TfcsVataoga Democrat Futeted &t the Post office , Ballou and Bowie from Jefferson; r m .1. njtsRcouu' dunes: vvnicpripin Ann Hmniinn IT timm&tl matter. The following visiting attor neys are in town this n-PAk? R 7 J V Linney, of Taylorsville; Councill, N.G., aa8econd- Jones; Wakefield and Harshaw from Lenoir. Prof. B B. Douirhertv return - u y ed Sunday from the meeting of county superintendents held in Montreat last week. He reports a most pleasant trip and a very interesting meeting of the great educational body. Miss Margaret Sherrill has opened school in the new build ing at Valle Crucis. The good peo pie oi that community are to be WmsCEIPTION BATES: L.. mnntntt..... .Ail. idvertmngr&tesfarnisbed 09 Application. CHURCH PIRFCTORY. METHODIST CHURCH: , w. . v preaching on first Sunday in . congratulated upon procuring each month at 11, a. m., and at the services of this estimable la a . 1 .f 1A a m. J. P. Hahdw, Supt J. H. BbSndall, Pastor. KPiaooPAii fcrtuara: Third Sunday, 11, a. . 4 Bev.W.JL Savage. baptist chukch: Preaching at 11, a. m., and at night on second and fourth Sun days in month. Sunday SohoQlM.lO.a- J. D. D. Douobsetv, Supt. J. F. Davis, pastor. fcQCAL NEWS. Wanted at Cottrell's. Nice, fresh butter at 15 cents per lb. Quite a large crowd attend ed court on Monday. Mr. John Stanbury has be gun work on his new residence near the i A. T. S. . -Miss Harriett Greer, of Cald well, is the guest of the Misses Blackburn. The Confederate Reunion in Boone on Wednesday and Thurs day, Sept 25th and 26th. Mr. David Bingham, who has been critically ill of feve.r, s improving. Anson Critcher and family, of Mnrtimor. will move bacfc to their old home at Blowing Rock this week. Watauga Coontv Bank state mwit this week. The badness ol that institution is increasing very nicely. .. .-Re. W.R Savage will preach in the Episcopal church in'Boone at 11. a. m , next Sunday and at the Deerfield school house at 3, p.m. -Mr. Parker, a New York gen tleman, who is DreDarineto open tip a music store in Lenoir in the near future, is in town this week, in the interest of his busiuess. -T. F. Coffev and family, who have spent some weeks in the vil lage, left for their home ra man ning, S. C., on Thursday of last week. The fourth and last quarter ly meetincr for Boone circuit will be held at the Methodist church in Boone on Saturday and Sun ,day Sept 28thand 29th. , -Rev. J. H. Brendall asks us to say that he will not be able to .fill any of his appointments on next Sunday as be will De out u the state at that time. One of the finest seasons Blow ing Rock has had in many years, .is now rapidly coming to a close Manv f t.h cottAMrs and a goodly number of boarders, how jever, are still there. Hariey,' soij of Rev. and Mrs. .J. H. Brendall. who completed ibis course at the D. ft IV ocnoo .atMorgantonthis summer, left yesterday for Washinton, D. u, -where he will enter college. He was accomrjanied b.V his father .as far as Jamestown where he will spend a short while at the Exposition. ' FOR SALE. . TViro Vtrmrliwl ASTPflnf fine land in Bainf's Creek,lthis county: One 1ia.II riAnnttl. remainder well tim bered. Fifty acres good bottom A - l -i TWtAwtH une mineral pruopwio - dwplHtMT hnuttM. four and eknt rooms. Good water and fine or .chards. This is an ideal farm and .trill ho mill rPAannablv. Don't fail 4o investigate if you are thinking 451 Duying. Aaaress General Debility Daj In tnd day oat then la that feeling of weakneaa that tnaket a burden ot Use 11. Food doei not atrengthen.. Sleep doea not refresh. It la hard to do, bard to bear, vhat IhOQld be Ulr IUlltv 1 nn th hh uuf .the whole lyttem laflera. ror this condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It Tltaliiea the blood and fy vigor and tone to all the organs and tunctlona. In usual liquid torn or In chocolated tableta known aa taraatabs. 100 doaea II. Jurft as we close our forms news comes from the cout houne that Cline who was on trial for asnaultiiig E.J. Banner, had been found guilty and sentenced to 12 months ou tlm Canton roads. FACTS ABOUT THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL. 1 Tto-a lor fro cVivl VmiMintrs? a sixtv-room dormitory for women, and several boarding houses for men. L A faculty oi seven expenencea teacners. 