Tb3 Vatausa Democrat. Entered ai : the Post office at floooe, JV7 C.,"a second - Joss mail matter, subscription bates: One year. ...........J J.00. Six Months....-..-..., . .50. fAr? months:..,,...' .25. Advertising rates furnished on application. . - CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST CHCBCH; ' Preachinir on first Sunday in each month at 11, a. m. and at night: also inira ouuutiy niguc. Sunday School at 10, a. m. J. F. Hakdin, Supt. J. H. Bhkndall, Pastor. episcopal chcbch: Third Sunday, 11, a. rn. " Rev. W. R. Savage. BAPTIST CHUBCH: Preaching at 11, a. m., and at night on second and fourth Sun: daya in each- month. Sunday Sofiool at 10, a. m. D. D. DocoHEnTT, Supt. J. F. Davis, pastor -.z LOCAL NEWS. -Court next Monday." . Note change in the ad of the Dank of Elk Part this week. 1. G. Greer returned to the University thin week. Fine rains just now after a rather protracted drought. Miss Mattie Curtice, of But ler, in yiitiug relatives in Boone. Glad indeed to know that Mrs T. P. Adams continues to improve. Rev. John Hall and family, of Gastoniajhave been spending a few days in Watauga. Mrs. W. R. Lovill is visiting her mother at Sutherland this week. (, The court dockets are unusu ally Jight and a very short term of court may he expected. Rev. Mr. Kistler, Lutheran minister, is off this week to spend a few days at the Jamqstown Ex position. " " 1 N -Prof. B. B. Dougherty is at- tendinzn meeting of the county ty Superintendents throughout the State at Moutreat ibis week. The statement of the Bank ol Blowing Rock this week shows quite a gain iu business since the last report was published. Miss Pearl Moretz, after spending several weeks with rela tives in Watauga left this week for her home in Hickory. ' ' Don't forget to call.at.this of fice and settle that little amount you are due us next week. If you are not a subscriber call and let us sepd you the paper a while. r -Mrs. Trivett,? who has been in Boone under the treatment of Dr. Hodges for some weeks, has returned to her home on Beaver. Dams very much Improved. Romy Storle, who has been spending his college vacation with his parents on the Blue R'dge, is, we" are very sorry to hear, very low of fever. . Prat. Roy M. Brown with his wi'e, who has spent the summer with his parents in Watauga, left, this week for Raleigh when he will teach for the next year. Rev. W, R Savage, of Blow ing Rock, is down this week do-ir-K (or having done) some work on the grounds of the Episcopal church that la now Bearing com pletion; - , ; TO THE PUBLIC. I have the best equipped watch repair shop in the State, Mv ma terial ig all first-class. Fine R. R. Watches especially adjusted and all defects corrected. A guarantee goes with every watch repaired by me No matter what yon want I have it no guess, no botch. wm nuivii is cleaned auu m f j 1 t . . i ... I ... i'ut;u wun tne o9sz bkui kdowu ;tp the trade. See CouncilUiouse, oone, K. v. ; . ; . .7. W. BRYAN. - praduate Wach-maker Jeweler, . Re?-S- E Oragg, of Sliull's Mills, will preach at l)r(M school house next Sunday at 3. M. . .IT' p. m. His subject will be "The Saint's inheritance." , Tbe stockholders in the Wa tauga County Bank held theiran nual meeting in the bank build ing on Tuesday and re-elected the same Board of Directors f o r the ensuing year. Mr. Claude Greene, of Collets ville, who i just uplrom a sfvern attack ol yphoid fever, is recu perating at the home of his fath er, Mr. Allen Green ou Meat Camp. Married on Wednesday of last week Mr. Green, of Beaver Dams, to Mias Maggie Sherwood, youngest daughter of Rev. J. J. L. Sherwood. The Democrat ex tends congratlations. J. M. Harrison writes us that he and T. R. Caudell had a most terrible combat with a rabid dog the 23rd ult onthePineoluroad near Mortimer. Fortunately the dog was killed without either of the men being bitten. The Lenoir News announce that in the future it will charge full ad. rates for obituary notic es. Well, they do become rather tiresome, but we propose to pub lish them, in short lorm, as loug