, -V- i mi 'n yoL. :ix BOONE, WATAUGA. COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1907. SO. 18 PROFESSIOML. I, D. LOWE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ;, BANNER ELK.N. C. IflrWill practice in the courts p Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. ; ; 7 6-'04 Todd & Ballou, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. ' " Will nractice In all the coxuU Special attention given to real estate law anacoiiecuonn. 6-15-'06 HINTS ON FARMING. Mr. EniTon: Since hit littlo at tide on "Farming" made its ap pearance, quite a number of peo- Pie-wnom i nave met invariably greet me: "Halloo, Farmer, it iookh liKe you d be at work," I also notice that there is still an other class who seem to think that the farms ought to be knock ed into oblivion and the farmers put in the penitentiary. The 1 irst class above mention ed must have the old, old idea of J. E HODGES, Veterinary Surgeon, SANDS, N. Ant.6.1y. EDMUND JONES LA YEll 1 r-LENOJli. N. 0,-. Will Practice Regularly in the Courts ol n atauga, 6.1 '07. F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LA W,- BOONE, N. C, ; Will practice In the courts of the 13th Judicial District m all matters of a civil nature. .6-11-1906. J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE N. C- Careful attentiofl piven t collections. E J. LOVILL -r ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOONh, N. C. WSpecial attention given to all busineas entrusted to hscare."8 . .1.1. '04. A, A. Holsclaw, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mountain City, Tennessee. Will practice In all th court? oflenneKHee. State and reuerai. Krurinl urtunfinn trivtn tn col lections and all oMier matters of alfgsl nature. Office north east of court house. Oct. 11, 1900, ly. E.S. GOFFEY, -ATWRSEl Al LAW,- BOONE, N.C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal riflttire. VS Abstracting titles and colkctioikoi claims a special ty. 1.V07. tentment and pull the cap of ig. norance over the eyes of reason, ana bring disgrace across the threshold of our Iprofession? We would merely suggest first, that we own the land we cultivate, and cultivate what we own. If we own more than we can cultivate, let some one else have it to make him a home. Next, we want neat comfortable honses, and good barns, because comfort is food. Next, if we have any land that is tillable, Ave want the proper Fflrminfr. vir That nipn. u-nmmi tools to till it with. If there be and children should ariHentthreJnone tillable, then till what is o'clock in the morning and make really necessary and graze the a lot of fuss and "todo" about balauce, and sell horses and hogs the bread and molasses and then instead of corn and oats; cattle 1 1 m m hurry awny to the mountain top ana sueep instead 01 nay. with old.fnshion hoes while the Then, we would urge above all etara yet shine, and in the mean- tilings, let there be infinite kind time hustle for a ground-hog for ness in every home. There is no dinner. excuse ior no naving u, iwniun fh irW ni t.TiPHP npnnlo in tn the cheapest thing m the world. nnvnr.nttpnt.imi tn thn hnnse. I believe also in lots of flowers hold; don't have any boots, mu- and vines about a house. I be sical instruments, flo wers or vines lieve every flower about the house oKmit tLolmiisp n the children si'iiifles tne rennemenT,. uvery ..-m ru,ipi- rinn't, wnte ftnv ereen growing vine is a token of ground about the house for a loveanajoy. uvery utue mum- - - - - .1 iM (vlnnif iirliQA TH3 lira Hl'lAfl v .i;i hut ut. it rn in wirn Tiie k t ,1,D "' i' -."" e- , - , ... ... pasture. Be sure that nothing away oy uie mnuruuB vi grows about the house except morning sun, xenas 10 put a uu iipio-h. er of love in the hearts of those 1 unci uvga vu v-n-, t bors away. Never read anything, around them. If the farming claes and yet claim to know every- womu u.u--- it! u.-i. :ll., (hn ivunmn uironuui. " "-"r tniniT. aiUoLcMci;iUiiJ nuuic" ..11 11 should not learn anything about T TT lZ the science of cooking. Don t 7 7; " . . i,rna. ami Bwear ven;eu,in:e usu'"ot uiw nave inuiiv iuuuio ..:, i, es, and no windows in them. Do , oul w uuk, not tro to the expense of buying " '"l "a i.t ,Wnd on borrow- aeiigimui years uon u um auj 1""-- " fm . :..i,i,q f irmi idiuii lmr irora vuur ueiiiuuujo. x. rf..v. . . 