i t ""1 ' T . 1 I . . . VOL mOFESSlOSA L, D.LOWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER EL&N.C. fflrWill practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. " : 7 Todd & Ballou. ATTOHNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. WiU practice in all the couats Special attention Riven to real estate Jaw an J collections . 0-15- Oo- -,J.E. PODGES, Veterinary Surgeon, -SANDS, Auju,6. Jy. EDMUND JONES TjA yeh W ill Practice Regularly in m rt - -a the Gonrcs oi navaugu., U o:, F. A. LINNEY, ; 0 ATTORNKy AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. yill practice- in the courts of he 13th Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. 6-11-1906. ..V- ). C. FLETCHER, Attorney At La, BOONE.NiC.--Careful attention Riven tf coHectfona. EFLOVILL -ATTORNEY AT LAW,- rr-rBOOXh, N, C.-- Special attentipn Riven to allbosiness entrusted to A, A. Holsclaw,. ATTORNEY AT LAW Mountnin City, ennessee. Will practice in all the1 courts of Tennensee, State and Federal. Special attention given to col lecloiw and all ober mattt rs of alfjral nature. ? Office north east of court house. Oct. 11, 1906. ly. ES.6flFFEY, -ATWRbEl A1MK- .--coone, n; ci. Prompt attention given to all matters of a. legal nature. tsr Abstracting titles and collection ot claims spec1' , , M'07. , . .., , , , .. . R. Ross Donnelly UNDERTAKER 4 EMBALM ER SHODN'S, - Tennessee, Hayrnishedad Glassl White Coffins; Slack Broa.d ioth and Whit Plush Caskets; Bhck and White Metalic Caskets Robes .Shoes and Jiuishings, - ; Extra large Coffins and, Cae keta always on hand.'phone ot: ders given npecial attention. ' ;jtilOSS D0JJN2LLY. NEW JEWELER'S SHOP. T will he Wntd in 4i(Xme b.Y Juno thu ,. 11)07. nreoared to ' do 9,11 kinds of watch and clock repairing on j snort notice, my work is chafed for unless satis factory to the owner. Bring roe your work and J will give you a first-class job. ' . . r i Office np stairs in ' Critcher Jjrick row. SILAS M. GREENE, Jeweler. BOONE, FARMING. (By Joe T.Ray, Elk Park.) There is a nrofossinn - n TVIAIH 1 every man may engage, no mat ter how Door or nnlpniT.1 i,-' may be. That profession is farm ing. " I am not an old or experienced farmer, but I was reared on the farm and learned to till tho imi and get joy out of the ground. In my opinion, farming is the grand est, the most inspiring, the most noble and independent of all the professions. The farmer is the solvent, the independent and hap py man. The merchant may see his goods go up in smoke; the bank president may abscond with a handful of stolen money, the millionaire's money may take wings and fly, to parts unknown and reduce him to beggary in a single day. The politician is a pu sillanimous wretch. The minister is a walking pity. The office-holder is a public pack horse. Let the bramleees tadpole dudescorn the farmer. I had a thousand times rather be an independent farmer, and know that my soul is erect and free, than to be President of the United States without inde pendence, feeling of the popular pulse, inquiring about the wind of opinion, filled with fear and trembling. There is a quiet about the life of a farmer and the hope of a se rene old age, that no other pro. fesssion or calling: can give. The professional man is doomed some day to feel his power waning; he is doomed some day to see youn- cer and stronger men pass nim in the race of We; he is doomed some day to take his seat and be last where once he was first. The business man's nisrhts are filled with worrv; his dreams are filled with spectres and Eobbhns, but the kind old farmer, like the eter nal hills, wlien the storms of pan ic howJ around, and the business tides ebb and flow, he remains practically unharmed, towering above the foes of turmoil, and quietly breaths the atmosphere of thrift and progress. He owes ijo man anything except good will. If any man comes to h i s door, he is not afraid it is an of ficer, and always greets you with a heartv ''come in." His nights are filled with sleep and" rest. , He hears the refreshing rain iainng ut)on the waving corn and listens to the zephyr's whisperings in the vine-clad trees above him, and breaths the sweet perfume of ro ses wafted in through his open window. .: When the winter, winds begin to blow, his crops aregatherered and his barns and cellars are fill ed. H,e looks forward to three longitiio.nthsat home with wife and family, three months of rest around his own fire side, three months of leisure in which to read and inform himself, three months nf solid comfort. It is not only the malienable right right of ev erv man. but hisindispensibledu ty to choose the calling or pro fession, the pursuit of which will bring the 'most