Watauga Democrat. Pblishcd Every Thursday. Bismarck's Favorite Drink The mixture of dark beer, and champagne, which waHfor along time Bismarck's favorite drink, wcs the result of a mistake on the part of a servant, who inad vertently poured champagne in to a atone drinkingcup thai had already been half filled with been The drink tickled the palate of the great German and the ser vant'8 error brought him a re ward. This story una told in an up-town dub one evening last week, when a member called for a ,lHt one-wall." The barkeeper bad made "stone fences" out of rider and whiskey, and had heard of all kiuds of grotesque bever. ages, but suid he had never yet run against a "stone wall. 'When When the dariug tippler explain ed that Pilsner beer and Scotch whiskey mixed in a certain waj constituted the "wall" the Nis inarck stoiy was told, and it was agreed that a similar error must have been accountable for t h e first ' stone wall' but that the second one should never have been reared. ' The man with the new drink thought differently, and when the formidable mixture was nlaced before him he drank ft with evident relish. His friends congratulated him, but thought the drink had been misnamed it Bhould have beenatombstoue. Kansas City Star. The debarrmeut o! I. N. Ebbs, a Madison county lawyer, at Ashevillelast week is a rare oc currence in North Carolina. Ebbs according to tbe evidence, bad been convicted of fraud and had served a term in jail. II some of the lawyers- are to be believed, there ia more than one attorney n North Carolina who would scarcely escape jail if justice was meted out to him, and the fact that so many of them escape is due to the sufferance of their le gal brethren, who are not dis posed to prosecute them. Now, that the ball has been started, if all of the black sheep in the legal profession are brought to taw it will be a credit to an honorable ' profession and a protection to the public. Should this be done we might be compelled to admit that "a 'possum dog will eat possum" and that one man has not been made a scapegoat be cause he is without triends or in fluence. Statesvilie Landmark. A Salisbury Dispatch to the Charlotte Chronicle says that most of the Salisbury whiskey dealers are preparing to 1 e a v e Salisbury after the flrBt of Janu ary. TheD. Arey Distilling Co., the largest distillers in the State, will move their plant to s o me ' point in Virginia. Other whiskey dealers will also go to Virginia, while two at least will go out of the business altogether. The city will haye to refund $9,000 of the license money collected for a ( whole year, when prohibition be comes effective. The revenue de rived by the city from the distil Jers, rectifying business and sa loons last year was $26,000 and itjs estimated that the shipments - ol whiskey by the local houses is bringing in f 2,000,000 annually. The sales of one big house alone amounted to $400,000. The Sal- isbury dealers ship to nearly ev ery Stat in the Union. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syr up is the one that children like so well to take as it tastes nearly as crood as maple sugar, it is different from the others as it does not con stipate. but on the other hand it acts gently yet freely on the bowels and thereby it drives the cold out of tht system. It is sold by J. M. Hodges. Even the man who is fond of jolly companions draws the line at a laughing hyena. OAMTOIl femtk yyTns Kln Yw Han Ahnyt BorgM Bebool Children Orei-loaded With Books. A parent in Manchester, Va observed that his child was prei- ty well loaded to and from school. through curiosity or for i I other reasons, weighed the books the child had to carry and they weighed 15 pounds. The matter was brought to public at tent ion through a communication to the Richmond News-Leader, which made the following timely com ment: "Isn't 15 pounds of books rath er a heavy dose for a growing boy or girl? Isn't it possible that in tryint to meet the various de sires aud diversified ambitions ol parents the school authorities are overloading the minds, over taxing the strength of children and dumping into their intellec tual systems masses of matter which will never be digested or assimilated or made useful? The writer ol themanchester commu nication sends in a list of t h e books making up the 15 pounds. It is a formidable one. Probably tew grown and matured men