vol.. XX BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C THUKSD AY AUGUST .6. 1908. NO. 1L. x if X ! s PROFESSIONAL. L.D.IME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. 'Will notice in the court W ofanv IUifriJkll an1 arfimninry I if ihuk vaiAts witu nviivtiiiufL I ' JOUnties. 7 "7 ; Todd & Ballou. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice in all the courts- Special attention given to real estate jaw anxcoiiscwons. 6-15-'07- EDMUND JONES k v . T. V lV.lf i LENOItt. N. 0, Will Practice Regularly the Courts of Watauga,, .6-107. ' ' F. A. JLINNEY, -AtTOBNET AT LAW, BOONE, N. C. Will practice, in the courts of ths 13th Judicial District in all matters of a civil nature. ,6-11-1007. j.cfletcherF Attorney Law, pftnMt v n ' '. Careful attention glvn to .collections. W.BLOVILL ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOOM, N C Special attention given to all basine8 entrusted to his care." . . , . ' : 7-9-'08. A, A. Holsclaw, AT iORNEt AT LAW 1 ' Mountain City, Tennessee. Will practice to all the courts of Tennessee, btare ana eaeqai. Bpecial attention given to coi- Iwions and all oher matters of a legal nature, m ..ii. M4.r,,,Da . ii m i uriuencuuitvui i uvudvi Oct. 11, 1907,ay. L S. GUFFEY If -ATlORNEi Al LAW,- BOONE, N. C- Prompt attention given to u mflttprn of a leiral nature, UB - Abstracting titles and jt t7, ;mo o onia 1. ' ' 1.V07. TO THE PIjfeLIC. I have the beet eauinned watch renair shop in the State. My ma- terial is all first-class. Fine R. R. watcnes especially uuiuoiru ouu goes with every watch repaired by me No matter what yon want T .haVe it no eruees. no botch, Yourswatch is cleaned and re- Y-iZh Boone. N. C , ' J.W.BRYAN, Graduate Wach-maker & Jeweler, R. Ross Donnelly. .UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER . SHOUJTSL Tennessee, Ha Varnished and Glass ' White Coffins: Black Broadcloth and White Plush Caskets; Black and White Metalic Caskets Robes, iShoes and Finishings, Extra large Coffins and Cns iketa always on hand. 'Phone or. der8 given special attention. ' R. ROSS DONNELLY. DeWitt'a Kidney and Bladder PlHa FOR .BACKACHE Taft'i Address and IU Significance. (News and Observer ) Taft has spoken. The upeech whose forth-coming haa been her nlfad frki uroolra naof. Vina hoon Aa- livered. The nominee of the Re- puDin party jor me presiuen- I Atr Vi an laAn Mrrto1t tr rift rf v i t i his nomination and has dehver- pH his. nrirlrpf.snf AvpntA.nv. And the address is not without signi ficance. In fact, few addresses have been heard in these years that were fraught with signifi cance so momentous in import to the nation. ' But wherein lies this great sig- niflcanc? The answer in implied in another question: Who was it that spoke? It us see. Taft is the nominee of his party fpr the greatest office in the world, nom inated by the party that named andelw!ted the present incum- bent in trat office an offlse whose occupant, according to the fun dameutal principles of our gov ernment, is a servant of no man, but the servant of all the people, to receive the dictates ol no man i but to obey the will of the whole people Now what is his first Bignifi cant act after his nomination? He goes to a summer resort and get! nimseii Dusy w write an au ' I t . l A- ?i .J dress to be delivered in response to thespeech of notification JJoes oe wnie tne senumenra o his own mind? Perhaps so. but logically hi mind is subservient to the will of his political crea tor. Like the faithlul Christian "lives and moves and has his being" in the will of hit Master, so this Rooseveltian begins his career in connection with the Presidency, his every thought the idea that in the wiil of the master at Oyster Bay he lives and moves and has his being. But it is not alone in the draft ing of the speech that he must voire this sentiment. When it is romplfted at length Roosevelt ian in length,' containing over 12,000 words he hies himself to Gyster Bay to submit the manu- ecript to his master to whom he . r . ,,... , . - ,s under all obligates for h , s political existence, that him t whom he faitfully serves and hopes to server capacity, may read, ' paragraph by paragraph modify at will, cut and eliminate a passage here and there an fa sert here a word and there aline to bring the entire deliverance in to perfect harmony with "my politics, 1 hen away to uncin- . - , natti to aenvertnis message iresn irora tne oracie oi wysrer uay. I aruiafK? Firaf an A sat n nrt n il t.hft way through it throbs with the life of him who made its deliver- ance possible-Roosevelt. It is but a proclamation of "my poli cies" Out of all the 12.000 words an more two brief sentences