possible happi ness. If the people were educated to believe that it is honorable to be useful, and disgracful to be idle and useless, and demand a nisrher standard of manhood, there would not be so many beg gars, thieves and robbers in the land, and more respectaoie citi zens. The people ought to be taught that the fanner ia the fa ther of all mdu8try,.and mat tne venerable old gentleman ought to be respected. C ,' There is a host of people in the land, mayof whom are gradu ates of good colleges, who, shun iVork, and especially the farm, as they would a leper. They are willing to do any thing that is not rpgacdod as labor; anything WATAUGA COUNTY, N. Cm THURSDAY that can be done in the house or ' in an office. Even some of them are willing to go about like a gang of hungry wolves trying to sell sewing machines, life uisur- quit, meui; i-uurus, peanuts, cider and every other trash on omir. 1- 1. 1 i ) " eaitn. .They seem to thimc work J" j I very uisgraceiui to a man wno oi pontics ne nas uounuani cour has a little knnwlpflfro of t, h n ntro when t.h ismifiH are to his three R's. 'Read. Ritanl Rithmo tic." oucli people aie simply ruinwl Thpvnroodnpn.tttfl wrotio- he popular pulse is depreciating the standard of manhood. The frrpatnPBR anH o-lnrvof our ---o---.. . and dflnend noon the number of J people who own their own homes, It. pontes n. man and inntilia patriotismin him to own a home, le who has sat by his own fire- side, with wifo and familv. ha had a blessing obtained in no ntiiorn n v EW man hava ovar heen nntriotift Jnonp-h to taksiin a gun in defense of a boarding house. Every man without a home. fpplmor or Ipsa lik a vaoTflnt. Th fnrmpr in anrinpe. T ou tm n. lmmp and if no morn, to ia n r'toh nnil finnnv mon ho. no nno ha ia mmtmifeui thpr nh . .u . .wU w... r r J 7 i lot mo rtiru to to nnite old - 1 I oniivfl Th.wnAl U astrnv. and flin!iahroaninthelflnd. Mon ..W.. f-"- "J) Mon ey is a grim monarch, and hold- eth man in its hand. Not long ago, I stood in St Louis, and watched the rushing throng, until I was almost chok ed by smoke, and deafened by the roar of4the town, I thought to myself, Oh take me far back into the wood miiu luuauuu vuuno duuiuhc, Mid majestic birch, oak and pine n . 1 1 a Evergreen inr vinpa By the ripling streams and crys tai springs, Where the wild turkeys gobble, and the nightengale sings. A. - .f a.Jlu icn cui JiJtio, 1 n nere tne squirrel m wue u w-wp . . . . dreams 01 no narm, Tin tha moiintainper'H rifle rinirs out the alarm. Yea, take me still farther on the bore, absolutely the most tire mountaintoweringtothesky mmp Wnrt ln tha United States Upon her grassy summit so very fine and high, ;.; ' -w I And may I never, never Bee Another drunken rushing crowd, ur in a cuy ue ,, ; , T roi,n imagine no sweeter way r - . a ri - or place to end ones days, than in the quite of the country down Federal judiciary, over the fres on tha old farm, where omr bov- irtpnt, of tha United States, the hood days were spent in childish plays; where we caught tne taa- poles by the tail, '.and stole the peaches and plums; where wehave strolled down in the meadow and hreathed the sweet scent of cur- ing hay, and listen to the mock- VlrA in li ft n-Aarkinrr rcillnor and the katv-dids soncr as the y evpnine' stole on. Surrounded bv pleasant fields of waving grain, far from the madning crowds iemoble strife, where fools strive for the worthless praise of other fools; secure from theingratitudel of an iinnrrftteful world. Dpwn m the old farm-house, mise was proposed from Wash covered with vines n"d robed ington he saw his chance and his with flowers: surrounded bv loved nartv'a chance. Men of that force ones faithful and true, we hope to pass away as sereneiyas tne Autumn dies. s - . 0 - Endoried By The County ; uiu- An.itar rAmAv u .' ' Otsego county, and the best friend of .. t n tji ,i n:.- m:, ,., cuiivl nun uuuiioiibi vi 4 ibvi:v lournnl. Gilbertaville.. Y. rr. King's New Discovery, It his pro v. , .. .... ... ed to be an infallible cure for coughs and colds, making short work of the worst of them. V e always keen a ' sf .1.- . t iii.