A VO: XIX BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY MARCH 19. 1908. NO. 44. Democrat Bert BtW, of Elton, Wii.,tji! '1 have only taken Jour dote of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done, forme, mon than any other medicine hat ever done. I am ttfll taking the pills as 1 want a perfect core." Mn Barber refers to De Witt's Kidney and Rladder Pills. Tbey are oW by J. M. Hodges. ' PKOFESSiOML: ' WASHINGTON LETTER. l,D.IX)p, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ; BANNER ELK, N. C. "- 19 Will practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. -i . t, . 7 6-O7 Todd 8c Ballk ATT()UKET8 at law. Will practice In all the cooits Special attention pren to real estate law and collections. . E. HODGES,- V!cri2fiTf Scrgean, 1SAND3, M. - Aug. 6. ly- EDMUNt); JONES T;XYER LENOIU, N. ; WHTPrnctice Regularly in the Court of Watauga, . F. A. L1NNEY, -ATTURNEyJLT LAW,- BOONS, N.C . Will practice in the courta of the lath Judicial District in all matter of a drfl nature. 4 J. C. FLETCHER, ' Afartey At Law, : Careful attention given to collections. B. F. LOVILL -ATTORNEY AT LAW, C38pedal attention given to all busvoeee entrusted to bit care.' 1V04. . A, A, Holsclaw, -ATTORNEY AT LAW--ilountain Cityi- Tennessee. Will practice In all the courts f Tennessee, State and Federal. Special attention driven to col- . si . , a. a. lecttofts ana au oner mailers o a legal nature. . .. Office north east of court house Oet.11,1907, ly. . ' : E.S.60FFEY, -jkTlOBbJk"Ai LAW, BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal nature. tt Abstracting titles and collection oi cl&ims a special- . eB;(BoDonnElIy. ';! UNDERTAKER & EMBALM ER .SH0UNS,"- - - Tfiinwwp, ' Has Varnished and Glass White Coffins; Black Broadcloth and White Plush Caskets: Bhck and White Metric C a s k e t s Robes, Shoes and Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Cas kets always on hand.'Pbone or ders given special attention. ROSS DONNELLY, I , Frtsi Oar Regalai Oerressenoent. - The, insistent demands of the Democrats together with a final realization taut a con tray course would cost thousands of votes on' election day .have induced 8peaker Cannon to permit tha passage of a resolution provid ing for an investigation of Rep resentative Lilley's charg of brie bery, in connection with the ap propriation for submarine boats. The report of the Rules Commit- tee, which accompanied the res olution and which set forth the charges of Mr. Lilleyy merely serves to excite wonder as to how the Sneaker could have for a mo ment contemplated suppressing tbesechanres. The men who are to conduct the investigation are Representative. Boutell, of Illi nois, 8tevens of Minnesota, JOIm stead, of Pennsylvania, Republi cans; and and Howard of Geor gia, and Broussurdof Louisiana, Democrats. It is earnestly hoped by the Democrats at least, that they wilt ' be able to probe this matter to the bottom and' some them expect thai if they do they will unearth some very un savory matter Apropos... of Speaker , Canuon, the news comes from South Car olina that the two delegates whom it was reported had been elected to the Republican nation al convention and instructed for Cannon, were elected at a fake convention composed of a litttle group of negroes headed and manasred by a negro who has just completed a term in jail. If this is the character of delegates with which the anti administra tion forces purposA to carry the national convention HgainstTaf t it will mean, in th judgment of prominent members of Congress, a walk-over for Mr. Bryan. There is every indication that the strongest assistants Mr. Bry un will have this year are the Re publicans who are seeking to de feat Mr. Taft in the race for nom ination. There is Senator Crane of Massachusetts, for instance. He has gone to Boston to try and prevent delegates from in structing for Taft. Senator Lodge, on the other hand, has come out with astateTentto the effect that he is for Taft. Every one who knows Massachusetts is convinced that il these two states men once break the combination by which they have so long con trolled the State the Republican party will go down to defeat in this normally Republican strong hold, but in the bitterness o their opposition neither Lodge nor Craue appears to take that fact into consideration. So, ;too, in New Hampshire. Senator Gallinger, who is repu ted to have been elected to the Senate through the friendly as sistance of the Boston - & Maine Railroad, is engaged in war to the knife against Taft This is all very well, so far as Mr. Galling- er's personal interests are con cerned, bnt this is the sort of war fare