Watauga Democrat. ; isb&EVeYhyrsday r,ul tri "''Catawba Indians oc 'jl.L J ' " " Mcnpld a reservation of -about "I Kept 'the Litrht Bnrntor." ; "." 1 'jA.'p&'tbetic st'ory is told of: a "noble ' woman the , wife of tt b e keeper of a Mgi i thbuse pa a,t ( iso lated island, who saw let,hus- Dana ana me, two assistants swept away by breaking icerfloep, leaving her absolutely aWie to iaci a long aud, dreary win pr, vith the memory of the terrible and tragic scene which lie had a witnessed' 'It was months after her breayement that the govern, inent supply ship i reached the is ! ind on its sepai-annual visit. The men on ilie vessel were accustom ; ed to stories of privation and heroism, but there was something that gripped at tlieir hearts a lit lie harder than osnal when they learned what she had suffered and h( a-d her simple answer to the captain's questioti,1 "Howdid you ever manage to get through tils' winter?'' "I hardl v know-" he replied, with' a' suppressed so.) that had so much of meaning and heart-break in it, "I hardly know; I only ,know that .l kept the light burning' ( , , All through those desolate months that faithful woman had fcept tl 9 light burning, and ships passing 6 1 their distant courses and seeingthe SignalBad l ept their way truer AM steadyand hail reached-tbeir'have bearing fa safety m&nyhjmanbeipgs who . but for this Iriendly . beacon night have Blept m the wintery those faithful lights!" None but God know what they mean. TllPV ATP nrSt, 'fnr anilnrc. w -w v va mtiv a alone. Sometimes they shine from farmhouse windows; sometimes a own city streets; sometimes from human lives. Out on t h e plains there is a certain gate post where a lighted lantern has bung every night for seventeen years, ever since a boy had dis appeared from home? The father inw nlrt nnrl nrpnnt I lies it out every night, no matter how great a storm, praying that it may guide his boy home. JBel. . ; V-::;V:v , . 8aakaj VarWeaponi- ' When Hannibal, the great Carthaginian, was fighting Eum enes pf Pergamos with a fleet of very inferior strength, he hit up .n an artifice which would scarce ly be sanctioned by the laws ot what we are pleased to civilized warefure. Rediscovered by means of a bogus message under a flag -of truce on which ship the king was. He then caused poisonous jmakes to be inclosed in earthen iui u uisirmuiea among several ships and ordered them to close up on the King's gallej'. In the melee that followed the jars were flung on to the deck, the curious bombs were greeted oi uibb mini nuicuiB, wnicn ,soon elarged to panic when the nature of their contents made itself mani festy The galley was extricated lorn the tight as soon as possible and the captains of the others believing that the king had taken nigox, xouowed suit, with the re f ult that Hannibal gained com plete victory. Ex. ., , , v Charlotte Newat There are a bout 100 whWKey cases on the docKettobe tried Ihis wees at the Durham court. Heretofore it baa been the custom, according to reHrts from Durham, to im. pose flues on violators of the li quor Is w and let the matter rest iheie. Consfnueiiili' th tilillilitir tf violatbrs have incieased raj) idly. Judge Councill, who is pre siding, has decided to use more AeVoic mensures for breaning up the illicit liquoc business in Dm ham and accordingly he is nn po sing chain gnng sentences. We Iook tor a diminution in the list n iiuiaiurnui lue uiw m IIHS re- spect as a result "ot this action. ' I.--.. ". : " " . Only a fool takpsexpertence for a roal instead of a guide. . ,"Kt": ' - -'-.-.'-'. ', i ' . :v.; Few.' thing' riufke sympathy SO'i'ker than cherished sorrows. TUB CATAWBA INDIANA ,The remnant of the onie pow- Jn article! in tlieCha'tes ori"News Couner, describing these Indians and (heir mode of Iile. says that althohgh hey have adopted the dress of civilizHtioh.'iheir cus toms are similar to those of Ihe original tribe, without, the war like and nomadic life, Thv live in little huts and - cultivate b o m e small ' croon, the women ' dcinir most ot the worK and the men spending their time flnhing, bunt ing or loafing. Most of them are Mormons in religion." The State of South Carolina, under a trea ty made in 1840 iBHKes. an an nual appropriation ror tne La taMbas, a comininHioner distrib uting it equally among the Indi ans. The Catawba Pi were from the outset friendly to the white man and fought against other tril es asallies of the nuleiaces. Their reservation