as we run, and good people con tinue to die. Misses Sallie Sieuknecht and Mary Lillingt on Hardin, in com pany with Mr. Gill Hodges and family , left yesterday for James town, where they will spend a few days taking in the sights of the greiit Exposition. Mr. Roy Norris, son of Rev. John Norris, died of typhoid fe ver at his home on Bearer Dams last Friday and was buried Sat urday evening, leaving a young wife and three small children. Indeed the sympathies of all are with the bereft in this dark hour. Rev. J. C. Blaylock, father of Missionary Blaylock, came over last week and met his son whom he had not seen for more than 10 years, and is traveling with him while he fills his list of appoint ments in the county. We are sorry indeed to hear of the very serious illness of Mr. David Bingham, one of the grad uating class of 1907 at the A. T. S. His many frieuds here hope that the disease may deal gently with him and that he may soon recover. For sale, a high grade 12- gage, Marlin pump gun with 2.6 and 30 inch barrel. If you wish to buy a good gun at a low price, call at Mr. M. P. Critcher's store, Boone, N. C. on Monday or Tues day of court, or write to J. d. Horton, Elkin, N. t. The macadam road irora Le noir to Blowing Rock now seems almost a certainty. We are told that stock has been taken in the enterprise to the amount of more than f60,000. The nrsr biock holders meeting will be held in tanoir on Thursday, the 12th irtBt., When the organization will be perfected and officer eieciea. We are told that Moses H. Cone has taken t2,500 stock in the road. . -John Hodeee, of Howards Creek, tells us that he caught in bis corn field last week a ground hog that tipped the scales at37 pounds. This is the largest one we have beard of, and we surmise that he is the aged prophet that. has been responsible for the bad: weather that is attribute to tne ground hog each year. If this be true, John should be -put on Federal Dension rolls at once w a slicht remuneration for his ex cellent service to his country. NOTICE. -:1k f nnnniinee to the pub lic that 1 have on band on Middle Fork of New river, a lot of good building and lacing ium. , wbich willUesoia a reuuuam rates. I also have a fine lot of realfinefruit trees which are a I vunties known to suit the cli mt here, and wbieh I propose to sell on as good terms as any reliable nursery man, W. L,,uu rmi Moreti,N.C, R.F.D.KOX. All Humors Am Impure mitten which the gkln, Wnt, kWneyi and other organs cannot take cart of without help. Wmplei, bolli, enema and other trap, tlona, loti o( appetite, that Ured feellnf, bllloui tnrne, flu of indigestion, doll head chei and many other trochlea are due to toem. They are remoTed by Hood's Sarsaparilla In uioal liquid Ibrrn or In chocolated UbletitoownaiSartataba. lOOdoteatl. Rev. Walter Stanbury preach ed his first sermon More a home audience in the Methodist church in Boone on Sundav night last, and hi sermon was flue, show ing great research by the youpg college student. He lelt lor his fi nal year at Trinity Tuesday raor nlng. The speaking on the merits aud demerits of the Appalachian Park Bill, indulged in by R. Z. Linney and Shepherd M. Bugger at the court house, on Saturday afternoon, was very spirited in deed, the aiguments pro and con being fine. The same geutlrmen will debate the same question at Cove Crrek Academy next Satur day Eve. and all in reach should turn out to hear them. The Singing Normal that has been in session at Deerfleld for the past month, conducted by Prof. Bacon, came to a close last Friday, and as it was very largely attended, we take t that vocal music in Watauga will be much improved as a result of the efforts of this eminent vocal in structor. Friend Gill Hodges and fami ly, who have been with friends and relatives in Watauga for some time past, left yesterday tor their home at Cheyenne, Ofc lahoma. Their friends here are numbered by their acquaintance, all of whom wish for them a safe and pleasant journey to their far western home. Rev. J. F. Davis asks us to announce that