1 Tbe Watauga Democrat. Entered at the Pott ofSve $ Boone. N. C, as second rials mail matter. class mail TL. BS ' - . . .VIS. OK t: Unhths..... fbree months.... Advertising rates furnished on Application. - . rkURCH DIRECTORY, METHODIST CHUECH: Preaching on first Sunday in each month at 11, a. m., and at night; also third Sunday nignt. Sunday School at 10,- a. m. J. F. HAHDIN.'Supt. J, H. Bbendall, Pastor. episcopal cbcbch: Third Stfnday, 11, a. to. Rev. W. R. Savaob. bapt:8T chubch: at 11. a. m.. and. at Vnieht on second and fourth Sun fltyi in eaca muuiu. buluo; Sabooi at 10, a. m. , D. D. Doughehty, Supt. J. F. Davis, pastor. , LOCAL NEWS. Talk for the railroad. , -Callatthis office and settle your account while in town. - Watermelous, loads of them, are in town this week. On account of the Association we go to press one day late this week. -.v-'.', -Mr. and Mrs, John Hardin returned Saturday from a visit to relatives at Shell Creek, Tenn. -Glad to see Solictor Spain hour, of Morganton, in town this week. -Mrs. Jan. Brawley.of Moore ville. is snehdiug a tew days with Sher lather, Captain Lorill. N. T. Hardin has sold his in terest in the Brown lands at Deep Gap to Joseph Brown, Esq. The cool mornings of Jate are a gentle reminder that winter is approaching. The Board of County Com missioners will be in session next Monday. - A. M. Dougherty, the bard of the Highlands, was a caller at our office on Monday.; Fresh fruits, confections etc, also stationery and toilet artic les just in at the drug store. Clipped from the meadows of M. M. Whitaker at 8ugar Loaf; timothy 5 feet H inches tall. Who can beat it? .John II. Bingham is in town this week making out the special school tax for the various dis tricts in the county. V An interesting rail road com munication arrived too late for this issue, but will appear next week. The people throughout the county, so far as we can learn, are getting together on the rail road proposition, and from pres ent indications the scheme will carry nicelr as it should. But in tbe mean time dont forget to talk about it wherever you go, ejer remembering tbattuis is the only real railroad proposition we nave ever had. - -Rev' J. H. Bwmilfl.n will fill his regular appointment in the Methodist church in Boone at 11, a. m., next Sunday, and Rev. Walter A. Stanbury will fill his pulpit at the night appointment, while Rev. Brendall will preach at Blowing Rock at the same nour, ;. t ' Mius Louise Morphew and little brothers, who have been with jtheir grandparents in Boone for some time, have returned to their home in Marion. Mrs. David Harman of Watauga's good christian la dies, quietly passed from earth to heaven at her home on Cove Creek a few days ago, in her 72nd year. .. The second match game of pase bail between Cool Springs and Blowing Rock was milled off on last Saturday, which resulted m a score of 16 to 21 in favor of Cool Springs. "Aunt Emma" Horton, an old anti-belluni negro woman. wbo was much liked by the. peo ple in this community, died at her home in the village Wednes day night. Some changes due to our ad vertisers had to be laid over un til next week, owing to the rush In getting out this issue late, you know. Mrs. L. T. Stimpson, of Tur nersburg, with her nephew, Nat Jurney, of Wayne county, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. C. .Rivers, leaving for home on Monday last. Walter Stanbury, a theolog ical student at Trinity College, who has been assisting the Rev. L. P. Bogle in his ministerial work at Franklin, is spending the last days of his vacation with his parents here. Clingman Hodges, who for the past three years, has been in the service of the United States navy with headquarters at San- Francisco, Cal., has returned to his home and friends in Watau ga county. The doors of the town, re gardless ol religious' beliefs, are swung open wide this week to the Baptist Association and the vis itors thereto, and a most hearty welcome is being accorded to all present. -The splendid new school buil ding, erected by the good people of Valle Crucis, has been comple ted and neatly painted. It Is one of the best in the county and re flects much credit on the good eititens of that splendid section of Watauga. M. M. Whitaker, of Sugar Loaf, informs us that the public school there is progressing nice- lv. The attendance on the first day was 35; second week 50 and third week 54. .