Watauga Democrat. Published Every Thursday Whea the Suffrage Amradarat Take Effect. ,:,..;v m (Chatham Record.) , x nere is a Terj wmtrvu crruutj ouH idea as to the time when a oter cannot take advantage of the "grandfather" clause ol oar suffrage amendment. Nearly everybody thinks thata white youth who wishes to register und vote at the next elect iou, mast be able "to read and write any section of the constitution in the English language," and that the "grandlatbor" clauw will not enable him to register, as horefore. This is a mistake. The eonragH amendment pro Tides that auTbod can vote al though ho may not be able to read or write, if he registers under the 'grandfather" clanne prior to December let, 1008. 80 that anybody wbo heretofore could register under the "grand father" clause can still do so un til the lst day of next December, which of course is alter the Nov ember election. The common idea Is that the provision as to the "grandfather" clause expires in 1908, and no it does, but nut until December 1st. Therefor everybody can regis ter for the elections this year, before next December, just ex actly 88 could be done ever since the adoption ot our suffrage a mendment. And nobody can register for the elections this year who could not heretofore register. It is well enough for our penult) to understand this and act accordingly. And by the way, although the suffrage amendment was adopted nearly eight years ago, yet no body in this State has ever at tempted to attack it's constitu tionality.. And yet all our read ers will remember the frequent assertions by Republican speak ers and papers, in the campaign ui avvV luavbUcnuicuuiiiBuvwiN clearly unconstitutional and that Id would soon be declared by the Supreme Court. Every Rcpubli can stump speaker was a pro found constitutional expounder and confidently pronounced the amendmentunconstitutionaland really made some timid persons believe them. Use De Witt's Little Early Risers pleasant little pills. They are easy to take Sold by J. M. Uodgea. The dinner pail ia still all right, lor it is prohibitively protected right up to the handle, but the filling baa swunk, remarke a thoughtful exchange. . Plain Talks on Fertilizers Improving and Increasing Tcbscco Crops No soil is rich enough in all the foods the tobacco plant needs to produce it at its best - Many tobacco soils, how ever, contain natural ele ments, rich .in certain valu able plant foods, but lack ing in others. And just as a dead or dying soil must be fed with a complete plant food, so these partially fed soils need specially ; prepared food to supply -what they lack, and balance the. unequal, fertilization supplied by nature. ' When these special nourishing elements are added to the ceil, crops multiply ener- . mously; quality improves, and pronts are doubled and trebled. , To bacco is seldom planted nowa days without theuseofttftf fertilizer; but the great point to remember is to have the right fertilizer in the suffi cient quantities s Hi 2t About the flimsiest and most unreasonable "reason" for oppo-. sing prohibition is that it is "a democratic measure la a sense, it is a democratic measure in that the democrats vre in the ma jority in the State. But in the legislature of 170 member only three voted against the bilL If it be proper grounds to oppose a measure because -it is democratic, then no republican could support the constitution of the United States and its government, f o r the constitution was drafted by a democrat and is purely a dem ocratic document. But its bene fits shared alike by all, regard less of politics. Prohibition is for the benefit of all, regardless ' of politics, and the question should be decided by each individual be tween himself, his family, h i s couutry and his God, and not by the whiplash of the party boss. Wilkesboro Chronicle, Clarence Covington, who gave his age as 28 and his home as Concord, walked into the Char lotte post office Friday morning and informed the Charlotte post office officials that he had decid ed to do something to get him self in prison. Thereupon, with a hammer, which it was afterward disclosed he had bought with the last tea cents he had, he proceed ed to smash glass windows and doors. lie was locked up to an swer a charge of damaging gov ernment property. Covington is a whiskey and dope fiend. He says if he sent to prison for a term he may come out cured of nis habits and worth something. Landmark. .' The shipping tag was lost from a jug which entered Georgia the other day. The station agent took it before a justice to deter mine the ownership. The court decided to take the matter under consideration ' for twonty-f our hours. When the claimants again appeared the judge was so full of the subject that the question of ownership had been self-decided. The campaign in north Caroli na now rid the State 01 tne sa loon and still is a campaign for motherhood and childhood it is a fight for the safety and purity of the home and every man who loves his home- and all that it