.... , . , Si : - Enleied.at the Post office niHoone, S. C, as second ilassmail matter. SUBSCRIPTION bates: .. ; Ooe year.......,..i..J..$ J. 00. 6lx Months . .50. Three months...::,.:...." .25. :Advertmng rates furnished Oir application. , , LOCAL NEWS. The man who fails to hustle these lovely days, is evidently im . mane from doing anything at all. r-Pr. and Mrs. Jones are now . occupying their pretty new home . opposite the Critcher hotel. - W. H. Parker, themuBicman from Lenoir, is in town this . week introducing the Munn pi- , ano. . " ... The exceedingly heavy bloom i on the fruit trees in this section i is .often remarked upon these . days. - J A big stock of good buck t wheat fertilizer at 1.65 per bag , at London-Stuffel Hardware Co., , Mountain City. - 5 -Dr. Mc I). Little has returned -! from Catawba county, where he . V went to attend the funeral of his ' , aged father. Just in, 100 straw hats, the 25 and 50 cent grades. My price 15 to 20 cents while they last. R. . M Green. - A. A. Teague, of Lenoir, has I bought 30 acres of land of Cal- Tin Trivett on Laurel Fork, and .will build a home thereon. .Glad c to see Andy back in Watauga. 1 v Sorry to know that Miss An na Weedon remains very : ill at , the Girl's Home in East Boone, and we are told that her condi tion is but little, if any, better . than it was a week ago. . Hon. R. Z. Linney, after at tending court in Boone, left for the State of Oklahoma to visit , his son, Dr. Linhey, who has a , mammoth wheat farm which be was anxious to have his father i 860 . Vilas Cottrell, of Washing f ton College, Tenn., is in town ; this week- He says that their mer . . cantile business is thriving eplen didly, while his father, C. J. Cot trell, is contentedly working his farm. J u 8 1 received a complete . stock of Screen Doors and Win dows. Come early and you will ; be sure to find just the sizu , and kind that you are looking for. ' London-Stolid Hardware Co., Mountian City. Rev.' J. H. Brendall asks us to annovnce that he will preach . on temperance at the following '. times and places: Boou's Fork, . 11, a. m , April 19, Blowing Rock ' 7:30, p. m.; Foscoe. Monday 11, : a. m.; Shull's Mills, 7:30, p. m. There will be an oyster sup . per and othee refreshments'serv . , ed by the young ladies at Trade, Tenn,, next Saturday night, the ' proceeds to go for the benefit of Union church. Everybody invi- ; ted. j - : ; Elmer Dover, Secretary of the ; Republican national committee, according to the New York Sun. cannot figure ont a majority of the delegates for Taft on the first "ballot NOTICE I AUCTION SALE. We will offer for sale at public auction on April 27, 1908, our entire stock of merchandise, con sisting of dry goods, notions. bats, shoes, hard ware, glassware , etc. etc. "' . " Terms oi safe: Ninety days with . note and approved security on all amounts over 5.00; amounts under 5.00 cash in hand. Sales , commence Monday, April 27th . at 10 o'lock, a. m., and continue : from day to day until our entire i stock is sold. Remember the date ... and come and buy goods at your own price. Place of sale Amantha. N.C. WILLIAMS BROS. . J. C. Farthing, who has been attending a dental college In At lanta, Ga., the past session, is spending vacation at his home on Beaver Dams., He was in town this week and expressed himself as being most highly pleased with his studies. Success to the wor thy young man. George L. Storie, the leader of the anti-prohibition move in Blue Ridge township, asks f o r the publication of the following: "There will be an anti-prohibition speaking in old Blue Ridge sometime between the fiVt and tenth of May, the . speakers, and date will be named later." The Hodges' quartette, with Dr. R. D, Jennings. W. R. Lovill and J. W. Bryau, constituting a string band composed of violins, guitars and . banjos. diepenaed swpet music to the denizens of the village Monday night in the form of a serenade. In behalf of all whose homes 'they so kindly visited, we extend thanks. The North Wilkesb'oro base ball team failed to show up for the match games to have been played here on Monday and