at the time of the treaty ol 1840 was forty.flve square miles, but the State has taken the most and the best of the land, smi tbpy are now as iugv for a final setleruetut arid want, what is due them paid in full and the system of annua) ap proprifttioriH abaodonHd.Nash- vmeuunnpr. , J.. i- UUI ' ' Why the feUci HA n Drinks. The truth is the Southern bar rooms, save & few' exceptions, is a pretty plain morgue. It is cheap. all the way through and the em- the other surroundings. -We re call the first drink of corn likker we ever took in the South or in the mouth and . tears ran down our cheeks for three hours. It was the pure stuph. It was new, It hadn't been off the stove two hours and the fuzzle -oil greased our whiskers for a month. ' The bar-room is anything but invi tingbut it ,was the , best the best the town had. The nicew end of it didn't have anv pictures and we never saw a place where tne black man- is separated Jrom his coin by the bar-Keeper that did have pictures ' ,or anvthine else enticing. The black man does not drink sociallj'. He wants the cut glass and arsenie in his etom ach for the effect it has on his head He wants to forget it'. . He wants something that will ,make him feel rich; He needs a stimu lant because he hasn't anythinir else much in this world of sor row and if he can get a pint of gin down his gullet and dream that he is about to get enough money to buy himself a red nejsk tie, that is all he wants. Fair brother's Everything. : CASTOR I A tort Infiuto and Children. Tta Kind Yon Hars Always Bought - Bmts the Signature of Only thse who nth not nlrnid of being poor rnallr Iwoiiio rich. The Lord not o'nly.lv-( a heer iul giver; he loves a giver ol :ood cheer. .. ' This world only becomes beau tiful qb we tacKle its unpleasaut problems. '' ;.; , . , . ; ',-, ' . .. . KOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga Couin t.v. SnjM'rior Court. Full Term, 1907, Sallie Buird plaintifT, vs. Walter Baird, defendant. The delendant above nampd will take notice that an actiou has been commenced against bim as above entitled, lor absolute di vorce Irom the bands of mati i mony uow f-xisting between the plantiff and deieudant.lt is there fore ordered that publication te inado lor lour snrteHsive wwks, commanding thedelendnntto np K-arat the next term olthisCourt to bo held in Boone, N. C. on the 9th day ofSeptember 1907, and plead answer or demur to the complaint which will be filed in this office 30 dayi before said Term, or the ruliel prayed lor in Haid fomnlHiiit will bo in-anted. Thi July 2:trd 1007, Thos. Hix;nA.vf; C. 8, C. ; WhUkfj Brings . (Charlotte Observer.) f What Judd Albright did for the the !hirety mob yesterday was a- p. It has been so long since any wliskey:waa.soldm Charlotte vbatmony went' down into the basement of the post office just to see what North Carolina com looks like.V ; 'n-.X'J: ., Before the appointed hour rail ed round on-lookers were thick about on the ground. Two police officers were there to keep down violent bidding and to see that two or three small city ordinan ces were not broken, 'This is RO-proof whiskev," said the auctioneer, "and we have 20 gallons of it on hand. Who will make a bid?" , ; . Tongues began to loll and dry mouths to water. , , "Come on down with your bids It's good stuff and all that's in the city.H - V- is .v. ' The bidding was quick, sham and 'vigorous. Eighty proof stuff brought f 2 15 a gallon, that be ing 1 1.05 more than the same grade ever brought before in this section of the country. . "That's eagerness lor you, said a voice from the crowd when the last gallon was bid in. Them fellows is anxious." ' ' People who have sympathy for humanity are not sighing lor heaven. ' The Charlotte Obsejye. THE L.AK0EST AND BEST NEWSPAPEIUNN.C, Eveif Day ia the Year $8. a . . Year. . The Observer consists of io to V pages daily and 30 to 32 pageSun, day. It handles mole news 111 niter, local. State, national and foreign lhan any other North Cnratina news paper. 1. . ' THE SUNDAY OBSERVER, is-uncxcelled as n news medium and is also tilled with excellent matter of a misgellnneoii!, nature. " SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER, issuea Tuesdays and Fridavs. at $1. per year, is the largest paper for the money in this section. It consists o 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news if the wtek local. State, na. tiona and fcreign. Ac iress," THE OBSERVER CO. , 1 . .Charlotte; . C. Trinity Park School. A First-Class Prenarntory School. Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance toxLeading Southern Colleges. . . , Bt Equipped Preparatory School in we Ejouin. 1 acuity ot t en Ut . ficers and Teachers, .Campus oj Seventy-five Acres. Library containing Thirty Thousand voiumns. wen equipped, oym nasium. Hieh Standards and Mod ern Methods of Instruciton. Frequent Lectures ; by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seven Years of phe. nome'nal Success For Catalogue and other informa tion, address " H. II NORTH, Headmaeter, Durham, N. C. EXE' UTION RALE. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty, in theauperiorCourt, J. R. Miller, vs. J. H. Lthnm. By virtue of.execution directed to the utideraifriiftil irOm Dm Kn. rieritir Court ol Watauua county, ! .1., 1 iS4.1J -a.:. " will, 00' Mondsy the 9th day of September 1907. at 12 o'clock at the court house door ol said counts . sell to the hiphtwt lurlrlpr lor cash to satisfy said execution a'l the right title and interest which the said J, U. Latham, the defendant, has in the following tract ol land in Watauga county Meat uamp township, on the head waters ol Meat Camp crtek and bounded as follows: Begin ning on a maple; Rhoda Wine harpers corner, running, S. 42 foi(?s to a sujrar trea, thpnee. W. 7 poles to a stake at the road, thence with the road 40 poles to a chestnut, thence E. to the Ix- ginning, containing 8 acres more or Ipsk Said sale is to nntiHfv a judjjement in lavorol theplalnliff ana ;ia insr rne aiendaut olfWU by warrentol attachment in a Justice ol the Peace court, dated July the 15th 1907 and docketed in the Superior Court Ang. 6th 1907. lievied on by oie this Aur, 10th 1907. .' John W. Ilodjri's Sheriff. ".. -JohnC. WillsonD, S. - Brother Cooley's Sentiments. . Htligion mil kes de man; but wVu man 'makes-de Higion Lawd help do woil'. , ' , ( " , ' Du'i trouble 'miff in dis worl te,r keep er man fwiiie so fas' de rheumntisin don't stuu' no show wid 'im.'' V ... ; .' ' 'Sataii keeps busy ix davs in de week, en even w Vn hi'to goter sleep irt church, oiifl Sunday, he still got one eye open. , Many a man knows hisse'fjbut de reason he don't profit by de knowlegijs--he too wise ter give hisse'f a war. No man in de worl' would live in de surrowful country el he could have ten minutes talk wid a citizen rum Ilallelulia Hill. , Home folks what all time hol lenn'fe'r 'de ol'-time Religion, never J;ad enough religion in de olVtime ter Ian de feathers on a a"gpl's wing, Say wnat you will, .o' d( lar is yo' bes' frin. Des let de dol lar ring, en dor's such a rush ter open der doordat folk lulls over one another. x AH the treasure Iiousph ol truth ope to the master key of sinceri ty.. T-13 secret of fashionable beauty I asked the question of a beautv specialist. In order to he round roy and very stylish, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. i cents. Tea or tablets. M. 13. Blackburn and Blowing Rock drug Co. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 18871907- Head of the State's Educa tional System. DEPARTMENTS. Collire, Engineering, Graduate, Luw. Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volunis, New water works, eh-ctric lights, central heating hys tern. Npw dormitc-r-ie'. gvmnasium, Y M. C, A. building. - library. 732 Students, 74 la Faculty The Fall term b-gins . Seir.9. 1907. Address Francis P. Tenable President, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Trinity College. FourDcDnrtments (Villeiriatp F.n t i - o j gineerinp Graduate and Lnw. Large library facilities. Well equip ped laboratories in all departments of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. All for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Studv Law should investigate the su. perior'ad vantages offered bv the Department of Law in Trinity College. , .. .-. ... For Catalogue and further infor mation, address D..VV. NEWSON, Rpgistrar. Durham, Nokth Caiiolina . NOTICE. By YirtUe ol a uower in mo vested by the terms of a deed ol trust expcntpd hvfi. V 1 Tl n Ii n m ----- - - -v-. m, m vtllUU 111 and wife M. A. Uingham on the 27tbday ol July 1906, and which appears ol record iu the office of the RpgiHter ol DedH of Watau ara county. North Carolinn nn..i- !. paae 126. 