stands for is called on to line op in this great battle on the side of tne norne. Hickory Democrat. Women who cheapen them selves soon learn that men do not care for bargains. A German is bringing to America a circus of trained ants, The insects throw somersaults, make pyramids, dance wrestle and leuce. otherwise the results will not be satis factory.. ' Over one million tons of Fertilizers were sold last year, a sure procf cf their great popularity and value. The w hole story of the composition, treat ment, and productivity of the soils of the tobacco region are told by government and private experts in the Farmers Year Book or Almanac of . the Virginia-Carolina Chemi cal Co. sent free if you write to any sales office of the Company. ' VIRGINU-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond, Va. Dnrtuun, N. C Norfolk, V. Charleston, S. C Colombia, S. C Baltimore, Ml Atlanta, Ga. Colombo Ga. Savuuuh, G. ', ) ' ' '. Montgomery, Ala, Memphis, Tena. Shmeport, La. IP When some women casfi thir bread upon (he water it comes bat k in the guie of a bread pud- ding. " : r .-" NOTICE North Carolina, Watauga Coun , ty. Superior Court, 8 p r i n g iTVrni 1008. Martha E. Me. "tfu;.re, vs. Julia A. Davl ad- ministratrix of M. M. Davis, decease W. P. Davi,J. D.Da .vis, Arthur Davis, Roby Di-y- via, John Triplet mid wif, Elixabeth Triplet t, Willi a 111 Kerby and wife, Mary Kerby, Charles Hilliard and George Hilhard. - The defendants 'above-named will take notice that an action en titled at above hat been commenced in the Superior Court of Watauga County to have a lien declared on the following described tract of land in the County of Watauga, State of North Carolina on the waters of Gove Creek, adjoining: I he lands on J. M. McGuire, Enoch Fletcher John Recce rnd others, to have the deed from he plantiS to Mr M. Davia fcr aaid land declared void and for auch other relief as the plain .tiff may be entitled to. Andthede- fendanda will - further take notice that they are required to appear at thenext term of the Superior Court of said County on the third Monday after the first Monday in March. 1008, at the cort-house in Boone, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. 1 his Feb. 13, 1908 : ' . , Thos. Bingham, C. S, C. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue if the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Q. A. Tate, R. F Tate and wife, Em ma Tate, on Jan, 24, 1907, to secure the payment of $183 00, on which there is a balance due of about $60. will, on March 24, 1900. between the hours of io, a. m , and 4, p, m., at the court house door in Boone IN. C. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described real estate, to wit: Lying and being in the county of Watauga. State of iionn 1 aroiinn una in meai Vmp township. Bee inning on a atane in t .... i- r ? . 11 & rv W. o. Green s line near the public road running 6 poles east with pub lic road to a staxe, then north 13 1.4 pole to a stage, then west 6 poles to stage, thence 13 1-4 poles to the beginning. Said mortgage is regis tered in Book page 240 in the office of Register 01 Deeds of Wa tauga county, Title in fee simple will be made to the purchaser. This Feb. 19, 1908. , - J. A. J. Wilson, Mortgagee. J O. Fletcher, Atty. KILL thi COUGH and CURC thi LUNC8 Or. tfntfs WITH lev; Discovery mews M0 MX THROAT AND LOTS TROUBLES. OTTARAJmiD 8ATISJ ACXOAl, OB XOITXT KEWUVDSO. The Charlotte Observer. THE uARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IX N. C. Eyeijr Day in the Year $8. a Tear. , The Observer consists of 10 to 1? pages daily and ao to 31 pages Sun day. It handles mole news matter, local, State, national and foreign than any other North Caralina news paper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER, is unexcelled as a news medium and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. , - V SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER. issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1, per year, is the largest paper for the money in this section. It consists ot 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news f the week local, State, na. ttonaj and fcreign, ., A tress,'- .: . s.: THE OBSERVER CO. , . Charlotte-ft. C. Eyes BetaaiM el Mtwlof San Ftoo4. . The remains of a man,Vupposed to be Finley ,Weather8)Oon, col ored,,' who mybteriously disap eppeared on April 5, 1000, w-re found last Monday, March 9, on Buffalo about one and one-half miles from his home: The skele- I ton was first discovered at the foot of a high rock cliff on the mountain side. The clothing bad not entirely decayed ' and one shoe was found near by: Some bair found revealed the ioct that the skeleton was that of a color ed roan, and as Weatherspoon was the only man In' the vicini ty that ever mysteriously disap peared, it. k practically, certain that the . remains found were those of the missing man. Le noir Topic. "Pardon me, said the jous man with long hair and dandruff on his coat collar to the Editor ol tb Daily Whiff, ,but,bave you a place on your paper' for n poet?";,.;-.'; 'V x- ; "You let," promptly replied the editor, as he pushed a but. ton at the side of his desk. "John show this gentleman to the last trapdoor iu the back hall. Throw him down head first and make sure I he trap U securely locked afterward." Milnaube Senti nel. . De Witt's Carbolized Witch Ha. zel Salve is best ; for cuts, burns, boils, bruises, and scratches It is es pecially good for piles,. Sold by J, M. Hodges..,:- .