WATAUGA DEMOCRAT. R. C, Rivers, Proprietor. Thuusday Marsh 19, 1908.: I Csts Creel Culllap v i (Too late for last week's paper.) Mud, mud, mud I The people in this neighbor hood are standing the panic well, I suppose and making prepara tions for ft crop as usual. They Are complaining of grip nowa days more than panic. There are a number of cases in thecommu nity this week. "' 1 The wedding bells began to ring on Sunday morning and before the'day was ended, Dr. "Dick" Bingham and Miss Rose Weaver, ran out to Trade, Tenn., and had the knot tied that made two hearts beat as one. We wish for both of them long life and happi ness, The bride is the youngest daughter of the Methodist min ister on this work. Bro. Weaver is very much lik ed by everybody. Miss, Flora Weaver, who has teen very ill at Helton N. ft, arrived at home a few days ago, very much improved. The school at Mat is progress ing nicely under, the new princi pal, Mr. J. B. Horton. "Jack" makes a fine teacher, and cer tainly knows how to govern a school. Miss Brown still has charge of the primary depart ment, and Miss Ella McLendon of the music. The students in all the branches are doing good work. - About 100,000 pounds of the machinery for the first oil well at Mast is on the ground, which is all of it, except lour loads. The champion hauler was Mr. Will Bass, who brought thehuge boil er in on a sled, which he made for the purpose. I suppose opera tions will, begin in the near fu ture. Despite the mud and slush the drummers still pick up their grips and go. Quite a number of them have stopped at N. L. Mast's during the past few days. By the way, "Nute" says the pan ic has got him, sure. . ' . Messrs Marvin Blackburn, Tom Thomas and Ben Isaacs, board ing pupils at MastSerainary, vis ited home folks Saturday and Sunday. .. Ned. How It Xifht Be Passed. A home is a sentence, some times simple, sometimes complex nd very often compound. To live is the subject, and the hus band is the predicate. There is no object, because' the verb is very often Intransitive. The wife is an adverb, because she modi fies the predicate. The children are prepositions, because they show the relation between the pa rents and their work. There are but few simple homes .flow. We mean where father says only once "John, bring s one wood for the Are,'' aud where mother says only, once "Mary, you may get dinner today." There' are many complex homes. Father says, V Johnie, bring some wood for the fire; "butO-oh, pa pa," says Johnie, "I don't wan-t-t-to." Go on Johnie,' says the father, and daddy will get you some candy.". It is enough to say that Mary "can't work; she always gets her hands burn ed." - ; There are also many compound hoiaes.'Father says, "John, bring some? wood for the fire, little roani ."I sboll nob do it," is the prompt reply. Of course the girls do hot let this apply to them, do yoogirls? Every husband should try to make his home a simple one and wives should not modify too strongly the predicate. ;. '-Uncle Bill" Boone, N.C, "".. The other day a Chicago man Jaugbed until he fell over and cut bin head on a radiator. Some one most have assured liici that the Repoblit-ans will revise the .iarjff immediately utter the next) -election. ' FOOLS. , j:'y There ait three kinds of fools that I want to write about Fret, the young person that points a gun or pistol at his com panion, just (or fun. ' ; Second, the one that blows in the muzzle of a gun to see if it is loaded. - Third, the young man that rocks the boat or canoe while crossing the river with girls in it, just to hearthem scream. I heard a story of one who did so, and turned the canoe over. The water fortunately was not deep and none were drowned, but they were angered and felt themselves humiliated. The man was indicted and his lawyer ad vised him to submit, and beg the clemency of the court. The Judge said: ."1 am going to let the de fendant off with the cost on the ground that he hasn't good sense." The lawyer objectedj and the J udge said: '-111 submit it to the jury and if they find like I have, I'll then let itstand; if they find he has got good sense 111 change