WATAUGA'DEMOCRAT. Jt. C. Rivers, Proprietor. mwmm i ajjajtM mm gai aa a " Thubbday April, 23, 190.- ' AUG MBUVBBI VVDTCntlun. As the time for the selection of delegates to the Democratic na tional convention is here and, in loco, buiuo ui luvm uuve turenuj iwu eeiwwu, ii' win luiercsu in;iu ocrats to know the states where those whobelievethatMr. Bryan will contest for defegates. The fol ' Intriiirr ia n. liflf" nf afAtoa tr It a r o such opposition has manifested of votes to which each is entitled In t,1ioinnrAnt.inn? Massachusett . New York New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina Pennsylvania Louisiana Alabama ; " West Virginia Florida Michigan Utah Vermont South Carolina . iew narnpsnire Ohio Montana 32. 73. 24. 6. 16. 24. 24. 63. 22. 13 22 14. 10. 28. 6. 8. 13. 8. 26. 46. 6. .504. Total The convention will contain 1, 008 votes in all. It will therefore nttjuiivuit vuira w iiuiuiuuw;, and since the rules nf Democrat ic national conventions require two-thirds to nominate a candi- J..i ii. ..11.. iU-x vow, ju tuuiMi o vuav vuc-iiiii u ji 836 votes can prevent nomina tion This old two-thirds rule was iirst adopted through the influ ence of Van Buren, and in 1840 it defeated his own nomination- .since tnat aaie me iwo-tnirae rule has always prevailed, so as to provide that something ap nroachincr unanimitv for whoev vi w uuuiiuawu uiaj pi cv cult auj great dissatisfaction with the condidate selected. : Democratic County CoDTcnnon As previously advertised, the Democratic county convention assembled in the court house in Boone on Monday evening, the same being presided over by J. C. Fletcher, county chairman. Smith Hagaman was appointed Sectretary, and after the object of the meeting was announced by the Chairman, the body was declared ready for bnsiness. The roll of townships being called, re vealed the fact that the entire county was not represented, but a good working body was pres ent. - The delegates to the State Con vention were then named, and on motion they were instructed to cast the entire strength of the county for Hon. . Locke Craige for Governor, but the delegation will go uninstructed as to the candidates for the other State of flees. We were not favored with a list of the delegates to this convention, through, wesuppose, an oversight of the Chairman, who handed in the other lists. Following is the list of dele gates named for the Congression al Convention: John II Bingham; J B Clarke. R K Hartley, C J Farlier. T H Coffey, John Ward, Jim Phillips, Alex Woodie, W E Shipley, W, LHendrix,'J F Salmons, John Denny, Granville Norris, L D Lowe, W S Farthing, W F Sher wood, Enoch Swift, N L Mast, C P Todd. J C Fletcher, E F Lov. ill, E S Coffey, J W Jones, W R Lovill, J F Hardin, T C Coffey, J W Farthing and J C Horton. The following were named as delegates to the Senatorial con vention: C P Todd, Ben Burkett, W. L Coffey, II A Davis, Roy Wilson, H C Miller, D J Cottrell, J F Sal mons, R T Brickell and Luther Woodie It is to be hoped that as many of the delegates as possible will attend the various conventions. The Commencement. The closing exercises of the Ap palachian Training School, al though very hurriedly gotten up, were very enjoyable from start to finish, and large crowds were in attendance at each and every attraction; and, in the main, the ' behavior was good. To take up all the programmes as rendered from beginning to close of the interesting exerciser, from the free school nnnila nn to i i r and including the ninth grade, would over-tax our space, and l a i t we can oniy laxe vt as a wnoie, and pronounce it good, very good. each day by short speeches from citizens of the county or visitors from adjacent counties, which added very much to the interest of the programmes. Our much esteemed and effi cient music teacher, Miss Sallie Bienknecht, with her well drilled pupils, furnished piano music for all the exercises which did great credit to her as a precep tor, and upon her pupils for their Van rirl nr. The pay concert came fully up to the expectations of the large crowd present, the door receipt amounting to something n e a $40. After which, on Tuesday night, Prof. Dougherty formally elosod the eighth session of the Appalachian Training School which, in many respects, far out stripped any previous session. Yesterday morning the sad good-byes were said.oniithestu dent body dipursed, leaving ma ny warm lriends behind, all of whom wish for tbera abundant success in all their future under takings. whifor yearahad been aq inmate el the Statellospital at Morgan, ton. and a trusty who bad been was found hanging to the limb of a tree dead a few days ogo, Iwving committed; suicide. There's no hope for the man who has lost his self-respect. The more friends a man has the more he'd better not ask them to do anything for him. s A girl likes to have a man not make love to her once in awhile so she can say he did. The average man can take a tremendous interest in most any thing if it is of no consequence. A wo'nan brags about the mon ey her husband makes so that their being poor won't teem