Watauga democrat. Published Every Thursday. Tit AT DEBT. . It is a Htball one. to be sure, and apparently not worth seri ous thought, why not pay It? Why be compelled o suffer the mortification of a dun? Why not take that little thorn outof your finger at once? It will fester if al lowed to remain and cause half the trouble. Why not relieve the conscience of that little load? . You contracted the debt know ingly and willingly. Did you mean to pay it? Certainly you did, then why not do it at once? Every day's delay increases mor ally the amount of your obliga tion. Remember, too that your Tittle debt and another man's lit tle debt and a thousand other men's little debts, make a little fortune for your creditors Ex. An announcement that will prove interesting to the medical profession generally and to the people of all sections of the state has just been made by the health department at Raleigh, to t h e effect that hereafter rabies will be treated at Raleigh after the Pas teur method; and that the State will offer this freatment to pa tients at actual cost. The News and Observer says that Dr. C. A. Shore, State biol ogint, has equipped the State Laboratory of Hygiene and now has it ready for the treatment of patients who have been bitten by mad idogs. He is prepared to make a diagnosis ol rabies from the brain of the animals and will treat the patient who has been bitten, with an assurance of re covery if the victim ot the bite is brought to the laboratory be fore the disease! has developed. Statesville Landmark. t. The Morally Stunted will take notice that snakes are more bold and dangerous since the advent of prohibition, just as they pre dicted. In Charlotte a few days ago a snake bit a colored man and it was so long before any pf the remedy could be found that the victim came near cashing in. And in Raleigh this week a'small boy, walking peacably along the street was attacked and bit by a snake. No mention is made as to the remedy in this case, but the fact that the snakes are going boldly into the towns, in the busy haunts of men, to attack people is evidence that the de scendants of that serpent which first deceived our Grandmother Eve are as wise as theirgreat an restor, and they are taking nd vantage ol the scarcity of the an xidote against tneir poison. -Landmark. Since May 23d Georgia peacl growers have shipped over the Southern ranroad to New York and other Northern market, 3, 840 cars of peaches, valued at 12,600,000, Each car contained on an average of 535 crates six baskets each, and each baa let contained approximately 20 peaches, therefore each crate con tamed 120 peaches; each car 54,200; and 8,840 cars, 214 428,000 peaches, or enough for every man, woman and child the United States to have two or three apiece. Charlotte News, Seven loads of corn were haul v eel from Alexander county to these two to ns and sold Tues . -S a. A-J . ay as ji per ousnei, wnicn To talis here now at $1.10 perbueb 1. It is said that corn is only ; 80 cents in Alexander county. It , has been Tears since corn sold here at $1 per bushel. No West ern grain has been shipped in on account of it being unusually ; ' Jrigb. . DeWitt's Little Eaily Risers, safe easy, pleasant, sure, little liver pills. . . f. $old by jti M Bodges. "' ; ' Coughs of Children Especially night coughs. Na ture needs a little help to quiet the irritation, control the in flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is clve the children Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral. 'Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. W publlak our formula y tram out medletnee Vfm binlak alookal yers W. urn 7 oau.ull your dootor If you think constipation is of trifling consequeoce, Just ask your doctor. He will disabuse you 01 tost notion in snort order. "Urrect it, at oncei" ne win sty. Tben ask him about Ayer's Pills. mud liver pin, au vetetaoie. KaH by tin J. C. Afmt Pp.. Lcwtll, William Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska, and John W. Kern, of ndiana, make up a strong team as tne democratic party could have entered for the presidential race. It possesses the merit some what unusual in recent elections, that the candidate for the vice presidency has the confidence of his party so fully that no appre hension would be felt il he should be called to the presidency, St. Louis Republic. While Kennedy's Laxati veCnugh Syrup especially recommended for children, it is, of couise, just as good for adults. Children like to take it because it tastr nearly as good as maple sugpr. Its laxative principle drives the cold from the system by a general, natural, yrt copious ac tion of the bowel. Sold by J, If. Hodges. No man has said amen to his prayers until he gets busy answer ing them. . The problem's of any day are the indications of the keeness of its conscience, v If a man expects a woman to be reasonable she, thinks he is unreasonable. No man is of much use in this world until he has found some thing more rfittraciye than his personal happiness. Cynicism is the atrophy that comes from refusing to realize our own ideals. The needy can better afford to miss your gifts than you can af ford to misa the giving. it is nam to see in what way au imputed rightounss is better than a borrowed reputation. Most things will coraeyour way if you go after them. Even a croon can hand out a straight tip if he wants to. Most people have too much o: one thing and tdb little of anoth er. , Swapping compliments is good deal like swapping green goods, Our follies give the doctors chance to make experiments at our expense. . OAOTOXtlA. Bnit2 tod tw Haw Kmjt Bosfl The wife of the shiftless man al ways has an excuse for him.. He means well. ROANOKE, V As the teuclier so is the school. 