which Democrats have soo! ten engaged in to their loss and if the Republicans can be induced to keep it up the Democratic gains next November will be ama ting both from their extent and from the q uarters In which they will be made. ' ' Another Senator has passed to his long rest since the first of the session. Senator Proctor ol Ver raont died last week; Senator Lattimer two weeks previous Probably Senators are not more superstitious than other peopl but they appear to be uuable to avoid the thought, who will be the third? for .like many other people they believe, as a rule, that Death always claims its vic tims in groups of three. The House has passed a bill re imbursing the Roman. Catholic Chur h for damages done by Uni ted soldiers in the Philippines, the troops having on many occa sions been olliged to occupy the churches as the only available place of shelter. The total amount of damage .has been fixed at 1103,000, which is the amount carrried by 'he bill. It was rath er surprising to hear certain Dem ocMtic members, notably Sones, of Virginia; and Garrett, of Ten nessee, speaking in violent oppo sition to the bill. Mr. Jonen de clared that he was opposed to the United States paying for vest merits and incense pots. The ma jority in the House, however, took the ground that it did not concern them what the property was that was destroyed, as long as it was valued by its owners, andthe bill was passed by a vote of 183 to 3. Reports are reaching Washing. ton from au over the country to the effect that the Democrats are perfecting efficient organiza tions in every Congressional dis trict and are working without riction and in perfect hHrmony. This means, of course, that the Democrats will be in position to put up a great fight in Novem ber and the news is received with the utmost gratification by the party leaders in the national cap ital and with no little concern by the more thoughtful leaders on the other side. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E- D. Charles, of Harbor Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, sajB! "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us." It deserves to he a favorite everywhere.lt gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, malnutrition, nervousness, weakness and general ' . . a - - debility. Its action on the blood, as through purifier makes it especially usefel as s spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold under guarantee at all druggists. 5OC. Amonsr the delegates to the democratic national convention rom Oklahoma will be T. M. Buf flmrton. of Viniti, the former chief oi the Cherokees. Chiel Buf- fington was a prominent figure in democratic politics in Indian Territory for many years and was one of the ardent support era ol the constitution during the camDaurn last summer. Char- s V lotteNews. At times when you don't feel just rieht; when you have a bad stom- ash, take something right away that Will assist digestion; not something that Will stimulate ttme but ftrimethinr that will Doiitivelv do the very work that the stomach per forms under ordinary and normal conditions, something that will miVo the food digest. To do this you must ta e a natural d'gestant like Kobol for Dynpepsio. Kodol U a scientific prepau' .i of vcgeta-'ltf preparation of v-stabo acids with natural digest' o".s and contains the same j.tices to oe found in a healthy stomach. Kach dote will digest more than 3,000 grains of good food. It is sure to afford prompt relief; It di gests what you eat and is pleasant to take. Sold by J. M. Hodges. An Issue. . (Charlotte News.) .This drink bill represents al most everything of disappint ment, danger, and disaster that we know. The wisest statesmen admit it, educators and and po litical economists say so. Statis tics overwhelm us with the facts, the church ol God staggers and trembles with a sense of it, thou sands of hearts' are breaking be cause of it An issue? The saloon i au enemy of the home, a social tyrant, the corrupter ot politics, the incarnation ol greed, misrule and anarchy. No grand or self governing people, no prosperous homes, no peaceful social order, no joyous republic, no serene com inanities can be built upon and amid its perpetual rains. One hundred and ninety thou sand saloons each good for from five to twenty votes stand sol idly at each election for the main tenance and perpetuation of this hellish system. Prayers, because unaccompanied with works, have failed to lessen or reclaim the evil to any great extent License has not materially re stricted, and 'gospel temperance' has not conquered it. It is in pol itics. It will be in yours