1 u n f- A n n 't ow we want some one ewe tu do happen to buy a f , d o nave nv irguiat 1 ,xH thom uu tliem, so wueu yuu uu . T R tney wiu an ue iubi, u. -w. rowed-tlieu you ean curse the hK 1 aiK)i'- women and children because they are not at hand. Be sure and al- wa v8 come homemad, and blame The Limit of Life The most eminent medical scien lists are unanimous in the conclusion n uj a IISIS fli c unanimous in wniviii." everybody but yourself for your thatthe gent.rpuy accepted limita crosses. See to it that the very q human ,jfe ig m yearsbe. appearance 01 Mnunww, theattajmllet possible with the and happiness don't enter your aJv.inced knowecjge of which the door. race is now possessed. The criticrl Curse and swear, and threaten , h d e.ermine8 ration seems to be between 50 and 60; the 11111111115, proper core 01 ure uuujr u"j " and never doanytninguiu.." decade cannot be too strongly urged knock one in the head witn a le8sness then being fatal to long evitv. Nature's best helper after 50, is Electric Bitters, the bcientih tonic ftUWIt Pinh for soniethiiiff that it could iiain inn't, hn,ve anv barns to shelter the stock; never have medlcine thatrevitaliies every organ a ...aid VtAXfOl a aal any plans or purpuw, " c " 0f the body. Guaranteed by an drug . .j oKriit. on V.I use;any juagement ,uv , gist8 50C niont vnur crops too early " e' r . I , i? ij,, - lato nnri w ieu vour cruuo I'arja. wnai is a iiiuhuuuuioi U LVU IM VK-J v-- . - . I 1 ' which are planted out of season mollycoddle, son, 10 a man get bitten by the frost c e a c n wh0se every oc meev wuu w 6 . !i 1 a.i flnrl in nnorv nvnViotinn nfhis wife's mother.' YOUr Cnilureil luai uu o 1 ayi'Ly-vw- with his people, and that me tin -Houston roe. i8 filled with evil spimsanu EndWy The County tf-'r " . ooled -Th. most P.Pu,., R. Ross Donnelly. DNDERTAKER & EMBALM EB SHOUN'S, - ..Tennessee, Has Varnished and Glass White Coffins; Black Broad sloth and White Plueh Caskets; Bluck and White Metalic Caskets Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Chh kets always ou hand.Thone or ders given special attention. R. ROSS DONNELLY. NEW JEWELER'S SHOP. T will V, rtylrj irt ' TtrtriTlO hV June the first, 1907, prepared to do all kinds of watch and clock repairing on short notice. My work is all guaranteed and no work is charged for unless satis factory to the owner. Bring me your work and I will give you a first-class Job. Office up stairs in Critcher brefk row. ' ' ' : SILAS M. GREENE, Jeweler. No wonaer otse.o county, and the best friend of down upon, and the farmer re s . ... n-nm,ii YlHI UV H""'J t " garded as an uu a-.- - er ofthe utseg0 Bhoyld.not gntmbleif yogather J. N. Y. i8 Dr. thorns from thmtle seed I sown J , Djgcove "What soever a ed to be an infallible cure for coughs JSI andcolds, m-kingshort work.,f the btuk.-. "-" tt.nt8tO worst of thetr. We mwav .kwp a hislineof bueinesH yants 0 j use his thinker as wvu a.Wll nt rorrintion muscles. We want to unaemuuu - . . . the order of nature; ene u. n fitet on the board of jaagemeut --. - i . .. n,si,iA)a 1 ncini me and float into the sea COc and ThA.fftrmerouht to me uwe .. nrince. He ought to read and in- ree. foi-m himself, and let the woriu ghe tarnjng from the piano) know that there is nothing mtei- Hqw dQ yQU j. that i .-..ii 'lotrradinff m plowing the land, watching thecorn grow wImJn befcter j lil;e jc tVio irrpen and ' . . , oriooKinK ujju" o- I'lcK-Aie-up. 1 Tknm m nnthinff' sunny siopw. - RAIL ROAp. Mr. Fditoh: After you so kind ly opened the columns of your pa per, as a medium through which the citizens of Watauira could die cusa the railroad question, very little has been said. It certainly seems the people, some of them, at least, are asleep to that most important ques tion. But I suppose it is natural for men to sleep. While the Isnv elites slept, the I'huistians cora- nletelv demolished the black- smith trade in the land of Israel bv carrying off their mattocks and coulters, axes and goods, and left them nothing but a file Is it possible thnj the farmers of Watauga are doing likewise by selling to lumber companies all their fine marketable timber for almost nothing and then quit their farming and take a yoke of oxen and help the saw-mill men on their paths of destruction? I do not know anything about the condition of affaire in the wefl tern part of the county, but such is the case down here. I do not say all the fanners are commit ting such depredation on the fine timber, but to say the least, the sound of the axe and the whistle of the engine are heard in the land, and the tall pine trees are being brought low. fcome man will say. "What is that to you? I paid for my land and timber and have an absolute right to do as 1 please with my own." That's