3. Two hundred and ninety students last year, . 4. Free tuition to public school teachers. . . 5. Expenses are very reasonable. For more facts address the XT n SECRETARY OF FACULTY, Boone, N. C. . . Thenexi term begins Septemember S, 1907, dy and most excellent teacher. Capt. Jones, of Iienoir, who did notjarrive until Monday night tells us that the town of Lenoir voted 1100,000 bonds on Mon day for water works and street improvements. Three cheers for the public spirited, wide-awake, hustling uttle city! Friend Gwynn Church, of Val e Crucis, was in town Monday He had the fearful misfortune some ti me ago to lose one of his eyes by being struck with a f rag- ment.of stone bitting him while buildinira chimney. The other eye is becoming right badly ef fected, and he fears that he will have to eo to a hospital and , have the sightless orb removed The Bailey Camp Debating Pociety sends out the following challenge through the Iienoir News: '-The Baily Camp Deba ting Society sends a challenge to any three debaters in taiawen or adjacent counties to meet at Bailv Camp school house to ais- cuss the following question: Be- solved, That the earth turns on its axis every twenty-four hours. We will speak on the negative. On Saturday night last du ring the heavy thunderstorm, an old gentleman by the n a m e of Stout, living near, the foard of Elk, was returning home from a meeting of the Odd Fellows, when his horse became frightened at a vivid flash of lightning, sprang from a bridge some 20 feet high, crushing the rider in a most hpr- rible manner. He was tnougnx j be in a dying condition Tuesday morning. - Hnn. R. Z. Linney made an other very strong speech against the Appalachian Park Bill before court convened on Monday a. m and SheDherd M. Dugger con- mmeA twn hours in the afternoon on Tuesday trying to convince ti.. .nio trtAtthev are not com- petehV to look after the little farms they have wrought out Dy nf their faces, without lUCOrwiy. . the interference of the Federal Government. This idea to us is -r o.nrd- as we have often said before, but these columns - nnon t n on ft and all for the QIC ULfCU i." discussion of this all-absorbmg topic, either for or agains. lk casualities m town this week have been rather numerous but lortunareiy uu. proved serious. Dr. Glenn, good old man that he is, made an at- tn .t to our shop to re- onharirintioiu but down new mo - t.. f nn the de ective wamj - .,f n( humor, passed Qi a we were the looser. AllredMoretJ E,q., by an unfortunaw into the gulch near the office. Another Oentleman on the oppobite side ot tne wn, . n:nrtn mount the plat- form at the Monti store, was la- inatAntlv hurled to toe 8treet, with a cracker box adorn- ing his legs. Al't 'ewnvu .iired in eight of this of UVUVD ww - floe, and befell men who never m anv way tamper wim un ... in nf which coes on to prove that some little work is ev r' . .... j.. n.. hl.rhlnnrt Wentlyneeaea m .ft---r village A. T. 6- Newa The opening is the largest ever known to the A. T S., for a fall term, the enrollment having reach ed 73 durine: the first week. Prospects are good both, for a large attendance and studious work on the part of the pupils. There are eleven counties and three States represented. The States are N. C, Tenn.,and Miss, We are glad to know that Miss Weedon is again one of the facul t.v. Miss Mathews, a new teacher whose acquaintance with her work is manifested in her daily instructions, is gladly welcomed by all. Let ii be the motto of each pu pil to take advantage of every oportunity afforded by the A. T. S., as thorough preparation con duces cood citizenship. The school buildings and the campus are being greatly improv ed, which adds much to the ap pearance in 'general as well as gives new life to the students. Prime to nee ns. LHUM8 BANK STATEMENT. Following is the report of the condition of the Watauga County Rank t Koone. N. C. in the btate of North Carolina, at the close ol business Aug. 22, 1907: resources. Loans and discounts $24,614.61. riverAratt secured 78.62 Hvpr.lrafts unsecured. 