re- u ,.u; o-frfn no more Taft that speaks duu twoseven wnose mentHe uo came to deliver. And. incidental- hy jf you please .behold the tre- mendous advantage to Roose velt, the author, over what would accrue if be himself deliyered the address. He Bays what he would sav and more. Whereas if be were present on the platform in per son the proprieties of the occa 8ion would limit the magnifying of his own name to the procla- mation and advocacy of "my policies"; as it is, while he lounges collarless on the lawn about the tion's"Bummer throne, the nation is listening to the address pre pared by his subordinate; criti cised, modified and o. k'd by bim self, and composed largely of ful some praise to his own name! Do the annals of American history show a parallel? ' Taft announces in uie ou rset that the strength o! the cause of lie Republican party lies in the raaintainance of tbf Roosevelt policies. Moreover, he is bold to proclaim that the work ot the next administration will consist in cliuching the- progress made by Roosevelt in carrying out his policies'' and in pushing to com pletion and putting into opera tion the machinery planned by oosevelt., The deliverance is significant, then, in that it lays down to a tree people who lor 130 years have elected officers to serve them, the proposition of self pr pituity in office. It niarkn the be ginning of jvhat the Republicari party, under the power of Roose velt, hejd by Federal patronage, w;ouldmakea new epocD in A- merican history an epocn in which the president oppoints bis successor on condition of prom ise to obey his will, so that he tiirasplf may still exercise the ex- ecutive powers of the govern ment without the burdens and re ponsibilitiea incident thereto and without the embarrassment of .being held ameanable to the people for his conduct. Will rou support such a pro position?. Can you vote for a man for a great office who is merely the hollow echo of anoth er's views? :. Why Jamei Je Got Well, Everybody ,in Zanesville, O., know Mrs. KJary Lee. of rural route 8. She writes! "My husband, Jurtes Lee, firmly believes he owes his life to the use Dr. Kings New Discovery. His lungsAvere so se verely affected that consumption seemed1 invitable, when a friend re commended New Discovery, We tried it, and its use has restored him to perfect health." Dr. King's New Discovery is the king of throat and lung remedies. Foi coughs snd colds it has no equal. The first dose gives relief. Try it. Sold under guarantee by all druggiets. 50c and $1, Tral bottle free. An Elkin correcpondent to the Charlotte Observer said: Over $100,000 will be paid out from Elkiathis season for blackber ries. The Elkin Canning Coinpa nies have already sent out from here over 800,000 cans and the crop is not yet half gathered. The street in iront of the ware houses of these concerns are blocked daily with wagons which bring in filled cans and carry out empties. It is safely estimated that the berry crop ol this sec tion will bring more money than the .tobacco crop and when we take into consideration that the berries grow wild and cost noth ing but ,the picking and there are enormous profits to a farmer on a crop that a few years ago was wasted, Excellent Health Advice. Mrs. M. M. Davison, of No. 379, Gilford Ave. San Jose Cab, says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family reme dy, for head ache, bUliousness and torpor of the liver and bowels is. so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor, for the benefit of those seek ng relief from such affic'ions. There is more heulth for the diges. tive organs in a bottle of Electric Bitters than in any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. Sell-mastery is half of all mor ality. ' . , For Sore Feet. ' 1 have found Bucklen's Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W Stone of East Poland, Me. It is the' prper too for piles Try it. Sold under guarantee: by all druggists. 35c, Confederte Renmoa at Winston-Salem The citizens of Winston-Salem, with that splendid spirit of en terprise and generosity, that has ever characterized them, are ma king elaborate. and extensive pre parations for the entertainment of the Confederate veterans on August 19th and 20th which is the time fixed for the State reun ion of the ''Boys in Gray." It is the purpose of the vari ous committees having the mat ter in hand to give the old heroes such an enjoyable time that they will carry with them to their homes the pleasantest recollec tions of their visit to the Qneien City of the Piedmont. The gates of the city will be thrown wide open to the "Old Guard." The locks will be ,taken -frorh.'t h e doors, the watch dogs will be muzzled. 