-V...i:: V , . . . ' i. r W:'. fa itf i si r.':i! !i J , 1 i it n I: 1-3 5j Si V- 1: s; 3 1 s 4 5? , ;J'v ? r ' iii m ir.. , .- T. i i, f wMwi i i i in..!! .i i 0...' -wmm i ii , , - Watauga Demourat, f .J-!..!.-?!-.!..- - - , -; Published Every Thursday l Mitchell Otmntj Editor Boast 4. Cor. Charlotte Observer. Having read your editorial in" ' yptir "issue of the 0th Inst, and , knowing that you would not iti tentionally do an injustice to the Inhabitants of any section of the good old North State, I take the liberty of correcting a grievous Wrong done the citizens, not to mention the Republicans, of Mit chell county j 1 ' You stated "That not con tent with having taken forcible boBsession of his newspaper and flianged its politics from Demo- j cratic to Republican,1 a vigilance J committee has now chased Edi tor Smith, of the Mitchell County - Record out of Mitchell county altogether;" that he held -'obnox iul political tenets" and "had been accused of what ,a vaguely termed immorality." . You further add insult to injury by stating that he is in danger of being' "mistaken tor a prowl- ' Ing revenue officer, 'or otherwise tail of a safe deliverance," mean ing, I suppose, that it is unsafe for revenue officers to try to exe cute their duty in Mitchell coun ty. . . u Jiow, Mr. Editor, you have , ei ther been grossly misled by some iying correspondent in whom you placed, or rather misplaced your canfidence, or you have wilfully, for purposes best known to y our tn-lf, misreprented the true nitu ation in order to.cast a slur up- on the citizens and Republicans of Mitchell county, than whom no truert more honest nor virtu ous a people ever rallied to the muse of purity in home or public life. : ' . The true facts in the case are -thesK About one year ago one P. B. Starrette, claimingas his home Mopresville, N. C , a man whom we afterwards lound to be amon grel cur, whelped from the lowest ' depths of the infernal region, came to this county to start a newspaper; he came penniless and the citizens, Republicans and . Democrats alike, rallied to help Iiim; they assisted him with mon ey, with subscriptions, with ad vertisements and even so far as to endorse his note with which he paid for his newspaper outfit. The paper was strictly non po litical, non-sectarian and ad voca. ted prohibition in .the strongest terms; its motto "The Upbuild . ing of Mitchell Caunty," its name "The Mitchell Observer." 1 That the paper was well sup. ported is attested by the fact ,. that th subscription list num bered over thirteen hundred, but in spite of this he failed to meet the notes given on the outfit and st ill the citizens gave him a hear ' ty support : He was prominent in the church, h teacher in . the Sunday school and was received with n cordial welcome in the homes of the best 1 families in this section until ru mors begatt tocirculatemregard to his morality; the rumors be came alarming and forthwith the citizens met and appointed a .' committee, composed of t wo Dem -ocl'ats and three Republicans, to investigate. The committee sum moned the editor to inert them ,nnd laid the charges before him, and wihout a blush or even an expression of sorrow for his con duct, he admitted to the henious crime of debauching young boys in a manner too vile, beastly and revolting to be mentioned or ev en thought of by manly minds, r : i; He was given tweoty -four hours - ; to leave town, and it is needless to say he left; he did not tarry or "stay upon the manner of hisgo v fug"; he left In a few hours, and . that he was allowed to leave with a whole skin, speaks volumes for ; the forbearance and Christian charity of the citizenship of a 1 long suffering and deceivjed peo : - pie. ' ;'v.: ;' ' "V The mortgage on the printing catllt was foreclosed and is now , in the hands of the hands of the uheriff awaiting a purchaer. that with thi. explana. 