- u t be the most valuable Diescriotion known for Lune and Throat dis ease." Guaranteed .to never disap. point the taker by all druggists. Price, COc ahd 1 1,00". Trial bott! free. The Prwldfoft surrender. (New York Times.) C avernor Glenn knew the man with whom he had to deal. The- odore Roosevelt is lion-hearted m uie utuuea ui ociutu nar, iu personal controversy he is full of 1.1. l. J.A1 ..1 4-.. I na. pluck and manhood, inthestritos a V.V 1 J x. liklnir. hnt, it has becnm notor- ious that yhen the interests oi mn.rtv or Vila own THrnonftl ad van tage and popularity are at stake he is much inclined to wave the glorv of the front attack, to CUt w . across me corners oi principle, and to content himself with com. promise and adjustment reached through indirection and avoid- ance. In the very beginning of the North Carolina trouble he show- ed that he WOS aimia OI II. n6 sent a Federal agent upon amis eion of compromise, though the matter was one, umi prcimtMsu only a strength course, an inflex I . . . lble performance of duty, uover- nor Glenn apparently saw h i s advantage. As the President . .... . . weakened and faltered, the worth Carolina uovernor towered and S 1 . TT J! obeyed ana aened the orders 01 a Federal T1,e Sldent 1 ' MA l f ... 1 i- continued to see pmmm ,u tlcraent." Governor Glenn, has triumphed at all points and the completeness of his victory 19 the measure of the President s shame ful defeat. It is a surrender fot which no parallel can be found in the history of the Republic. There is a foolish rumor that President Roosevelt' begged the authorities of the Southern rail- wav to cease their resistance to a law declared unconstitutional by Judge Pntchard lest through a continuance of the controversy he might b$ compelled to send Federal troops into a Southern A , . State, thus rendering certain the no Tnicrnr. nn rctTTiriFiiffi mi hhiiii , n . laloAHrtTi of Mr Hrvnn nott. VPar. v.--.- j Not Mr. Bryan oh, no, he. Will- iam .1. Brvan is an insufferable - - t . ' His record is altogether made up of failures and d"feats. Robert B. Glenn, of North Carolina is t.hman. Me is victorious and nrevailins'. He has iust triumph- 1 ' -- o - . . & ed over law and order, over the Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy. 1 he Democracy nas been looking for a Southern can didate. His tremendous victory in the rate bill controversy has made Governor Glenn for the mo ment the most conspicuous man . Ka AAiintir 1-fia OA'ailifkilit.tr IB immensely enhanced by the obvi- 1 - v ons fact that he saw his point of advantage. The commander who shrinks in the skirmish wm run awav in the battle. Gov. Glenn knew that ; the issue he h a d raised was not at all to the l'res- idpnt'n likinsr. so when comoro- and quickness are not tobelight- iy passed over: py conventionn. Rut if Governor Glenn is to be the man for the Democrats, man- ifestly Mr. Roosevelt is quite out I f if it. Ti onne running ior iiie ieuuuii cans. Surrender anddeleat do i nut uuiietibuiv oyououiiii't iki- ticularly when the oath of office, the laws of the land, and the ton . r stitution ; have been abandoned in the' fight. The matter is, beyond all ques t,ipn and comparison, . the most " I - ...).., serious anu aiBuuietiiiir ut uu vim disturbing incidents oi tne noose velt administration. s ' V OiLH-POTlTA. AUGUST 8. 1T)07. Carrie Ration. ' , (Hickory Democrat.) Carrie Nation delivered two of her lectures in Wesleyan Metho dist church of Hickory last Fri day, A fairlv goodsized audience greeted her at the first lecture, but at the second performance the crowd was small. Mrs. Na tion is sixty-one years old and is well preserved. She has an attrac tive face and impresses one most ; favorably. She told part of her , history. She was born in the South and has been twice mar ried. Her first husband died a drunkard and she knows what it is to be a drunkard's wife and a drunkard's widow. Her second husband sought and secured a divorce from her because she would not give up her work of smashing saloons. Sheclaim8 to be called of God for this special work; that Bhehas seen visions and that the proph et Isaaiah had her in mind when uttering certain prophecies. She is a fanatic. Her first lecture was on the ide al woman and contained many wise suggestions for the young girls and mothers. She warned the young girls against tight la cing and ner tribute to mother. hood Was fine. At night she told how she smashed aud why she smashed. She was severe on coca cola and cigarettes as well as Hickory. She praised Hickory lor the stand taken on the prohibi tion question, but said that we had some sneaks around here who were hauling the accursed stun" around in their buggies and stU ing il. We do not know who had been telling Carrie tnles.or wheth er she just jumped at that con elusion. - She praised Governor Glenn and Haid that she hoped the peo ple would send him to the United States'Senate; that just such a man as he is was needed m W ash ington. The Republican and Demo cratic parties received respectfu attention at her hands and the Chief Executive of the Nation was not forgotten. Incidentally it miorht be remarked that Mrs. Na- tion sells hatchets and a paper called the Hatchet and a copy o: her life for fifty cents and that she