1 Eutetod ar the Post office at PoonSi Ni C't second' tins mail matter . ) ' , - SUBSCRIPTION KATE8t ; ; bn8yedr:.u.:.ti.Z.Jt J. 00, :fx ATontAk..;.;..:..;.... .60. Three tnoutha.:::.:: i25. 'r- Advertising rates furnished on application. - : LOCAL NEWS. Hot weatner ror March. ' " . ' "'r' nerwooa a neraa. uns weeK. Dr. Jones hopes to 'get Into ibis new home Very soon. 4 't Mrs Calvin Cottrell has gone to her Tennesse home, but her husband will remain here until . after court ; . Rev. J. Norton Atkins, was in town luesaay on nta .return to Blowing Bock from filling his appointments in Ashe coun tor. ; . , ' - ,: ' , We were hoping that measels ' Jiad almost ran its course in this vicinity, but H. J. Hardin's fam ily is wrestling with it, as is. al so Van Matthews, of Charlotte, a student of the A. T. S, .and Taylors vllle is tho place .for the Republican Congressional (Convention. Official call in this -Prof, J. B; flolt, of Oreens Jborb, musician of "State repu tation, is here with Rev. Coman, and ? his trained voice blended witbjthosie of our good local sing ,ers,;adds much indeed to the in terest of the services. Couttoext Monday, and it is theayoii are invited to call at this; office and settle your ac count. The post office depart ment is after us and w are call edupon to get after you. 'And nv nauy v, vunu o cut. -W were sorry indeed to learn ol tpe death of Mrs. Luther Miller of Blowing Book, which occurred .at her home Friday.. Our sympa thy goes put to the Wreared bus jband,aad chfldren. May the God who ; tempers 'the wind to the .shorn lamb comfort thein. -&ln. W. H. Gentry, of Jeffer soni ialspending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J, 0. Horton. The' kind lady, though right well adva"iiced In yean, is still inter esting. May her stay among us We were taught when 4 boy that it was naughty indeed not to answer letters. This being the case, some of o ur out-ol-the-coun- ty 'subscribers have treated us badly 9f late. ' taWhan tt. rmnA vArnan .. trail six miles to settle a newspaper account of several years stand ing as one did this week, it does seem fo u that it is lime for the strong, -'able-bodied .male delin quents to corne a ru:nin' on what tlieyare due -W;tt McMillan, bf lTg;Ashe county; passed through town Tuesday with 60 head of young -cattle he had bought jn Madison and Vancey counties-He stop ped fit the office door long eu ougltto chuck la his 'rock due on subscription leaving this ad monition: "Let her come along; antf do tbtaet you can.'' ' - --From a - private letter we learn that Mr. Thos. Williams. of Jordanville, New. York, who spent some months in Watauga in ,1896, had the misfortune of falling and breaking his right leg. Mt. .Williams has ra a n y friends here who will be sorry , and wOl wish lor him a speedy .recovery. - FOR SALE! ' I will sell at auction at mv home at Vilas on April 10th, the following personal property, to wi Two fine match two-year-.old mules; tw,o match 4,wo.year .old fillies; one good milK cow; a (number of fine sheep: one hog a lot of corn, bay ana other feed. jBqn't fail to attend. Oath down ,on all sold except the horse stock !.u i o .'ii.. M.t . :n ' WUII muIVU 4 U1UUUIB 11IU UI IW , ;-Mre. A. C. Triv?tt who has spent the winter at the' Black burn House has returned to her old home onJJeaver Bams, Irom j Friday, May JstJ 3 908. Every, whence, after a few daysi sheahd body is invited and if tbechurch her . husband r wffl go to.Tenn ; es and Sunday schools want new where they will make their lu- sone books for this .vear I willbe tun home. Their many friends ra.lad to have your order.' The rrr ,eavinK- e -: To the Camp of Nimrod Trip lett Camp, U. C. V: You an call ed to meet in Boon, next Mon day to attend to some business in regard to paying our dues, which will be only 10 cents to each member and other business of importance. Be sun to come prepared to fix all matters per taining to the Grand Reunion. E. J. NorrU, Com. " The services which were be gun on last Sunday, by Rev. D. H. Coman, of Lenoir, in the Meth odist cborch in Boone coutinues; and the interest therein is Increa- ing daily. Never in its history, so far as our recollection goes, has Boone had wittiin her gates so forceful a preacher. Logical, ear nest, full. We trust, yes, believe, that great and lasting good must and will be accomplished for .this com.munity. God is talk ing to us through him and 'tis a benediction to sit at the feet of this Godly man and learn.V Tru ly we wish the world could hear as w are hearing. ' ' SisImm