in the future he will fill his pul pit in the Baptist church in Boone on the 2nd Sun day in each month at 3, p. m., in stead of 11, a. m. as heretofore. He will preach at Three Forks church at eleven o'clock on the second Sunday in each month un til farther announcements are made. To the road overseers of Cove Creek township, whose re- ports'wete not received by the board of supervisors on Aug. 1st. you are herby notified that you must have your roads in 'good con ditionand report the same on Sat urdav before court at N. L. Mast's store All overseers who donotrepon&t that time will rw renorted to the court. A. P. Glenn Ch'ra. ' BANK REP0ET. Following is a report of the con. dition of the bank of Blowing Rock at BlPVing Rock in the etate of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness Aug., aa 1907: resources: Loans and discounts - f 8,9 94.00 Overdrafts secured Overdrafts unsecured 60,38 Banking house . 1,000.00, Furniture and fixtures , 1,836.70, Due from .b'ks and b'krs 7,881.76. Gold coin - .$o. Silver coin, Including all mi nor coin currency 840 49. National Bank note and oth- . erlj. S. Notes, a.oso oo. Total..'....' ...............81,705.83 LIABILITIES - Caoital stock t 000.00. Undivided profits less cur. rent expenses and taxt p'd 9349. Time certificates olileposn 3,5940. Deposits subject to check 1 8,897.76. Cashier's checks outstandin' iao.05. Total........:......... ..75.83- State of North Carolina, Watauga county, as: I, U. M. budderth, CVliier ofthe above named. nanK, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ol my knowledge and belief " G. M. Sudderth, Cashier. Correct Attett: 0. J. Earlier. W. p. Lentz, aad W. L Holshouser Directors. ' ' .Subscribed and sworn to? before me this aStb day of Augigoj: v J P. Clakk. Notary Fublic PACTS ABOUT THE APPALACHIAN SCHOOL. 1, Two large school buildings; a sixty-room dormitory for women, and several boarding houses for men. z. a lacuity or seven experienced teachers. 3. Two hundred and ninety students last year, 4. Free tuition to public school teachers. ' 5. Expenses are very reasonable. For more facts address the SECRETARY OF FACULTY, Boone, N. Cv The next term begins Septemember S, 1907. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Coursf s leading to degrees of Bachelor ol Pedngogy, ttacMor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, aud a new course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music, Board, laundry, tuition and fees for nw of text books, etc., f 170 a year. For Iree-tutition students, 125. The Normal Department gives thorough instruction In the sub jts taught iu the schools aud colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are offered aone-yearspecial course iu Pdagog and allied subjects. , The Commercial Department offers practical instruction In Stenography, Typewriting, Buok-Keeping and other buniness sub ects. The Departments of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruction in Manual Training and in web subjects as relate di rectly to the home and family. .. .. : ' The Music Department, iu addition to the degree course, offers a certificate course in rocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applcatlons should be made before July 15. The fall term will oeii September 18,1907. For catalogue and other information, nddrcps, J. I. F0UST, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. FRESH DRUGS AND I have opened a neat stock of Drugs and toilet artic les in Boone (the Dr. Little old stand) and invite the public to give me a call. Chewing Tabaceoes, Cigars, Cheroots, Toilet Soaps, Etc. , of the best brands and makes always to be found in my store. When my goods are all in I will have a full line of Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, and al most anything else usually found in a first class drug store. Aside from the staple drugs, I will carry a full line of leading patent medicines. Give me a call when in town. Very Respectfully, .