and wonun with trained minds and fully developed bodies would care to tackle it for a six mouths course. Are we overfeeding? It is a complicated question but one of tremendous importance. Scot land Neck Commonwealth. De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a yery shoit time strengthen the weakened kidneys and allay troubles arising from inflammation of the bladder. They are recom mended everywhere. Sold byJ.M, Hodges. , The woman who is ambitious to become a society leader begins by leading her husband around by the nose. Big cuts or little cuts, small scrat. ches or bruises or big ones are heal ed quickly by DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Be sure to get De Witts. Sold by J. M. Hodges. After a woman been married a few days she begins to think how much better she could have done. There's probably something doing ia the ghost-laying line when the shades of evening begin to fall. ' There isn't much philosophy in a man if it doesn't get busy when he has occasion to visit a grave yard. It's surprising how brave the average man is wnentnereieo any real danger in sight. ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Haie Always Bough Bean the Signature of Some people derive a lot of sat isfaction from thinking that they ar thinking. The man who overestimates his greatness makes a great mis take. Morality is always ready monopolize the spot light. to True friends are neither bores nor borrowers. OASVO Bewiilw Thi Kind Yon Haw Always fteagfit Many men's goodness is due to tbe fact that are not found out. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE Intention isn't everything, For every fellow who does barm from a good motive there is another who does good from a bad one.' Higher freight rati 'are likely 10 b fixed in the fiuurv, the New York Journal of Commenw tella 'us. The proponed raining ol rnil road rnts on July 1. has pr- haps, therefore, been postponed .. .. . a ' .a ' j 1 . 1 until niter the flection, to neip out the Republican party. When the railroad rate bill was pnsHed the Republicans took all the glo ry that was possible for the a chievenient. President Roosevelt in fact compromised with thone United States Senators controll ed by the railroads on the most vital clnu3eol the lull, rather than the bill should be passed by Dem ocraticaid. That bill was sup posed b,v the confiding to bring about reduced rates, JNow, we bear nothing o! rate reduction, but a certainty in the near fu ture of an increase. Such in Re- ublican reform. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Wins. Tom Moore, of Rural Route I, Cochran, Ga., writes: '1 had a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal it until I applied Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Less than half of a 25 cent box won the day for me by fleeting a perfect cure. Sold un- der guarantee at all druggUts. Lots of proud men take off their hats when they meet an ultima tum. DeWitts little Early Risers,' the famous little liver pills, are sold by J. M. Hodges. Occasionally a liar tells the truth for the purpose of throwing people off the track. Stomach troubles are very com mon in the summer time and you should not only be very careful a- bout what you cat just now, but more than this, you should be care, ful not to allow your stomach to become disordered, and when the stomach goes wrong take Kodol. This is the best known preparation that n offered to the people to-day for dyspepsia or indigestion or any stomach trouble. Kodol digests' al foods. It is pleasant to take. It is sold here by J. M. Hodges. NOTICE. N Having qualified as administrator ofMattie W'ellborne, deceased, late of Wilkes county, N. C, thi ia to notify nil persons having claims a- gainst the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the u ndersigned on 01 before the nth dav of June, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to sid estate will please make immediate payment. This June 11,1908. . Jno. T. Wellborn, Adm'r. Land Entry, No 2480. State of North Carolina, Watau ga County. Office of Entry I nker ol said county. J. W. Harrison locates and en terstwo hundred acres of land on the South Fork of New River. in Blue Ride township. Begin ning on a cucumber, tbe book old line, thenee various courses so as to include all the vacant lnnd for complement. Entered May 23rd, 1908. H. J. Hardin Entry