v Euteted at the Post office fit floone, 'N. C, as second .class mail matter. subscription sates: Oaeyear.........,:.......$ 1.00. Sii.Montba .50. Three months. .......... .25. Ad vertmng rates furnished on'apphcation. . .' CHURCH DIRECTORY. METUODI8TCHUBCH: Preaching on first Sunday in each month at 11, ft. in., and at night; also third Sunday nignt. Sunday School at 10, a. m. J. F. Habdin, Supt. J. II. Bbendill, Pastor. episcopaL church: Third Sunday, 11, a. m. Rev. W. R. Savage. , baptist cnuBcar . Preaching at 11, a. m., and at night on second and fourth Sun days in each month. Sunday Sohool at 10, a. in. D. D. Dougherty, Supt. J. F. Pa vw, pastor. LOCAL NEWS. Fresh candies and lemons at .Cottrell's. Born to Mr. and Mcs Conley Brown, & bouncing baby boy. Rev. J. H. Brendall will preach in the Methodist church next Sun lav niirhf. Mr. John Cox,, of Blowing Rock, has sold hia property to Col. Washburn, of Charlotte. Mrs,r Badger and Miss .Mat tie Curtice, who have been visit ing in Boone for several days, re ., turned to Butler yesterday. The Board of Education will be in session next Monday to de cide on a location for the. county High School. .. ' Mrs. A. C. Trivett, of Lean der, who is at the Blair Hotel un der treatment of Dr. Hodges, is improving nicely. The people of Cove Creek are , elated over their prospect for oil. We .certainly hope that there is voil and that it will be found. We are sorry to' hear of the very serious illlnees of Mr. E. L. Presnell, of Brushy Fork. He is being treated by Dr. J. G. But . ler, of Shouns, Tennessee. ' We are glad, indeed; to state that Mrs. T P. Adams is still im proving. : The cancer has been re moved, and all hopes is entertain ed by her friends of her recovery. Charley Moody, countractor, with several hands, began work on Dr. Jones's new residence yes terday. The buildingr when com pleted, will be a very pretty and commodious one. Regular communication of Watauga Lodge, 273, at theMa , sonic hall in Boone tomorrow night Some important business to. transact. . A full attendance is . desired.' Little Margie, daughter of Mr. andilrs. Jessie Bobbins, of East, Boone, was right badly cut Tuesday evening by falling on a saw. Her Condition howev er, is not serious by any means. Miss Claude Perkins, and two , little sisters, daughters of Attor ney J.D. jerkins, of Kendrick, Ya.. are guests afi the home of -their uncle, Ur. ti K. Perkins, t east of Boone. V PHOTOGRAPHS. Call and see me while at the Association in Boone, and have you some nice Photographs made , the latest and -up-to-date styles . In the art of Photograph work ' ; A; J. Campbell, Artist"" SPECIAL NOTICE. I win be in ;Boone three days during the Association,- for the , purpose of doing Photograph Wnrt- tWlai ant Vionupr work than ever before. Any size and style from the size of a postage . stamp to: 8x10 inches. Satisfac ,tion guaranteed. Come one, come ' all. , ; -.v:-' .v. - A. J. Campaelt Artist -Cove Creek Academy, under! Prof. Herman and Mies Fit y Cot trell, opened Monday with good prospects. It will be a delight to the friends of the Training School to know Mrs. Moore has accepted, the position of matron W J whole year. This is the highest recommendation any boarding house needs. -The public school at Walnut Grove has had a splendid opening. We are told that the community infeeneral turned out the first day and Rave evidence of their hearty co-operation to the teach ens. Let other communities do likewise. Rev. J. F. Davis has been called to the pastorate of Three Fork church, which will necessi tate some slight changes in his appointments in Boone or Blow ing Rock, which will be published later. -Our genial Clerk of theCourt, "Uncle Tom" Binghamam, is de lighted over the arrival of a ba by boy at his home. On being asked how many children now cluster around his family hearth stone, he replied rather coyly, "only fourteen." The public school house at Mable will be pushed up as fast as possible. When this house is completed, we will have Zionville, Mable, Mast Seminary, Cove Creek Academy, 'and Walnut Grove Institute. Where is the sec tion of North Carolina better equipped lor the education of their children. Jefferson Recorder: MissBina Garvy, one of Ashe county's brightest youag women, who