-Work and talk in the inter est of the railroad proposition. It is the only one we have ever had that means business, and it is now up to all our people to put forward their best efforts to secure the road. 100 Doses $1 True only of Hood's Saraaparllla, the one great blood purifier and general tonic. Tbie remarkable medicine bat effected many radical and permanent cures thiit are tbe wonder of tbe world. It eradicates all humors from pimples to scrofula. 100 Doses $1 In niual liquid form or In chocolated tablets known as SarsaUbs 100 dotei 11. FACTS ABOUT THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL. Lenoir court this week. Lafayette Critcher, of Sands, has moved to his new residence in East Boone. Never condemn a thing until you are well posted as to its mer its and demerits. Investigate be fore you form even an. opinion. Thanks to our friends for ma ny kindnesses this week. No bet ter people than ours. Despite the large crowd in at tendance at the Association this week, it passed off nicely, with out the least disturbance. Friend A. J. Green, of Mabel, left this week for Wake Forest College. Watauga has no better young man than he, and our best wishes follow him. 1 TO THE PUBLIC. I have the best equipped watch repair shop in the State. My ma terial is all first-class. Fine R. R. aanasnnllv A1 Sn a tori And all defects corrected. A guarantee POfia with avan votili rormirewl I by me. No matter what von want 1 1 have it no guess, no botch i our watch is cleaned anare- ; Paired with th rwwt skill known to the trade. See Council! house, tfoone, N. C. t . - Graduate Wach-inaker & Jeweler, Last week we were misin formed as to the date of the Con federate Veterans Reunion in Rnone. It will be held on Thurs day and Friday before the first Sunday in October, instead oi on the dates indicated in our last issue. Mr Jordan Hardin, son of J. H. Hardin, of Sutherland, who been holdins a lucrative po- Rirminrrham. Ala., for oivtvu Trc ' the nftflt threeTears, was m town ,hi week. He will return to his duties in Ala. within the next few days. rn... t Voanor. renresentine E. O. DeWit A Co., of Chicago, and a newspaper man of twenty far. vpn.ni experience, woo a at. nnr office Tuesday. He in formed us that Jefferson, Ashe ..mintv. is to have a new paper jn tbe near future under the man agement of Lawyer TUley oi ma towrn A. Q. Grayson, salesman for theShoun's Grocery Co., spent monday night at the Blackburn House. He told us that the rail road survey from Shoun's to Boone will Jbegin the next few days. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw will be gin a series of meetings at Three Fork church to-day Friday at 11, a. m., and will continue thro' next week. As many of our peo pie as possible should avail them selves of the opportunity of bear ing this great divine. Miss Lewis Dull, . Travelling Secretary of the State Normal and Industrial college Alumnae Associrtion, will be in Boone at the Appalachian Training School building, on Thursday, Sept. 5th at 10:30, a. m. All former stu dents of the Normal in this coun ty are requested to be present and all others interested in the State Normal and Industrial Col lege, are cordially envited. The Appalachian Training School and the public school for this district, will open on Tues day, Sept. 3rd. It is the impera tive duty of every parent in this neighborhood to see that their children, whether they en ter they enter the A. T. 8, or the public school, a i, tend the session which will last for a period of 8 months. Such educational ad vantages as these are should be be grasped by every boy and ar in the community as to the public school, and the people o: this and surrounding counties, are too well acquainted with the A. T. S. to need any comment by us. Shepherd M. Dugger, author of the Balsam Groves of the Grandfather Mountain, notifies us that he will meet the Hon." R. Linney in the discussion of the Appalachian Park Bill in Boone at 1, p. m., next Saturday, he, o course, favoring the bill. The dis cussion will doubtless be one o much interest, and we hope the people will turn Out in large num berstohear them as the ques tion is one of great interest to all our people. 