0 ALVE fm wiwl. Sum., eoreik ! tion o! the true facts in the case I you iiill see tit to publish this let ter ver batim'et liberatira, m or- jer to correct theimpresssion ob i tafned through your columns which has done an honest and God-fearing people a grierous wrongs .. " y ' - DAVID II. 8. TAITIN. Bakerevile, April 10. The Return of Cncl' Jeff." (Chariot teJNews) Hon. Jefferson Zig'Zag Davis has returned again to Congress from his native heath. That feel ing of "goneness" at the nation al capitol is once more relipvwl. With the ozone of the plains in his nostrils, and the plaudits of his constituents still ringing in his ears, the renewed enthusiasm generated may lead our Uncle Jeff to still greater achievement. He may eyen give us another o- ration similar to that w h i c h marked Jus maiden appearance in the arena of national life. Uncle Jeffries, it will be recall ed, was forced to snatch his per- Honality from the scene of action in Washington and return to Ar kansas where certain anti-Davis emiysaries had been committing depredations on his flock of na tive admirers. With" the weakpla ces in his political machinery all mended and re-oiled the Senator from Arkansas is now enabled to give more of his attention to the weal of his fellow men in those other states which are hot in po sition to demand first attention. No doubt the lethargy witness. ed on all hands in Congress must have been disappointing to him of the plains! fresh from a rat tling of dry bones for the pulsa tion of new life in the ranks of the jaded. With one or two re sounding flights of eloquence and an injection of that "whoop 'em up" western spirit, it is very like ly the blaze law-makers will awa ken to te realization that somp sort of legend must beleft to their "sleepy hollow. It will be remembered that Un cle Jeffries, after making his de' but, introduced a resolution which provides for the total an nihilation of trusts. It will be fur t her remembered that Uncle Jef fries said he'd get the resolution out of the hands of the Senate committee who guarded its slum bers. or "know whv." Now that the time for getting it out of the hands of the senatorial . morgue has arrived, we await with keen est anticipation the commence ment of that process of knowing why. Prens correspondents had best have their pencils trimmed and their ears alert, for this wn of the tall and unnvvwn prairies will, without a doubt, start a "hot time in the old town." "If Thaw is ever set free," said Evelyn Nesbit Thaw's counsel with reference to a statement by the eRteemed Harry that he would win his wife back when he g o t loose, ne win not ne able to see Mrs. Thaw for the dust, she will raise getting away from him." Nolwdy can blame Evelyn but it is pretty Iiurd on the poor or ang-ntan at Mnttewan prison. Churlotle Obserwr. A lig cut or a little c u t small scratcnes or bruises or nig ones are healed quickly hy DeWitt'sCarbolJ izcel Witch Hazel Salve. It is es j pecially jjoml for pile. Get Witt's. Sold by J. M. Hodges. ! When a man likes to go to rhurch he thinks he fools the children nbout it; j CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tlii Kind You Have Always Bcuglrt Bear the TT' upwan? t.i a mpeK roan or a! mwk mole, ttV the unexpetted that happen. China Rtrk-tl) proliiliilo the holdino; of mam meeting .for political purpooea in all parts of the empire. naWiTT'c riDoniircn witpii oitci A STATEMENT. Reports having reached me thut the Lenoir Mills of which I am part owner and Manager, were uxing adulterated niuteriul in the manufacture of the flour at thece milW and further that this fact has; been detected by some person iu' authority, and ii consequence of which. I as the owner and manager ol these mills was arrested and put under hea vy bond. I desire to say when these rumors first reached me I was inclined to treat them as un worthy of an intelligent or seri ous notice, however having lieen n formed that this report has spread rapidly over the country. I now In JiiHtice to my friends nnd my own reputation as an honest business m a n denou nee thisre port as an iulii.nou.V hnselcg false hood, unworthy of consideration for a moment. The affairs of the Lenoir Mills are conduced in an opi'ii honest manner and a rp sub ject to the inspection of all fair minded persons. For the benefit of any one who may he inclined to believe fhi groundless rumor. I will give a reward of $5,000.00 whowillfind any adulterations in the flour manufactured by the lnoir Mills. What the motive behind this Blander of me I do not know neither do I care Ionly denounce it as lalse. " LENOIR MILLS, by 0. P. Lv.tz Manager Lenoir, N. C. April 8 th. 1908. To the Public: A. report h as been current through the country that thele- noir Mills has been charged with using VTac" in the adulteration of their flour, that a special de tective has discovered the 6ame, in consequence of which Mr O. P. Lutz the managing pioprietor had been arrested and put under heavy bond, pending to trial of such allegation. .1 claim to be the ardent iriend of every indus trial establishment in Lenoirand having beard this report inadis tant part of the county in the in terest of justice I hav investiga ted Mr. Lutz was disposed to pay no attention to ir, believing that such unfoundedSreport would fall of its own weight and absurdity. 