leads. . .. . Iron wedges25 cts; atGreen's. Fresh soda drinks at Cot trrll's. . Sherwood can furnish you your spring suit! . ; Wanted some nice Batter, eggs aud Chickens at L. L. Crit- ch'n.?v;i;' - . Just in, Home nice watet pat terns and ladies long gloves ' at L. L, ditchers. . . Come and see the new goods at Sherwood's Seeing is believ ing. Ladies, don't., forget when you want a new dress that Sher. wood is wanting to save you money.' V Of course I have some bar gains for you. Bou't tail to . see Sherwood's special prices. Be sure and call on Cottrell during court Some special bar gains for you,r Chisels raw-hide Isce leather, emery wbeltt; Cattle lends, heel braces belt punches Mingle trees irons: at Green's. ' Noticel I will on Monday of court at my store door in Boone at 12, M., sell goods at auction to the highest bidder for cash. Be sure to come and get some ! good goods at your own price. 1 am compelled to make room for my spring line. D. J. Cottrell. EcvsblieM Cosf rcnioHl CosvestMB. By virtue of my office as Chair man of the Republican j Excutive Committ of I be Eight Coagre sional District olNortbCarolina, and, in addition having oncer tained the wishes of the Excut ive Committee, I hereby call a contention of the . Republican paVty lor the Eighth (N. a) Com gresHional District to be held in jhe.townofTaylorayille, N. C. on the 22nd day of April, 1908, at 2 o'clovk, p. m. . The purvMMe.ol this convention is to nominate a candidate Ibr Congress, to select two alternates to the National Convention at Chicago, to elect a Prenidential Elector, to reorganise the Dis trict organization, and (or the transaction ol such other busi ness as may properly come be fore the convention. . . The Chairmen of the various County organizations ol the dis trict are requested to take due notice of this call and to hold their conventions strictly in ac cordance with the plan of organi zation so .thaf', their counties may be properly represented in the Congressional Convention. This the 10th day of March, 1908. ,, Cbas. H. fowles, Chairman. Republican Ex. Com., 8th (N. C.) Cong. Dist. ; PsUic Wwifliv ; There will be a public singipg "at the court house in Boone, on two books will be used by Prpf. Geo. , W. Bacon in our county normals this year, and it is up to all the churches to get the same books. One is "The Beacon Light" 30 cts. per copy or f 3.00 per doz. Also "The Gospel Mes sage ra Song," 25c per copy, or f 2.45 per dozen post paid. W: T.Vandyke, Blowing Rock, N.C. A. W. DULA COMING. The expert . Eye Specialist of Lenoir N. C. will be in Boone du ring the entire week beginning March 23 1908 First week of Court. I will briog my Opthal-' moscope and hydrocarbon lamp and Trail Case and Special Test ing Instruments so that 1 cau give os complete and thorough an examination as I can In my office in Lenoir, N. C. I will be specially prepared to give the Dark Room Tent and will give it in addition to the Light Test during this week. ' EYES TESTED FREE. Beginning This Year" I will make Various Points in Watauga County, at least Twice a Year. All work Guaranteed. You run no risk as 1 will make Watauga County, and you can always see me on my next Trip. Bring your eye troubles to me and get satisfactory Glasses. Get your glasses of a mau who has a reputation to sustain, ask anj ol my many friend in your county il the work 1 have done for them in the past has given entire satisfaction. While in Watauga I will make a trip to Cove Creek and Valley Cruues any one that wants work done other than at Boon will please write me at Lenoir betore the 25 of March or at Boone during Court week. $ ALFRED W. DULA, Lenoik, N. C. 10 years practicwl and nm-ceas-lul experience in fitting glasn. ' Graduate Philadelphia Collegb Optics. Graduate Eye Depart ment Medico-Cblrurgical Hospi tal. , . ' .'" 1 NOTICE. North Carolina, ''Watauga County, ; In the Superior Court. L. W. ' Reece vs. G. T. Lethco. By yirtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superi or Court of Watauga county in the aboye entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 33rd day of March. 