The Vatauga Democrat. Entered at the Post office at Boone, N. C, as second class mail matter. subscription bates: . One year.. ........$ l.OO. Six Months .50. Ibree months............ .25. Advertising rates furnished on application.' LOCAL NEWS. It now seems high time that ,the Democrats are getting busy. Aftlr. and Mrs. W. C. Coffey are w ith relatives in Caldwell this week. . ' J. D. Councill-has been- very unwell for a few days, but is bet tor now. ' Glad to see friend McCoy Mor etz, of Hickory, in town this ,week.. . ; Rev, J. ILBrendall wdl preach at Blowing Rock next Sunday forenoon. ' Lawyer Fletcher leit. jester day, morning on a business trip tQpaiwbury, ' ( . A ' .'-A number o! the Training Schpol teachers left yesterday for a visit to Grandfather. " ' ' Dr. Little talks out in meet ing this week. His letter inlanoth er (jolumn explains itself. ;. The third Quarterly Confer ence for Boone circuit will beheld at Hopewell church on ' August ,32-23. ; ;r8o . far, they have failed to "strike lie'? at Mast, .but .thqse interested are not in the least dis . couraged. . " ',' Little Miss Jean Jones, oi Alleghany county, is with her v (brother, Dr. J. W. Jones, for a I our weens visit. sorrf to Know mat y uas uov trell is right sick at the home of ; his brother in Boone. His physi ' cian tells us, however, that he is smut? ueiwi. ' The Cole & Cooper Shows were pulled off here Tuesday, a - J l ! ! n4-4-..,Jl n -The exhibit was jairly tropd for a show of its class. Will Graybeal and family, of Waehiueton College. Ten- neHHee, passed through last week en route to Ashe county, for a lew days visit to relatives there, :-Mrs. Richard Gragg: and daughter, Miss Daisy, returned Moudar evening from a visit oi n. weak to Bluff Citv. Tenn. Miss Daisy goes in a few days to Hi briten, Caldwell county, to teach Miss Pansy Green, daughter of Rev George Green, a mission . ary to China, ii visiting at the home of her cousin, li. m. ureen 1 h vouns- lad v is a teacher m O 7 .-. the Lenoir graded (school. rrJ Arthur Wijlso, a graduate of the A T S, ' opened school at Sandy Flat (Cone, School) Mon; dav morning. Both the school and Mr. Wilson, are to be coa ,gratulated-good location, splen . did teacher. Lost, an the 18th ult.,be tweon Boone and Blowing Rock, a child's blue overcoat, trimmed in large pearl buttons. Finder .will please return to this office or Blowing Rock Mercantile lx. ana receive .reward, ' FOR SALE CHEAP: 100 acres " ql the finest land in Watauga "Countv at' Banner Elk. About ' 80 or 40 acres cleared bottoms "Address X. Y. Z., care Watauga DeraKrat, Boone, N. C Coach Colt Show, The Coach Horse's Col 1 Show- will be held in Boone . on Autmst the 17th. . This is thA Hate of the Fanners' In stitute. Come out everybody ''and Seethe colts and ' a 1 s o ; learn somathiher about farm ing. The beet colt wins the : fifteen ($15.00) dollars. - ' W,fJ.HIPLEY Mrs. W. A. Watson . is ma king an effort to get the little Blair children into the Barium Springs orphanage. Their condi- tjon at home is pitiful indeed, ab ject poverty and mother most critically ill. May the lady suc ceed and that quickly. All persons indebted me are hereby notified that settle ments must be made at once. I will, unless this notice is duly heeded, take immediate steps to collect all debts of more than six months' standing- Plseave yoursolves cost and me trouble by settling immediately. J. W. Jones, M.tD. .;" ' , James Benfleld, son of Mr. John Benfield. ol Blowing Rock, died on the 27th ult, at Greens boro of typhoid fever. His body was sent home for burial, and was to have been buried at Brushy Fork, but when it reach ed Blowing Rock it was deemed best to bury there at once. Our sympathy goes out to the famil ly in their awful sorrow. The young man was 24 years old- Editor Holbrook, of theljliek ory Democrat, has our deepest sympathy in the death of his ac complished and popular wife, which occurred Sunday morning ast. The jrood lady before her marriage taught at Shulls Mills, this county, and won very many friends who will hear of her death with much sorrow. A husband and three children, the youngest only two weeks old, survive her. As