and mine unless we vote it out of exist ence. ' This we cannot do so long as the prayers, sympathies, moral sympathies,' moral efforts for its overthrow, running through three hundred and sixty-four days, twenty-three hours and fifty-nine seconds, are dissolved by a licensed vote at the pivotal last second. Yes, and it ought to be. Revo lution is better than corruption, better than crime, better than the death of the republic. The blowing up of two or three rows of buildings at the time of the Chicago fire would have sav ed the city. Some human heart must ache, some human heart resolve, and some human hand touch the forces of government, aided and inspired by these convictions, ere Justice and Judgment are set in the earth, and the righteousness of God goes forth as a lamp that burneth. The independent voter has but one question to ask: 'Is it righ t?' not, "Is it popular, pleasing, or expedient?" Reason, home, man hood, public safety ,tjood morals, good government, yea, the life of the nation, are involved here. Womanhood mother wife, sis ter, friend her life, comfort, neace. are logically involved you and I are involved. New or- ganirat ions are inaugurated that have declared unoquivocally for the overflow and absolute anni hilation of this monster drink curse, purity ot law and law-ma ker. for Qur common school sys tem, for God, and home, and na tive land. . Is this ideal too ethical or the oretic? So is the kingdom of God among men. Ana yet, lie nas prtffaixed it shall come. Do you pray the prayer? Then help the fight. Lay aside party idolatry. Iuvigorata, read, fiud the truth, then show the world that you dare to vote it. v Iks MethoJist Orphanage. ' - I: ) . As is generally known, the Western North Carolina Confer ence of the M. E Church, South at its session held in Salisbury j last November, decided to build an Orphanage or Childrn's home somewhere in the bounds of said conlerence and apppointeda com mittee compned of the following gentlemen: Revs. G. H. Dewiler, Frank Siler, N. R. Richardson and Harold Turner; Messrs S. B. Tanner, J. A Glenn, G. L. Hack ney, George F. Ivey, J. K. .Nor fleet, C. H. Ireland, S. L. Rogers, and J. L. Nelson to locate the home and take such steps as they fouod to be necessary lor the es tablishment of the same. The committee held a meeting in Hickory last week and Mr. Nel son, who attended this meeting, informs us that flattering prop ositions looking to the securing of the home were presented to the committee by Hickory, Lin colnton and Rutherfordton. He also informs us that the propo sitions Irom Hickory and Lin colnton were ably presented by large and enthusiastic bodies of representative citizens from both of these good towns, and tha1 the committee was deeply im pressed by the interest thus sbownbytheminthis noble cause. The location was not decided upon and the committee is open to the consideration of any oth er propositions that may come before them. It is the purpose of the committee to put a financial agent in the field at an early date and to press this noble work as rapidly as possible. We know of no more christian like work than the taking care of the helpless orphans, and we trust that the efforts of our breth ren to do this may be crowned by the success they so richly de serve. Lenoir Topic Alcohol not needed Ayer's Sireipirilla is not a strong drink. As now made, there is not 1 drop of alcohol in It. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. A ijers frost oar moUotiia W Uff yen to - WMt.l,Mff doctor Ask your doctor, "What Is the first great rule of health?" Nine doctors out of ten will quickly reply, " Kscpthi bowels regular." Tben ask him another ques tion, "Phatdo you think ot Ayer's Pills for constipation?" HBMa kr a Arm Ok, UvtU. "taM A girl is seldom interested in a young man unless she declares that she in't. The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption hid me in it's grasp; and 1 had almost reached the jumping off place 'when I was .ad vised to try Dr. King's New Dis covery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Improvment began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy roan again," says George Moore, of Grimesland, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for presenting pneumonia New Disco very is rupreme. 