2q8.44 Banking house 1,870.24. Furniture and nxtures 400.00 Due from banks and ban ker. J3.4"-57 Ph items 100.00. Ooldcoin. 2.I3S-oo Silver rain, including all minor coin currency, .025,00 al hank notes and other U.S. Notes a-00. A Carl of Thai. We take this method to express nr heart-felt thanks to the good Tinck for a maAimq aii ihijiiium i nnation iust received. wvintr. Address y nauun- -- . , ,. COBNELL, Vila-, P. ! 'JS-mm w;. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Court s leading to degrees ol Bachelor ol Pedagogy, RH.'holnr of Sfiimifio. Bachelor of Ai ts, ami a new couraj leadiug to the degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition and fres for ub of text books, etc., 170n vpr. For Iree-tutition students. $125- The Normal Department gives thorough instruction in the sub tots taught in the schools and colleges, and-special pedagogical m . '1 r 1 k. -.1 training for the profeKion ot teaching 'teacners ana urouuuwn w other collesfes are offered aone-yearepeciul courseiu Pdagog and allied subjects. - ' The Commercial Department onnrs pracncai insiruuuuu in Stenography, Typewriting, Book-Keeping and other buninwnj sub- ects. The Departments ol Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruction in Munual Training and in buch subjects as relute di rectly to the home and family. The Music Department, in addition to the degree course, oners a certificate course in vocal and instrumental muftic. To secure board in the dormUorh s, all free-tuition applcalionB should lie made before July 15. The lall term will opeu September 18,1907. , , .a t il J 1 For catalogue ana otner lniormanon, HniirewD, J. I. F0UST, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. FRESHDRUGS lAND TOILET ARTICLES. I have opened a neat stock of Drugs and toilet1 artic la in Boone fthe Dr. Little old stand ) ana mviie tne tmWi tA trivA ma ft call. Chewiner Tabaccoes, Cigars, o-- - , J Cheroots. To let Soaps, Etc., ol tne oesi Dranas anu TTioVoaalwava to h found in mv store. . 1. VJ W -" " V ...... M When my goods are all in 1 will nave a iuu line oi Nntjj. Orano-es. Lemons. Banannas, and al- VWl.Vi.vuf O ' ' . most anything else usually found in a first class drug Bfrrp Ar dfi from the staDle drucrs, l win cany a iuu line of leading patent medicines. Give, me a call when in town. Very Kespectluiiy, Boone, N. C, May 1. J. M. HODGES, M. V. Offices in Blackburn tlotei. . ' x Trade Tens. Itenau Rev. C. H. Norrie preached a Friendship Church, this place, Saturday and Sunday. The peo pie were well pleased. . The Trade Union Sunday school is progressing nicely notwith' standing a goodly number of the members are gone a way to school. Have had a sue cessful summer session and pro pose to continue through the lall and winter. Miss Lillie Grayson is gone back to school at Carson-Nuraan College. ;. The following persons have gone to attend the A, T. S., at Boone, N. C. Miss Gertrude Mus grave and two sisters, Maud and Goldie, MisseH Lillie and Frances Larimer and their brothers, Oli ver and Don. There are others that will attend this school after their school closes. Mr. Noah Jenkins and Munsea Elliott are teaching in the 3rd district at Heaths and Laurel Springs, Lester Larimer at Min ing Town, Miss Jessie Jenkins in Taylor's Valley, Etta Osborne at Trade, Teun., and Mamie and Inez Elliott at Zionville, N. C. Mr. Jacob Dillmger will begin his school at Blowing Rock, N. C, the 16th, inst. HELP WANTED-Wecangive several families, especially girls, steady employment at our mills, Good rav. Cheaoand nice homes A graded school, five churches. Best town in the State. American Jtosiery Mills, Ke.nersvillo, N C. De Witt's Little Early Risers are good for anyone who needs a pill. They are small, safe, sure, little pills that do not gripe or sicken. Sold hy .I.M.Hodges. Total..... .....f.457M7- LIABILITIES Capital stock . f 10,000.00 IThdivided Dronts. less cur. , nt PtnmiM and taxnaid I.U7 ...... - . - Bills pay able 4-47i Time certificates of deposit inrlu.W in bills payable Deposits subject to check a8.899.73. Cashier's ck's outstanaing 1,313.95 Total.. 