III 6 11 ill: II: tit n if Watauga Democrat. Published Every Thursday TtUipnranre And Crime W, It, Hamilton, state superin- j Just an A mugs Man The. average man lives and dies tendent of the Afiti-Salooij league comparatively pooiv lie lias not lias been gathering some .statin- the faculty ofaccuinulating mon- TUP lYP A n IW A T ' I "r." Mip . j tf vwuiu jiuv jju mw b e- 1 11 Aj Ul'jAllliVX X ', . I pni'.ta nf nrlma in'wnt nnd I n i nniml, I, t.,',,1 n..... ' ' So rarrly does a newwpuper ed- counties. He finds that in the 12 'ally, Tho exceptional . man is itor dare to MWik nnfc full v nnH wuiuiro Elicit; UUC U IO "IMUO 1V JItilltC UIUIHJJ , 1X1 O Jl t? y oner sent ta the penitentiary for.( seems to stick to his Angers, Luid everv 707 of the nnnnlntinn rlii- Ton eonld nntAwmlnmnnrti. Tim paying and general honesty, that rinir 15)05 and 1008. In t h a lif historv rft.)mnn ,,,,. the 1oIIOW:inr Strong editorial . fMirhtv-foiir drv fnnnfips nno nra Yivfid v - - - - - r--r itor dure to npfwk out fully nnd freely just wbat he thinks on the rather delicate subject of debt froiti the Monroe Eiiquirercomes aa a refreshing exception. We quote it iu full. Gastonia Ous- . i'tte. ': , ; , "Merchants in Durham and in Concoid have adopted the plan ; 6f Belling their accounts against non paying customers at public auction. The threat to sell his : fcecount nt auction might move pome dead-beat to action, but some of them simply have ho ense of honor, no pride of char aeter no regard for an honest name and nothieg short of a shot gun with a mau who menns buniness behind it will get a wove ou thf-m. The business life ' 9I the South has bef u cursed with the dead-leat. He.eats the . Krocer'sstufl.wcursthedry goods merchant's clothes, takes the doctor's medicine, the lawyer's advice and f he editor's paptr, all ef which he gets for nothing, the dead-bf at does. On the books oi the business men of this country aw multiplied thousands of dol- " lar'a worth of aecouuts uncollec ted and uncollects b!e. It is high time the dead-beat was quelche. SWhe being sat upon and that hard. The dead-boat has a hard er time now than he ever had in making a liviug off of Ignesl peo pie. Folks anTmore inclined to pay debts now thnn ever before anl Wie dead-beat is dying out btaati.ully fast. It is the duty of Ice business world to kill the dead-beat. The man who is not able to pay. who get into hard lines through uo fault of his owni who liits rough plncrs hard and falls, derves sympathy and the old world, rough us it is, always n is hoping hand for thestrnigbt and honest man who "gets up a giiinsc It" hut we are writiog theSB lew linns not about the un fortunate honest man. but a 1 gninst the pesky old dead-bpat, '' IX fellow who lives better than does f he hard working man w hosi. bread he entB, he is the fellovr we :aieeayiug these things about. "and right hero w& fuel the need of Borne Holind, emphatic wordH,n-c ; uiur"hos8lol" wordd. .Newspii per Words that the wotneu and children are supposed to read are not equal to the occasion when omethiog js to be said about ' thut parasite on that business body the den d-beat. lie has rob bed honest men ot what is justly flue tueni long enough. Put him dispute. Close your church doors agaiust him when be ap plies lor membership, m;;kebima social out cast, deny him a place at the political pie counter and let him die without tie beutfit of cieruy and the memory of him be .blotted out, tor he has been and Is the curse ol businens Ij.'e of this our good country, the dead-beat has bitn, and half ot his cussed- nesa has not been told." oner has gone to the state prison 'p0r is one one of uueventfulness for every 2,8U jwpulatioij, '. j He is generally generous-hearted It may be claimed by' those .and mever aspires to enrich him who would condone the aloon self. All he asks is adecenMivimr, that the criminals of tho dry counties have nocked fo the wet counties and thus brought up the worthily earned a roof tree and food and clothinir for his family. Out of his modest eafnipgs he r-.ww.V V1I UtjU JV record, but it mi;ht on the same will probnblv saveenoiio-htn