- Boone, N. C, May 1. . M. HODGES, M. D. Offices in Blackburn Hotel. TO THE MERCHANTS OF WATAUGA CO. -. ,, - , ... I now have a branch house at Elk Park, N. C, for the purpose of buying Roots,-Herbs, Birch Oil, Pennyroyal Oil, Wool, Hides, Chickens and Eggs, and will at all times pay the Highest Cash Prices. I will also have for sale at Wholesale Prices, Corn, Chop, and Flour and will sell as cheap, as can be bought at any railroad station. I. will also have Heavy Groceries that I will sell as low as they can be bought anywhere, less the freight I invite one and all to give me a trial and see if I don't pay you more for your barter and sell you goods for less money than you have been paving. For the present I will pay $1.95 for Birch Oil. Yours for Business, MILLARD F. HOPKINS. Elk Park, May 1st, 1907. Everything ia 1 rco C-CQ-fl 7 17amdiis for r?J fhcirWbwome and' tiJ Sterling QualUtetf For sale b , - 1 TRAINING TOILET ARTICLES. Good Foot-Wear. CRADDOCK-TERRY COS ienoth of service Is an important amsidcralion thisaiyjishyeasy fitting shoe isunexcelled tit. MIL L E R. -The Training School bad ft most promising opening onTueff day in fact far the beet it bos; ever had at the tail term. The fac ulty itmains the same with $b9 addition of MissMattbews,anao coraplished teacher from Meck lenburg, and to improve on the teaching force ol the school would be a hard task indeed. The open ing of the public school in one of the buildings on the campus at the Bame hour was quite as flat tering, and uuder the Tonnage? mentoftwo most efficient lad teacher", Misses Maggie Combsj and Edna Holsclaw, we may ex? pecta most successful term: The public school will continue for a. term of eight, mouths. Thoe O. Skinner, Jr., of Hender son, son of Ex-Congressman Skin ner and nephew of Col. Harry Skinner, suicided a few days ago by shooting himself through the heart No cause is assigned. Ha was a Uniuersity student. John A. Gates, of Fayetterille, editor of North Carolina Baptist, has been choeen as chairman of the Executive Committee of the State Anti-Saloon League to sue ceed J. W. Bailey, resigned. fern j wuiwiwiwrisq After the first of next January, liquor can be sold legally in onl sixteen counties of the State. HOMES IN THE SOUTHWEST, There will be a meeting of the people at Trade, Tenn., on Aug. 81 , 1907, to form a colony to go to the south-west in the near fu tnre;to consider land proposi tions, to decide on a location and, send representatives to investi gate and report. R. S. Russell, Traveling pass enger Agent of the Frisco & Rock; eland Railway will be present to give the people information in re gard to transportation, etc. All person interested in form ing this colony, or who desire in- brmation in regard to the soutni west, should be present. T. E. P. LARIMER. FOR SALE. Three hundred acres of fine land in Baird's Creek,thi8 county: One half cleared, remainder weu rim hprpd. Fiftv acres srood bottom fine mineral prospects. Two good dwelling nouses, iour ana eigne rooms. Goon water and fine or chards. This is an ideal farm and will be sold reasonably. Don't fail to investigate if you are thinking; of buying. Address B. F. CORNELL, Vilas, N. C INSURANCE, Largest Insurance Agency in Western North Carolina. Harry Baily, Elk Park, N. C, Mitchel County Bank BuiUJ ing. , Write me for rates on your property, only the best com panies represented, the ones that pay claims. . HELP WANTED Wecan give several families, especially girls, steady employment at our mills. Good pay. Cheap and nice homes graded school, five churches. Bee) town in the State. American Hosiery Mills, Ke.nersville, N-C NOTICE. ., . Having qualified as executor of the estate of J. C. Underwood, Dec'd. late of Watauga county N. C, this is to notify all person harinir claims airainst the estate ot said deceased to exhibit them, to the undersifiied on or before July 18th, .1908, or this notice will be plead in bar ol their re. mverv. All nenions indabted to said estate will please make inv mediatesettlenient. misjuir xo, 1907. - G. LrSTome; Executor,

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