Taker. KILL the COUCH and CURE thi LUNGS w Dr. King's flow Discovery rnn ouch3 PHICB too si oa 1 wii QLDS trial Sottli fttt AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFAOTOBYl 0& MOaEx BEPUMDED. "1 Very Serious It ia a very serious matter to ask for ons medicine and bv the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge yoo ia buying to be careful to get the genuine BUCTaughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, ia firm ly established. It does not imitate other mad id net, It ia better than others, or it would not be the b .voriM liver powder, with larger sale than all others combined. SOLD Uf TOWN n "ALABAMA." Here, is a beautiful story of the ''tiil'uu nl rVi. uniiiltrihir fiit.t. A bund of weary Indians driv- 1 0 11 en irom piaw' to pi nee, ri'Mii.y crossed a broad river mid, net ting up, their tepees, ecarcel ''Alahainu!" The meaning of I he word in the Indian tongue, i. "Here we rent." And thus, it is suid, a Ktnte wns named, The sequul wo know. Where the aborigines hoped to fiud rest and a home they found only graves So ol us all. ' Driven hither nnd von, we all look toward the dav when we hhall cross the river uf Trouble and setting up our 1 tilgri 111 stu ves, suy to ourselyes. "Alabamal Here we rest'" But the day never comes. You Bay toyoureelf "When my business is established 1 shall tuke it easy. I must work now and t-corioinizi'.", Finally the bus iness is established Well, the children must be educated. There must lie toil and economy. Chil dren are educated and married. Well, they must be started iu business, etc. Or- II the children are finally estab linhed, there are relatives who need assistance or there is a wor thy cause that we must aid- Aiid so on we go, saving, slav ing, walking the dusty highway oflite, bearing our burdens until some day wedrop'tbem by the side of an oieu grave. Is it not better so. We need something to live for and work and die for Without these things life would be iiislj id aud commonplace. Besides The burden steadies the feet aud keeps the moral backbone erect. When your work is done, nnd not till then, can yon say toyo ir soul HAiabama. ' And who that is able to work wantstosaythat his work is done? Rather let us work and wait, so t hat the epi taph that is written on tbe flat stone over the grave of tbe sol dier of Padue mny le written o- ver onr grave Selected. MORTGAGE ALE OF LAND. Whereas, on the 7th day of Decern ber, 1904, J. H. Latham executed a mortgage deed to r . M. 1 nomas and J. D. Tnomas, which is regis tered in the office of the Register of deeds for Watauga county in Book L, at page 177 8. Said mortgage being executed and delivered to the said F. M. and J. D, Thomos to indemnify a .id save them harmless by reason of the endowment of note for the said J. H. Latham to t'ae Bank of Ashe at Jefferson. N,C. for the sum of f 1,200, dated the 7th day of December, 1904 and renew, ed by the party on August the 8th 1905, And whereas default was made by the said J. H. Latham tn the payment of the full amount of the said note. and. whereas, on the 7th day of March, loots, the said M andJ.D. Thomas was compelled to pay, and did pay, to the said Bank of Ashe, at Jefferson, si. v., the balance of said note, amounting to the sum of six hundred and seven tv six dollars and eighty cents ($676.80). Now, therefore, by vir. tue of the power of sale conferred on the undersigned, by said mort. f we will sell at public auction hi thf court house doer in Boone in Watauga county, between thp hours of 10 o clock a. m.. nnd 3 o clock p, m. on the 6th day of July 100S the land conveyed and described in said mortgage to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy the said amount of $676,80 with interest and cost of sale. Haiq land being ues' crided as follows: Lying in Wat nuga county, N. C. on the waters of Cove Lreek, in rjove Ureek town ship, and being the lands purchas. ed by said J. H. Latham from the heirs of Landrine Eggeis. deceased and bounded as follows: Beginning on a beech tree between said Lan derine Eggers and Ransom Eggers on top of the ridge by the roadside and runs south 63NW. 30 poles to a birch, then N. 41. W. 26 P. to an iron wood, then S. 45 W. 2o P, to a mahogany, then N. 700 W . 13 r. to an ironwood, then fH. 50 f . to a stake then 8. 