1908, between 10 o'clock a. m., and 4. p. m., at the court house door o aid counlv, sell to the highest bid der for canh, to satisfy said execu tion issued on Feb. 17, '08, all the right, title and interest which the said 0. T. Lethco, defendant, has in the following described real es tate, to wit: Four tracts ojarcels ot land adjoining the Iain's of Ervin Green, G. f. Shornll, L. E. Stout ahd others, on the waters of Beaver Dam creeK, Watauga county, N. C. ; Tract No 1. Beginning on a cbestnnt, tbeuce N. 120 poles to a chestnut, thence E. 127 poles to a chestnut, thence S. 126 poles to a stake, thence lo the be ginning. ' ' - - ' . Trace No. , 2 Beginning. on a chestnut, corner to Johnson, thence N. 126 poles to a btk', f thence E. 126 poles to a srake, thence S. 126 poles to a cbwtnot Ed Jobnson'M corner, thence with his line tp the beginning.,.. Tract N'V 8. Beginning on a chestnut, corner to Ed Johnson, thence rnnnifTp: with a conoition al line to a.poplar in the branch, thence N. 8 poles to an oak. thence E. 58 pples to a chestnut, thence S. 20 poles to the begin ning. :v : ?-;,r - -. Tract No. 4. Beginning on -a large poplar, thence W. 64 poles to a chestnut, thence N. 80 poles to a dogwood tbeuce E, 20 poles to a chestnut, thence N. 45 boles to a chestnut oak thence E. 65 to a locust, thence 6- 45 poles to a chewtnut, thence W.2o jwles to a stake, thence S. 80 poW to the beginning, 'containing 254 a. exes more or lees. Deed recorded in Book 5 pages 483 A, 4. Am ount of Judgment f 64-79 and in terest on same from Feb. 15th, 1906 and coetn. , ' ' -Nemo E.-IwU1 be at the Blackburn House jn Boone du ring court prepared to do any and all work in the dental line. Cull on me and get good work at reasonable prices. R. D, Jennings. Yoyo3 Needs purifying and your whole a'ystem renovating in the spring, as pimples, boils, eruptions, loss of appetite and that j tired feeling annually prove. :a leeiing annually prove. ; Hood's Sarsaoarilla is the devised for the complete purification of the blood and the Complete renovation of the whole system. It will make you feel better, look better, eat and sleep better and give you the best possible preparation for the hot days of summer, as over 40,000 people have testified in "the, last two years. Today buy and begin to take ' Hood's Sarsaparilla Usual form, liquid, or in tablet form, called Sarsatabs, 100 Doses $1 Grass Seed, ; Grass Seed. . We have a big stock of all kinds of Grass Seed. We bought all -pur seed before the big advance m January and the early buyers are going to get bargains. "Nuf Sed." ,.: n. HARNESS AND SADDLES There has recently been a decline in the price of Leath er and we have just opened up the biggest stock of Bri dies, Saddles, Collars, Harness and Leather Goods ever shown in Mountain City. Visit our FARMERS SUPPLY DEPARTMENT, and see if you do not save money. London Stoff el Hardware Company , (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto is "to keep what the People Want" J.W. WRIGHT, Pi. W. Y. DUNOAll, V. P. I. MERCHANT & TRADERS BANK. tflfounfan Gityt tfentiessee. Transacts a General Banking Business. AUTHOlUZEDCAPITAL..............W,(?(?a0f7. STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. W Wright, L S. Rarnfeh. R. F. V rfp-ht E. R D. Wills R .E. Donnelly, J. N. butler, B. K. Brown, ri. iv NOiS STOCKHOLDING T. H. Sutherland, L. H. Hawkins, w, S. Cok, J. D. Rob Inson, W. F, Shull, M. E willwn John H. Bingham. . c j. PABLIER, President. : ; DANK OF DL0WIN6 ROCK: ' ";B hp W I NG.R0C K, N.C. ; This institution is offering its . patrons every facility consistent with safe Banking. ; We buy and sell exchange, discount commercial pa pers and give our customers Business.. ; , We pay four per cent, account too large or too small " Call in and see us when are always glad to meet you. j. h. wilbon, president. MITCHELL COUNTY BANK EhK PARK, BRANCH, Capital and Surplus................. ....:.::.......L..25,000.00. Resources,;.....,...................."......, $200,000,00. To merchants anJ farmers who desire better banking facilities, we respectfully offer our services. With our large reserve we can carry any account, no matter how LARGE or how SMALL.1 We also issue demand certificates of deposit on which we pay 4 per cent Get one of our steel savings banks and begin to save part of your money. j-oft lowest fricej? OxN. v - , Fdniiture Carpets BJatting and Eugs, -Xi EVBYTHING IN THE ; FURNITURE LINE CALL ON leHouaMCity; FuralturcCa ' Furniture Cofins;and Caskets. Opposite Court Bouse, f'punfain GiflY I ''-.. "J r. While he may not be responsi. ble (or the late financial "panic," Roosevelt is Undoubtedly the author ol the political panic now disturbing some of the O.O. IV brethren. fo) l2) most effective medirine ever 8. RAIIBO, Cwhler, J. K. WiUH Art. Cuhlcr. Butkr. L S.. Donnllv. H T. Wills, W. T. Smythe, J. C. Wills and Win. H, Wilson., DIRECTORS-J. G. Butler, ; a. m. BtnDfcifrH-cashier, every