!1 1 1 t , H i ,v . UK i i Watauga Damc'jrat; Published Every Thursday Wbj B071 Leare tbe Farm. ;:.. An official connected ;.th an J ntjr norimitliirnl rutli't'fl liaa I made a summary of the reasons given by 155,sonB ol farmers for abandoning the pursuit of thf ir fathers Sixty-two 61 this num. bereaid that farming docs not pay, A strong argument can be made on the idea thut it pays better than other forms of bus. Jness.'" The secretary of agrictil tare has stated tfm 1 1 he prod ucts c! the soil in this country in 1905 reached1 a value ol $6,000 . 000,000, which iti a good deal of wealth to divide up as a reward in one industry. Seventeen of tbe young men said the hours of la bor on the larm are too lonj; No doubt they meant at certain aeasons, but this is a detail open to adjustment. IV.nty sixthou't, social advantages on the farm are not equal to those in cities, which is also a matter of opinion. Sixteen said heyhnd a natural bent for something elsp, which in A point that, deserves considera tion always. Others objected to arm monotony, and fifteen said they would return to farming ns soon as they made a pile of mon y at something else; ; Many of these young men are the victims of illusion, and un fortunately, of a kind Beldom cured except by experience. Prbb Ably they are not aware that 90 per cent, of those who branch out into general business fail to Accumulate any considerable wealthy, while the positive wreck age in means,; health and com fort is larg1 A farm never mon otonous to a good farmer. It is rather a ; book, of fresh interest each succeeding day. A surplus At the end of a year is and should ie more probable on the farm, in the city a surplus is the exception and the style of farmly living, on the whole is in favor of the coun try. But statistics show that plenty A boys remain on t h e terms. The farming population of the United State in 1900 was four times as large as in 1850, And the value 'of their property Increased five-fold, or from $4, 000,000,000 to 120,000,000, 00. St. Louis Globe Democrat. . 1 , (John Ruskin.) The Kingdom of Heaven- is within you. If you do not wish for His kingdom, don't pray for It. But if you do you must do more than pray for it; you must work for it. And to work for it, you must ( know, what it is; we have all yrayed for it many a .day without thinking.. Observe, Jt is a-kingdom that is to come to us; we are not to go to it. Al so, it is not to come outside ol os; butjii the hearts of us. "The Kingdom of God is within you." .And, being within us, it is not a thing to be seen, but, to be felt; and though it brings all substan e of good with it,i it does not jconsist in that: '"The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, puce and joy In the Holy "Gost joy, that' i's to say in the holy, healthful, and Iieiptul Spirit. , "Should you ever encounter lattlesnake and he shows fight just begin to whistle softly and the reptile will uncoil and lay with his eyes closed and body .quivering, . said John T. Shel . ton, of mersburgi Term-, at the Tulanel .'Ou more than one occasi on I have run across rattlesnakes and have always taken the fight out of them by whistling. The snake,eems to become absolute ly helpless when he hears a soft whistle and will make no attempt to Bpring npon you. This whistle Appear to soothe bis anger and robs .him of fighting , power. I ived my life on one occasion in this manner.1 Try . it and you'll fluff that I am telling the truth." . NaphvMe" Tennessee n.' - . ; . , i'.'-"' ,1 .'!.-.. . A politician is the man who pulls 4h.irires that Create' what the world call statesmen. 1 ' ' ' Coyote and Man In a Duel.; . A remarkable afory r e 0 c h e s I3oie from Burley of a fight'. lw tween a man and a coyote at the bottom of a forty foot mining shaft. The mon was Nephil Birch. He had occasion to vinithisclfiiin in the mountains south of Bur ley. His mifhioii took him down the abaft on the ladder. This did not reach quite to the bottom, so he dropped from the end. two or three feet. 1 . He was immediately made a ware that, the narrow spHce was occupied. A wild animul sprang at the ladder as though to climb out. Failing in tlmt, if turned up on Birch, and jumped on him, knocking him down. It pranr at his throat, but missed, and in a second spring