my sentence " The law yer said: "Let it Btand.' J.W.Topd. Jefferson, N. C. " John Puckett, a white man, has been arrested at King's Mt., on a charge of kidnapping. Sev eral weeks ago the 13-year-old son of Mr.C. M. Crowder, a Gas tonia contractor, disappeared, and every effort possible has been made to find him, but to no a- vail. Puckett maintains a stol id silence when questioned. The big cotton factory at Coo leraee, Davie county, has been damaged by fire to the extent of 1100.000, which was covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. The life of every man is a dia ry in which he means to write one story and writes another and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he yowed to make it J. M. Barrie. Denver hotel races are not to be increased daring the Demo cratic convention Furthermore.. it is positively denied that any Denver hotelkeeper wishes to be postmaster in that city in case of Bryan's election. Altruism cer tainly isjooking up. ' Mrs. Hettv Green's pronoun ced view against Amrrican heir esses marrying foreign noblemen undoubtedly would start a Hetty ureen rresiaencmi boom w e r e such things permitted in thiscoun try. January imports of f 85,000, 000; January exports of 206, 000,000 the way this country can both hustle and economize when it has to is a wonder. Evelyn Nsbit Thaw has enter ed suit against Harry K. Thaw, and he will deny charges of in sanity and pray dismissal of the suit. Truly they are much before the world. H tty Green's daughter is to wed a man without a title. Hetty always wns lucky in financial matters. The State Democratic exentive committee selected Charlotte .as the place and Juue 24th as the date for holding the State con vention. Gov. John Johnson of Minn., sajs he will not accept the Dem ocratic nomination lor President:. No, he certaiuly will not. William J. accepted it first. ' On one single Sunday in last month, 8lU persons were receiv ed into the membership of the C a 1 y a r y Methodist Episcopal Church, of New York City. 1 It is said that over 50 labor unions in Massachusetts, have passed resolutions in 'favor of woman suffrage, . Clue Ridye to ProkibHiea. ; I Mr. Editor: I notice in your paper of March 12th that a friend told you that Blue Ridge nasi coming to the front in the way of prohibition. Blue Ridge will set tle that on May 26th. .The peo: pie of the Ridge are not ready to sacrifice the liberties handed down tQthem through the blood shed by our fore-fathers who have long since passed away. ' .. It Seems that some of the peo ple of Watauga think that the citizens of Blue Ridge are a lot of outlaws, but it is not so. They are accused of drinking a lot of whiskey, and of beingdrunkards. I believe there is lees drinking in Blue Ridge than any other town ship in the county; although we do drink a little whiskey when we can get a little money to order it from other States, as our rights are taken from us in North Car olina. ' ' .; . But while we do drink a little in Blue Ridge township, we have a better way of controlling it than they have in any other part of the county. If whiskey is at the head of all crimes, the county rec ords will show this. Search the records of the county courts and see how many cases yon can find on the docket Irom Blue Ridge township; see how many crimi nals or murder cases you can find since the civil war in Blue Ridge township. I served ns deputy sheriff un der W. H. Calaway three years, and had but little business to do. The people all paid their taxes promptly. The first year I collec ted every cent in the township. I want to say f urther that there is no better law-abiding people in the county. To be sure we are go ing to vote old' Blue Ridge wet on the 26th day of May by a large majority. So let us have our rights and we will all be happy. G. L. Stowe, Todd Hall, a Balimore detec tive, who became a celebrated e vangelist, has passed to t h e Great Beyond. Swath ftfutan - at frKUYMtosMmBRtf ? A. man has just married Ja wo man he had saved from, drown ing 25 years ago. Apparently there is no escape. OABTOXIXA, Some Ohio authorities are using pictures in an