1 will, nn th uih day of September, 1907, at 11 o'clock, n . in., at thennnrt hnhoo door in Boone, N. C, ofter f o r ale to the hkheft bidder tor cash the following described real estate to wit: A certain tract of lanrl I I'inry I n UTnini.n . Cove Creek township, arljoinine . i tt ... r r! i no lauun ui xiurvR JrTOmt and others, and containinn 17 urn. more or less. Also a one hall in. terest in one oth?r tract ol land in eaid towiiBhipkiiowD an the Jap, aii uuire mm property on Covej Creek, adioiinnor the InnAa Mrs. J Oliver, JameIaac, Phil up louiiceHna oinern, together' with the mill and niachiiierv! on said tract, excent. mm amni.' ter ia snid mill house. This sale bemtf to satisfy as far as it will, a certain note exwnterl t .r n Councill and R. L. Bhllou, trunl rees ror various m-intors i.f the various creditors of Hip u K BniRhaniiu the num of 75.62.with interest from Julv 26, 1906, and the contu t h i sale. ThiKnlv 26, 19()7. J, W.TODD, Trusts. The Kind Toa Have Always in Use tor Over ov jrer mmm uuu utu iut" iuuuv uuucr uis pein Sonajsapexvfsion Binco Its Infancy. ffl'UCU4i Allownoone to deceive von In tiiia - - -r j aii n,.r.folto TmltAtlnns AU vi"wlw,wr - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience . against Experiment, What is CASTQRIA Castoria is a harmless snhstitnte for Castor QU, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is Pleasant. It - contains neither Opium, Morphine : nffr other Narcotio nbstanco. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrhoeajuid Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food,' regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAY8 Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. im aiHTAUii eoMMirr, rr naw ijnini j urn "What do they moan by a c W mericnl issue in politics, any way?" "Why, that's an issue which seriously propones that something actually should be done about some matter which somebody is really interested in.' -Puck. Irl jr n am w ot. k w r ' Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods. The eternal, bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, griping, cramps and similar tortures are' dreadful. To make life worth living, take ;: 11 Woman's Relief It quickly relieves inflammation, purifies and en riches the blood, strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased conditions from which weak women suffer. .; , . , It is matchless, marvelous, reliable. At all druggists' in $1.00 bottles. . - ' ; 1 WRITE US A LITTER freely and frankly, In strictest confi dence, telling us a II your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope). Address: La dles' Advisory Dept. .The Chattanooga Medldne Co.. Chuttanntv Tom j - ? '. J IMHH- I .Jl III1JIJUM College Of Agriculture And 'Mechanic Arts. - Practical education in Agri culture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical !Enuineering; in Cot tou Manulactnring, Dyeinw and Industrial Chemistry. Tuitiou 45 a year; Bunrd $10 a month. 120 Scholarnhips. Addiess VBESIDENT WINSTON, -Wtst Ralegh, .N. fj. isrsar. FEELING LIVER-ISH ThisMonund? extra 1 ' A cLtle H And Appetizer t, Bought and which has been. uua. w wp i,riiuiaro or - - and Just-fts-ffood" ar hnh Signature of huhrav truer. New tmii arr. ii mi. lmim ; It is gennerally easier for a mn n to deceive himself than his wife. : A!l men may be liars, but all men don't get found out by any means. A woman's .'No' is something no man can ever Know. t SU1TESID GREATLT," writes Mrs. L. Ctevenger, pf Belle view, N. C, "at aiy montlily periods, all my life, but the first bottle of Car dul gave me wonderful relief, and now I am lif better health than I have been for a long time." . HOLUSTER'C Rocky Mountain Tea Nuygets " A Boty ldiolia tit Buy Pwpl. Brtcgt GolOta HMltb aad Butwtd Vfgor. A tokcIIIo forCmrtlptlon, Indlpreittoii. M "tl Klrtnpy Troubles ttmplei, Eoiem'. Inip"' 1ohI, B.vl Breiith, Sliiiritleh Boel, Heo . nil IHckach. It'a Booky MmmWiiB Tea in 'InLMBTm !iuq Cohia)t, Jlftdld.iii. Wia. 10LDEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOfLE mm Itee report on taiDtoMUtj. For fete book, Pjwnu and ADE-MARKS 'pposlta U. & Patent WASHINGTON kk4J. BO YIAUr V - VPERIKNCK oltklr awiruia our opinion frM vhetlier ur An?0M mrtr ikatu! and dMrlltfla nu tloiiairlotlr.tiflJntliirHNUBOCI( mPl H fre. OMot airanrf lor Mooring paunw, Paimu tkken throuklt Muiia Co. iWMt rtJot4, wllhoumhra, WUl Scientific flmerlca A hnilMmy mmtmt4 mnir. lrtt Jf ailatlon of an? trlanUoa Journal, nua. H rmut fnarmomlasAl. SoMbjiil aawadaaKri. MUNNrSCo.8"8" New Tori; iliaocb Ofllsu, (SS r 8. WatrHnctoa.D.C. , . F In