Watauga Democrat; Pabti3hti Every Thursday The Lno!f2Iwinf Rock Hold. " There was aa enthusiastic meet Ing of the citizens of Jxjnoir and Vicinity at the court house Jaet tfriduy night to consider thequea - -tion of establishing ,a macadam road to Blowing Rock. Mr J. M. Earnhardt was made -chairman and Mr. H. C. Martin, Secretary. : A number of strong pointed apeecnes were made and ail pres ent seemed united in the opinion t hat this road is a practical necee ' Jiifcy -this is one of the few pro positions coming before . o u r .people in which they are all uni ted. The following gentlemen were appointed on the committee to continue to solicit funds for the enterprise: G. L. Bernhardt Vance IlenUe, Hardy Taylor, H. T. Newland, L. P. Uenkle, T. F. .Beehorn.andH. C. Martin- It was decided to secure f 60,000 in aub- scription instead of 40,000 as wa first suggested. Since the meet lug, over $2,000 have been sub- . scribed, and the fund is increasing steadily." , The travel and traffic done over the Blowing Rock road is very heavy and with a firet-clasa macadam road thebusinesswould be greatly increast-d. Manv of our best business 'men say that .money put into this road would be a good investment, and there Is no doubt that it would greatly Jbeneflt us all either directly or indirectly. The road is almost assured now and ,'it is earnestly hoped that all interested in the growth and development of our town and county will subscribe something to this enterprise .Lenoir Topic. The Ideal Wife. ' There died the tether day in a little town in central Ohio a wo man aged 65. . , Tredjcl Prohibition. " Chicago Dwpatch: "Everv state in the union will, at a compara- According to a well-known wri ter, the important mistakes of tivelV earl V date be free from tlm'lifa ran lie rnnHprispri intn fniir. JHer gray haired husband knelt legalized liauor traffic." . ' I teen. Th .1tl fnnrtepn nre by' the bier when they came to The above statement was made Wen below, take her away and .murmured; last night by JCharles R. Jones. Di-oKeniy, -onemaueaiimy nap- thatrmanof the national prohi piness sne gave we meaning ana tution commission. beauty and purpose. The tired hands folded meeklv over her breast were wrn and rough and wrinkled;.the face was lined and unlovely, but stamped even in death with the virtues of Patience and constancy. Lowly as had been herlot that wonan was an ideal wife. She so filled the life of the man she loved and married that there was no room for unhappiness. Death only made herpower.more sure, . "- . Every woman properlv mated is an ideal wife. It is only the mis fits that seek a war out ol their misery through the d i v o r c e courts. Wedded to a man whose tem perament and tastes are incom nature witu ner own, a woman either becomes a nonentity or a divorcee. That is supposing she has the wisdom and cutirago to choose one or two courses and. stick to it. The weak wome.n compro mises and spends the remainder of her hie in nagging and fault finding. '. Ideald differ widely. The woman who would be alhnalltooneman would insufferably irritate an otuer. She must be tactful. Honora b'-e with the honor that obtains between men, not women. A good comrade a friend who can be de pended an even when the odds are against ber, and she simply mns't possess a fine sense of hu mor. J esse Parlton. : ; Ths Bigreet line 6a Record (Progressive Farmer.) -The fine placed upon the Stan' dard Oil Company by Judge Lan dis, of the Uhited States District Court, in Chicago, for breaking! The law agamBt receiving rebates from the railroads, is so large as to be unprecedented. The compa ny, was convicted oi rebating on 1,462 counts. Judge Landis im posed the maximum penalty of f 20,000 for each case, making the total $29,240,000. It in the : largest fine ever imposed by any .American court. It is 131 times as great as the sura received in re liates by the Standard Oil Company,- and is nearly fifty times the value of the oil actually ship ped at illegal rates. The fine Im posed, therefore, by Judge Lan dis may be viewed as a severe pen alty. This great corporation will, of course, appeal to the higher courts, and the outcome of the contest will