all true, but after you take down all vour valuable timber, will the honevsuckle and the hazel brush, the laurel and the ivey of fer sufficient inducement to some company to build a rairoad? Another man will say: "1 op pose any proposition that car ries a tax with it." We all do, if we can get a road in any other hoiiorable way. "An ox is harder to skin than a mouse, but the hide pays." Why should we ob ject to paying a few dollars tax as an inducement for a rail-road, when it would furnish a home market for the over-production of the farm products, besides very greatly increasing the valuation of real estate? Mr. Editor, I shall not attempt to discuss the subject of railroad any farther, for I do not feel com petent to do that. I only wish to hollow "helloo'at the 'phone and let others do the talking. I be lieve if a few dozen of our best ed ucated men would helpCapt. IjOV- ill talk, railroad, and a few dozen join Joe T. Ray on the subject of farming, the whistle of the loco motive and the thunder of the dynamite would call our young men back from the coal fields of Virginia, and the peddlers of spec tacles and 'venders of patent med icines would return to the farm and be brighter lights in the fir mament of commercial geogra phy. , Z. T. Watbon. McGuire, N. C. . Bark Ridge Item. fToo late for last week.) ! We are having a pleasant weath ; . . it t. J er, notwithstanding me nq.ru showers ol rain which comeocca. sionally. Master Willard Cook, who was . taken very ill on last Wednesday ! night is a great deal better. HiB . friends are glad to see him take J his place in school again, for he was very much missed by both , teacher and school mates. . We are glad to say that Mr. G. , W. McGuire, who recently had. the misfortune to get his hand! torn up very much, is improv ing as well as can be expected. Corn in this part of the county is looking very bad. There will not be near as much gathered this year as last. The fruit crop is also a failure. A great many of our young people left Tuesday for Boone, where they will attend the Associ ation. Among the number was Mr. Wiley Church, Misa Vertie Cook. Mr. David Trivett, and Miss Ruby Cook. Hope they will ltnva a nina f.ima The school at this place is make ing fine progress with Miss Virgio Tester as efficient teacher Miss Vergie has the honor of enrolling more students than any teacher that has ever taught here, and we hope the school will continue good. Mr. G. W. McGuire has lately erected a new grist mill which is a great benefit to the people here Emily. Without Alcohol k Strong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier' Without Alcohol A Great Alteratlre Without Alcohol A Doctor'! Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer'a StrcuparllU Without Alcohol Ayer'i Pills are livef pill. They act directly on tne liver, matt mors dim secreted. 1 nis is wny mej are so vaiu able in constipation, ouiousncii, aya pepsla, sick-headache. Ask your doctor 1 ne knows a oetter lazanve pin. U4 bj tb 1. 0. AT o. WW ' The man who marries a wifo tor a cook often cooks his own goose. taker by all druggists. fio. Trial bottle degrading in driving the cows across the daisy clad hills, or stacking the new mown hay, or harvesting a waving field of gold- .Now a hint to the wise is suffi cient. We want a higer -standard fi.;n" Whvehouhl westrt'tch ourselves upon the couch of con-. Co, It's Nature Tells What It la. William Jennings Bryan tells anecdote that is as illuminating on a much discussed political sit uation as it is amusing in itself Mr. Bryan says he was told the following story: A negro debating society was wrangling on the question as to 'Which is the mother of a chick en the hen that lays the egg or the one that hatches it?" The chairman was holding that the hatcher of the egg is the mater nal parent when an old brother on a rear Beat across arose and said: '"Suppose it is a duck egg who is the mother.duck, the hen that hatched it?" This argument seemed unanswerable but the chairman scratched his head and said: "Ducks are not befo' de house Chickens am de tpjestion." Mr. Bryan at once made a politica application of the story and re plied: If the Democratic party lays a policy and a Republican presi dent hatches it out, who is the mother of the chicken? T am grateful to the old brother on the rear seat who put the query a bout the duck for it's a duck egg, by considering the nature uf the policy we can readily discover who is the mother the Demo cratic hen that laid it or the re publican hen that hatched