mv ground be further urged that if; for his modest hora seldom done away with thesnloon drives the criminal away, then all that is necessary is to abolish the sa oon, to rid the country of crimi nals. ' It will doubtless be found that crime records per population for more. He gives his children a common education and starts them out in the world with a"God bless you" for their dower. He is honorable in his dealingsjhe works naru and spends little for luxur ies. He seldom complains of his the wet counties during theyenrs.lot.Jand never knowingly commits 1905 and 190; are not material ly different from any period in the past, that, in fact, the wet counties are no worse now than tbey have been in this respect. The fact that criminals nresrill sent up from dry counties show that some are left. Perhaps some would be at home und about their honest business now were it not for the contents of a iuz sant out .from some of the wet towns. , The facts winch Mr.' Hamilton presents will be hard for the Ba- loon men to get round. They will aflord invincible arguments for temperance people, not only here but everywhere where the battle is waging. Journal and Tri Inj was Skeptical- Judge Fox, of the Supreme Court killed a turkey in South east Missouri the day after the hunting season closed. When his attention was called to his viola ti ju of the law he went before the gr ind nry and made a complaint telling how he had made a won derfully long shot and did not Japanese Trove: hs. Spead of man and his shadow coinesj A tongue of three inches can kill a man of six feet. Tho fly finds the sore spot. A small-minded man looks at the sky through a reed. - A woman to rule fs for a hen to crow in the morning. Good doctrine needs not half j from marvels. Lovelies with the red pettr- coat (only unmarried girls wear this garment. If you hate a man let him live. Many words little sense. To be over polite is to be rude. The doctor cannot cure himself Hell's torments are measured by money. . " , Inquire several times before vou uonere a report. lie is a clever man who can preach a short sermon. Treat every old man as thv mtiier. Thiuo own heart makes the world. The poet at home sees the whole world. The throne of the cods is on ttie brow of the righteous man. a crime against the state or hu manity. He lyvea much and laughs more. He may put by a few dollars for his old age, but of tener not. When he die j men say of him: "He was an honest man and a good citizen. We shall miss him. '"There is nothing startling in his Wstory; nothing in it to ex ploit; just thestoryofan average mau one of tne earth. We all know or knew him and his kind. He has lived according to h i s light, and has served its purpose. No man is a failure who has left behind him the influence of useful and strong integrity. Ex. - Indigestion, constipation, dynpep Ma, kidney and liver disorders, nnd all Stomach troubles positively cured by using Holjister's Uocky Mountain Tea. 35c, tea or tablets M. B. Blackburn nd Blowing Rock drug Co. ' It is fortunate tor the average man that he doesn't have to nav cash for the ad vice his wife bauds him. BANK STATEMENT. Following is the renort of th condition of the Wntiiusra T'ountv Hank at P.oone, N. (!. . in the StwiV of Nortli f!aro!infl.. at thu r1..c. f bubiness Mrry. 18, 1907: ' KEsoUROEs. Loans and discounts $25,619.95 meruraits unsecured, 171 10 ti l t w ianKing nouse 1,470.24 Furniture and fixtuies 40060 uup irom oanKs ana ban- . 1 TLe Lat Tay$ of Arjnst. norsmint is blooming now a dull pink and yellow flower With road dust pniits leuves. Most delicate is its pufume and suflufHtive of autumn otid us mellow liuitfuhiess. fIt loves to grow in old . Ipups and pastures among t !i hauiiis ol men a 11 d herds a1o on everv hillside: the goldenrod is heralding the full f the feuf. The swamps are s h o t with the brilliant rellow of pop lar and det'D red itum leavif. r Here and there a group of black- ejed susans nod like flirts to , the mzi's. . 