be awaited with in terest. Though the. amount of the fine, as set forth by. Judge ! Landis, is comparatively insigni ficant when the enormous wealth and earnings of the defendant are taken into account, yet taken by itself it presents a vast aggre gate. It is greater by $ 9,000,- tnan the $20,000,000 which the U. S., paid for the Philippine Islands, as pointed out by the Journal of Finance; greater by $24,000,000 than the sum paid Spain for Florida, and greater by $14,000,000than theamount pain France for the Louisiana Purchase that magnificent em pire of the West "out of which are now carved the richest States of the Union." ' OABTORIA. ImOi KM Yw Haw (thnji fogM The road to success has many buy wajs. , Standing iii (he middle of the road and inakinca noise is about as'uMelesB as sitting under the shade of a. tree and whitlinir a piece of cedar, unless you -know why you are disturbing the quio tude of the cemmuuity. Ex. Entry Notice No. 2472. State ol North Curolmn. W taugja couuty. Office ol Entry Grajrg and J. P. Hodges locates and enters 100 acres of hd ,in Watauga township on t he wuters ui vvaiauga river. JJeginniug on a warer oaK, liragg and Hodges corner, thence to M. D. Grairsr'i land, thence to M. D. Gragfj's la'nd. thence with )ipp liim tn R T. Brickel's liue, thence various courses so aa to include all the vacant land to the beginning. Entered July 6th 1907. No man or woman of the hum blest sort can really be strong, gentle, pure, and gqod, without somebody being helped and com forted by the very exist ence of : Jhat goodness. Phillips Brooks. My wife doesn't say 'boo" to me when I come home at mid night, w "Neither does mine, bnt she Bays nearly everything else in the dictionary. 'v-Free Pres. Swnfi jf Kiwi Ym Hw kfnjt Batght EXE UTION SALE. North Carol in i. Waftw huh Coun ty. In the Siijm ior Court. J. U. Miller, vs. J. II. Luili.nn. By virtue ol x i:utio directed to the undersigned . frni i w Su perior Court olTV'titntiua cuuiitv. in the above entitled .iction,! will, ou Monday the 9th day of September 1907, at 12 o'clock attheqourt house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder moil iu auiisiy tiuiu eiecuiion all the right title and interest which the said J. II. Latham, the k-lendant, has in the following tract ol land in Watauga county Meat Camp townnhip, on the head waters of Meat Camp crek and bounded as follows: Begin ning on. a maple, Rhoda Wine barcrers corner, rnrmino- s 19. ' n poles to a sugar tree, thence W. 17 poles to a stake at the road, thence with the road 40 poles to a chestnut, thence E. to . the I ginning, containing 8 acresmore orieeH. ariKiBhieisto satisfy a judgement in favor o( the plaintiff ana ngainsr Hie defendant off 200 l.y warrentol attachment in a JuHtice ol the Peace courr. dated July the 15th 1907 and docketed in the Superior Court Aug. 6th 1007. Levied on by me this Aug. 10th 1907. . , John W. Hodges Sheriff. John CWilUon Mr. Jones baces his optimist prediction on the action of Geor. gia in enrolling itself am,ong the "dry" states recently. ' Winning the battle for prohi bition in Georgia is the openimr gun of the final assault on the li quor traffic in all America," said Mr. Jones. , 'It is the direct result of t h e persistent aud intelligent educa tional campaign throughout the nation. ; "The flrst effect of the Georgia victory, Mr. Jones thinks, will be felt in the other southern states. ,"The prohibition leaders are sure that the republicans and democrats will go to fighting o ver the liquor question as their main issue at an early date, giv- tng a hack seat to he tariff and otqer matters. A TONGUE-TWISTER. Betty Botter bought some but ter; "But, she said, 'this butter's Miter; , II I put it in mv bntfpr ' It would makernv lint tun i.ittn- xjui- u on 01 oecier nutter. Will make my batter lietter." So she bought a bit o' butter nettertban the hitior hntw And made lierkitrprhnffoi.iottn.. eo twastietter Betty Botter ouuj;ut a a 011, 01 Dettep butter, TriLiiy Park Scliool. A First-Class preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to Lending Krmthi Colleges. ' 1 Best Equipped Preparatory Schoo in me south, racultvof Ten Of e 1 m 1 ncers ana Teaciiers. Campus o bevepty-five Acres. , ' Library containing Thirty Thousand voiumns. wen Equipped fUym nasium. Hieh Standards and Mod ern Methods of IngtrucitOn. Frequent .Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. fceven lears of Phe noraenal Success. For Catalogue and other informs tion, address II. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. NOTICE. . North Carolina. VVntancn f!min . t.xr Wnnafln PmHt IA.II-m .... mi vuuii, inn ierill. Uoll! n..:J ..1'...A.me ' 4ivi,uJuireuiiMU f'lUlllUU, V8, Walter Baird, defendant. 1 up defendant above namoil trill take notice Jthat an action has neen commenced against him 'an aoove entitled, lor absolute di vorce .irom the bands of matri monv now existing bpfwpAn th DlantifT and deteudnnt.Tt In tburo fore ordered that publication be made for lour Buccpswivp wn-l-n commanding the defendant to ap iH-arat thenextterm ftfthiKPniirt to be held in Boone, N. C. on the wrn nay ot September 1907, and plead answer or demur rn t.lio complaint which will be filed , in this office 30 day? before said Term, or the relief nraved lor In said complaint will be irranted. TkU T..) 00 inn Thos. Bingham, C. S. C. The Charlotte Observe. THEirfAKGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN N.C. Eveiy Day in the Year $8. a lear. . The Observer consists ol 10 tn pages daily and 20 to i nnr Kim day, It handles moie news maiter, local, State, national and fnrrlon than any other North Caralina news paper, THE SUNDAY OBSERVER. is unexcelled as a news medium and -l 111 ' i aiao nueu wnn excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER. issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1. per year, is me largest paper for the money in this section. If consists of S to 10 pages, and nrint nil (K news if the weeklocal, State, na. tiona and fcreisrn. A ress, . , THE OBSERVER CO. Charlotte, a. C. , It is a mistake to set up your own standard of right and wrong and judge people accordingly. To measure the enjoyment; of others by our own. To expect uniformity of opinion in the world. To look for judgement and ex pertness in the young. To endeavor to mold all dispo sitions alike. . To yield to immaterial tri fles. To look for perfections in our own actions. To worry ourselves arid oth ers with what cannot be remedied. Not to alleviate 'all that need alleviation so far as lies in our power.. Not to make alio wauces for the infirmities of others. To consider evervthinsr im. ' rj possible that we cannot perform. To believe only what our minds can grasp. To believejthat there is only one perfect individual, and that yon are that person. To expect to be able to under- stand everything. Life has four seasons and each season has its seasoning; in child hood it's vinilla; in youth, spice, maturity's is ginger, and jn age it's garlic. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1887-1907- Head of the State's Educa tional System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering Uraduate, Law, Medicine, , Pharinncv! Library contains 45,000 voluins. iew wacer works, eM-tric light s, cen t ral hea tin nys tem. New dormitor ies. gymnasium, Y M. C, A. building,, library. 78 8tn4t8, 74 a pgeoitT. The Fall term begins Sent. 0.1007 AH,I Fbancis P. Venable President, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. d)IIa f The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been u use tor over years, nag Dome tno signature of ana dm Deeamnuo under his jfet jPa 8onalBOPcrTls,on B'nco Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience Against Experiment What is CASTORIA Oastoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine ntrtf other Narcotio substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the .Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's ranocea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAY3 Bears the Signature of ) The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. y w ewwirf. tt uiiiiat mnrr, mtm vox em. When a map'B popularity be ams to wane his neighbors usu ally get busy and assist. To the dweller in a valle. life is but a tiny garden; to him who climbs a mountain peakit loses itself in splendid mystery. -I 1 L.iU I , The average man thinks he will have plenty of time for everything if he winds up his watch every day. . A woman alwways wants to be a man's friend so he can do some ining lor her to prove that he is glad of it.. . Trinity College. Four Departments Collegiate. En gineeiinjr. Graduate and Lw. Large norarv facilities. Well equip innui aiui ico in an leilflrrmcnf v of science. ftvmn.