grabbed the collar of his coat, to which it huner. A fierce battle en- sued for a long time, Birch utdug his fift to beat the beast off, his bands being badly injured. Finally he found an old drill and with this bent the beast of) and then killed it. Lighting a can die, he found it to be a coyote. Boise Dispatch to the New York American. ,, . w ! Money sent to mail order hous es is taken entirely out of the cir culation of the communities from which it is sent. There are people who insist upon dealing with for eign houses even when they can get the same commodities at as low a price at home. This is a very bad policy for all concerned, and is as harmful to the people who practice it as to others. It is good policy and good business to pay a little more for articles at home rather than buy, them abroad. Ex. The Goldsboro Record Is' au thority for the statement that there are iriore young men in the penitentiary learningtrades than there are young men out, of the penitentiary learninr trades. We havn't.the statistics at hand to verify the statement, but if it is true the trades must soon suffer f rem the consequences. The trades oner a better and surer means of a living than the professions, find it is ,to be regretted that more boys do not turn their attention in that direction. Tar Heel. The Court Ha veyou anything to say before I pronounce sen tence upon yon? The Prisoner ypn, Your Honor I'd lik ttx a- poiogize tor my lawyer. H at tended me a" well as anybody could be expected to do for a $ 2 fee, Chicago Tribune. , Friend But suppose vour par ty were to throw you ovvrbojirfi, dear boy? Promising Young Poli tician (full ot confidence) Well, 1 should have strength to swim to the other Hide, old chap. New Orleans Picayune. "Did 1 uinlerntand you to say that my appi ni Hinv ha I improv ed?',' No; I iaiil vm look! more like yourself, "fiili-." Tenderness in a love Mter sounds mighty loolixh when an attorney is reading it in court. OA8VOAIA, Bmuiiu Tin lot Yw Haw Olwafl BwtW Trinity Park School A First-Class Preparatory School. Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. - ' . BJSt Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of Ten Of ficers and Teachers. Campus of Seventy-five Acres. , Library containing ThjrYy Thousand : Volumns. Well Equipped Gym. - nayium. Hih Standards and Mod ern Methods of Iristruciton. Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exceedingly ., Mixlerate. Seven XeaTt Phe. , nonienal ijuccess; , 4 ' 1 . For Catalogue and other informa tion, address . H, M. NORTH,. Headmaeter, V . Dl ilUAM, . C. Mother-in-lavr,'.1 said Ricliard Tlirmmnn'A nf K nrvv511p nf." iha Utopia, have Jong been the tar get for all sorts of Jokes. I heard 0116 the other day. abount a mother-in-law that'pleased niemigh-; tily. However,' I have no mother-in-law.' , If I had one this inter view" would never be told for pub lication. ' C'"''' , ; "Not far from - Chattanooga, hear the Georgia state line, lived a fellow with his wife and three children. His mother-in-law "must have been rather a burdensome somebody or the jokeAvouldJiave never occurred. . "One day this fellow's mother-in-law waa taken, quite sick. When the physician arrived lie told the son-in-law that his moth er-in-law Bhould be taken at once to a warmer climate, as she was suffering from a peculiar throat trouble. Iieaving the room in stantly the son-in-law went out into the back yard and secured an axe from off the" wood pile. Entering the. room where the doctor 6tood by his mother-in-law's bed he said: "Here doctor, you hit the first lick " "He thought after beingknock ed in the head with the axe she would certainly depart for a war mer region." Naslieville Tennes seean. Everybody Should Know" says C. G, flays, a prominent buei ness'man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck, lens Atnica. Salve is the quickest and surest healing salve ever , applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles. I've used it and know what I'm talking : about." Guaran teed by all druggists; 35c. . - T": It is all right to learn to dream if you learn, at the same time not to expect them to come 'true. Astoria ; For Infanta and Children. . : Tto Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ' It's strange how much more a man can spend on a habit than he can on hia wife's hat. OABVOXIXA. tail th lAV Kte4 VwWiiTlitlwp BoflgM AV Kind Yea flsn Ktwarj Of It is funny how mighty little word it takes to convince a man that he has earned a rest. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. Superior Court, Fall Thmii, 1WUY, WniliH liaird pjaiutiff, ?, Walter Baird, defendant. The defendant above named will take notice 'thnt an action has been commenced against him as above entitled, lor absolute di vorce Irom- the bands of matri mony now exiting between the pi an tiff and deleudant.lt is there fore ordered that publication be mndp for four successive weeks, commnnding the defendant to ap pear at tnenextterm olthistourt to be held in. Boon, N. C. on the Uth day of September 1907, and plead answer or demur to the complaint "which will be filed in this office 30 days before said Term, or the relief 'prayed lor in HHid complaint will be granted This July 23rd 1007, . V Tjbob. Bingham, C.'S. C. The Charlotte Observe. THE LARGEST AND BE S T ; NEWSPAPER IX N. C Evety Dny iu the Year $8. a i ' J far. The Observer consists of 10 to 1? pages daily and 20 to oases Sun dav. It handles moie news matter . " r.. . locai, mate, national ana toreign tnan any other INoithCaralina new paper. '. . . THE SUNDAY OBSERVER. is unexcelled aa a news medium and is also rilled with excellent matte of a miscellaneous nature. ' SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER issues Tuesdays and FrWavs. at $1 per year, is the largest Daoerforlhe money in this section. : It confiiss 'of o to 10 page, and pnnls alt the news )t tne weeklocal, State, na tiona and fci eign, : f - - ' A( ress, - THE OBSERVER COL ' ' ('UAKT.OTTh. JN. C. , . Oor. Caswell' Meat Dish. A jixrge pewter disused by (lovernor Caswell, the first Gover nor of North Carolina 'after the Revolution, has just been added to tbe collection of ; historical relics in the " Hall of History. It is a hot water reservoir dish used to serve meats and other hot viands' It is of oblonff shape, a- bout 18 inches long and is so made that it contains an invisible nndenieath the visible surface into whicli hot water was put ithrbugh an opening in one side, which when closed is invisi ble, keeping the meats in the dish hot. In one end of the dish is a a basin into which thegravy was drained through little trenches leading into it from every partoi the dish. This rare relic is the property of Mr. Gedrge B. Webb, of Kins ton, and is loaned to the State through the influence of Miss Syben, who has collected many valuable relics. News and Obser ver. ' "Regular as the Sun" , is an expression as old as the race No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular per for mance in the univeise, unless it is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed by all druggists.: 25c. ; . The morality that is in work ing order only when the Sheriff is hanging around is of no great value. r - ' .university;; OF NORTH CAROLINA 1887-1907- , Head of the State's Educa tional System. PEPARTMENTH. College, Eiigineeriiig, , Graduate, La Medicine, Phnrmncv. Library contains 45,000 volums. New water works, electric lifihi s, cent ral heati ng sy s ' tern. . , New dormifnr- . ie. gvmnaHium, ; : Y M. C, A. building. ' ' library. ; 732 Students, 74 in Faeully The Fall term begins " Sent. 9. 1907. Address FlUNCis P. VEnable President, . CHAPEL. HILL-, N. C. Trinity Geliege. Four Departments Collegiate. En ginecring Graduate ami Law. Large iibrary facilities. Well equip ped laboratories in alt department of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. All for worthy stmlents. Young Men wishing to Study IjHw should ii.vestigate the su perior ad vantages offered by the Department of Law inTi inity College. .'. v. .. For Catalogue and further infor mation, address P. W. NEWSON, Registrar. Durham, Noihh Carolina . NOTICE.' "T5y yirtu of a power in me vested by the terms of a deed of trust executed byG. F. Bingham and wife M. A. Binchnm 'on the 27th day ol July 1906, and which appears of record in the office of the ReuiHter ol TWrtu .,f Vntnn- ca county. North Carolina, Book t;t pane izo, 1 win, on thi yth dav of Kent ember. 