1 But. th!se few scouts do not ai- jrue that queen of summer h a s laid down their sceptre. The bee still wings on her clover bloBsomn oxeyes yet sprinkle her tjiussv places with white; her mavpops or her passion flowernHhow com bined the bloom and the-fruit, and her migrant singers who will brook uo other rule but hers are then. ' August, therefore, isthe month of transition. The rirnte'Saxoiin of autumn have bpun steullhilv to scatter themselves along the coast of summer and will soon usurp her region. Full otdi licou- hintHof tall aud harvcKt an Au gust is, nhe yet culminates t' f 1 hearts of the year and cmtinw'H to hold out to sweltering: human itythe summer's invitation to cool woods and seashore, moun tains and streams. 'These flun: broua sultiy noons, with sky ol brass above what dwel'er mile town would not dearly like to l e "Where tidesof grass break foam of flowers, Or where the wind's feet shii;e n lonj; the sea?" J. C. McNeill in Charlnlfp Ot.. server, I . .. v.'?. ;-r. ' ...... W,. j'f: I jc 1 AVf5?efah!ePrcbfi'ralionrorAsr m 8 AYp ??efah!e Prcbn'ralion for Aa slroifating 8icrotxlamiriC3u!a ting the Stoands andDmveb of- When you kiss "a girl in the dark it mckesher indignant for fear you wouldn't Ulieveit made her blush. i Promotes DigcslionCheerfuI ncss andRest.Contains neither (Man,Morpl!ie norliacraL V nm V 4ti H nm fatfA Stai' khite.tmt ' tor Infants Riil Childjen, Worms ,loimi!aK)i,Fevcnslv ness and Lo3 or SlEEP. Tiia . Kind You Kava ; Always Beoght Bears tie ' i-' U A 4 IvJ ' Fnr mp.r Fac Simla Signnturtof t SSj::: Thirty Years ccTcqjycr wrapped IjflUy E Wttiw T mnw om. tnm tow ttrv. Some people aro criticising ( ?." I'atterson for using the pardon ing power too freely.. Well, the Pharisees are not all dead jet. Thoy criticised Jesus Christ for pardoning sinners. Houston Co. News. .. It's nil well enough to ask 'adi vice, but oct'iis'.onallv hiako8the mistnki .t. V: ., , a m a n of following Husbands never hdcuj to think Of lormim a urdon to demand 'some of theirowiimdny tosxWicf. Tho Pead Carar U Lxitu A remsikuI'lM chhc' ol t, fond rnturning to life whs fnniishpi tiy John A. Hull, h r-iilrniid man who csme hpr Salrt.hn: j Kan., recently to lo k tor vnrk He dropped uncoi.Hi ioiiH iit the yards and waslouud iippur.'Kitly dead. Ho was tekt u to the morgue and left on a table all maht The coroner decidfd upon a post mortem to deteimiue the cause of death and left his as sistent to do the work. No sooner had the point of the surgeon's knile touched the body than it expect to kill the turkevbtit in. suddenly began to sit upon the structel the mrors that ifc wuh tanse their (Juty to indict him. especial ly as it was his duty to know the law, and his oversight was there fore the more inexcusable. When he afterward inquired why he was not fined for the mis demeanor he was informed that the jury did not believe, he could ' have killed a turkey as far as he' claimed to have shot. LinrrCreek Reveille. . . A man cenws to be the whole thing after taking unto himeli; a better half. : - ' '. j "Vou needn't cut meopensaid Hall, ''I'll answer any question you uk me." ' Hall exclaimed that he bad not lain senseless at all, but knew all that bad been going on. II heard all that was said about a post mortem, but was unable to muke a sound of any kind. "About that time," said Hall, M was doing some haM think-ing".-Lincoln County Xews. OABTOIttA. Bitb Th Kind Yoa Kan Alsra Bciirt or" ktis Cash items Gold coin, Silver coin, including all minor coin currency. National bank note and other U. S. Notes 6-74.33 100.00 '370-00 1,09989. 3 9I3-o, lotal $.41,084.51. LIABILITIES '"'J Capital stock ?io,ooo.oo. Undivided profits, less cur. rent expenses and tax paid 1.047.47. Bills payable 3,246,00. Time certificates of deposit . included in bills p'ayable Deposits subject to check 26,347.54. Cashier's ck's outstanding 443 50. Total ..$41.084.5 1. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: I. E. S. Coffev. Cnshi.rr of the above named bank, do sol. emnly Bwear that the above state ment is true to the best edge and belief. E. S. Coffey, Cashier. Correct Attest: N. L. Mast? W C. Coffey, Directors. Subscribed" and sworn to befor me, this 12th day of Juner-1907. .J. M. May, Register of Deeds. UNIVERSITY OK NORTH CAROLINA 1HS7 1007. Head of the State's Educa tional System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering Graduate, Law. Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 45,000 volums. iitw water woikh, electric lights, central heatingsys tern. . New dormitor ies gymnasium, Y. M. C, A. - building, library. 732 Students, 74 ia FacnltT. The Fall term bens Sei t.9.1007.AddreK Eii.vm is P. Xkxajjlk President, fii.-vri-x mix, n. r: i Trinity Go!iop. Four DepartrheiUs Ccllcsiate, En gineering Graduate and Law. . Large library facilities. Well equip ped laboratories in .-.II dei)rtineiil'n of science, fivmna.iiinn fumwln-ri with best apparatus. Exuenses moderate. All for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Htudv Law should investigate the se--perior ad vantages offered by the, : Department of Law in Trinity College. .-. . For Catalogue and further infoi -niation, address . I). VV. NEWSOX; R"g'itrar. Durham, Nohth Cakolina Heacladte; . Blind Aoout a year sgo," writes Mrs. Mattie Allen, of 1123 Broadvay, Augusta, Ga., 'I suffered '-with' Wind, sick headaches and backaches, and could et no relief until I tried WINE OF Woman's Belief :- Gbailiitj Oter. THE u AUG EST AND HE SI NEWSPAPER IN N.C. Eveiy Day in the Ycat-$S. a The Observer consists of in tn i- pages daily and 20 to 12 naws day, It handles moie news" matter. no-iti, siaic, national and foreign than any other North Camlina news paner. THE SUNDAY-OBSERVER is unexcelled as a news medium iind is also filled with excellent mutter of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER i.-sues Tuesdays and Fridavs, at $1. per year, is thelarcest naner fnr ih.'. money in this section. It consists of 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news jf the week local. Nrif tiona and foreign. A( ress, THE OBSERVER CO. Charlotte A. C. 1 immediately commenced 'to improve, and "uw 1 im uKe a new woman, and wish to jeujmmena it to all sick women,, for I , khcvv it will cure them, aa t did me." " Cardul Impure, medicinal extract of " ruiuic ueiub, wnicn relieves. lemale pains, regu'iates female 1 ui icuuns, lonesup tneorgans . 10 a proper state ot health, ! 1 ry.it .tor your, trouble. srery drcgglst sells It in $1.00 bottles. 1 WHITE JLT3 itnd frar.kty, descrlHiw yw;r symptoms. w wilt WnSliJar V.pir raw ... V'i'l f:C aJvlr (in rvh.tr, 1 ' r-".'11 v.rtpu "n). JKin't hesitsf- but G23 Co., Oiattaiwoiji, Tonn. .totaa-q wusgo Of Agriculture And' Bleehaiiio ArtsT TriLity Park School Practical education in Agti culture; in Civil, Electrical, oi.d MwLnnicul lEnginpering; in Cot. ton Maiiufactnrinp, Dyeing and Itnltwtriul C'liemistry. Tuition f-15 0 year; Board $10 a month. 120 ixholiirauipH. Addresg ritlSIDEXT WINSTOX,-. West Italiiif-li, .N.C. HOUUSTCR'S RGsky .Mountain Tea Nuggets A Butj Ke&cUs fer Busy Poop!. Brlngt Goidsn Health Had Btnevad Vigor. y. fjr Const toil (on. Inrtlostlon. !.! V "7 1 r"'lw- PlmplPr Ecronn, Inipur .'... hvl Bie:li. Hliiituith owKIaIacJB -oil lekjicoa. It it wky Mountain feo In tb .;t ri.rm. j,-, e.ni a box. G-uin rnn& by "i.Mriia Dr.n.j Compaxt, Hiidiaon, Wi. uCLDESI K'tGGETS F03 SALLOW PEOPLE. VWI ( Vo pnnufitiy ot.inin li i1 rrccreixjit on rt..i,fn!Jii.J wZ. TlTiL. A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Grad UAt ion A crt nt.l for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of Ten Of ficers and Teachers. Campus of! 3 . Sevcntv-fi ve Arro in Lihrary containing Thirty Thousand Vol um 11s. Well Equipped Gym nasium. Uieh Standrdsand Mod em Methods of Instruciton. ircqiicni JLCCturcs by Tromincnt Lect nom . For ion II. II. .NORTH, Headmneter, IHEHAM, .V. C. ummii ml ssSLiJ i 11 fcVra vims 4 11 11 rmigiSr' .- "X urers. Eraenscs ExcnnalJ iP.i1 . ''ftm- CeZZZTAr oderat.. S.ven Years- of Phe. I ' iSZXZ'Z cul Success. ' -TSH SsSL-K'G y&'XfiFS- XZX&X!X,&Wk&J&'Z Cataloeue and other n Um,. , :. V JV. W.aiM4..tiiro5i u7EamT. .Address , a . n. ... ' ' El 2 li s. A Hi"! 1 : -J-- M Opposite U. S. Patent Office M wash Mnmu A Geatle lesctiy a ftiia Appetizer 4'.:'' " ' i"nrni. jroi, w . 4. ' .

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