-iitim fnrk..i i - AMI IMdlltl witn best nnniiratus. ExnpnPa moderate. All for worthv 8tudnu Young Men wishing to Study Law should investigate Hk'si'. -perior advantages offerer! Hv n, . Department of Law in Trinity lollege. .V . . .-. ... For Catalogue and further infor mation, address D. W. NEWS0N, Registrar. DujiWAM, Noiitu Carolina , NOTICE. By virtue of coieu y me lerms ol a deed ol 1 rust executed bv O P Hinn ,... - " a'iij K.iin ill and wife M. A. Binsham m iia i n aav oi July 11)00, and which appears of reconl in the office of the ReinHter of DeilH .,l Vnn Ka county. North Carolina. Book L. oaae 126. 1 will, nn k.. uu da v of September, 1907, at 11 o clock, a. in., at thecourt house aoor in uoone, W. C, ofter 1 o r tue to the hl.rlio-f K;,un cash the fnllowiagdeHcribed real esta,te to wit: A certain tract of land lying in Wutnupa county, Cove Creek township, adjoining iiiciuiiuBoixiarverrofflt and others, and containing 17 ncres, more or less. Also a nrm i.aii :J terest in one other trsct ol land in SaiQ tOWnlllf ik-nntrn o j l. t . . cOiiirvnii l nrnruti-ttf n tm, adjoining the lands of Airs. J Oliver, Jameslsoacs, Phil hp lounceand others, together with the mill and all 'machinery on said tract, except one emut ter in said mill house. This sale hems to satisfa am inr na; ..;n a certain note exiented to J. B Councill and R. L. Ballou, , W tees for various creditors of the various creditors of the said 0. 5;JloKlia,ni tlM-Mm of 1,.! 475.G2. W th Inforf 4. 50, iyuo, and the conts of t h i sale. This Julv 26, 1007. ... ..J. W.TODD, Truutee. THE "DODGING PERI08" f ' "N of a woman's Bfe. U the name often given to the "change of life." Your menses come at long Intervals, and grow scantier until -they stop. Some women stop suddenly. The entire change lasts three or four years, and It Is the cause of much pain and discomfort, wblch can. however, be cured, by taking WINE of uMbi . Woman's Relief M quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, Irritability, miserable ness. forgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weak ness tired feeling etc. Cardul will bring -you safely through this dodging period, and build up your strength for the rest of your llf . At all druggists In $1.00 bottles. Try It kwur m ei n us .writs us a Lirrrrji freely and frankly, telling us alt your troubles. We will send Free Advice (in ptaln, sealed envelope). Address; La dtes' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga "IVIRYTHDIO BUT DIATH I suffei-ed," Writes Virginia Robson, of Easton, Md., "until I took Cardui. which aired me so quickly it surprised my doctor,, who didn't iuww I was wKing ji." .. . e - . i College Of Agriculture And 'Mechanic Arts. Practical education in Agri culture; in Civil, Electrical aud Mechanical Enyjneerina:: in Cot ton Manufacturing, Dyeing and ndustrial Chemistry.'' Tuition $45 a year; Board f 10 a month. 20 Scholarships. Addiess PBES1DENT WINSTON, VVtst Raleigh, .N.C. r HOUISTEB'S ' Rocky Mountain Tea Nutjgets A Jtwj Uedloite fw Buy ttnlt. Bricgt Coldea Etaltk and BMwtd Vigor. A awj;lle for Onmrtlnntlon, Indlmtlon, Ll . Jr ' Jro,!t,le"i Plmplen, Eraem-, tmpnr niprt. Bad Brenth, Hgwi,U BowK ttfArtachs t-nl B.tckarhe. If Rocky Monstnln Tea.ln '! "O"". IK nt a box. OnWInA mul.by .. ...... 0, ... vuarAHT smpwoawia. . GOLDEN NUG0ET9 JQ 8ALL0lir.r0PLS. FEELING LIVEK-ISH This Morning? W'e proinptly obl'l'- yjV'i ' ioend model, afcetcb or rlotooliDTcaNoa lot 1 H 5PPo?itU. S. Patent Om I JtNttA ' 80 YEARS' A Gentle Lalative And AppeUzer Trade Marks DCaiQNS . Kl .? tn our oplnton fra vliKlitr w iSclentiflc JUatricau. A himrtjoiijc'r nTnrntjd ' lrrat out- ciiluiuu of anr olanrmo JonrnL Trwii, M Zrft'ri' "on'hl. AiEl brill niwidJrC

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