1 have no motive in writingthis other than to protect an honor able and straightworthv a con cern as doe business in Lenoir from unjust and infamous impu tation anl will say that there is not the slightest ground for so untruthful report, and Mr. Lutz authorizes m to say, w hich I do cheerfully, that he will thank his friends to emphatically deny such a'riander. Very truly, .J.O.HALL. . 4-9-4 times. ' Tin try Notice N. 2478 State of North Carolina, W atauga county, office of entry taker for said county. UranviUe Inplutt lo cates and enrers to acres 01 land op the waters of Llk crecK 'in Elk township, beginning on asourwood in or near Marshal Triplett's line, then wes to the old 98 acre tract, then south to Louis Triplett's line. then e asj to the Nance Triplett en try, then north to the hepinning, for complements, so as. to include all the vacant lend. Entered March 21 1908. H.J. Hardin Entry TAer. KILL the COUCH and CURB tms LUNGS Dr. King's WITH Elon Discovery Fnn roucHs PBTP.B an. JL 1 IA OLDS Trtl BotlltFree! AND ALL THROAT AND LUN0 TROUBLES. I OTJARANTEfiD BATISFAdOaYi OH. MONET REFUNDED. SSBGE Your Shadow ! ' J-24 Declined Wllb retreti. The bibulous citizen was hold ing high carnival on the street when an officer oppnuched bim and said: ' ' " v ' "Come with m to the station house." : . ': '' "' The disturber of the peace pull ed loose from the officer nnif be gan: 1 '; : ' ' ' ' "Hold on one minute, nV friend." ; "No, I won't hold on a minute. You coaie with me," "Hold on jus' half a iuinute, 1 want jus' one word with you." "All right" replied the officer impatiently. "Be qnirk about it. What is it you want to say?" "All I want t' say is just this; I' predate your invitation, but I jus' can't go." Lippincott's. To have perfect health we muit have pei feet digestion, and it is very important not to permit'of any de lay the moment the stomach fee's out of order. Tnke, something; at once thnt you know will promp. tlyand unfai'ingly assist digestion. There is nothing better, than Kodol for , dyspepsia indigestion, sour stomach belching of gas and nerv. (jus headache. Kodol is a natural digestant, and will digest what you eat. Sold by J. M Hodaes, The man rwho hasn't single bad habit seldom amounts to much. .. Something you gtt fornothinp is usually worth'just about that much. Land Entry No. S479. State of North Carolina, Wtau. a county. Office of Entry taker of said county. J. B. -Morton locates and enters 5o acres .of land lyiirg on the waters of south fork of " New River, in Roone township, begin ningon a maple, on north banK of New River, J.'R. Horton's corner, and running up with meanders of said river f nd line of the old Na than Horton and Jonathan Hortcm lands to R. F. Varnoy's line, then crossing the river with his line and various cources and with J. Jl.bhip leys and R. B. Killian's line, down the river ,and back to beginning for Complement, so as to include all va cant land in the boundary. Entered Apri 4. ;oc8. II. J. Hardin, Entry Taker. The Charlotte Observer. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN N.C Every Day in the Year $8. a Year. The Observer consists of 10 to l? pages daily ami 20 to 32' pages Sun day, It handles moie news matter, local, Mate, national and foreign than any other North Caralina news paper, ... . Till? SUNDAY OBSERVER. is unexcelled as a news medium and is :iso filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1. per year, is the largest paper for the mon ay in this section. It consists o( 8 to 10 pages, and prints all (he new f the week local, State, na. tior.a and foreign, A( .ress, THE OBSERVER CO. Charlotte N. C. aMM4. 