-. ;:.',.' i ,: It is estimated that 20,000 tramps are wintering in Chicago. r v NOTICE. Letters Testamentary in the estate of Mary N. Carter for merly ol Blowing Rock, Watau ga County North Carolina;' de ceased, having beengranted to the undersigned, all iwrnons in debted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims to present eame without delay to Warren Carter Executor, 1012 Cherry St. or his attorney, Joseph Kenworthy, 1420 Chestnut St;, Philadelphia Pa. .' ' ' , Notice.. ;-,.-.;;, North Carolina, ''Watauga Cotmty, Superior Court, Spring Term 1908. P, L. Hamby vs. J. L( Winkler, E. R Crookeram' J. R Green. Notice of summons and Warrant of attachment. The defendants aboye named will take notice that a summons in t h above entitled action was issued a gainst said defendants on Dec. 4th. 1907, by Thos. Bingham, Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga coun ty, North Carolina, which summons is returnable to the Spnr.e Term the Superior Court of said countv, to be held in Boone N. C. on March 33, 10O8. The defendants will also take, notice that a warrant of attach meut was issued by said Clerk oi the Court -on Jan. 35th, 1008, a gainst the property of the defend ant. E. R. Crooker and J. B. Greet which warrant is returnable at the Spriug term of the Supsrior Court of Watauga Court at which time a place hereinbefore mentioned for the retnrn of the snmmons, when and where the defendants are re. quired to apVvear and answer or de mur to the complaint or the relief demanded Will be granted. This UA. S5, iyx ; Thos. Biagbam, C. 5, C. mm praml,btalM Ib 1 mstrta, ot 9U. tmljiwt iSuk, MXU M KoiSrtmfrm Mt f 1 taMnUbtrilf. Lt MUWM TIMOTVV OOWfKX.TWL. PMab, HMUt Sook en How tootuia umt Ml pumt,w hu D, SWIFT & CO. SOI gtwttl SL, WaUlaqtoa, D. C sCU peculiar to voroen, lake iffe 1 Some hdles suffer, every month, from dark rings round "tbefr'sves, Uotcbe oo their akin and find feeling. Others suffer agonies cf pain, that words can hardly express. : ! ' Whatever the symptoms, remember there Is one medicine that vO go beyond mere armbtDn.M act ftn tKfi iim r4 tfoi. MikT.a lk Mki.J ' i '. Mrs. M. C AnsUn, of Memphis, Tenn wtttes; "For frvs (5) of female disease, but after using (he rett-kDoro Cardia Horns VRTTE US A LETTER i:. . - The Kind Ton nave Always Bought, and which haa beast in os for over 80 years,' has borne tbo slsnatore of ' ' j.-- and jWh. 1 sonal W7T"9 iUiow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-aa-ffoodH ara hot , . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of " Infitnts and CWldren--I2xperIence against Experiment What io CASTORIA Castortn la n harmless snbstitato for Castor Oflt Pars- "! foric, Drops and 'Soothing- 8yraps It Is PleaaanU'i II r eon tains neither Opium, Slorphlne nor other VareotiO sabstance. Its age Is Its paarantee. It destroys Worms r ' and allays Feverishness.. It cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teethlns; Troubles, ores Constipation ' ' : and Flataleney. It assimilates the Food, refolotes too,' : Stomach and Dowels, givlna; healthy and natural sleon' . ' The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. v ' r C.EHUINE CASTC - V7 ears tho The Kind Yoa Me Always Bo In. Use For Over 30 Years.4 ft s)9jttTMSSSj SSja)MsssV ssMssssl'f flVMAsrY, S)sMsT VsHK tMHsi , , -b iig 1 Daily Until April 30 From St Louis to practically all points" in Wash ington, Oregon and California and via the greatest variety o routes. ; Proportionately low rates from all eastern points. . . -...; '': ";. Through Tourist Sleeping Car Service daily from St ' Louis, , via variety of scenic routes. Personally conducted excursions on frequent dates. ; Burlington , Route conductor accompanies each excursion through to dead nationf relieving passengers of all the ordinary worries sad inconveniences of a trans-continental trip. ' Ur, v - A poiUl card wfll brioi Ml pwUmtut ntvdlac Mm, mm mi Into Mrvio ; v i J. K. lUnfO. Gm4 Stkmm AgH. 8 Keith Pit ShW, AtkMfc C. JJ-l. ..ill? FEELING This Morning? . iXAASi . A Gentle laxttfre And Appetlier Mr . w hIhHi 1 3 ; has been niMCTUMlcr his iMa r supervision since Its Infkney c-- no one to aeceive yoa ia uus . Eiffnatore of jl- It1, It Kennedy Laxative Cough oyrup I coaiAnra som akb tut.- I R"1ITM Colds ky worktc, thm eat f . i .the system through s copious aad ksaUh , pwii vi um www. .RUt; Couch by; alauulnv IXa . nivcoua mamorants of ' the throat, chart aroDohiai tubes. ilsfW MMaaJcUgar Children Like ft years I safferedvithcMr LltiDtJVx ' ienurVvelLM J ,n.