does not , forget to mention this fact in her address. We do not think that any town is the worst for having Mrs. Na tion visit it. She stands for vir tue, temperance and religion. She exalts virtue and denounces vice. The language used may seem severe in some cases, but she is in dead earnest and her soul is a fire with eeal for her cause. Money spent for her hatchet is better spent than money spent for cigar ettes. CAHBIE NATION'S BAYINQ8. God made the skunk to' smell, but He never intended that man should rival him in this respect. Shame on you girls who go to hugging schools. What would you think of the hen that would turn her chicken over to the old rooster to raise. That is what some of you women are doing. I have a great deal of respect for a dog because he will not smoke. No truly great man was ever born Loin a society gnl. Y 0 u society girls are not fit to become mothers. ' ! - Bull Durham and Duke s Mix tures are the appropriate em blems to place on some churches. "Everybody Should Know" says C. G. Hays, a prominent busi ness man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck, lens Atnica Salve is the quickest and surest healing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of pilesl I've used it and know what I'm talking about." Guaran teed by hII druggists. 25c. .. ' 7 ...; ' ..... ' . . ' NO. 14. YouMay Need It Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he sayi It's all right, thea get a bottle of it at once. .Why not show a little foresight In such matters? Early treatment, early cure. 9 Wa taaltk Bloohol frffln wir in adjoin Wt orr 70 i MUlIt 711 yers Many a boy la called dull and stupid, when the whole vonoie is oue to a lazy liver. We firmly believe your own doc tor will tell you titt an occasional dose nf Aver'a Pllli will do iuch bovi a treat deal 01 gooa. 1 ney seep me urer aenve. Somebody has defined a Repub ican as "one who believes in the greatest good to the smallest' number." Nothing could be more exact. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical icien-. tistjare unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limits tion of human life is many years be low the attainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critic?! period, that determines it duration seems to be between 50 and 60; the... proper care of the body during thia decade cannot be too strongly urged ; carelessness then being fatal to long evity."1 Nature's best helper after 50, is Electric Bitters, the scientifi tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by all drug gists. 50c. A very severe hail storm pass. ed over Orange county recently, doing great damage to the to. bacco crop. The secret of fashionable beauty, I asked the question of a beauty specialist. In order to he round, roy and very stylish, take Hollister'f Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tes drtableTs. M. 15, Blackburn ana Blowing Rock drug Co. TheCosmopolitan Shipping Co. of Philadelphia protests to the Interstate Commerce Commis. sion that the Hamburg-American Packet Co. is maintaining a mo. nopoly of land andiea transpot tation for the shipment o( goods between the United States and Europe. No wonder our ship trust is demanding a subsidy, . tbonsands HaT8 Kidney Tronble and Heier Suspect it, ' PTOTBlaner ot KWner XH- ' people do not reallie the alarm Ing iocrease and remarkable prevalency UI KIU1JC7 UIBTMI-W While kidney (lit orders are tlio most common diseases that pre A vail, tliey are almost the last recogniied by patient, and phy ' sicians, A eon ' tent thtmtelttt vitk Aniinrinn Iht tftetl. wlllle the On'fl- iml diieau undermines the system. Wliat to bo. , There Is comfort in the knowledge to often expressed,, that Dr. Kihner'e Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the hack, kidneys, hver, bladder and every part of the urinary pas-age. It corrects .-inability to hold water and scalding pain in pawing it, or 14 effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes tnai unpieaaam ceasity of being compelled to go often during tbe day, ana so g p r .1 a :- (. nlcrM. Tli mild aud the extraordinary efiect of 5wmp-Root is soon reaiizea. mib'-- . for its wouderf ul curee of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicluo you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sues. Vou may have a sample bottle ana book thai tens au about It.bothsentfree h vmail. Address Dr. l:iWiir Xr Co.. Klntr- i i.oi..tnn V V. When tb el -. writing mention thia paper and don't I make any mistake, but remember the nnme, Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root, ana I the address, JSingunmton, N. Y,

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