60 YEAB8' k" -i VXPERIENCB Track Marks ttiloklr uowtuln Our ofilnlnn tr InTtiillmi Ii prolmblf ptiantiiM I tlniuitrlat It ounudntfL MANDBOOI AnyoM Mndlnf k tkctch n4 dMCTintlnn nT nloklT uowtuln Our Milnlnn trta h(br M on ! prohdblf BiMiilnnUb toinnmnim. aant fro& OldMt icencr for laouriiii twwnt lUUH on riKsnia Paunu Ukra throgch Jdunn & Co, rtotlrl MrioliuUUL without olmrirfc In tb Scientific Jlmericam A bnnAiomttr llltmtnttM WMktr, I-mrort err. Mlitlnn of mr ti-(o"U0 lniirnl, S omit, 1 ' rc3rtfonrBontb1.lt. Hold bj nil Mwtdtnlcm, . 1 1 - m "L. Women's troubles throw a cloud over their lives, vhlch neglect may cause to become permanent Make yours Into a passing shadow bv taking a medicine that ads directly on your womanly organs, the dis order of vhlch has caused your womanly troubles. The right remedy for you, when you have headache,' backache, nervous spells, dragging palns,irregular functions etc, ts - wine Mrs. R H. Lawson,"of Sprott. Ala., vrlies I suffered with female troubles .for '12 years; Wed 4 doctors; they did no good, so I took Wine of CarduL I have taken 18 bottlesfeel greatly relieved and am better than to 20 years." Sold by all reliable druggls'ts, la $1.00 bottles. Try It WRITE US A LETTER 7C it "' The Kind Yott Have Always in ne for over 30 years, and has LJ6Z- sonalsoperrteion since Its infancy. Allow one to deceive Ton In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-ffood' are baft Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ' Castoria ia a harmless suhstltute for Castor "Oil, Pare . goric, JJrops nud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. .16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Varootia ' substance. Its age Is Its ruarantee., It destroys Wormi and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrucea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend - " GENUINE QASTORI A ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Me Always Bought In Use For. Over 50 Years. tim otwii tumrun, n mm miir, niw nm m. ; Plain Talks on Fertilizers - Improving and Increasing Tobacco Crops .. .No soil is rich enough In all the foods the tobacco plant needs to produce it at its best. Many tobacco soils, how ever, contain natural ele ments, rich In certain valu able plant i foods, but, lick ing in others. And just as a dead or dying1 soil must be, fed with a complete plant food, so these partially fed soils need specially prepared food to supply what they lack, and balance the unequal fertilization supplied by nature. : VVliett these special nourishing elements r are added to the soil, crops multiply . enor mously; quality improves, and protits are doubled and . trebled. To bacco is seldom planted nowa days without the use of some fertilizer, but . the great point to remember is to have the right I 1 fertilizer In the nffi. Usgsb dint quanttttts, FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKX Writ. od.T for fr conr t whaM. 6t-M A ..io um. ibfankMM. atlaXiner asm. I A Gentle Laxative I .... And Appetizer I j1,.. iiw iC2ga,Tj'i".J? OS Adorawt UJM MvlMry UpU Tbe Ouitunoofn MnliclM Co., Uiaiunooca. Tn. : j- i i i Bonght, and which has beak, has borne the signature of peon made under nis per ... Signatuxo of othervvlcc tlio results will not be satis factory. N Over one million tons of Virginia -Carolina Fertilizers were cold last year, a sure proof of their great popularity and value. The whole story of the composition, treat ment, and productivity of the soils of the tobacco legion are told by government and private experts m the Farmers Year Book or Almanac of the Virginia-Carolina Chemi cal Co. sent free if you write to any sales office of the Company, VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. .Durham, N.C. Charleston, S. C Baltimore, Md. Columbu, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Mempi.lt, Tenn. Shreveport, La. j Cough Syrup coxTAnrs honey akd tar Rdieves Colds by working thm out d th aystem through a copiout and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves Coughs . by cleansing the mueous membranes of the throat, cheat and bronchial tubes. ' ' "As ejpasant to the tasto . a Mapl Sugar" Children Like It ' For BACKACHE WEAK KIDRETS Tn BiWItfl RMaaf 14 BltMtr PUt-Siri loi Sdr Book fer Womm. If yoa Mrd Me4M a) awl ftJtf will Ka mt aJ.lM t . Kennedy Laxative . 1 1 y-. r

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