The Watauga Democrat. Enteiedat the Post office at Boone, N. C, as second tlass mail matter. . subscription bates: One year. .u... f l.OO. Mx Months.....;. .50. Three months.... .25. Ad verthmgrates furnished on application. , LOCAL NEWS. Daily raina for the past Week. Drummer Price was in town Tuesday. Dr. Lawrence Coffey, of Cald well, yisted relatives in Boone this week. Biahpp Horner and son, Ju nius, are at Valle Crucis for two weeks vacation. Mre. I very, of Hickory, is vis iting her father and mother Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Davis in Boone. The public school for this district will open next Monday morning. Patrons, take notice. A number of new names were added to the list by the pension bpard last Monday. Ex-Sheriff W. H Calaway re- turned lrom a visit to Jefferson Tuesday. He lost one of his fine horses with colic while gone. All persons indebted to me will please make payment by the 20 th. I am bound to collect. Please heed this notice. D. J.Cot- trell. . Deaconess Eva and Deacon eesJMary, of the Episcopal church, after a week at Blowing Rpck, are at Valle Crucis fora few days Sorry to hear of the death of the little child ofMr. fjand Mrs. Frank; Edmisten, of Blowing Rock, which occurred last Saturday. The faithful old family horse belonging to Mr. John Stanbury died Monday, and her death is deeply deplored by the children as well as by the older members . of the family. Fair warning is hereby given to all persons that promiscuous shooting: must be stopped in the town. Numbers of complaints have been made to me about this and it must be stopped. J. C. Fletcher, Mayor. Rev. Cherry and family, of Broad River circuit, have been spending a few days at the home of Mr. A. A. Hix, on New River, the father of Mrs. Cherry. They left for their home Tuesday inor- The County singing and in stallation of the Masonic offi cers brought quite a large crowd to town Saturday. The court house was filled to its greatest capacity. Deportment on the part of some, common indeed. 'The work of the school this year has been gratifying to the teachers. The deportment of the students about the town has been very fine indeed, The "era . of good feeiing" has truly been in our midst this summer. Mrs. George Barnes, who liv ed one mile westi of town, died early Tuesday morning leaving ;a husband and several children. . She was a member of the Metho dist church and, so far as we know, was a good christian wo man. Last Wednesday evening Master Tracy, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Councill, swung from a small pine, fell on his left arm and broke it just above the wrist. The little fellow is getting on nicely, and will doubtless have the full use of his arm again in a short time. : Mr. Roy Reese, son of Mr. Welbome Reese, of Heaver Dam, wns married last Saturday to Miss Julia Justice. The bride is a! sister of Mrs. John Sherrill, and Is a very attractive young lady. The Democrat' extends congrat-! .vikutyneV'-, . - , .' ''''(. ': :- " ;' mm M.i.r.i lit,, ,iini ii ( . m it u Prol. Brooks, of Trinity Col lege, delivered a very able and practical address before tho stu dents of the Training school last Friday. It will be long remem bered by the student body and others who were fortunate en ough to be present. Dr. B. F. Dixon, State Audi tor, will deliver the address be fore the graduating class of the A.T.S. on Friday, July 24th. Dr. Dixon is easily one of t h e first orators of North Carolina. His addresH will be worth going many miles to hear. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, of Charlotte will be in Boone at the Critcher House, on Friday, July 17th, and at Banner Elk on Sat urday, July 18th. One day only. His practice is limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit ting Glasses j Poplar Grove Singing Class does hereby challenge any choir in the county to a contest in vo cal music. Any class accepting this challenge will name the place and select half the pieces and we will select the other half in any book they may choose in shape notes. W. B. Green, Leader. By an oversight last week we failed to note that Mrs. Mollie Harlin and little daughter, who have been in Watauga for more than a year, left for Pruden, Ten nessee where they joined husband and jfather in their new home. Mrs. Ray, mother of Mrs. Harr lan, accompanied them and will make her homethere. The types made us say last week iu one place that the mis sionary meeting would be held with Beaver Dams church the 19th. when it should have been the 10th, As the day and date is correct farther on in the pro gramme we hope the error will not cause any confusion in the gathering. Dr. George Merriman, of Lake Coroo, Penn., was married on the 2nd inst. to Miss Mollie Blair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Blair, of Boone, in Wilkesbarre, Penn. Miss Blair was a trained nurse for several years in Scran ton and met. Dr. Merriman in her work in the north. She has many friends in this county who will be interested in her marriage and wish her much happiness in her A rabid dog has created con siderable excitement on Cove Creek, and little wonder it is. A cow belonging to J. B. Horton, has died from the effects of a bite, and one belonging to Hard Mast was raving mad, Tuesday evening from the same cause and trying to bite everything in sight. The dog was killed later, and now the idea is to make a clean sweep of the dogs and a vert farther trouble. The little boy prisoner By- num Holaclaw, who made his es cape from the county jail a few weeks ago, was re-arrested and again placed behind the bars last week. About sundown Monday evening this young criminal in knee pants, tiring of the narrow confines of his prison cell, made another dash for liberty, but af ter a lively chase he was overta ken by the jailor and is again be moaning his fate in the prison cell. He is a handsome youth of 15 summers, rather small and is very bright. It seems that he has a perfect mania for stealing. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby annnounce mvself a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Watauga county, subject to the action of the Re publican County Convention to beheld in Boone on Saturday, August the 1st, 1908. W.S.HARMAN. Ata Wilson for Sheiiff. Mr. FniTon: I have noticed the name of Mr. Asa Wilson mention ea several times in your paper for sheriff. Boys, let's give him the position for he merits it. There are about twenty out for the office, all good men, but sev eral of them have had offices and I think by turn CoveCspek town ship should have a sheriff, as Mr. Wilson is one of Watauga's best citizens, I don't think we could better him. I am in favor of nom inating a man like Wilson, who doesn't seek office but lets office seek him, and not a sore-headed Democrat who has spent the last four years seeking office. A. P. GLENN. Vilas, C. 7-9-1 t. Coach Colt Show, The Coach Horse's Colt Show will be held in Boone on August the 17th. This is the date of the farmers' In stitute. Come out everybody and see the colts and also learn something about farm ing. 1 he best colt wins the fifteen ($15.00) dollars. V E. E. SHIPLEY. JURY LIST. Following is the list of jurors drawn for the fall term of Wa tauga Superior Coort: First week: T L Day, D M Shook, M E Iriplett, Alfred Wat son, David Fox, F M Thomas. G A Greea, G H McGlanaery, J H Shipley, TM Jones, HE Deal, J H Presnell, J C Henson, W W Bass, D C Williams, A B Cook, S S Norris, H H Farthing, Chas. B Coffey, R A Combs, Geo- Phil lips, W W Blackburn, G C Green, L W McGuire, W M Eller, A H Winebarger.J P Cook, Holden Davis, G W Caudell, R L An drews, J W Main, W J Farthing, J M Payne, Wm. Cofley, W P Edmisten, W P Moody. Second week: G C Winkler, No ah Winkler, Jolui Stanbury, J S Ford, W S Miller, R A Adams, i B Matney, J S Ragan, J M Cor nell, J C Ashley, Ira Brown, J W Trivett, J L Thomas, Dudley Green. M L Younce, J F Eggars, E F Chapel and A J Tester. OA.MTORXA. Bn u jfk Ilatf Yh Dm Ahnn latf THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal And Industrial College MAINTAINED BV TJIE STATE FOR THE EDUCATION OK THE WOMEN OF NORTH CAROLINA, r'our regular Courses that lead to D'ereea. Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts, and Domestic Science and in the Commercial Department. Free Tution to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Car. olma. Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of text books, 1 170.00 s year, For free-tuition students tiiq. 00 a vear. Those desiring to enter should apply as early a possible, The cap- my 01 me uurmuories is limited, Fall Session begins September 15, 1908. For catalogue and other information address. , J. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N C, Highland Gay, Junior, . THE AMERICAN STANDARD BRED STALLION, ' OWNED BY THE WATAUGA SADDLE HORSE ASSOCIATION. This horse was purchased from KEYS BROS., of Mary ville, Ohio. at a cost of f 2,700, and his services will be offered during the sea son under the skilfull management of 3. H. Hayes. All precautions will betaken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. HIGHLAND GAY, JR., Registers No. 2,027: is a jet black with three white feet, standing 15 bands high and weighing 1,000 ftm. PEUIGKISE-Highland Gay No. 1149: grandsire Highland Den- mark No. 730; Dam Massie No. 4046 by Blue Grass Squirrel No. 1207, a dam of King Richard by Powhatan No. 85. Terms To insure colt to stand and suck, twenty-five dollars. For particulars call on J. H. Hayes or phone him at his residence at Vilas. THE WATAUGA SADDLE HORSE ASSOCIATION. May 14, 1 m HOTICR. North Carolina, Wtauru oountr. In th 8a perior Court. W. L. Brvtn n. John H. Cook Bv Tlrtueol in execution dlrctid to the under- iirnea from I he superior Court of Watauga couu tyiD trie, aoove eatitkta action, I win ou Hon day, (he 8rd dar ot Aumiot. 1908. at 13. . Ii at the court home dour ol eald xninlT, oell to the bighnt blddei for tash to aatiHfy laid execu tion, all th Tight, title and Interest which the Mia Jonu u. umiK. deieuaant, had in the follow in real etwte, to wit: Lying and being .in the am county ana Kate ana la xioone townnnip, and ad toliiliig the lands of Leonard Cook, John unoi ana ouiert and bounded it loilnwi, begin ling vji i hiwh unwi. mmwu VIAJK uuuiQr, and runeaouib with bit Hue 64 polee to a itake iu me uuniic roan, men norm-west witn wia iom lix Dole to Make in John Cooi'i line. then eaH with aatd line SO Dole to tbe beeln nlnnnini (outlining 15 acres more or lee. Thla JUiy 7, ItOH.-JOHN W. HODGES, BBerertH. The Home Milling Co To the Merchants of Wa- tauga County: WE WANT YOUR TRADE. Our leading brands. "SNOW FLAKE" and .PIEDMONT VALLEY." Our Guaruntee. 100 per c e n t . PURE EVERY BAG FULL WEIGHT. To Back Our Guarantee: OUR REPUTATION. Give Us Your Order for FLOUR. HOME MILLING CO.. Depot Street, Lenoir, N: C. T. F. SEEH0RN, Manager. 6-4; WANTED. M. F. Hopkins, of Elk Park, N. C, wants 5.000 pounds of nice, fresh butter. Will pay 12 cts. per pound cash. Pack in candy pails or lard tubs; don't care about having it in cakes. Will sell you a full patent flour at $2.75 per hundred; has t h e best line of shoes in the county at right prices, and the greatest selection of dry goods. Samples of dress goods mailed to parties writing for same. He is anxious for your trade. Meadow Machinery. McCormick and Oeborno Mow ers, Rakes, etc. Also full line of repairs on hand. Write me or come and see me. No freight. u - Bring your wagon and get an outfit cheaper than you can bay on thc-rtiilroud. W.E. SHIPLEY, V ; . . VCrucb, N C. YOU CANT READ THIS Without being again reminded that there is something you need in the HARDWARE line. We have TEN THOU SAND square feet of floor space and almost every inch of this contains something the farmer needs, we have a big ger and better selected stock this year than ever before, and the fact that we are the largest HARDWARE deal ers in this section of the country, enables us to buy under our competitors. We are making a special effort, not to increase our pro fits, but to increase our volume and by so doing it has en abled us to sell many articles at less than the small deal er pays for them. Glad to show strangers