1 he police department will be suspended omcH .will be thrown open, and the bid fel lows will be welcomed with open hands and a glad heart. Old com rades will welcome old comrades Sons of veterans will be glad to grawp the hands of their father's friends. Kind ladies, daughters of the Congederacy, smiling maid ens, all will do their parts to con tribute to the happiness and com fort of the veterans during, their stay ft the city. ' . V Winston-Salem .does nothing Jn a public way on a umatt scale. The occnsion of the State Heun ion will be made a notable one in the history of the wide-awake city. Comraitttees are at workar ranging details of the interesting event. Comfortable sleeping quar ters will be arranged. ' There, will be plenty to eat and drink and there will be 8 o m e thing going on all the time to a muHe the veterans, and every thing possible will be done to make them feel at home. Among the number of distin guished speakers for the occa sion will be a nephew of Gen. R. E. Lee. THE RISE OF A BOY. This boy goes to his business, and at businesss begins by simp ly doing the things he is told to dc, and doing them in a common and ordinary way. If he stops here, he remains alife-ltfng d rudg. But if he begins to see that busi ness siiiniflcance, that his life is not merely in gweeying the store, not merely writing letters, not merely selling goods; if he begins to 8p that business is a greater instrument of beneficence, that trade is clothing thousands o! men where charity clothes ten, that agricultural and milling in dustries are feeding thousands of men where charity feeds ten; if he begins to see how the whole his tory of the world is linked to gether, and is God'a way of buil diugup humanity and serving humanity as he gets this larger interview, and enters into it, life is enriched and becomes itself the minister whereby love is enlarg ed and conscience, is strengthen ed, the school wherein he w edu cated out of the lower into the higher. Lagrange Sentinel. , . The little attacks of stomach trou be and stomach disorder will un doubtedly lead to chronic dyspepsia unless you take something for a suf ficient time to strengthen the stom ach and give it a chance to get wel If you take Kodoi in the beginning the bad attacks of dyspepsia will be avoided, but if 'you allow these little attacks to go unheeded jt will take Kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condition again Get a bottle of Kodol today. Sold by J. M. Hodogesi ' DiWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burnt, Sore. Mo Hope Except in Democracy. Richmond Journal. What the Republicans mean by "tariff revision" is already be ginning to transpire. Chairman Tayne, of the Ways and Means Committee, will not, it is under stood, call together his commit tee until after the election. But the general outline of the scheme of revision which this committee was directed to pre pare and submit on the re-as sembling of Congress next win ter has became known in spite of the efforts of secrecy. According to the Journal of Comraerre, it consists ol little more than a general smoothing off and rounding out of the pres ent schedules. No serious or radical reduc- tion is contemplated or even dreamed of and if the Repubh cans should 'win, it is idle to ex pect any more than a pretence of revision, if, indeed, the sum to tal of their pretended revision does not add up more "protec tion." Ephriam was never more firmly joined to his idols than is the Republican party to "Protec tion." It has never had but two excuses for existence the aboli tion ofjelavery and the imposi tion of "protection.', The first issue ha been dead for forty years; but the other, ' ptotec tion," will be a live issue for for ty years to come if the Republi can party should remain in pow er so long. It can no more be ex pected to relieve the country 01 the abomination of "protection" than a rational man could be ex pected to saw ofl the limb on which he was sitting. There is no hope against the monster of 'pro tection except in Democracy Summer complaints and other se rtous ailments common in hot wea ther Can be traced to the stomach nine cases out often. Keep the sfom ach in good order right now by keeping a bottle of Kodol handy n the house all the time but especially during this month. Kodol whenever you feel that yeu need it. That the only time you need to take it JuBt when you need it; then you will not be troubled with soul stoni ach, belching, gas on the stomach bloating, dyspepsia and indigestion Sold by J; M. Hodges. There is no reason to doubt that the Democratic party has put its standard in the hands o! the very strongest champion in its ranks and if he cannot win in the campaign of 1908 no one else can. He is not only the strong est candidate that the party can lominate this year, but he is the strongest one the party could have nominated. The Denver ticket and platform Is strong in all essentials and from them 'we confidently augur the happiest results of the Democracy next November.