graduated at the Appalachian Training School last spring will enter the State Normal and In dustrial college, Greensboro, N. C, in September. A Watauga Correspondent to the Lenoir News says: Mr. I Lindsay Patterson, of Winston, N. C has purchased through Lovill & Lovill the 'Bald.' There are '400 acres of land lying in Ashe and Watauga counties. The price was about f 11,000. Mr. Patterson proposes to put an iron fence around the .land and make a deer park. Pastor Brendall hands us the following;: The services at t h e Methodist church at Blowing Rock last Sunday was a fine suc cess. Rev. D. V. Price preached an excellent sermon. The new church was dedicated and a collection for some outside expenses, get- j ting all that was called for. Rev. Price then preached another ser mon at nieht to the edification of all who heard him. He is a pro found and attractive preacher and will be enthusiastically re ceived here any time he wishes to come. Some weeks ago Mrs. Rebec ca Sanders, of Stony Fork, ana- ged widow living alone in a one room house departed this life and to all appearances died in almost abject poverty, leaving one son, WTarren Sanders. Afterer demise a search of her humble quarters was made, and carefully conceal ed hfiro and there about the room was found $800 in cash, represen ting the small earning of a long life of self-denial. Much of the" sil ver was very much corroded and showed that it bad not been ban died for many years. The paper currency was nicely preserved, but was, in the main, oi very old series. Her much-loved cash is now in the. vaults of the Watau- ga County Bank, to the cream oi her son, and she is beyond wan TO THE PUBLIC. . 1 Have wio vrou .1 r r " - repair shop in the State. My ma terial is all first-class. Fine R. R. Watches especially adjusted and all defects corrected. A guarantee it. . Mfnk iunnlna1 by me No matter what yon want i nave it iiu gucno, uu Your watch is cleaned and re paired With the best skill knbwn to the trade. See Councill house, Boone N. C. - v J. W. BRYAN, , Graduate Wach-niaker & Jeweler, On last Sunday Mr. Ambros Larrenaer, of Matney, accidently shot himself in Elk Park, by dropping a pistol from the ef fects of which he died Monday night. He was a big-hearted , ge nial, pleasant fellow, honest to a fault, and much esteemed by all who knew him, and the news of hia seemingly untimely death hes cast a deep gloom over many a heart in Watauga. The Moore Cotton Mill Com pany, was organized, in Lenoir on Y ednesday of last week and the following officers were elected: F. P. Moore, President and Treas urer; J. y. McCall, Vice President; M. G. Shearer, Secretary. Direc tors, F. P. Moore, J. V. McCall, M. G. Shearer, J. M. Earnhardt, W. C. Coffey, Mr. Moore, of Gas tonia, and J. A. White, who will act as General Manager. This is an ideal set of men, and it cer tainly does seem that any enter prise would prosper under their management. C. V. Henkel, who, with his family, is spending some time at the Rock, informs us that there ia already pledged to the macad am rpad fund leading from Le. noir to Blowing Rock the sum of 132,800, and seems entirely con fident that the required amount will be raised, and the road built just as rapidly as men and mon ey can build it. If Mr. Henkle is right, and we hope he is, and the road is built, it will mean more to Watauga and the country traversed, than anythingjcould, save a railroad. Mr. Henkle far ther stated that it was the inten tion of the company to get just as much of the road as possible completed this fall. Mr. S. P. Kelsey, of Linville, spent Sunday night last at the home of J. W. Farthing, on his way to Frieze, Va., to meet some railroad capitalists looking to a railroad connection through the counties of Ashe and Watauga, with Edgemont in Caldwell. Mr. Kelsey has men of wealth at his back in the enterprise and if he attracts the capital he believes he will on this trip, he is satisfied the road can and will be built, if the counties through which the road woolud pass will lend a help ing hand. On Mr Kelsey's return, if he succeeds, a mass-meeting of the citizens of the county will be called and the propositions laid before them. This would be a fine connection for our county, and one that should be encouraged by every citizen within our .bor ders. Crd of Tlunlu. We want to thank one and all for the many expressions of kind ness shown us during the sickness and death of our little baby girl. Our grateful hearts go out to each one of you, and may God, in His great wisdom and tender mercy be ever with you. and ten derly guide and comfort you through iany trial it might be your lot to bear. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winkeb. FOR .SALE. . Three hundred acres of fine land in Baird's Creek, this county: One half cleared, remainder well tim bered. Fifty aces good bottom- fine mineral prospects. Two good dwelling houses, four and eight ropms. Good water and fine orchards.-This is an ideal farm and will be sold reasonably. Don't fail to investigate if you are thinking of buying. Addreus ; B. F. CORNELL, Vilas, N. C. NOTICE. I wish to announce to thpuh lie that 1 have on band on Middle Fork of New riyer, a lot of good buildine and fencing lumber, which will be Bold at reasonable rates. I also have a fine lot of real fine fruit tree which are all vunties known to suit the cli mate here, and wnien 1 propose to sell on as good terms as any reliable Rnraery man, W.L, COFFEY, Moretx, N, &, R. F. D. Box 3. HELP WANTED We can give several families, especially girls, steady employment at our mills. Good pay. Cheap and nice homes graded school, five churches. Best town in the State. Americuu Hosiery Mills, ' FACTS about the appalachian school ; 1. Two laree school buildincrs: a sixtv-room dormitory for women, and several boarding houses for men. 2. A faculty of seven experienced teachers. 3. Two hundred and ninety students last year, 4. Free tuition to public school teachers: 5. Expenses are very reasonable. For more facts address the . SECRETARY OF FACULTY, Boone, N.C. - The next term begins Septemember S, 1907. ' THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular .Coui-st leading to degrees ol Bachelor ol Pedagogy, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and a new course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition and fees for map of text books, etc., 170 a year. For Iree-tutition students,"! 125. The Normal Department gives thorough instruction in the sub jects taught m the schools and training for the DmfHsion of teachinz. Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are offered a one-year allied subjects. - The" Commercial Department offers prnctieal instruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Book-Keeping and other business sub ects. The Departments of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruction in Manual Training and in Mich subjects as relate di rectly to the home and family. The Mumc Department, in addition to thedejrree course, offers a certificate course iu vocal aud instrumental music. To secure board in the dormltoriis, nil free-tuition anplcations should le made before July 15. Tlie fall term will opeu September 18, 1907. For catalogue and other information, address, J. I. F0UST, President, . GREENSBORO, N. C. FRESH DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES. I have opened a neat stock of Drugs and toilet artic les in Boone (the Dr. Little old stand) and invite the public to give me a call. Chewing Tabaccoes, Cigars, Cheroots, Toilet Soaps, Etc., of the best brands and makes always to be found in my store. When my goods are all in I will have a full line of Candies, Nuts, Oranges, lemons, Banannas, and al ,most anything else usually found in a first class drug" store. Aside from the staple drugs, I will carry a full line of leading patent medicines. Give me a call when in town. Very Respectfully, Boone, N. G, May 1. J. M. HODGES, M. D. Offices in Blackburn Hotel. TO THE MERCHANTS I now have a branch house at Elk Park, N. C, for the purpose of buying Roots, Herbs, Birch Oil, Pennyroyal Oil, Wool, Hides, Chickens and Eggs, and will at all times pay the Highest Cash Prices. I will also have for sale at Wholesale Prices, Corn, Chop, and Flour and will sell a3 cheap as can be bought at any railroad station. I will also have Heavy Groceries that I will sell as low as they can be bought anywhere, less the freight. I invite one and all to give me a trial and see if I don t pay you more tor your carter ana sell you gooas