir.i tripled " t,n nsp ine diverted iB the Japanese pub. a coloquilism.havebeentheones he and that the Ntrialis toward to do tnisiaiKHig. um iu iuucu i i may be said. , If thpre should be ,tI haye fi;ej the waiking.ick need of a dark horse at the fin- Vecarried over 40 yearson account ish of the nomination campaign, of a 80re that resi&ted every kind of Keeping The Race Apart. (Washington Post.) A few timid souls profess to see great danger in the transfer of tho battle s,hk) fleet to the raciflc. They fear it may lead to boast ing and perhaps to war. The proper course to pursue in their opinion as to adopt the curious but pacific method of tht os trich. Let the Japanese question burv its head in .the sand all will be well. As for the Pacific coast attitude -toward Asiatics, let that be waved aside as the ig norance and insulting mouth- ings of a few sandlotters. Admit the Japanese to citizenship, treat them kindly if not obsequiously and they will not attack us after all. ' The day of ostrich diplomacy, however, is past. It was never very successful in American af fairs. A little clear thinking and a few plain words on the Japan ese situation ought to reassure timid Americans that the battle ship fleet is not being sent on an errand either of devaetion or eu icide. - The cause of the friction with Japan is purely racial, and that which makes the racial antipathy active is the conjunction of the races. This antipathy is appa rent anywhere in the world where Anirlo Saxon and Asiatic meet. Premier -Deakin of Australia is determined to check the inflow of Ms. Rooserf It Loads Inform. ( Ashe v ille Gazette News. ) If memory serves us well, the actual initiative in the abolition of the vast bustles that made wo men look like dromedaries, was taken by Mrs. Cleveland, while she was mistress of the White House. We believe also, that she led in the substitution of the pompadour for tht bang; a less important matter. Even men doubted whether thejbustle could be discarded and women 0 1 i 1 1 00k like women; but Mrs. Cleve land worked a transformation in contour, aa it were, and men per. ceived that the objects of their affection were still substantially the same. Now. we hear, although we do not pretend that it is an author. itative statement, that "Mrs. Roosevelt has essayed the role of reformer. It is not the railroads, the corporations, nor tho nature fakers that have fallen under the ban ot the first lady of the land. According to an intimate friend, the Presiden s wife has de cided to discard her corsets. All of the feminine instruments of tor ture in her wardrobe will b e thrown into the garbage heap and she will ceasing' warefare against them If Mrs. Roosevelt is successful in h e r crusade the corset will be relegated to tho limbo of antiqui tv. alone with the hoop-Bkirt and the bustle. As a result, the wasp like waist bida fair to go out of When tht Hair Falls Stop It! And why not? Fall ing hair is a disease, a regular disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigof , as made from our new Im proved formula, quietly and completely destroys that dis ease. The hair stops falling out, grows more rcpidly, and all dandruff disappears. , Dom mil change tht co.or of 0i hair. rornuU vlttmk batti 0 Shaw II to yaw At hlin tboqtM. The little book In each package give the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells why each ingredient U used, and ex. plains many other interesting things. After readinnycu will know why this new nair preparation uocs itsi won so wcu. Mad by th t. C. Ijn Co., Lmroll, Maw-f A straogt? and mysterious ani mal, says an exchange, Imh madii its appearance across tbw State line in PittsyK auia county, Va. The animal devour dogs, and has caused considerable excite ment by its unwelcome visits. Sananese labor. The Trnnsvaa 4- I a a ntintfnrl fl Inn' I f rt n V 1 tn nrirf f baa Vcmnta frftm Innnr niacins Japanese, Chinese .and "'"lV" . P Ti;n,i0 . mmmnn IpvpI. admired but Beidom emuiatea, ua t-o-ia- is to have its inning. The oppo M1U 1CUII1IIUK lilic-m w .v.fciu I ... , 11. x Il tered Ixfore entering the country ""v'r. , 1 "v ii t iu i. k t . corset is based on hygienic facts plainly restrictive. The state- notunrela ed to -the subject of ment that the anti-Japanese feel r ouuw """T n.t s 1, ' She believes that the compressing UlLT ill Villi iiurmu, 10 tumnicu i , . hoodlum, and sandlotters ia ab- M lives organs by means of surd. The President of the Uni- 8WV" "aa vluv. - f - 7 - ni: Ar. menace and a crime aganwt fu- clared that the question at issue ure generations, Such a crusade . I tiriM ha u'lthnnr. itji ffPT. in is whether California shall be Ja- ".w; ,7 ; panized, as Hawaii bas'been. He the financial woiM. Hnee millions intimates that Japanese exclu- of dolhtrs are invested m corset ainn in imnprnt velv neeess&TV. if ",uuu,ttt"lU4C ""r v U""J . , the United States is to remain on irood terms with Japan. The exclusion of Japanese coo lies is already'reeognized by law as desirable, and the president is authorized to exclude such aa do 1 . - il I t Tl not come oireci.y iron. .mpuu. xv hemorrh of the , an j thront. has been found impossible to exe- , ... , . ,, ,. i t I LUUIUIS iUlltu IU liciu 111!., anu nil cute tins law satisioctory. juj - . fl . . . . fc. nnAnAlnhAnnno Aha flATntnni 1 Tl f 1 lv I viously the only Huccessful meth Remarkable Rescue. That troth ia stranger than fiction has oncJ more been dcnioihstratcd in the little tvivnof Fedora, Tenn., the residence of (' V . Pepper. He wi ites 'l was in bed, entirely disabled with Often TbQ Kidneys Are Weakened by Of er-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood Tt nanl tn bo considered that onlY urinary and bladder troubles were to bi iraceu 10 me Kiuneya, but tiow tnodera science proves that nearly all disease bave their beeinuiuK in the disorder of these most important organs. Tha kidneys filter and purify tbe blood that U their work.. m . 