through our entire stock and our customers are always at home in our store. London Stoffel Hardware Company (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto is "to keep what the Ptople"' Want.' Bast Boone Is the place to go when you are" in need of Dry Goods, No. tions, Orocerics, Standard Pat ent Medicines, etc, SOMETHING TO EAT Flour, Bacan, Lard, Sugary Cof fee, Rice and Canned good., Tobacco, Cheroots, Candies in the greatest variety.,..,.,,,.. , SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I always keep in stock a full linf of School Supplies, such stationery of al kinds, inks, pens, pencils, crayons, in fact, almost anything used In thf school room,, ,.........,. WANTED Fresh butter, eggs, all kinds of grain for which 1 will pay good prices,,.,,, , Thanking yon for your patonagf already received and hoping to mef it it in the future, I am, Very Respectfully, L. L. CRITCHER (Near 8chool Campus.) 1 Vfift tr Te a SHERWOOD HAS JUST RECEIVED HI3 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. wrioht, pm. w. p. dcngan, v. r. i. a. rah bo, a,' catMtfr. MERCHANT & TRADERS BANK, j tffloimtam 6ityf tfennessee, Transacts a General Banking Business. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $50,000.00. STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. W. Wright, I S. Rambo, R. F. Wrfcht, E. E Butler, I. S. DonnllyH, T. D. Wills R .E. Donnelly, J, N. Wills, W. T. Smythe, G Butler, B. R. Brown, H. B, Wills and Wm. H. Wilson. NON STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. G. But!.. T. H. Sutherland, L, H. Hawkins, w. S. Cole, J. D. Rob inson, W. F, Shull, M, E, willson, John H. Bingham, c. j. pauliek, president. o. M. suddebth, cashier. BANK OF BLOWING lUH li. BLOWING ROCK, N.C. This Institution pis offering its patrons every facility consistent with safe Banking. We buy and sell exchange, discount commercial ca pers and give our customers every convenience of Banking Business. We pay four per cent; interest on time deposits. No account too large or too small for us to handle. Call in and see us when convenient, or write us. We are always glad to meet you. h. WILSON, rresident. aARnv daily, cashier, MITCHELL COUNTY BANK Capital and Surplus ..25,000.00. Resources....... , $200,000,00. To merchants and farmers who desire better banking facilities, we respectfully offer our services. With our large reserve we can carry any account, no matter how LARGE or how SMALL. We also issue demand certificates of deposit on which we pay 4 per cent. Get one of our steel savings banks and begin to save part of yonr money. ' :' , ' I can show you the pretti est line of Ladies' Dresl Goods I have ever been abli to show. I have all tha new things in Ladies' WHITE GOODS including Persian Lawn, In dia Linens, etc. etc. Spring Suitings in the different Shades. Yard Wide- Percals, 12 1-2 cents the yard. Th4 85 cent kind India Linen at 25 cents. Big lot of Ladies' Hats in the latest designs. Men's and boys fur, wool and straw Hats. Good things to eati Calif fomla peaches, prunes, ap pie butter, preserves, toma toes, Corn and peaches. Best package coffee on the mar ket at the price. 16c. per lb Come and examine m y goods and prices, and then if you want to buy I wilUurf make the prices right Come and see. Yours For Business, W. F. SHEftWOOD. Amantha, March 19, At Cottreliy .... . You will find every article marked at Bargain Figures, and when I say that I mean it. If it is Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Shoes, Rubber Goods, or anyhing else along this line, yon will save some mon ey on every purchase by tra ding with me. Remember if I do not sell you bargains in anything you want 1 will see that some other merchant does, A good line of Confections, Stationery, etc, always on hand. I pay the highest prices for butter, eggs, grain of all kinds, and give in exchange goods at Cash prices. jn. B. A beautiful china Souvenir plate , given .with each $2.00 purchase, Yours for trade, D, Jones Cottrell, (At the R. M. Green old tand,) DeWitl'i Kldatr ud BlaiMir Pills .FOR BACKACHE