so bad. The experience you buy is nev- er marketable at one cent on the dollar. Dc Witt's Carbolized Witch Ha. rel Salve is best for cuts, burns, boils, bruises, and scratches. It U es pecially good for piles, Sold by J. M. Hodges. Fort Worth, Tex. has been al most paralyzed by a very disas trous wind storm. Seymcir, Texaii letter. Editor Democrat: " Will on al low me a little space In your val uable paper to say a few words to my brethren and friends in old Watauga, the county in which I have spent the greater part of my life. J I now live in north-western Texas, a fine country where the land is very rich, fertile and lev. el as far as the eye can se, and among a noble class of people, kind and courteous and easy to get along with, and where you hardly ever see a man intoxica ted, although our town has a. bout 3,000 population Now, Mr. Editor, 1 see you are to have a prohibition -election on the 26th of May, and 'I Jiope and trust that the good people of Watauga and State of North Carolina, will unite in aim and ef fort and vote the accursed stuff called whiskey out of the land. Friends, if any of you differ with my views on this question ol pro hibition. I fear you have never thought of how much trouble, sorrow and wicked deeds- this stuff has caused.i. Success to the Democrat and its many readers. E. L. Herman. . Death Was at his Heels. Jesse P. Moris, of Skippers, Va., had a close call in the spring of 1906. He says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough that my friends de clared consumption had me, and death was on my heels. Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It helped me im. mediately, and after taking two and a half bottels I was a well man a. gain. I found out that New Dis covery is the best remedy . for cou ghs and lung disease in all the world." Sold under guarentee at all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trail bottle free. HEAVENLY CHIMES." A New Sons Book by an old singing teacher. Nearly all new songs. Shaped notes only. Price 15 cents per copy, f 1.50 per dozen. I will also make engagements to conduct Normal Music - Schools, Singing Schools, or conduct the ma sic for revivals. Address, J. ROBERT HOLT, Vj, R. R. Ave Greensboro; N, C, Kennedy's Laxatiye Cough syrup that tastes nearly as good as mnple sugar and which children like so well to take. Unlike nearly all other cough remedies it does not constip ate, but on the other hand it acts promptly yet gently on the bowels through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it allays inflammation. Always use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Sold by J. M. Hodges. !" jCriaie. , v The time is nar at band when crime ill have to be punished. , There is a growing' tendency to be lenient with evil doers and J lawbreakers. Men commit crime, go through a trial," they are, or ore not sentenced tosome punwh- : ment, the nex. thing we kuow they are pardoned. It is a grave matter to punish a n innocent mun and it is just as grave to let a guilty man go unpunished. II a man is convicted ol rrime, no citizen should ask for bis ptr don unless - evidence develops bowing bis innocence. As long as this condition continues, re- npect lor the law will grow less, the dignity of the courts will be lowered in the estimation ol the people and rrime will be on the increase. The lines must be drawn and the laws enforced. Little Baptist. The Democratic national con yention will be able to "point with pride" to the way the Demo cratic members of Congress forc ed tin Republicans to enact all the reform legislation accom plished. DiWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burns, 8orss "The friendship we have to pur- J mefl $.- Martin, rPost master chase isn't worth the price," not fy'rny N. C. committed hui its very tiresome to have to"feed rtde a few days ago. HI health a dogto keep it from biting you" , is suid to.have been the cause. ! OA0TOHIA. Bwiths yTlw KiBd Yob Have Always Bought Bignctue Lees-McRae 'institute, Banner Elk,'N. C. The Nfnth. Session of the Girls' Departmental Lees-McRae Institute will begin Majrl, 1908, and continue for thirty-three weeks. Course of instruction will be as follows: - LITERARY, MUSIC, - . ART, v INDUSTRIAL. : For catalogue and full particu lars, address: : REV; EDdAR TUFTS, , Banner Elk, N. C. East Boone Is the place to go when you are in need of . Dry ..Goods, No. tions, -Groceries, Standard Pat ent Medicines, etc. , SOMETHING TO EAT Flour, Bacan, Lard, Sugnr, Cof- fee, Rice and canned goods...... Tobacco,' Cheroots,' Candies in the greatest yariety SCHOOL SUPPLIES. . I always keep iir stock a fall line of School Supplies, such as stationeryjof all kinds, inks, pens, pencils, crayons, in fact, almost an) thing ust-d in the -: school room,.....,......', WANTED: Fresh butter, eggs, all kinds of grain for which I will pay good prices..". Thanking you for your patonage already received and hoping to mer it it in thfi future; I am, " ' Very Respectfully, i L. L. CRITCHER, . (Near School Campus.) ' f If A Collar Label WW Consumption U leu deadly than