Tues day last, and but for the fact that four clever batters from Le noir came over, the games would have been entire failures. Howev er two nines were constituted, and the games were right inter esting, Boone coming out victo rious, in each. , ' . . Hon. Asheley Horne, the far- mer candidate for Governor from Johnson county, was a guest at the Blackburn House Wednesday night, of last week. He is a errand old man. one of those who followed Lee and Jack son in the days that tried men's souls. Just one more of those noble men whose ranks are so rapidly thinning, comes to the people of Nort Carolina asking for promotion at their hands. A few years more and no North Carolinina will have the pleasure of votinir for a Confederate sol dier, and strange it is to us that all his comrades in arms do not timnnrt. him tn n man Vnr t.llA other candidates in the field for gubernatorial honors there is yet plenty of time; for Horne, or his comrades, thoir time for promotion is short. He does not come to the people asking for the office for the emoluments corintained therein; he has a for tune, the foundation for which was laid by cutting cord wood at 50 cents a day, after his foot sore and weary return from the war. By adhering strictly to bus iness, he now enjoys the distinc tion of being one of the wealthi est farmers in the entire State. He asks for the position for hon or only, and promises to use his best efforts for the good of the people if elected. Our delegation will go to the State Convention instructed to cast the strength of the countysolklly forthe Hon. Locke Craig for Governor, but ehould they, for any cause, have reason to change a ballot it would be a great pleasure to us to know that it would be cast just as solidly and iust as cheerfully for this veteran of many , bat tlesthe Hon -Ashley Horn. Phillip R. Meade, a son of Rev. W. H. Meade, Recto rof the Epis copal church at Chapel Hill com mitted suicide on the 18th itist. by shooting himsell in the mouth. Hehad been despondent for some days and this was supposed to be the cause of his rash act. -FOR SALE. Ninety acres of fine grass lands, having on it a good barn and three acres of fine orchard, the trees all bearing. One splendid farm near the town of Montezuma, consaining 54 acres in timber the remainder in fine timothy. Also a good twelve-room hotel, well furnished, in the town of Montezuma ;wo lot, a cottage, barn, cellar, poultry house, spring house and fine running, water, all goes together. Come'and see me at once or you will lose a bargain. , . -! J.C. CARPENTER. V , . - jjontezuma, N. C. 4.33.301. ... Call for lerapwance Workers .To the Ministers and Church Members of Watauga Conn ry of ! Every Denomination: Dear Brethben: It is with no : sense of superiority or desire to dictate to you in matters, but solely with the desire to call your attention to the present crisis, that we now address you. You are aware of the approaching e lection on the question of prohi bition in our own beloved State, and every christian ought to feel the deepest interest in the tem poral and spiritual welfare of North Carolina and, therefore, cannot afford to be indifferent to the great issue before us. Voluntarily a committee has been formed in Boone consisting of four members two preachers and two laymen two Baptists and two Methodists. The follow ing are the names of the commit tee:' Revs. J. Brendall and J. F. Dayis . with R. C. Rivers and W. C. Coffey. This committee does not propose to do anything but to assist in the work of stirring up the people. We must not conclude that the other side will not do all in their power to carry theStatetor whis key. Brethren, we must bestir ourselves. The time is short and the importance of the issue can not be overstated. It is for the homes of North Carolina; it is for the boys and girls, the women and children, and for the men,; who are already going down to drunkard's graves for which . we plead. Dear brefhren, arouse your selves. Hare the best speakers you can get. Organize the wo men. Let the children learn . and King temperance songs Revs. Brendall and