50c and f 1.00 atall druggist. Trial bottle free. NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga County, Superior Uourt,pring term 1908. L. M. Farthing and W. D. Far thing vs. M. I.. Church and M. E. Church. The above-named defendants will I take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Watauga County to recover on a warranty of title to a tract of land, situated In the county of Watauga state of N. C. on Beech Mountain, conveyed by defendants to plaintiffs, and to nave a certain mortgage executed rv plaintiffs to defendants cancelled, and for such other and further re- ief as the plaintiffs may be enti. tied to. And the defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the next term of the superior Court of said coun ty to be held on the third Mondav after the first Mondav in March 1908, at the court house of said Co. n Boptn, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintifl will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This Feb. 24, 1908. Thos. Bingham, C. S. C. , Suffering & Dollars Saved. K.S. Loper, of Marillr. N.Y., says: l am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Buck len'. Arnica Salve. It has saved me suffering' mid dollars. It is by far the jwkt healing salve I have ever found. HeoU burns, sores, ulcers, fever (tort, pxzcina. and uiles. 3 at all D;iggiM. ';':.' A check has been received by Governor Glenn irom the South ern Railway Company for the 117,500 that the railroads were to pay to the State under the passenger rate compromise, this amount to be used in payment of the costs of the rate litigation. It will be remembered that sever al bills were introduced in both branches of the ligislature direc ting that this money be not re ceived but none of them passed It is estimated that the court costs will be somethingnear f 25- 000, more than f 18,000 having already been paid out by t h e State. Raleigh exchange. People may think about the tariff, but they talk about the price ol wood. ; " ; Everything taken into the stomach should be digested fully within a cer. tain time. When you feel that your s'omacb is not in good order, that the food you have eaten is not being digested, take a good, natural di gestant that will do the work thedi- gestive juices are not doing. The best remedy known today for all stomach troubles is Kodol, which is guaraleed to give prompt relief, It is a natural digestant; it digests what you eat. it is easy to take and is sold here by J. M. Hodges. '; KfH ol F" Indigestion. V itdiww amir stouMch, palpitation of the heart, Digests what joo eat. Keeping Open Bouse. Evrybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way on ly when our digestive organs are working properly. Dr. K'ng's New Life Pills regulate the stomach, liv er aad bowels so perfectly one can' helpfeeinggood when he uses these pills. a5c at all druggists. ' Of course there are some things you can't understand but then there are others. The trouble with most cough rem medies is that they constipate. Keiw nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently but promptly on the bowels and at tho same time it stops the cough by soothing the the throat and lung irritation. Children like it Sold by J. M. Hodges. Japan, it is estimated, con sumes five hundred tons of whale meat a month. 1 The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in tula country most dangerous because so decep tive. Mauycndileit deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the resn'lt of kid liey disease. If kidney tronble Is the kidney-poison- -ed blood' will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of -the bladder, or the kidneys theniselvea break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys. and a cure is obtained auickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are fee, ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great lcidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain In passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necesty of being -compelled to go 'en through the day. and to get up many times daring the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realir-ed. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. . Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists lu fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You msy have a Pi.mi.mhor if. la Iftrtkltifi- down. I anro, -a 1 covery ana a Doofc tbat tens all about It, ward tbat makfB One dizzy Look i both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kll- - j u-otr. .I.,m vmii 1 ner & Co., Bingl wnton, N. V. When up. and your brain clears, your menXio remdiK this generow heart grows Calm, and Strenght offer in this paper. Don't nuke any , .. ai, .wi mistake, butrenieniberthename.Swamp- comes to you lor every tsnk and Root D- Kilmw.t swamp-Root; ami the every emergency. Ex. bot'taT 'BiB,,,ut0B, ou verf lit ! I '. in ji 1 , " MMMMMBmcofi o ugh v vpTnt P'MU

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