it. Raleigh Times. A W publteh our formula IV. hMl.h alanhol 9 from our mftdloln W vrf r oniuit you uers MtOf NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga County, In the bupenorourt, tan Term 1907. Smith Briscoe Shoe Co. VI, .1 W. Klnir and S. W. Kin?. The defendant, S. W. King will tuice notice that an Alias Summons in the above entitled case wait issued against the defendant, S. W. King on June 3rd 1907, and it appearing to the court that tne aeienuani, o, W. King is not a resident of th State of North Carolina, and that service of summons can not be per. sonnlly had on him. It is therefore ordered by the court that service ol summons be had by publication of this notice for tour weeks in tne Watauga Democrat, a newspaper published in Boone, N.C., requiring him to appear at the next term 01 Watauga Superior Cour to be held in Boone on the 1st Monday after the 1st Mondav in September, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action or thereiiet mere n demanded (will be granted. This Aug. 6th. 1907. Thos. Bingham C. S. C. By M. B. Blackburn D. C. It is much easier to live right than to live by wrighting. It flows like electricity through your yeins; it does the work. If you are vastingaway, take Hollister'8 Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, tea or tablets. M. B. Blackburn and Blowing Rock diug Co People who taKe things easy; often end by taring things less their share. He Fired the Stick No greater mistaKe can be made than to consider lighly the evidence, of disease in vour svktetn. Don't take desperate chances on ordinary medicines. Use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets M. B. Blackborn and Blowing Rock Drug Co. Ohj my stomach a very uncertain I suffered the torment lhat costive ness brings But now I am happy, normal and . free, A mericle wrought by Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. M. B. BlacKburn and Blowing Rock drug Innocence is often nothing more than ignorance thinly dis guised. ' ' . - "Everybody Should Know" says C. G. Hays, a prominent busi ness man of Bluff, Mo., that Buck lens Atnica Salve is the quickest and Hurest healing salve ever applied to a, sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles. Tve used it and know what I'm talking about." Guaran teed by all druggists. 2jjc. "Regular as the Sun' is an expression as old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular perfore mance in the univeise, unless it is he action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life Pills. ' Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. "They say his wife has money.' "Well, that iWt fault. They've been manned only a short time." Loudon Opinion. The man who goes into poli tics, generally goes into bankrup tcy. The connection between a latch Key and whisky is one that al most any married woman may bedejiended on to find pu.t Men who have no money to burn are apt to think it a burning shame. Women as Well u Ren Are C3i) miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. frnuMe nreva nnotl the DlltuL discourages and lesseusatubition; beauty. vigor auu cneermi. iieM soon disappear, when the kidneys ara out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble hat become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to ba born afflicted with mrnlr kiilnrv. Iftha child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an fl"e when it should be able to control tha passage, it i yet afflicted with bed-wet- ting, depend upon , me cause vi msuim cnlty is kidney troable, and the first h tnurrl the treatment Or thene important organs. This unpleasant rouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder ana not to at habit as most people suppose. Women as WCU a men mrc uik into..- able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. iu ..J tl.. Immfvliiitft effect ol l lie uuiu miu - - S wamp-Root Is soon real wed. It is so!4 by druggists, m ntty cent and one-dollar ize bottles. You ma v have a aauiole bottle k mall frM. lino 4 tom tl 1'IIH n pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, .nl.i.lincr tnanv nf til thousands of tCStU monial letters received from sufferer, cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.Y., be sur and mention; iu. n.n.r Don't make anv mistake. i but remember the name, Swamp-Koot, ' Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, and the ad 'dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every .bottle, trffn t ... .

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