Davis pro pose to speak as. they can over the coun fcy on the subject. Will not the other preachers and speakers aid in this work If there is any place here, we can be of service and it not out, of theques tion to go, we will come. . Iet us know. J. H. Brendall. J. F. Davis, R. C. Rivers, W. C. Coffey, Com. Jim Smith of Smithtown . has been acquitted of the charge of conspiracy t o murder Debuty Collector Hendrix, in the Greens boro court. Life an Lore AcnosTic Lifemay cease forever On this side of the skj; Very true love, will never Elapse or cease or die. Great love cannot be hid; Or life would fail to shine. Even our souls forbid Standing in such conQne. From heart to heart love flows. Renovating life again, Often like ths sweet rose Making sad hearts refrain. True love, consecrated, Hospitality and sweet, Is always to be rated Safe-guard to all that meet. Profound lov goes from me O'er, these daar homes of ours, Even from sea to sea, Through cities towns and bowers, Walter E. Icenhour. Zionville, N. C. MORTAGE SALE. -.North Carolina, Watauga County. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed executed to undersigned by G. A. Tate and R. F. Tate and wife Emma Tate, on the 27th day of Jan. 1907, to secure the payment of $185.00 on which there is abal. ance due of about $75.00, 1 will, on May the 35th, between the hours of 10, A. M. and 4, P. M., at the court house door in . Boone N. U. ! offer for sale to the highest bidder ' for cash, the following described real estate, to wit; Lying and being in the county of Watauga and state of North Carolina, and. in Meat Camp township; Beginning on a stake in W. S. Green's line near the public road and rnns east with the public road 6 poles to a stake, then north 15 and one-fourth poles to a stake, then west 6 poles to a stake, then 15 and one-fourth poles to the begiuning. Said mortgage is regis tered in Book N. page 340 in t h e office of the Registrar ' of deeds of Watauga County. Title in fee sim ple will be made to the purchaser. J.Ai J. Wilson, Mortgagee. JtC. Fletcher, Att-y. . During tlmpast 28 mouths 21 school districts ju Wtike county h'tve boeo carried for nHcial tax on rifhool improvement under th i' ads rsliip of (hecjinitj upirin teudfiit ' piramig The best is- Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best because it docs the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu lates the tcidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve, and digestive strength. An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes timonials in two years proves its merit. Barsatabf For thOM who prafor madlflnt la Ublat form, Hood'l SurupwIlU l now pat up I In ehoeolttad Ubleu elld Rnunbi, u well u in th uioaI llanid form. 8ftruUha tim Identl. tally th nU enntlr propsrttu th Uaaid known Hood'i Snrupnrliln to full, (or ipring form, dmIom noearncy of aono, oonrralMio, eon- homon nnd u n gnonl blood purltari It enrai omf, thorn btint no Iom by ortporatlon. bruk- trrofuln, mu! b no oqunl M tonornl MOTlnnkni. cold by dragcUU or Mnt by mill, prim modieino. lt-(lvM m ginnlM tuittif .luHlO.Lowll.MMb tion to mt tnl: ' under -tbi ?os nt. Ot.. , ne ... .... d-. , Grass Seed,' Grass Seed, We have a big stock of all kinds of Grass Seed. We bought all our seed before the big advance in January and the early buyers are going to get bargains. "Nuf Sed." ' k HARNESS A N . .D t S A D D L E S There has recently been a decline in the price of Leath er and we have just opened up the biggest stock of Bri dles, Saddles, Collars, Harness and Leather Goods ever shown in Mountain City. Visit our ' FARMERS SUPPLY DEPARTMENT, and see if you do not save money. .London Stoffel Hardware Company (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto is "to keep what the People Want.' J.W. WRIGHT, Pre. W. K PCNOAk, V. P. I MERCHANT & TRADERS BANK. Stlouniam Gity, tfennessee, .Transacts a General Banking; Business. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ...f 50,000.00. STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. W. Wright, L S. Rambo, R. F. Wright, E. E Butler, I. S. Donnfly, H T. D. Wills R .E. Donnelly, J, N. Wilis, W. T. Smythe, J C. Butler, B. R. Brown, H. B, Wills and Wm. H, Wilson. NON STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. G. Butler, T. H. Sutherland, L H. Hawkins, w. S. Cole, J, D. Rob inson, W. F. Shull, M, E, willson, John H, Bingham,- c. J. pablier, president. JAM OF BLOWING K0(K: BLOWING ROCK, N.C. . This Institution f is offering its patrons every facility consistent with safe Banking. We buy and sell exchange, discount commercial pa pers and give our customers every convenience of Banking Business, Wcpay four per cent, interest on time deposits. No account too large or too small for us to handle. Call in and1 see us when convenient, or write us. We are always glad to meet you. . . h. wilson, president. MITCHELL COUNTY BANK ELK PARK, BRANCH. -Capital and. Surplus 25,000.00. Resources............. $200,000,00. To merchants and farmers who desire better banking facilities, we respectfully offer our services. With our large reserve we can carry . any account, no matter how LARGE or how SMALL. We also issue demand certificates of deposit on which we pay 4 per cent. ' : Get one of our steel savings banks and begin to save part of your, money. FOli LOWEST PRICES ON. Furniture Carpets Watting and Rugs. . ND EVRYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE CALL ON The Mountain City -hrwturcCo. Furniture Coffins xnd Caskets. Opposite Court Bouse, ' . . Mountain CilY Furnitnre Company, r 0 " ' ? . JounUm City. TeunpssaJ It is said that so for the truck ing belt of N.C. has escaped frost and that berries"and lettuce are being shipped in large quantities. Salisbuey's liquor forces are said to be quite busy thene days. Medicine; . Mrt. J. V, Am, B0 Ooald Htmt. BtotxhuD, Mmi.. uti: "In Sfi mn xirienc I hftV htk 8. RAM BO, Cnihler, J. K. WAUR Axt. Cathler. 0. m. suddehth, cashier, harry baily, cashier. IHTl "WV. ." " WjlJIJi WIHILU 1 A WORD TO YOU. You want to make that dear old doUar as far as possible these hard times. Let me help you by sharing tny bargains with yon. Eyery lady buying one dollar's worth of goods at my store , will receive a nice package of silk, squares for quilt work free. Nice line ol rare bargains. My little store is a bargain all the way through. Look lor my local each week. Come lo see me and I will pro ye the above. Yours very truly, R. M. GREEN, 3-5. Ye&ItlsaPact. SHERWOOD , HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. I can show you .the pretti est line of Ladies' Dress Goods I have ever been able to show. I have all the new things in Ladies' WHITE GOODS Including Persian Lawn, In dia Linens, etc., etc. Spring Suitings in the different Shades. Yard Wide Percals, 12 1-2 cents the yard. The 35 cent kind India Linen at 25 cents. Big lot of Ladies' Hats in the latest designs. Men's and boys fur, wool and straw Hats.' ' Good things to eat: Cali fornia peaches, prunes, ap ple butter, preserves, toma toes, corn and peaches. Best package coffee on the mar ket at the price. 15c. per lb. Come and examine m y goods and prices, and then if you want to buy I will sure make the prices right. Come and see. Yours For Business, W. F. SHERWOOD, Amantha, March 19, At Cotrell's You will find every article: marked at Bargain Figures, and when I say that I mean it. If it is Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Shoes, Rubber Goods, or anyhing else along this line, yon will save some mon ey on every purchase by tra ding with me. Remember if I do not sell you bargains in anything you want 1 will see that some other merchant does. A good line of Confections, Stationery, etc, always on hand. I pay the highest prices for butter, eggs, grain of all kinds, and give in exchange goods at Cash prices. , N; B. A beautiful china Souvenir plate given with each $2.00 purchase, Yours for trade, D. Jones CoUrelL (At the R. M. Green old stand.) INSURANCE; Largest Insurance Agency in Western North Carolina. Harry Baily, Elk Park, N. C, Mitchel County Bank Build ing. . ' Write me for rates on your property, only the best com panies represented, the ones that pay claims.