1. : .1 .. .nu V I nereiore. wncn yum uit;e . nf rnn unfleratAnd hoW 111 UUh VI V.I V. V. 4 I J J ' quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ icenw 10 au u u vm duty. If yon are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Di. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soott a your ktqncya are wen mcj wm uv all the other organs to health. tS. trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can maka no mlav take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary enect ol Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Kooi, we rran kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cure of the most distressing cases, and is aok on us merits oy an, druggists in fifty-cent Mi4 nta-Atnr m?.t hav. Ham nip bottle HM.iifBnmaAfll4 hy mail tree, also a pampuiei xeiung jvi how to find out if vou have kidney of bladder trouble. Mention thia paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer 81 Co., Blng hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, bat remember the name, swanip-.ooi, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Cipghamton.N. Y.,on every betUe, I -Dr. King's New Hiscovery. Then .'.. i:..f ti, ..w.U:r. . . . iinsiani reiici tamo um wugiuug ou 01 euuiug ui.u iu HoQn cMHed the Weedi diin.nish rigid exclusion laws. The United . ... . . T u, if, - , I IUUI1II1 I HM Sjl - w-w ,1 eial...u6P.-i.n ,b(l4 oto workf Guaranteed aesiretooota nmeacqumnra.. orco h8 nnd col(8 50C. and $1 of Japan. It is now announced! ... . . w. frcc that Japan will not agree to the . nwrnfintion of an exclusion treatv Our ideas of a charnrinff woman 1 - and does not look' with favor upon is one who is ignorcnt of her ii i i 1 : 1 i tne enucimeiiii ui bauiubiuu itia-icuunus. lation. - The two trovernments are lheMgic. 3 squarefy at odds on this vital Number three is a wonderful mas business. The task cut out for cot for Geo. H. Tarns, of LeJar rlinlomacr is an extremely deli- Grove. Me., according to a letter r . eate one. The Japanese must be which reads: "After snffenngmuch . . .. 1 .... s excluded sooner or later, with wih liver and kidney tronbie and or without Japan 8 consent, lor becoming greatly discouraged by thesakeofpreventing race clashes the failure to fiud relief,! tried which themselves would lead to Electric Hitters, and as a result 1 war. If the Japanese are so sen- am a well man to-day. The first aitiva over the wrecking of & bottsl relieved and three bottles com resturant, what would be their pletec' the cure," Guarenteed best I foolinrr if ft lent ncnra of their coun remedy fsr stomach, liver and kld- - ..- . . trymen were killed in- riots? And ney troubles, For sale by all drug. suppose such riots should, occur gist. 50c. '. 1 1. k HAnHn.nn ,,m 11K itiii in I Willi 11U Allicnctiu nanuivo i , . . , tlio Pnifif. . T,,eie ,9 nnjnuult to a girl who V aa w a bvvbhw Love at first eight is easy, but few peopje can stand the test ofa long drawn out acquaintance. It's only natural that we should learn to crawl before we walk, but some men never get beyond the; crawling stage. mmmmm I hy Wiy Of Comparisofl Secretary Cortelyou feels that treatment untliti tried ' Bucklen' the saddle would just lit lnra ana ArnicA Silve. that hai heted the he would be willing to make veMrtlknA ma(le me , happy man running.' He would go into the writes John Garrett, of North Mills convention as the 'favorite son , N C; Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, of New York, and he would be etc., by all druggists, 35c. ; ' willulg to throtf his 'strength iu . any direction the President pleas When a man has a good jothe ed. And if the President pleased should take out a fiie insurance that it should bo Cortelyou's ui-' poil'u'y, -1. ' , t J.! wants to be called pretty to equal The moves being mode by, the . . . ... . ' J,. ...... , , 1 ii i iu one o' soyihk bmb uoo n ohit the United States is determiiied ' : ' : ' ,v to maintain peace witn japan. 'it You can't tell a woman s g e Will do BO hv keenlnC the rOCeH after ab take IlnllUfer'a Knckv apart. Tending the settlement of , Mountain Tea. Her complexion is the details of exclusion, it isprop ne. She is round, plump,and hand er that the United States should some; in fact she is young again, have such . power in the Pacific 35cnts, Tea or Tablets. M. B, as will compel the observance . of ; BfackhiiriT and Illowfng R,ck Drug peace by its very pn-Keiwe l(Cp, ' l" At llto bottom In a plottvra of a farm ou wtl'ib our tbrtlllzert wuro not uaea. Jtotloo tha very jwr growth ? At th ton. Lli'ira ! a Dliotowvh of the Belq of a plnntur wiw bellovea in tha liberal use qi voir Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. au .l.n wvu Him cten. ana tall. I luxurlHUl lnuit Vou can see many ! Utlior lUK:CBWnC jwwirw UI luuia UkathoM ou wlikn tbompaol poor i anI Muil jthiIiU e couiparoil. In our lBi(fc,r"'--l'Ti!" ii''1. Arourdealer llir 11. ui PVTItl ilouv. Ill WI4UIH w ymj the cosf. of wrapping ami poitago. "lacreasoyonr ylel.U per acre" by u lrVlrvliUiirOAroUcarortUlzan. Buy Virginia Cardina Chemical Lie. Atlant. Oa. niohatoniLVaV Norfolk. Va. liuthiu.K CT. Mu'ittoioery, GharUMd'a. It. C M'mnhla, Tena. JUltliaora, Md. Nsivannafl. II- Mu'itconMiry, Ala. nvmpnia, x tfiuuveport, P ;V"1 ,1 'ji '. t

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