-Petersburg Index-Ap peal. Does your back ache? Do you hava sharp pains in the side find the little part of the back? This is due, usually, to kidney trouble. Take Oe Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They will promptly relieve weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all Kidney and Bladder dis order. Sold by J. M. Hodges. 1 It is a good deal easier to shot out the sight of theworld'a need y than it is to evade your anBwer ability for them. There are many .imitators of De- Wi. r-.-k;...! Wttrh IT a 1 e " - " Salve but iust one orimna!. Noth- in else is just sood. In.int on Dr A C tt ffiy'S ! Witt's. It is clensmg, cooling and gadder trouble.' Mention this pspe soothing, Soldbjr J.M Hodges,; ;; ftSf Th.desirpd hpaven isnotreach ed by sailing before t he wind v BlffK BEP0ST. Following is a report of the coa. dition of the hank of Blowing Rock at Blowing Rock in the state of North Carolina, at the close of busv ness July 15th. 1908: ' besources: Loans and discounts $10,766.44, Overdrafts unsecured 346c Banking house 1,000.00, Furniture and fixtures . 1409,61. Due from b'ks and b'krs 4.179,15. Gold !oin 76. V. Silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 350 .5 J. National Bank notes and oth er U. S. Notes, , 700 00. Total.. 19,519.0a, LIABILITIES Capital stock 5 000.00. Surplus fund . ' - 38.90. Time certificates of deposit 4,034.59, Deposits subject to check 9.587.14. Cashier's checks outstandin' 947,40. Accrued interest due de positors ; 31.00. Total I19.519.03. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss : 1, U. M. auauenn. Cashier oi the above named bank, do solemnly' swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief ; ' U. M. Scdderth, Cathier. Correct Attest: C. J. Harlier, W. L. Holshouser, W. C. Lentz, Di. rectors. ' 1 r Subscribed nd sworn to before me this 37th day of July ., 1908: 3. B. Clark, Notary Public. BANK STATEMENT, Following is the report of the eon dition of the Citizen's Bank at Elk. Park, in the State of North Caroli na at the close of business July 15, 1908: ' . BESOTJRCX8 V ' '' Loans and discounss, $6,103.53. Overdrafts unsecured , 18673. i nrnlture and Fixtures . 683.03. Due from banks and b'nk'rs 4,903.26. Cash items, '4 5&. Gold coin ' ' 40,001 Silver Coin including all m5- ' nor com currency 1 " 11 1.67. National Bunk notes and , M other U, S. notes , 474,00. Total.. $13,634.71, LIABILITIES. 1, ' ,, Capital slock j , '. , 5,5I5-00' Undivided profits less cur- . rent expenses and tax paid ! 5 iS. Time certificates of deposit 1,45.00. Deposits subject to check 5,601,43. Total ......:............i3,624.7t. State of North Carolina, county of ' Mitchell, s s: I, W. H. Stapp, Cash- . ier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best o my knowl edge and belief W. 11. STAPP, Cashier Correct Attest: J, N. Pritchard, V. B. Bowers, A. P. Brinkley Di rectors. ' . , ' Subscribed and iworn to before me, this 3 1st dav of July, 1908. P. C. MANNING, Notary public. Often T&8 .Kidneys Are ' ( Weakened bj QYer-WorV Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Bkxxl. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to bf ir&ccu w we kiuiicjb, but ..now modern science proves that nearly all diiease have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. " ' The kidneys filter and purify the blood that it their work. . Therefore, when vonrkWneysai weak or out of order, yon can understand how quickly yonr entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fall to do it dUlT you are sick or " feel badlyi" begin Uking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because aa soon a your kidneys are well they will help 11 the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. . . 1 If you are aick yon can make no mis take by first doctoring yonr kidneys. Tha mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful enrca of the most distressing cases, and is told mi lt menta bv all druggists in fifty-cent. t ana one-ooiiar sue 1 bottles. You may havea aamula bottle at sms-ims. but remember the name, awamp-Kooc, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the es dress, Birghamtou, N. T., on every Dottj r 1 L? .. ' ' ' , ' ; t". 'fed'--' ' f -

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