convenience of Banking , interest on time deposits. No for us to handle. convenient, or write us. We ; - habby baily, caslner. , : ' i ' Fumilnre Company. ) fJJplintn.jn City Teoness.'j CominsToGourt? store. I want to ahonr you thQ nicest line of 5 and 10 cent goods j wu ijmis own iu vr ivuj vi luc auu THE LOWEST TRICES IN THE -COUNTY,-Almost any Jittle article you may wish! I will sell you cloth from 20 to 80 per cent cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. Give me a call and let Die con vince you of the above: Yours very truly, ' R. M. GREEN, 8-5. ' v ' ' , East Boone Is the place to go when you are in need of Dry Good. No tions, Groceries Standard pat, ent Medkines. etc, SOMETHING TO EAT. Flour, Bacan, Lard, Supar, Cof ., fee, Rice and canned goodi. Tbacco, Cheroots, Candies in the greatest variety SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I always keep in stock a full line of School Supplies, such as stationery of all kinds, inksj pens, pencils, crayons, in (act, almost anything used in the school room , WANTED: Fresh butter, eggs, al) kinds of grain for which I wilj pay e;ood prices ....V....... Thanking you for your patonage already received and hoping to mer it it in the future, I am, Very Respectfully, L. L, CRITCHER. (Near School Campus.) NOTICE, By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a mortgage deed executed by J. B. Fox and wife to Vance Byera on the 85th ot June, 1906, and duly assigned to Aron Townsend a.nd Wes ley Korwo d.land subsequently assign I. N. Corpening We will, on Mon day, the SOth of March, 1908, at the court hoube door in Boone, N. C. sell to the highest biaaer for cash the fol lowing described tract of land, situa ted in Watauga county, N. C, adjoin ing the lands of L. L. Lowrance and others: Beginning on a sugar tree. runs W. 60 poles to a stake: thence N. 80 poles to a white oak, L. L. Jxw- ranoe's corner: then E. with his line 80 poles to a white oak; then N. 28 P. to a rock: then E. 28 poles to the ford of the creek below J. Townsend's mill; then up the creek to a spruce pine; then to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or leu, to satisfy the bal ance due ou said mortgage of about $40, Interest and cost. This Feb. 28th 1908. Aron Towmteud, Wesley Nor wood and I. N. Corpenlntr Assignee of mortgagee. L. D Lowe, Atty. NOTICE. SALE OF LAND. United States of America vs. J. A. Denney. By virtue of a FIfa to the under. signed directed from the U. 8. pis. trlct Conrt held at Statesvllle, N. C, will, on the 1st Monday In April. 1908, between the legal hours of sale at the court honse door in the 4wn ot Boone, in said county and state, ex pose for sale to the highest bidder for cash all the right, title and intercut of said defendant, J. A. Denney, In , and to the following tract or parcel of laud lying and being In Elk town- ship in said county and State. It .be ing the tract of land conveyed to J. ) A. Denney by deed from J a o t Hodges and wife, containing 68 acres. Deed, made 29h day of January. 1904. 1 Recorded on page 449 In Book T.,' Kefej-enee hereto made to said deeds ' so registered for tnore specific disorlp tion. tjald sale -being made for the purpose of satisfying the above named flfa with jail ,oosts. This 24th of Feb. 1908. J. M. M1LLIKAN. TJ. 8. Marshal, By F. W. YOUNG, D. M. ' NOTICR SALE OF LAND. I The United States of America vs. '. .Thomas Watson. . By virtue of a Flfa to the under signed, directed from the U, 8., Die-; trlct Court at SUtesville, N. C, I will on the first Monday In April, 1906, be-; tween the legal boors of sale at the ' court 'house door Id the tewn of Boonej Watauga county, N. C, ex pose for sale to the highest bidder for cash all the right, tit.e and interest, ofsaid defendant, Thomas Watson, in and, to the following described: tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in Stony Fork township, in said eoonty and 8tate, eoutatiiiag 72 sens ami bounded as follows: dj tne janas fo Larkin Watson, Warren Senders, : Alex Welburn and others. Said land -being conveyed byL. B. McNeil to Thos. Watson by deed dated April ; 17th, 1908. Registered In Book 4, pge , tWl, the 26th of June 1906. Refer' ce . kM n mula tn md deeds mo reals-. tared for moie tpeeiflo description. , Q.lyl U ka(n m an. lrvf 4k A niimnM of satisfy ine- the above named Flft" and cost. This 24th day of Feb. 1908. The above tract of land being fouud in excess of Thos. Watson's homestead. ,; J. M. M ILLIKAN, V. S. Marsha, By F.W. TOUNO Deputy Mrsfe Veese.Greeu,;,-