1907. t 11 o'clock,' a. m., at the court house aoor in ijoone, w. u., oner f or sale to the hltrhent l)iifiler inr cash the following deseribed reol estate to wit: A certuin truct of land Ivim? iuiWataufin. onnniv Cove Creek township, adjoining tne lands of tiarve Froint and others, and containing 17 ucres, more or Icds. . Also a one hall iu terest in one other tract ol land in said townshipkuowii a the Jas, MeGuire mill property on Coye Creek, ndjoining the lands of Mrs. J Oliver, James Isaacs, Phil lip Younce and others, together with the mill and pll machinery on said tract, except, one smui ftr in said mill, house. This sale beinsr to satisfy as fur as it will, a certain note exeeufeil to J. B. Counclll and R. L Ballon, ' tniK. te-s for varifMH i!vtlr.M i.f f lip various creditors of the said (1. J. Uiughnm in the sunrof 1. 475.62. with interest Ironi July 20, 1906, and the cohih of t h i h Hale. Tli8 Jnlv 26, 1907. ' J. W.T0f)I) Trustee. '' ' ' " .1,,. l. .iiimiii'w" ' 11 11 "" " 111 n him ' HJIHHII1 .J.-.,jin I mtmuf 1-1 IT - " '1 I - -Hi, J iMju "", i , , -.' II 1 :ifr-fTr"'r r -xTjrrmM.MLi AVr.fplahle Preoarationfor As- .-,miiaim(5 HKFivx1nndDciJula- Ung tt StooaclB awlBowcis of m "53 Promotes Dig&tion.Cheerfur neasandHc3tontahis neither OrAum,Morphine norMincraL Sot Narcotic. n HbUUSJ- Ytnm Apafecl Remedy forConsBpa Ilon , Sour StomaxA,Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and Loss or SLEEP. Fat Simile Signature of r4 i NEW YORK A day or two ago the New York Times was foaiping at the mouth over Governor Glenn's "deflate of the Federal Authori ty." Now it is running him for President. How is that fora light ning change? Charlotte Chroni cle. . ; BPTO, ; Til j c LIr7 it I " .1 if Jt. . L " A Jl 'J of a vomanVWe, ta the name often given to thq, "char.gs of life.' Your mensos come at long Intwvala, and grow scantier until they stop. Some women stop suddenly. The entire change lasts three or four year, and It Is the cause of -much pain and . dlicomlort, which can, how jver, be cured, by taking - ! ; J tic- is WINE. ly :; . Wecnan's Relief ;; -V;-. It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness. Irritability, mlsorable ness, forgetfulnes3, fainting, dlKiness, hot CrA cold flashes, weak ness, tirod feeling, etc. Cardui u-ill bring ycu safely through this "dodging period," and build up your strength for the rest of your life. " At all druggists In $ 1 .00 bottles. ' Try It.' , ' . "' ''.' writs U3 a vmm frwly and franWy, telilr.g us all your tr oubks. We will send Frea Advice (In plain, scaled envelope).' Address: La dles' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medidna Co., CUtUnooga, Tenn. . College Of Agriculture AndiechanicArtsT Practical education in Agri culture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cot tou Manufacturing. Dyeing ami Industrial Chemistry. Tuition 45 a year; Board 10 a month. 120 Scholarships., Addtcss PRESIDENT WINSTON, ' VVcstRuWgh, N.C. IEEUNG UVER-ISH This Morning? TAiOS A Gertie .Lasetive,! I And Appctker For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always BougM Bears Use For Over Thirty Years 11 TMfi OflNTAVM MMMNA INW TOfMI fTV There, goes, a woman w h o once declinedtQ . be wife." A'et she doesn't look like an unusual' ly intelligent person, does she? Chicags Record Record-Herald. ' A husband is the thing that stays in the store while its wife goes away on vacation:' ;1 , " EVERYTHING pOT DEm , f sufisred," vrlt?s Vllril.i Robsw, of Easton, Md., "unUI I took Cardui,1 which cured me so quickly It surprised my doctor, who didn't' know I waa Ukingit." 'theirv;. NG HOUISTtR'a - Hocky Mountain Tea Nuygets . A Buy Msdiluo for Vwj Ptmplt. . ' , . Brings Oslden Ecilti ind Baewd Vigor. ' A KTwdfle for Cnnllniitlon, IntlifSfitloo. LIB md Kiilunr Troublw, Plmnles. Enemi, Inipur lirxxt, Ba.l Breath, Waat'lari How!, HwUcha .'id tMttkacbe. It'RHtvlty MntiDtoin Ten In Mb t fonu. Si cnlH a bo. Ufnulno .mi hf l'JU.UITK Dmt3 COUI'ANV, MllJIsull, Wis. . KUGGETS fCrl SALLOW PEOrtS ' aw.tpJ.iju.tciA or ptijottfIaii?e?ito iot aoww secure vo inr writ "TRADEMARKS 1 Unnn.,1. II ri Pi . . rMr-. WASHINGTON D.C. rr Tt m a r,MM- m ISlllJKl IMkKM ... ' 'fm. COYWOMTC ' Anyone cndilt tlwtf), tm emmitaHnu mf . jnirkly orU.n niir Alnum free rlihr i ftrl m.t, wn).out ot o, lu the JV 5,lL1fT?,!f "'"f" HJrrire.it . ." raHttCo.w,B"'. Raw York'.- 1 ' , .