for less money than you have been paying. ; For the present I will pay $1.95 for Birch Oil. Elk Park, May 1st, 1907. Everything ia lUsmva for t heir Wlnaome And Sterling Qualified t if r ' For sale by 3?) TRAINING colleges, and special pedagogical special course in Pdagog and OF WATAUGA GO. I OURS FOR BUSINESS, MILLARD F. HOPKINS. Good Foot -Wear. crabdock-terry COS If lenofh of service nfs an important considcraiion this si ylishasu filling shoe is unexcelled hronmZ- iHX.UTLhER. "Mr. T, N. Terry, who was -bit. ten a few months ago by a tar an tula in Arkansaw, and lost hia mind as a result of the bite, died at the Hospital in Morgan ton a few days ago. His body was ta- ken to Reid8ville for Uitermen,t, He leaves a wife and two chil dren. INSURANCE. Largest Insurance Agency in Western North Carolina. Harry Batty, Elk Park, N. C. Mitchel County Bank Build ing. Write me for rates on your property, only the best com panies represented, the ones, that pay claims. NOTICE. . Ilaving qualified as executor of theestutc of J. C. Underwood, Dec'd. late of Watauga county ! N C, this is to notify all persons s having claims against the estate ol said deceased to exhibit then) ; to the undersigned on or before July 18th, -1908, or this notice wil! be plead in bar of their re. co very. All persons Indebted to said estute will please make im- . mediatesettlement. This July 18, 1907. , G. L. Storie, Executor. Entry Notice No. 2472. State ol North Carolina. Wa lauga county. Office ol Entry Taker for said count j. S. E. Gragg and J. P. Hodges locates and enters 100 acres of -land in. . Watauga township on the waters of Watauga river. Beginning on a water oA, Gragg and Hodge, corner, thence to M. D. Gragg land, thence to M. D. Gragg's land, thence with her line to R. T. Brickel's line, thence various courses so as to include all b a vacant land to the beginning. - Entered July 6th 1907. NOTICE. . North Carolina, Watauga Conn- ty. G. A. Tate vs. Martitia Tnt ftiinerinr fJonrt. Fall Term. 1fln7. Order to wrvn the process, this summons, In tbe cause by publication, n this cause it appearing to the ; ' - - r ' court that the defendant does not now reside n the county of WBtauca. or State of Wortnuar- olina. but resides in the Stale xfi . Tennessee, and that process, this summons, cannot be personally served on her in this State, it is ordered that the summons be served in this county by publish inc the following in the Watauna Democrat, the only newspaper now mi Wished in Boone. Watau- i-i Cl ca county,. jNortu Carolina J George A. Tate vs.MartniaTate. Action for Divorce, returnable at Fall Term 1907 of Watauga So mrinr (Vnrt. the Hplpnrlant in hureby notified that an action has been begun by Georire A. Tate against (Martitia Tate tor Divorce, returnable to tne ran Term, 1907 of said court. Baid court begins on the 1st Monday after the 1st Monday in Kept, 1907. when tbe defendant can appear aud Answer or demur to top cniniHHin nun uitu. xuuy July 11, 1907. ' x i . x a. mil . rnk . Tbos. Bingham C. S. C. by M. B. Blackburn D. C EXECUTION SALE. . North Carol ina, Watauga Coun- TV. in I no ouimi iui uuuiv. ti. , V'.. T II T -1-1 Miller, vs. . a. jubiumuj. By virtue ol execution directed to the undersigned iroratlie tu perior Court of Watauga county, in the a hove entitled action, I will, on Monday the 9th day ojf September 1907, at 12 o'clock rt rnp rnnri duuhh uuur ui paiu oountv. sell to the highest bidder 1 L . ..TJ A. H nr phhii w nmiBiY emu eucuuuu all tbe right title and interest which the said J. H. Latham, the dtlendant, haa In the following Meat Camp townnhip, on the bend waters oi Meat tamp crec oiid hnnnrlnH ah fnllnwa TUcin. ninff on a maple, Bhoda Wine barprers corner, running . va loles to a sugar trea, thencn W, 17 iKilefl to a stake at the road. thei.ee with the road 40 poles tg acnesxnui, luencwt.. w ioe vk ginning, containing 8 acres more nr Ipbb. Hrtld rhIa hi to Ba iisfv A judgement in favor of the plain ti3 ana Bcainst the defendant off 200 ny warrant oi auaenmeni in a. Justice of the Peace court, dated July tbe 15th 1907 and docketed In tne Superior court Aog. , otn 1007. Levied on by me this Aug, 10th 1907. , ' - ' John W. Hodges Sheriff. John C. Willson

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