1. Two large school buildings; a sixty-room dormitory for women, and several boarding houses for men. z. A I acuity or seven experienced teacners. 3. Two hundred and ninety students last year, 4. Free tuition to public school teachers 5. Expenses are very reasonable. For more facts address the . , SECRETARY OF FACULTY, Boone, N. C. The next term begins Septemejnber 3, 1907. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. - Regular Conrgf s leading to dpgrees of Bachelor o( Pedagogy, liHcholor of Science. Bachelor of Arts, and a new course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition nnd fees for uhp of text books, etc., fl70ayear. For Iree-tutition students, f 125 Tbe Normal Department given thorough instruction in the snb jects taught in the schools and colleges, and secial pedagogical traming for the profession of teaching. Teachers ann uraiiuates oi other colleges are otjereq aone-year special course in raagog onu allied subjects. ' The Commercial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Book-Keeping and other bUHiness sub- ects.. Tim rWnrtmnta nf Mnnnnl Arts n.nd Dnmpfitic Sciencfa Drovide instruction in Manual Training ana in t.ucn suujecis as reiate ui- rectiy to me norae ana inmny. The Music Department, in addition to the degree course, otrers a certificate courm in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormltorii s. all free-tuition npplcations il . mi. 1.11 l :n o ....... I.,... snouia e maae neiore ouiy 4.0. iuu ierui win uiii oepieuuici 8,1907. - - For catalogue and other information, annrees, J. I. FOUST, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. FRESH DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES. I have opened a neat stock of Drugs and toilet artic les in Boone (the Dr. Little old stand) and invite the public to give me a call. Chewing Tabaccoes, Cigars, Cheroots, Toilet . Soaps, Etc., of the best brands and makes always to be found in my store. When my goods are all in I will have a full line of Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, and al most anvthincr else usually found in a first class drug store. Aside from the staple drugs, I will carry a ftuV .... .. it 1 line of leading patent medicines, uive me a can wnen in town. : Very Respectfully, Boone, N. C, May 1. J. M. HODGES, M. D. Offices in Blackburn H?td. . FOR SALE. ' Three hundred acres of fine land in Baird's Creek,thiscounty: One half cleared, remainder well tim bered. Fifty acres good bottom fine mineral prospects. Twogood dwelling houses, four and eight rooms. Good water and fine or chards. This is an ideal farm and will be sold reasonably. Don t faU to investigate if you are thinking of buying. Address B. F. CORNELL, Vilns, N. C. BtT. T. L- BUlock'i Appointments Rev. T. L. BlaJock, who is at home on vacation from China, will preach at the the following places and times: , Friday Aug. 30th, at Brushy Fork. Sat. Auar. 81st. at Three - Forks. Sun. Sept. 1st, at Mt. Vernon. Mon. Sept. 2nd. at South Fork. Tues. Sept. 3rd, at Meat Camp. Wed. Sept. 4th, at Zionville. Thurs. Sept. 5th, at" Fleasan Grove. ;- Fri. Sept. 6th, at Cove Creek. Sat Sept. 7th, at Forest Grove. Sun. Sept. 8th, a t Beaver Dam. Tlie hour at all these appoint ments will be 11 o'clock, a. nr In ByVtndy, : The following poem was corn- posed by Walter Icenhour, while sitting in his study by the lamp light:;. : In my study by the lamp-light, As I ponder each lesson o'er, And study with all my might, To make life noble for evermore, Often weary becomes