it used to Be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: ' Hope, rest, fresh air, nAScolf s :,EmuUIon, ALL DRUQOI8T3I 6O0. AND tt.OO. SPECIAL SALE! ' '. . Owing to the fact that we will mHkesomechangesin our building. We nre offering our entire stock of General Merchandise at MARK ED DOWN PRICES. We have a large and varied stock and can name some extremely low prices on Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods; NMions Etc Etc. -MANY ARTICLES WILL GO BELOW ACTUAL WHOLESALE COST. This so le will begin March 25th and continue until our big stock is reduced. ' , ' Don't wait but come now and get first choice of these rare bar- gams. This Will be a Cash Sale, and a Money Saver to all who ., . . buy. Respectfully, ''-, BLOWING ROCK MERC. CO. 0 TENNESSEE FARMS FOR SALE. If you will write the Eust TennMwee Real EHtateCo.,Morristown Tenn, tbey will send you Iree'of charge a booklet on (arming and a lull description of the Volley ol East Tennjesser, and a complete price list of various forms of nil Bizet and prices. This booklet wil be of value to you, and it's fm; just write a poBtal card for it. Ad dress, - . . EAST TENNv REAL ESTATE COMPANY, , Wood & Johnson Proprietors, v Morristown, Tennessee. N, L. Mast, Pres. W. C. Coffey, V. P. G. P. Hagaman, Cash. THF WATAIIfii fifi-IINTY RiHIf am mm u m n sr mm mma-m. u m uiii . B00NE, N. C. We are in position to give our customers every conven ience and accommodation consistent with safe banking. ' Accounts of any size accepted. 4 per. cent interest paid on time deposits. Even if you use your money from week to week, pay it through This Bank. ; The returned checks are legal receipts for all bills paid. - r A& a County Institution we solicit the patronage of our County people. When you visit the county seat we shall be glad to. have you .call on us at the Bank. r SPRING- Clothing Should occupy your at tcntfon right now. The kind we sell is sel ed with the greatest care quality being the first consideration, price next. Shield Brand Single & double breart- ed, two-or three-piece whs. price ranging from $IO-oo to $l8-oo - For sale by . .. . , ' l U. Ct MILLER, V Blowing RockyrN. C, . .'New Years Greetings to Alit The holidays are now over; the New Year is with us; and I am pleased to say that I am still prepared to furnish my trade with fresh staple drugs, standard patent medi cines, confections and, I believe I will say, the prettiest line of Toilet Articles to be found m the county. I also still have on hand, left from the holiday trade,-a small stock' of handsome iewelry, suited for both vgentle men and ladies, that will be sold under a positive GUAR ANTEE. If you need anything in this line be sure to give me a call. I always have on hand a nice little stock of. well-select ed groceries, sugar, coffee, rice, tee., that should be tested by every one in reach of my store. My goods are fine; my prices are right. Give me a part of your trade. . Boone, N. C., Jan. 1. J.M. HODGES, M. D. Offices in Blackburn Eotel. : HERE IS A SPECIAL BARGAIN. 603 acres ol the finest River farm in the State of Tennesse for sale at $32,500. On terms that will suit the purchaser. 331 acres of rich blnck River Bottom land. No richer or more productive lnnd in the world. 100 acres in grass. Something over 200 acres in timber. Five dwelling house, six barns. Four silos, scales, allfarra ing outbuildings, crib, granery and a 16 room brick dwelling. This is a place in country. Rural mail delivery. Three miles from rail road town. Steam boat on tne river. Farm 20 miles Jrom Knox ville, Tenn. f 10,000 worth of timber on the farm. The up land is rich red mulatto land very productive. Farm almost clear of stone. If you are interested don't fail to come and look. We guarantee that the farm will be lully up to this advertisement. 245 acre farm far sale. This farm is nituated near Whfte Pin-, Tenn. White Pine has a ten months college and Btores and a bank A very prosperous little town of 1,500 inhabitants. The farm is aituated on a publie road, and is all fine, smooth farming land About 50 to 60 acres of creek bottom land. The farm has a 2-story 6-room farm dwelling on it, and a large frame and log barn about BO leetlong, This is a fine grass farm and has abundance of hay and fine meadow land. One branch on the eat-side of; farm and another on the west side, and a fine bold spring between the two dwellings running south, farm being abundantly watered. Clear of stone and suitable for Ads farming. iou neea not nope to learn more about this farm without see ing ii. Abundance of timber land. A good home, a good neighbor hood and convenient for everything that a farmer most desires on a farm. It takes a good farm to be worth hepice. But remember a kuuu iarui uw gooa vhiup, ana you neertnot hope to buv to .pr for,5 ,ltt,e pricp- Thta ,arm 58 rth the money. p"rice $10,000. Write for leaflet and priceJiHt. J - - . EAST TENNESSEE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, .. . f. Wood &Jobnfon Proprietors, " Mon-istown. TpnnpsHPO.

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