attempt to cure the insane. Now, however sou veuir postal cnrd). Happy thought; One year from now we will be prettjr well over the effects of inauguration dayv Business appears to he reviv ing everywhere except In Con gress. : God in whatever you want Him to be. McNeill. CASTOR I A For InfiuiU and Children; : Tti Kind Yea Rais Always Bocght Bears the Stfaatvrtof SPECIAL. , Do you want your watch re paired? If so, bring it to me and I will do you a good, honest job at a reasonable price. I keep on hand a good supply of material for re pairing. Mainsprings guaranteed 12 months. AH work guaranteed to give satisfaction. I amloca- i ted at R. M. Green's store. SILAS M. GREENE. 8-5. . NOTICE. FOR 8ALE85 acres of good rich fertile, Corn and grass land. 20 acres in cultivation, Orchard good bouse, 1 mileol rail road, church, school, three springs good cold water. Stream on land, 65 acres in fii-etdasH merchantable timber. Good settlement. Come and let me show you. Price f 15.00 per acrei, , . A. S. Hicks, Minneapolis,' - . .Mitchell Co. N, C. ! "What has become of the t I fashioned boy who used to of- fe to fight a smaller boy on his knees nd with one band tied bo- hind him? aks ..the Atchison Globe. .Why, we understand be is married, and gets all the .ligh ting be wants,; , :' (; : . Even with "In God we' frusl" restored to oar eointv ii will' still be necessary to hustle for liv- A Cotton schoolboy was tall, weak and skkly. His arms were toft and flabby. He didn't hays) a strong muscle in bis entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty yean prescribed Scotfs Emulsion. To feel that boy's arm yon would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUOOItTSl 600. AND et.OO. TENNESSEE FARMS FOR SALE. If you will write the East Tenuess Ri al EntateCo , MoHstown Tenn", they will send you tree of a lull description of the Valley ol price list ol various farms of all be of value to you, and it's free; just write a postal card for it. 'Ad dress '' s ' EAST TENN. REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Wood A Johnson Proprietors.-, Morristown, Tennessee. . N, L.MAST, Pres. W. C. Coffey, THE WATAUGA COUNTY BANK. ' B00NE, N. C. We are in position to give our customers every conven knee and accommodation consistent with safe banking. Accounts of any size accepted.-4 per;, cent interest paid on time deposits.. Even if you use your money from week to week, pay it through TftisBank. The returned checks are legal receipts for all bills As a County Institution we County people. When you visit the county you call on us at the Bank. Hew Tears Greetings to All I The holidays are now over; the New Year is with us; and I am pleased to say that I am still prepared to furnish my trade with fresh staple drugs, standard patent medi cines, confections and, I believe I will say, the prettiest lme of Toilet Articles to be I also still have on hand, left from the holiday trade, & small stock of handsome jewelry, suited . for both gentle men and ladies, that will be sold under apositive GUAR ANTEE. If you need anything in this line fce sure to give me a call. ... I always have on hand a nice little stock of well-select ed groceries, sugar, coffee, rice, tee., that should be tested by every one in reach of my store. My goods are fine; my prices are ngni. jive me a pan oi your trace. Boone, N. C, Jan. 1. J. M. HODGES, M. D. Offices in Bhclcburn Hotel. HERE IS A SPECIAL BARGAIN. 603 acres ol the finest River sale at f 32,500. Un terms that will euit tbe purchaser. 331 acres of rich blsck River Bottom land. No richer or more productive land tn the world. 1W arres in grns. iSometbinjr over 200 acres In timber. Five dwelling house, six barns. Four silos, scales, alliarm in j? outbuildings, crib, Rranery and is a itiace in country, nurai man delivery. Three miles from rail road town. Steam boat on the river. Farm 20 miles from KnnT. ville, Tenn. $10,000 worth ol timber on the farm. The up land is rich red mulatto land very productive. Farm almost clear of stone. If you are interested dn't fail to come aud look. We guarantee iU- J !ll I ...II . .t! J .. . iuai nie mrui mil iw iuiij up 10 idib Havenisemeni. . 