my brains; Hoping vanish to a very few, But then I take heart again, God helps fight the battle through Around the lamp are many books Which I read with pleasant vaft, When evening comes and the moon o'erlooks The landscape which the sun has passed. The lamp is sitting . by a win dow, Where it shines forth into the nieht. And makes the emblem of i 1 9 Hhadow Shine like gold (and silver bright. Oh, my nappy nours 01 stuay, Ifnw lnmr will thev lust? They are like the clouds of ruddy Boon to fade away and pass. ies, to pass as only a Bnauow. Like some mountain high and, OTftnd. When the Jsun leaves hill and, meadow And goes to some distant land. INSURANCE. Largest Insurance Agency in Western North Carolina. Harry Baily, Elk Park, N. C. Mitchel County Bank Build ing. Write me for rates on your property, only the best com panies represented, the ones that pay claims. j 1 1 TO THE MERCHANTS OF WATAUGA CO- I now have a branch house at Elk Park, N. C, "for the purpose of buying Roots, Herbs, Birch Oil, Pennyroyal Oil, Wool, Hides, Chickens and Eggs, and will at an times pay the Highest Cash Prices. - T will nlart hnvA f nr sale at Wholesale Fnces. Corn. LhOD. am1 Pliviw nvA will aall qq nhonn na nan Ha nmiant at fttlV Mtlmail cfafinn T will also have Heaw Groteries that I will sell as low as they can be bought anywhere, less the i. ? V r T - . nmA nil l !ita ma n finl nnll aaa IT ireigul. 1 invilc uiic aiiu an w give uic a uiai aim aw T rlon't nav vou more for vour barter and sell you goods . -V" - r-rf - - , , . tor less money tnan you nave ueen paying. For the present 1 will pay $1. w ior uircn uii. Yours for Business, MILLARD F. HOPKINS. Elk Park, May 1st; 1907. HELP WANTED We can give several families, especially girls, steady employment at our mills. Good pav. Cheap and nice homes graded school, five churches. Beet; town in the State. - American Hosiery Mills, Ke.ners ville, N-C. Everything in Good Foot-Wear, NOTICE. T trtnh to announce to the pub lic that I have on hand on Middle ' Fork of New ri y er, a lot ol good Ibnildincr and fencing lumber, which will.be sold at reasouaoie ratM. I Also hare a fine lot of real fine fruit trees which are all vunties known to suit the ell-mfltaJiei-4. and whieh I propose I to sell on as good terms as any reliable nursery man, . . W. L, COFFEX, Moretz,N.C, R.F.D.Box8. NOTICE. nnvinc nualified as eiPCUtor of ttiAPRtntc of J. C. Underwood. Dec'd. late of Watauga county N. C, this is to notify all person! having claims against the estate ol said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before July 18th, -1008, or this notice CRADBOCK-TERKT cos jjmsh s said estate win pieaae roaKe mi" mediatesettlement. rnisjuiy 10. 1907. O. L. Stohie, Executor. service I Ms an Imporiarrf amsideral ion ! 1 t hl in1kh mhu fitiina shoe ! iSlinCXCCllcd forHX9.le SOViiltRiKjlPl If.lll ' Vfamdus tot fhdrWbwome and For sale by . ftC.MILLPJt. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga'Coun- tv. O. A. Tate vs. Mnrtitia Tut. Kmtprior Court, rail Trm, 1907. Order to serve the procpps, tins summons, in tue cause by publication. In this cause it appearing to the court that the defendant does , not now reside Jn the county ol Wiitnnn-B. or State of North Car olina, but resides in tbe State of Tennesstt, and that process, tbi summons, cannot ne personaiiy w-rved on her in this State, it is ordered that tbe summons be served in this county l.v publish ing tbe following in tbe Watauga linmrrafl the onlv newBDaner ' now published in Boone. Watau. Ilia COUnir, INOn.ll mruuimi . George A. Tate vs Martina late. Action for Divorce, returnable at Falj Terra 1907 of Watauga So, ferior Court, the oeienaant m ureby notified that an action hpn betrnn br Georee A. Tate against Martitia Tate lor Divorce, returnameto tne ran Term, 190J of said court. Said court begins on the lt Monday after the 1st Monday in ept. 1907, when the defendant can appear aud answer or demur to tbe complaint now filed.. Thla July 11, 1907. .Thos. Bingham C. S. C, - by M. B. Blackburn D. C.