we are ready to cIobo our orms we are tola tuat uscar Hodges, son of Dr. Hodges, was right badly, if not seriously hurt this, Wednesday morning, by fall ing from and being run over by a wagon near Poplar Grove. His ather and brothers went to him at once, and we have heard notb- ng from him since. Hope kowev- er, is not so tsenousry hurt as first thought. Joseph Linney, of Alexander, a student here, went with his un cle, R. Z. Linney, to his moun tain home on Monday of last week, and spent the night there; Tuesday afternoon he decided to take a stroll to the Big Bald, a mile away, notifying his uncle that be would soon return. The darkness settled upon Mother Earth, and Joe failed to put m appearance. Days and nights came and went, dilligent search was instituted, but still no ti dings came from the wanderer. After about all . hopes of his re covery from the mountain fast nesses tad bfen abanoned, here came a letter from him from the St ate of Wilkes. We were all de ighted tha t the lost had been la oated. but the Hon. K. L. was much worried that the young fel low should keep in fiuch terrible suspense so long. J Montgomery Wellborne, of Transon, Ashe county, was a call er at this office Monday. He en tered his name on our list and informed us that should he be elected to the Senate this fall (he has already been nominated on the Republican ticke) two of his main objects will be to do more for the schools and put forth his best efforts towards securing rail road facilities for our mountain counties. These planks in his plat form we heartily endorse. Rev. Columbus Kenedy, the blind preacher who has been at the Blair House for a week or more left for his home at Mt Mourne, Iredell Co., yesterday. He preached twice while in the village and preached well. Tons, this Godly man fs a wonderful man. Born blind, his parents set about educating him and hav ing a very bright mind he took ft. He got a partial course at Davidson College' and a Theo logical course afterwards. For 73 years the old inau has travel ed ''Life's dusty way" without ever having seeo any of the beau ties God so lavishly scattered by the way, but, we love to believe that when its all over, the eyes that saw not on earth will least on the glories of the land where the inhabitants have no infernu ties, The Republican County Conrentioo. The Republican County Con vention held in Boone last Sat urday was ruottt largeiy attended as a good per cent of the best el ement ol the party werecandi dates for some Jf the various of fices in Watauga. Long before the convention assembed it was evident that there was much dis satisfaction among the faithful, and just as evident that a tem pest was brewing. The convention assembled and Thos. Bingham was elected tem porary Chairman and Roy M. Brown as temporary Secretary. The organization was made per manent, an4 the convention was declared ready for business. The first thing of interest was the withdrawal ol Dr. Hodges from the Legislative contest, notwith standing the fact that he came before the body with enough votes to give him the nomina tion on first ballot. Thin was brought about by a damaging report, said ,the doctor, set afloat by some ineniber or .members of his party, for the purpose of de feating him. His speech was lull of fire, and he must have made it clvar to the minds of bis hear ers that he prized reputation far more than he did the nomination for an offlce,-and hia election not a certainty at that. Dr. McD. Little tnen withdrew frqm the contest, leaving the field clear for the nomination of M II Norris, whieh was made on first ballot. A very pointed article in another .column from the pen of Dr. Little sets forth hte ideas of the convention and methods a dopted. The contest for Sheriff ,was sooo brought to a close, not, however, until ail of the other as pirants several pf the best men n the party had withdrawn, J C Herman coming in with ma- onty that would have nomina ted him on the first ballot, had all his opponents remained in the field. He was unanimously nom inated on first ballot. W N Thomas and Roy Critcher came into the conyention pitted 'or Treasurer, but Critcher with drew