400 Y. 26 r. to hickory, then W. l P. to the top of tne ridge, then with the top ct the ridge a N. E . course 66 P. to a water oak Davis comer, then S 20 P. to a stake, then S. 800; E. 27 P. to a beech, then S lo E. ro Y to a maple by the roadside, then up hftid road 74 P. to a dog wood, then K. 24 V. to a chestnut stump, then S, 770 II. 73 P. to a sugar tree, then . Ho l. to kllison s treek, then down said creek 124 P. to a bunch if hazel bushes, then N. 20P W4 4, P. to the beginning, containing 136 acres, more or less. One-sixteenth of the above described land is re served from this sale. This May 27 1908. F.M.Thomas, J,D. Thomas, Mortgagees tr3 Si! tit AVegclahk Freparalionfor As slmOatlng iheFoodandRcgula ting the Stomachs arslBowels of Promotes DigedtionJCheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither OptrnMorphine nor Mineral KotXaxicotig. JbcSmmm A perfect Remedy forConstipa tlon. Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish nrss and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. war copy or wrapper. A Simple Remedy Oardui ia a Durelv veeetable extract, a simple, non-intoxicating remedy, women, ot all ages, lor womaniy pains, irreguuimy, falling feelings, nervousness, weakness, and any other form of sickness, peculiar to females. TARE CAS! Jf It Will Mrs. A. C. Beaver, of Unicoi, Route No. 1, Mar bleton, Tenn., writes: "I suffered with bearing down pains, feet swelled, pain in right side, headache, pains in shoulders, nervous palpitation, and other troubles I cannot mention, but I took Whie of Cardni and have found it the best medicine I ever used, for female troubles." TryCarduL AT ALL DRUG STORES The life ol a women whose hus band has no bad habits must be rather monotonous. FOR SALE. Ninety acres of fine grass lands, having on it a good Darn and three acres of fine orchard, the" trees all bearing, (jnc splendid farm near the town of Montezuma, containing 54 acres in timber the remainder in fine timothy. Also a good twelve-room j hotel, well furnished, in the town of Montezuma two lotf, a cottage, barn, cellar, poultry house, spring house and fine running water, all goes 'ogether. Come and see me at once or you will lose a bargain. J. C. CARPENTER. MoDtezuma, N. C. 4-a3-3m- The Charlotte Obsenrer. THE LARGEST AND BEST. NEWSPAPER IN N.C. Eveijr Day in the Year $8. a Year,. The Observer consists of 10 to i? pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sun day. It handles moie news matter, local, State, national and foreign than an other North Caralina news paper. TUE SUNDAY OBSERVER, is unexcelled as a news medium aud is also filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. . SEMb WEEKLY OBSERVER, issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1. per year, is the largest paper for the money in this section. It consists of 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news f the weeklocal, State, na. tiona and fcreign. Ac tress, THE OBSERVER CO. . CHARLOTTE N, C. ilTrfiiilft ' 11 M For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ( Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years Hi recommended to girls and J Help You Denver boasts of the purest' drinking water in the world, but it did not use that argument in securing the democratic national convention. I promptly oMalnd In ll emnlrlM, or HO rtf . TRADI-MARKt, M and t'opfrighu icgl tarod. Sen4 bkoti-h. Mortal Of r&Ao. (or fm rDOrt on ritentatu "r. all i iimiii I exclDjlrely . SurpaMtna referencta. STIHOTIV COMFIOINTIAL. I'blixl Bfuiia I niumwaao inreniora aoouia nam em nana book on How to obuta ana Holl patenu, tv hat in tenl 10 na will pay-How to frlaparttwr.and 01 tin TaloaUa Iptormatlon. font bpe toaoraodraaa. D, SWIFT & GO, am csvBPtn St., Washington, u. C. a-vv We proiiiptly obtain ti. and Foreign f Has Scud mo4el, sketch or photo ol ioTrntlon lot free report cm tntentarj Uty. For free book, KmRADE-MARKS W Opposite U. a Patent Office laifavx Tin i-itiiTi 1 1 n nit 1 WASHINGTON D.C. 14. 60 YEARS Jraw f, EXPERIENCE ,4 Traoc Marks rffli' CoMrmaHTB An. m lJ- UtaiONB . i "P" w,"1l"f rtaifb an Morlpt)na my aaicklv aaoeruia our oplnlnn ftM wliatlw an Jl ". Oldeat aaanor for aocuriucuuaiiu. ajMcMaatUa, without ctuima, talba Scientific Mean. Akaadaonairlllnitntia, M,T. I.rnt rlr OQlaUon of anf auienuus lonnial, Varnia, t a, Il'?wtlu.i. SoMbriiliMwadwIara. P Waf V-'2XU 'K e- KU '-J mM AFi 011 ',Tl Csi the ' at I 1

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