The Watauga Democrat, ' 8 . '1 . . Euteiedat the Post office at 'Boone. Ar. C, as second class mail matter. subscription hates: One year l.OO, Six Months 50. Three months . .25. Advertising rates furnished 'on .application. LOCAL NEWS. County singing in Boone Ju ly the 4th. 30 yds. quilt calico at Greens next Saturday for 25-cts. -Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Coffey, of Vilke8boro, visited in Roonelast week, leaving on their return Monday. The weather is most splen did just now sunshine and show ers so interspersed that vegeta tion is fairly luxuriating. Lost between Todd and Boone a pair of gold-rimraed eye glasses. Under will be rewarded by returning same to J. C. Ray or this office. A black Bilk parasol left in the Baptist church in Boone a .boutamonthsinceisat thi of fice awaiting a claimant and pay for this notice. A severe wind storm Monday morning did elieht damaire to growing crops, and mueh of the, ipprecition young iruit was shaken from the trees T. S. Coffey came up from Le noir last Friday, bringing .with him his mother, who will spend the eummer at the Critcher Hotel. Mr. Coffey returned to Lenoir Monday. Attorneys E. F Lovill, E. S. Coffin1 and J. H. Florin.!- Wt Monday morning for the Cougres- sioual add State Conventions at Salisbury and Charlotte, respec tively. J, W. Farthing, foreman, with ii number of curix-titere. beeran work on the boys' dormitory at theA.T. S., Monday morning The building will be a good one ,wben completed. A number of the young peo ple of Boone and surrounding .community, attended the open ing dance, of the season at the Bio wine- Hock Hotel on Satur day night last. Blowing Rock Lodg, 267, M.. w. vr. m ., mil IClCUiaiU IUO uu olJuly by having a public spea king on ;Odd Fellowship and a picnic. Everybody invited. Come and enjoy a day at Blowing Rock. L. Bollinger, Sec. M. P. Critcher. street over seer, is doing some splendid work .u ,.:a i . i.: some improvements on streets ,will be begun at once, He is cer tainly to be congratulated upon the nice start he has made. Elijah Trivett, an aged citi zen of Watauga, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Alf. Brown, of Meat Camp, last Friday, and the remaius were taken to the Adams graye yard Saturday for burial. A good, christian gentle man gone. DR. W. II. WAKEFIELD, of .Charlotte will be in Bootie at the . Critcher House, on Friday, July 17th, and at Banner Elk on Sat urday, July 18th. One day only. His practice islimitpdto the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit ting Glasses Don't fail to come to the bar pain sale next Saturday. It. M. Greene. The law requires that all Con federate pensioners (soldiers and widows) shall renew their appli cation before the Clerk of the Court and that all prospective pensioners must file such applica tion between now and July 6th, to obtain recoimitionby the Pen sion Board. Mm. Elizabeth Eggars, wid ow of the late Johial Ejnrars. of Mabel, was married at the home of her brother, Mr. W. L. Bryan in Boone, last Thursday, to a Mr. Simmons, of Ziouville, Rev. J. F. Dayis officiating. The coup le was given a string band sere nade on Thursday night. They left for their home atZionville Friday morning. The legal fraternity of Wa tauga county has performed a yery graceful act indeed, in the purchase of a handsomely fram ed lilc-eized pictuie of the late Judge Green, to be hung on the walls of the court room. We are told that the pictures of .1 udce Councill, Col. G. N. Folkaud Ma jor H. Bingham will also adorn the walls of the court room a lit tle later on. This is fine, but it would be ameer remain brance ol the late Judge Green lor nil of his friends in Watauga to coutrib-1 ute something to the price of a neat monument to be placed at his neglected grave near his old home, as a slight tokn of. their of the big-hearted Judge. Let this move be inaugu r&ted at oncfe, aud the Democrat is ready to do its part, Just received 620 yards fine dress goods. Prices below com petition .-R. M. Greene. Another Sail Road Meeting. The Watauga County Railroad Company held its second meeting at Blowing Rock last Friday. Stock to the amount of $10,000 was taken. It is hoped and be lieved that all the subscription to the proposed road last fall may be turned to this enterprise. Messra. Cone and Irvin were appointed a committee to see what the Carolina & North West em road would do for the new road from Edgemont or Lenoir to some point in Watauga. Messrs. Earnhardt and Henkle were to see the Yadkin Lumber Co. and larn just what they would do to come from Lenoir to Cook's Gap. No one knows iust what will be done, if, indeed, anything. Our local men are do ing all they can and it is hoped that some company, the State op the county may come to their help. Every man who lives in Watauga' ought to encourage the move for a road, and we be lieve they will This is the greatest section of the State; we need development and our only hope is a road. We must encourage it at home. The Prohibition National Con vention will be held at Colum bus, Ohio, July 15, and if thovo ters that have forced the dry issue in so manv States votes as they talk, there will be enbught Prohibition voteH cast to cause trouble for the two old parties. mm mm . Meaaow Machinery- McCormick and Osborne Mow .era, Rakes, etc. Also full line of Repairs on hand. Write me or .come and see me. No freight. Bring your wagon and get an .outfit cheaper than you can buy ,on the railroad. W. E. SHIPLEY, ValleCrucis.N.C. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE The Home Milling Co. , To the Merchants of Wa tauga County: WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Our leading brands. 'SNOW FLAKE" and PIEDMONT VALLEY." Our Guarantee. 100 per cent. P U R E EVERY BAG FULL WEIGHT. To Buck Our Guarantee: OUR REPUTATION. Give Us Your Order for FLOUR. HOME MILLING CO.. Depot Stiiket, Lenow, N; C. T. F. SEEH0RN, Manager. 64; Property Tax fer Poblic Roads To the voters of Watauca coun ty, and especially to the public road hands: Well, the prohibition election is over and I think the State did credit to itself by the nohlo stand it has taken to protect its citi. zens. But I believe we all owe our selves and onr stock another debt that we can pay if we will only go at it right, and that is to haye a road law passed by the coming Legislature taxing the property to help keep up the pub lie roads Well, some will say, we have al ready all the taxes to pay we can stand. Let me tell yon who pays the biggest road tax. It is the man who keqia and leeds four hors. s to do the work that two ought to do. Don't that man pay at least $150 per year road tax, uud the roads not. bet tered? The younar men who have all the road duty on their shoul ders, are very often poor men and have but little interest in the public roiidw, so thev are not concerned. Besides, it is not lair to put it on the poll tux as is now the cane. Now boys, let me suggest a plan, nnd let's all try it and see if it don't work out right. It we will each and everv one agree that will, for one year, at least, lay our polities down and snv that we will not vote for an v one for the legislature, regardless of his politics, unless he will agree publ'cly that he will do all hecan to pasH a road law, putting a reasonable amount of tax upon the property and pollB to help ki)p the roads worked out. Aud unless the two old parties, or one of them, will make this agree ment then let us all get together, nominate a tood mun on a nub lie road platform and then elect him. We can do this if we will ou ly try.. But if one or both of the old parties begin to say, "I will pass a road law if the people wunt it.', then let us drop him on the spot for we know by past experience that they don't mean one word they say. I hope I will see others taking up this subject in the pa pers, and let every one freely ex press his opinion on the matter, and in the future I will write an other letter on the subject. JOHN A. DENNEY. THE N0TH CAROLINA State Noi mal And Industrial College MAINTAINED MY Til K STATE KOK I UK EDUCATION OK Tlll WOMBNlW NORTH CAROLINA. Four regular Courses that lead to I grecs. Special Courses offered in Teaelu-r Training, Music, Manual Arts, and Domestic Science and in the Commercial Department. F ree Tution to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Car. olinfl. Uoard, laundry, tuition and ajl other expenses, including uscof text books, f 170.00 a year. For free-tuition students $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter shoulJ apply as early a possible, The cap. acity of the dormitories is limited. Fall Session begins September 15, ioob'. For catalogue and other information address. J. I. FOUST, Puksident, Greensboro, N. C. -Sl'hUAL 1JAKUAIN HALE. JUNE 27th, 1908. I will conduct a special bar gain sale at my store on the a bove date. All of my stock at re. duced prices Don't fail to share in these bar. irninfl. 1 0 R. M. GREEN. 3-5. Highland Gay, Junior, THE AMERICAN STANDARD BRED STALLION, OWNED TIY THE WATAl'UA SADDLE HORSE ASSOCIATION For years there his been on the statute books of this State a law prohibiting the sale 6l cigarettes or cigarette paper to boys unde 17 years old. In every commu- nity boys under 17 go on smok ing cigarettes as if the law wasn't in existence and nobody is pros ecuted for violating the law. which is proof conclusive that the law is violated with impunity. A writer in the Charlotte Ob server calls attention to this ci garette evil and wants to know why the boys who smoke cigar ette are not arrested and made to tell where they get the cigar- etts. The man with whisoev in- side of him or in his possession can be sworn and made to tell where he got the goods, why not try a similar, process to sup press t h e sales of. cigarettes, which are more dangerous to boys than whiskey. Statesville Landmark. It is odd to see Chiongo. impor ting canned goods, but so it is. Canned candidates and canned platforms, put up at the great V hite House cannery, were im ported in job lots nnd dished out to delegates under the name of crow. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICUITURE AND ARTS This horse was purchased from KEYS BROS., of Maryville.Ohio, at a cost of $2,700, and his services will be offered during the sea son under the Kkilfull management of J. II. Hnyes. All precautions will betaken to prevent accidents, but will not beresponsibleshould any occur. HIGHLAND (JAY, JR., Registers No. 2,027; is a jet black with three white feet, standing 15 hands high and weighing 1,000 ttw. PHDIGREE-Highland Gay No. 1149: grandsire Highland Den mark No. 730; Dam Massie No. 4040 by Dluo Grass Squirrel No. 1207, a dam of King Richard by Powhatan No. 85. Terms To insure colt to stnnd and sui':. twenty-five dollars. For particulars call on J. H. Hayes or phone him at his residence at Vilas. THE WATAUGA SADDLE HORSE ASSOCIATION. May 14, 1 m YOU CANT READ THIS Without being again reminded that there is something you need in the HARDWARE line. We have TEN THOU SAND square feet of floor space and almost every inch of tms contains something the farmer needs, we have a big ger and better selected stock this year than ever before, and the fact that we are the largest HARDWARE deal ers in this section of the country, enables us to buy under our competitors. We are making a special effort, not to increase our pro fits, but to increase our volume and hv so Hnino it. Vina an. abled us to sell many articles at less than the small deal er pays for them. Glad to show strangers through our entire stock and our J a customers are always at home in our store. London Stoffel Hardware Company (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto ts "to keep what the People Want." Yes, It Is a Fact, SHERWOOD HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS SPRING AND SUMMER' GOODS. 1. W. WRIGHT, Pro.. W. V. Dl'NGAX, V. P. I. 8. RAM BO, Cwhlor, J. K. WAWjlAnt. C.hler. MERCHANT & TRADERS BANK. Mountain Gityt tfennessee. Transacts a General Banking Business. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50,000.00. STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-1. W. Wright, t S. " 4 -Tl t b . a 4 n h Kamhn. K H W rirrht H U Kfl. T S FN TT-. U T D. Wills R .E. Donnelly, J. N. Wills, W. T. Smythe, I C. Butler, B. R. Brown, H. B. Wills and Wm. H. Wilson. NON STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. G. Butler, T. H. Sutherland, L. H. Hawkins, w. S CAp. J TY Pt, inson, W. F. Shull, ML E. willson, John R Bine-hAm o c. J. iwni.iKK, Pinsideut. O. M. sitddkhth. nudiinr. BANK OP BLOWING U0f!K. BLOWING ROCK, N.C. This Institution fis offering its natrons everv far.ilir.v consistent with safe' Banking. - We buy and sell exchange, discount commercial m. pers and give our customers every convenience of Banking Business. We pay four per cent! interest on time deposits. No account too large or too small for us to handle. Call in and see us when convenient, or write us. Wo are always glad to meet you. Practical education in Apiculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufac turing, Dyeing and Industrial che mUtiy. Tuition 45 a )tnr; Board I to a month, uo Scholarships. Examinations for admission nt Co., scats on .July 9. Address THE PKRSIDEMT, West Tlalcigh X. C. 3. h. wiLBO.v. President. MITCHELL COUNTY BANK Capital and Surplus..... 25,000.00. Resources, , $200,000,00. To merchants and farmers who desire better banking facilities, we respectfully offer our services. With our large reserve we can carry any account, no matter how LARGE or how SMALL. We also issue demand certificates of deposit on which we pay 4 per cent. . - Get one of our steel savings banks and begin to save part of your money. I can show you the pretti est line of Ladies' Dress Goods I have ever been able to show. T have all the new things in Ladies' WHITE GOODS Including Persian Lawn, In dia Linens, etc., etc. Spring Suitings in the different Shades. Yard Wide Percals, 12 1-2 cents the yard. Tlie 35 cent kind India Linen at 25 cents. Big lot of Ladies' Hat3 in the latest designs. Men's and boys fur, wool and straw Hats. Good things to eat: Cali fornia peaches, prunes, ap ple butter, preserves, toma toes, corn and peaches. Best package coffee on the mar ket at the price. 15c. per lb. Come and examine m y goods and prices, and theri if you want to buv I will sura w w r make the prices right. Come and see. , Yours For Business, W. F. SHERWOOD, Amantba, March 19, At Cottrell's You will find every article marked at Bargain Figures, and when I say that I mean it. If it is Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Shoes, Rubber Goods, or anyhing else along thia line, yon will save some mon ey on every purchase by tra ding with me. Remember if I do not sell you bargains in anything you want 1 will see that some other merchant does. A good line of Confections. ' Stationery, etc, alwavs on hand. I pay the highest nrices for butter, eggs, grain of all kinds, and give in exchange goods at Cash prices. N. B.A beautiful china Souvenir plate given with each $2.00 purchase, Yours for trade, D. Jones Cottrell. (At the R. M. Green old stand,) INSURANCE. Largest Insurance Agency in Western North Carolina. Harry Baily, Elk Park, N. C, Mitchel County Bank Build mg. Write me for rates on your property, only the best com panies represented, the onj that pay claims. T