and Thomas was given the nomination the first pass. R W Gragg was nominated for Register of Deedsalter tho with drawal of Smith Harman, his on- y opponent. L A Green, Emsley Eggersand Thomas Day were uominated for Commissioners and Lucky Wea ver lor Coroner. Delegates to the State conven ion, M B Blaekburn, F A Lin ney, et al, were then elected af ter which the gathering:' was ad dressed at length by R Z Linney. It is useless to say that the ticket is composed of as good men as the party could scare up, of course that's true, but there has never been, so far as we can remember, so much dissatisfac tion openly expressed by Repub licans, as there is now over the tactics adopted prior to the con vention NOTICE. North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. Fall Terra, 101)8. Kobert Mast vs. J A Mast, administra tor of J J Mast, dee'd, Will W Ilolsclaw and J C Smith, sure ties. The defendant, J A Mast above named will take notice that an action eutitled as nbovahashppn commenced in the. superior court of Watauga connt.v to recover the sum of about $75.00 and in terest on the same due by the de- fendaut a intestate to the plain tiff in this action, same being due Dy note given 10 piaintin etuu 0 Mast decaesed; ana tne saia defendant will rurtner take no tice that he is required to appear at the next term of the superior court of BAid county to be held on the 14th day ol Beptember 1908. it being the second Mon day in said month, at the court honne in said county in uoone, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaiiitin,wiii apply to tne coori; tor toe renei aemanoen in nam complaint. This 28th day of Ju ly 1908 o Taos. Q. B 1 ngham C. S. C. J. C Fletcher, Att'y. OAOVORXA. . "W AN TED. M. F. Hopkins, of Elk Park, N. C, wants 5.000 pounds of nice, fresh butter. Will pay 12 f ts. per round cash. Pack in candy pails or lard tubs; don't care about having it in cakes Will sell you a full patent flour at $2.75 per hundred; has the best line of shoes in the county at right prices, and the greatest selection of dry goods. Samples of dress goods mailed to parties writing for same, for your trade. He is anxious CLAREM0NT FEMALE COLLEGE. HICKOR Y, N. C. Efficient Faculty. Superior Musical advantages, life under Christian influence. Beautiful location. erate rates. Opens September Address DAVENPORT COLLEGE, -FIFTY-FIRST SESSION. Begins Sept. 9th The attention of parents having daughters to educate is called to the many advantages of fered. Theschool is close to Watauga county that her citi zens may investigate it thoroughly. For catalogue ad dress THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal And Industrial College MAINTAINED BV TttB STATE FOR 1HB EDUCATION OF THB WOMEN OF .-. .v V. NORTH CAROLINA. t ow regular Courses that lead to D'grees. Special.Courses offered in Teaeher Training, Music, Manual Arts, nH Ttnmeftt'ic Science' and in the Commercial Department. Free Tution to those who agree olina. . . , . Board, lau ndry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of text books, 1 170.00 a year. For free-tuition students $135.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early a possible, The cap. acity of the dormitories is limited. Fall Session begins September 15, 1908. For catalogue and other information address. J, L FOUST, Prbsident, YOU CANT Without being again reminded that there is something vou need in the HARDWARE line. We have TEN TH0U- 0A1XL) square ieei 01 noor space ami auuuai, cvwy this contains something the farmer needs, we have a big ger and better selected stock this year than ever before, and the fact that we are the .largest HARDWARE deal er in this section of the country, enables us to buy under our competitors. 1 tt j- x a We are making a special effort, not to increase our pro fits, but to increase our volume and by so doing it has en abled us, to sell many articles at less than the small deal er pays for them. Glad to show strangers through our entire stocH and our customers are always at home in our store. London Stoffel Hardware Company (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto is "to keep W WR1QHX. Piw. W. P. DUNQAM, V. P. I. 8. RAM BO, C.hler, J. K. Wl Art. Cuhler. MERCHANT & TRADERS BANK. Mountain Gily, tfennessee, Transacts a General Banking; Business. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 950,000.00 STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS-J. W. Wright, I. S. Rambo, R. F. Wright, E. D. Wills ft .E. Donnelly, J. Butler, B. R. Brown, H. d. NOM STOCKHOLDING T, H. Sutherland; L. H. Hawkins, w. S. Cole, J. D. Rob tason, W. F. Shull, M. E, c. 3. pablier, president BANK OF BLOWING IIOCK. BLOWING ROCK, N.C. This Institution fis offering its patrons every facility consistent with safe Banking. We buv and sell exchange, discount commercial pa pers and give our customers eyery convenience of Banking Business. . We pay four pej ,cent interest on time deposits. No account too large or too small for us to handle. Call in and see us when are always glad to meet you. - Life without difficulties is but death. THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL. Fall Term opens Sep. 2nd. Board 6 to 8 per month. Free tuition to public school teachers. New boarding hall lor boys being erected. Largest sum mer term. Faculty increased lor new session. These thing" are said of the Trainine School More can be had by addressing Secre tary ol Faculty, Boone, N. C. Home Mod- the 9th, 1907. JOSEPH L MURPHY, Prisident. CHARLES C. WEAVER. LENOIR, N. C. tb teach in the school of North Car. Greensboro, N. C. READ THIS J 1 i. v.,, what the People Want." E Butler, I. S. Donnlly, H T. N. Wills, W. T. Smythe, J. C. Wills and Win, n. Wilson. DIRECTORS-J. G. Butler, willson, John H, Bingham. o. m. suddebth, cashier, convenient, or write us. we More Facts, I WANT MORE 'TRADIJ, And I am willing to make some extra inducements to get it. During the month of August I will offer some bargains in Dry Goods Cloth--, ing, Shoes, eic., that cannot be duplicated in the county. I will make a big cut on all Summer Dress Goods, Mens, Ladies and Childrens Oxford Ties at prime cost. Some great Bargains in CLOTHING. Ladies' summer hats at and below COST. Completaline of groceries at all times. Some good tobacco at 20 and 25 cents per pound. I want tocolect a lot of 4 money on accounts aunng thev month of August an$ am willing to offer some? in ducements for my customers to settle with me during the next SO days. I will allow 5 per cent, discount on all book accounts that are settled in full in cash during August. Come and see what I have to offer you in the way of (roods; and prices. Will always be glad to enow you. All Kinds 01 pro duce wanted at highest market prices. Yours For Business, W.F.SHERWOOD, Amantha, July 27. , , East Boone Is the place to go when you ai;e in netd of Dry- (oodi. No. tions, Groceriet, Standard Pat ent Medicines, etc. SOMETHING TO EAT Flour, Bacan, Lard, Sugar, Cof fee, Rice and canned goods . Tobacco, Cheroots, Candies in the greatest variety SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I always keep in stock a full line at achool supplies, such as stationery of all kinds, inks, pens, pencils, crayons, in tact, almost anything used in the school room, WANTED: Fresh butter, eggs, all kinds of grain for which I will pay good prices Thanking you for your patonage already received and hoping to mer it it in the future, I am, Very Respectfully, L. L. CRITCHER, (Near School Campus.) ' At Cottrell's You will find every article marked at Bargain Figures, and when I say that I mean it. If it is Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Shoes, Rubber Goods, or anyhing else along this line, yon will save some mop ey on every purchase by tra ding with me. Remember if I do not sell you bargains in anything you want 1 will see that some other merchant does. i A good line of Confections, Stationery, etc, always on hand. ' I pay the highest prices for butter, eggs, grain of all kinds, and give in exchange goods at Cash prices. ; N. B. A beautiful china Souvenir plate given with each $2.00 purchase, ; Yours for trade, D. Jones CottrelL (At he K. M. Green old stand.) find ol Per AW1W Relieves soar stomach piuiioBoftbehetrt Digests what you eat.

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