245 acre farm far sale. This farm is situated near White Pine, Tenn. White Pine has a ten months college aud stores and a bank. A very proBjierouft little town of 1,500 inhabitants. The farm Ib Hitnated on a public road, and is all fine, smooth farming land. About 60 to 60 acres of creek bottom land. The farm has a 2-story 6 room farm dwelling on it, and a large frame and I6g barn About 80 leet long, This is a One grass tarm and has abundance .of bay and fine meadow laml. One branch on the east side of farm and another on the west side, and a fine hold sorincr between th ttrn dwellings running south, farm being abundantly wateres!. Clear of Bionc ana Boiiuiue lor nue (arming. You need not hope to learn more about this farm without see ing it. Abundance of timber land. A good home, a good neighbor, hood and convenient for everything that a hrmer most desires on a farm. It taken a good farm to be worth the orice. Bnt nniml.f a good farm Jia good value, And iimp or lurnitLw price. Aw iarm is wortn tRe monev. Trice $10,000. Writ 4or leaflet and pri.:hst. EAST TENNESSEE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, ' Wood k iohnfon Proprietors, , MotTwtown, Teunewee. ,; The poets nre doing their bee to induce the Weather Bureau to believe the spring has come, ' According to theHonaton Post a Dailw man. has come bom seventy-eight nights in success ion with a different explanation each tjuio that was perfectly sat isfuvtory to bin wife. A man .like that really ought to lie in the di plomatic "erviee ol his country. charge a booklet on farming und East Tennesser, and a complete size aud prices. This booklet wil V. P." G. P. Hagaman, Cash paid. - " solicit the patronage of our seat we shall be glad to have . i ' .; found in the county. farm In the State of Tennesse for a 16 room brick dwelling. This you need not hope to buy to WW Tes.lt Is AM t : SHEW00D HAS JUST, RECEIVED HIS SPRING AND SUMMER . I . . GOODS. , : I can show you the prettjyv est line of Ladies' Dress Goods I have eyer been able i to show. I have all the new things in Ladies', WHITE GOODS Includine Persian Lawn, In dia Linens; etc, etc Spring Suitings in the different ' Shades. Yard Wide Percals, 12 1-2 cents the yard. The S5 cent hind India Linen at 25 cento. u.. Big Jot"bf Ladies' Hats in the latest ' designs. Men's and boys fur, wool and straw Hats.;' Good things to,eat: Cali fornia peaches, prunes, ap pie butter, preserves, toma toes, corn and peaches, Best package coffee on the m ar ket at the price. 15c per lbu Come. and-' examine my. good3 prkeS, and then if you want to buy I will sure make the prices right Come and see. M '. Yours For Business, r ; W. F. SHERWOOD, Amantha, March 19, At CotrellV You will find everyf article marked at Bargain Figures, 1 i and when I say that I mean '. ic ii it is ury uoodSr Gro ceries, Shoes, Rubber Goodg or anyhing else' along this line, yon win save some moh ey on every purchase by tra ding with me. Remember iC I do not sell you bargains in anything you want I will see that rdttia nher morrfianf does. , A good line of Confections ' Stationery, etc, always on hand. : ; i for butter, ggs, grain of all. kinds, und give in exchange goods at Cash priees, , , N. B. A ' beautiful china Souviner plate given with each $2.00 purchase, - i - Yours for trade, - ' D. . Jones Cottrelt (At the It. M. Green oW stand j INSURANCE. largest Insurance Agency in Western North Carolina. Harry BalytmPatk,N. C, miLcneiuountyatucUuiia Write me for rates m your property, only the best com-' panies represented, the one that pay claims. J ''. TO THE PUBLIC. -I have the best euuimd whirh repair shoo in the State. Mt tenal is all flrstlass.- i5neR. Jt. Watches especially ad jusbad fcind all defects corrected. A gnar&ntMi goes with every watch repaired' by m No matter what yem want I have it no tniPtm fmtok Your watch is cleaned nil m ,. paired with the best skill known to the trade. Bee. Councijlhouee, Boone, N.C. - J W TtPTiV ' Graduate Wach-maker St Jeweler. Rtllfl. "" HMkbt Wat pkh, lumi, torti

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