145 7 47- State of North Carolina, Watauga pountv. ss: I. E. S. Louevi uasnter nfih shove named bank, do sol emnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl det and belief. E. S, Coffey, Cashier. iWect Attest: N.L. Mast: W. C. Coffev. Directors. RiiWribad and sworn to before me. this l ith day of Sept.. 1907. J. M. May, Register of Deeds. TO THE MERCHANTS OF WATAUGA CO. T nnw bavA a branch house at Elk Park N. C, for the hnvinff Roots. Herbs. Birch Oil, Pennyroyal Oil, Wool, Hides, Chickens ana Bggs, ana win at, au umw pay the Highest Cash Prices. cnlp nr. WholpRalft Prices. Corn. Chop, arid Flour and will sell as cheap as can be bought at any railroad station. I will also have Heavy groceries mat 1 11 cvii a nm aa thav otn hi hoiiomr. anvwnere. less uw freight. I invite one and all to give me a trial and see if I don t pay you more ior your oarter ana sen you guuuo lor less money man you nave uwh uayxug. the present I will pay $l.yo tor uircn uu. Louis P. Glass, vice-president otthe Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Company, one of San Francisco's bribeio, was tried and sentenced to five yeawj in the penitentiary. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hael Salve is good for boils, burns, cuts. scalds and skin diseases. It is especj ally good for piles, Sold by J. M, ! Hodges." - The W. J. Oliver, manufacture ing Co., of Knoxville, Tenn.,' geta the contract to furnish the Gov? . ernment 500 dump cars for use on the Panama Canal, the con tract price being f 652,600. A V " J, T " VniTRS VOTL KIIS1NESS. MILLARD F. HOPKINS. Elk Park, May 1st, 1907. - ; ETerythiagin Good Foot -Wear, TO THE PUBLIC. T Via thA hpst eauiDDed watch repair shop In the State. My ma terial is all first-lass. Fine B. B. Txro.v.oa Mntviftllv ftdinsted ana HftlVUW VMvv.V M I all defects corrected. Agnnrantee goes with every wutcu repaireu by me. No matter what yon want Your watcn is cieanea onuw nnired with the best skill known f . . r !11L. I to the trade. Bee wuncui nouoe, Boone, N. C. T W. TYRYAN. Graduate Wach-maker & Jeweler, INSURANCE. Largest Insurance Agency in Western NvrthUarolina. Harry Baily, ElkPark, N. C. Mitchel County Bank Build ing. . Write mef or rates on your property, , only the best com- nnniM renreseniecL me ones i that pay claims; . . J Fqr;aletv famous fdP Iheir Winsome and ? . . w I . - - - lEATJOCK-TEmCO Occasional headache, belching, had taste in the mouth, lack of appe tite and slight nervousness are sym? . ptomsof indigestion which, when allowed to go uncared foi; will de, velop into a case of dyspepsia mai will take a long time taget rid of, I CRAMWCK-TERIOr COS fin indication of trouble take some l.i a ill S 1 !A thing that win neip 11 aiong in us , work of digesting the food you eat, Kodol forlndieestion and Dyspepsia .;n An hu. Kndol will make vour food do you good and will enable you to enjoy what jou eat. Sold by T f -TTrutires. xtohlor'a RnnH. of Ttalftifrh. have the contract to furnish the silver service for the cruiser North Car , olina. Gpneral Manacrer of the New York Central Bailroad, Alfred Smith, has been indicted for mur. der in connection with the killing of thirteen passengers in a wreck on his road, Feb. 16th, last. There area ereat many people who have slight attacks of indjges lion and dyspepsia nearly all the time. Their food may satisfy the appetite but it fails to nourish t h e bod v simply because the stomach is nnt in fit condition to do the work U is supposed to dovIt can't digest1 the food jou eat,. The stomach should be given help. You oughf take something that will do the. work your stomach can't do. KodoJ for Indigeston and Dyspepsia, a com binationof natural digestants and vegetable acids, digesjta the food it. ... . . ... ...nn SCII lit JiB nru5i " " toQthe stomach, pleasant to Uke, h T. M. Ilodires. . , If Iffinlh of service 4s an imnoH.inf onsiderafion thltitiulLshivisu niind&hoe g.C.MILlgR.

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