1 We have the teachers. Businens j men know it. They want ouri fraduates, Bookkeeping, Short ' and, Typewriting, Penmanship, etc., taught as thy are used in; actual business. Thousands of. graduates now in good powitious. ; Notbine to risk. Tuenty year surceeBfu' experience. Our cata-j l.g tells all about if. It's free, j Twentieth session opens Sept.,1. Write to-day. Address ' K M. COULTER. Phes. A A. X- . Ten Rales of Success' Fear God, study the Bible and follow its teachings. 2. Have a clean heart, a fixed purpose, and indomitable ner- i?y. 3. Get as thorough an educa tion ai possibe by home study and extensive reading, if the pub lie schools are not accessible. 4. Select your life work that for which you are best fitted, i. e. the work you like best and can do best. ' . , 5. Give to your work your un divided attention and toil unre mittingly. 6. Set so high an estimate on your time that you will not waste a single moment. 7. Indulge in physical exercise, eat nourishing food and abstain from anything that will impair your health. 8. Seek the society of the best people and the companionship of those whose influence is stimula ting. , 0. Have the courage to follow your convictions, doing your full duy by yourself and your fellow man. 10. For a life companion select one who really loves you, and will prove in every re.pect a help mate. George Warren Parkee. A prohibition airitation in Florida appears inevitable, un lees many ol the State senators and representatives violate an obligation made in the recent campaign and go back also on declarations publicly made since the primary which was held last month. The constitution of Flor ida provides fo local7 option, and prohibition Is impossable un ices the constitution is amended by a majority of the people. The protiibitionistuareconfidenttbat if the question comes to a vote they will carry the State by a big majority. Charlotte News. Occasionally a good m a j makes a bad break. CASTOR I A Por Infanta and Children, ita Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the snf? s1fo lJtT Signature of CfitLcft UcJUt4 N 0 T I C Bt North Carolina, Watauga Coun ty. Superior Court, nil ierru, lj)08. George P. Bauner ys. Marie M. Banner. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entit led as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Wa tauga County; that the purpose of paid action is for nn absolute divorcefrom the defendant; and the defendant will further take notice thnt she iH required to op pear at the next term of theSup erior Court of Watauga Co., to b held on tbe second Monday in Weptemlier, 1908, atthecourt house olsaid County in Boone, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 1st day of July, Tiios. Bingham, C. S, C. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup C0ITT ACTS E05EY ABTD TAR Relieves Colds by woririnff them out of the system through a copious and healthy action ot trie aoweis. Relieves Coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes ot the throat, cheel and bronchial tubes. "As yJeasant to the taste Maple Sussr" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Trj OsUB's KMmj tti BladiK Pills-San lad Jjfc KILLthi COUGH and cure the Lunca Dr. lung's WITH nov; Discovery M H m uuvna n. . n i PBICB w" WOLDS Trial BctHe Fret AND ALL THROAT AND ttJNO TROUBLES. QTJABANTXEO 8A11SFACZOSY OB UOVEY BifTJMSm BAKE STATEMENT. ' Following is thc. report of the condition of the Watauga County Bank at Boone, N. C, in tre Stair of Nnrt!; Carolina, at thf lose of business July. 15th 190S: resources. r v Loans and discounts '- 23,274.57 Overdrafts secured v6q 70- Overdrafts unsecured, 167.97 Hun King novae , Furniture and fixtures 1.630,96, 43 7- Due from banks and ban kers 8397.59. Gold coin, Silver coin, including all 3,100.00. minor coin currency, (86.20. National hank notes and other U. S. Notes 487.00. Total....... ......$.37r487.69- LIABILITIES' Capital stock " ,. , $10,000.00. Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and tax paid 1,197.11, Time certificates of deposit 7 9.14.04. Deposits subject to check 16986.55. Cashier's ck's outstanding 369.99, Total .............I37.487.69. State of North Carolina, Watauga county, ss: I, G. P. Hagaman, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. G. P Hagaman, Cashier. Correct Attest; W. 0. Coffey, N. L. Mast, T, P. Adams, Directors. , Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of July. 1908. J, M. May, Register of Deeds ' . She Likes Good Things. Mr 8. Chas. R. Smith, of West Franklin, Me., says; "I like good things and have adopted Dr. Kings New Life Pills as our family lx- itive medicine, because they art gopd and do their work without making a fuss about it." Thnse pain Iebs purifiers sold by all druggists, Trinity Pari School A First-Class Preparatory school. Certificates of Graduation Accepted tor bntrance to Leading Southern Colleges.......,.....'. Best Equipped preparatory fecoool in the South. Faculty of ten officers and teach. ers. Campus 01 ssventy-hve acres Library containing thirty thousand yolumes. Well equipped gymnasi um. High standards and modem methods of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Ex- p e n s e s exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal success. For Catalogue and other inlorma- tion, Address. 11. M. NOltTII Headmaster, Durham N. C, Trinity. College, Four Depatments- Collegiate Graduate Engineering and Law. Large library faciltiev Well-equipped laboratories in all depart ments, of Science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. "Young Men Wishing To Study Law Should Investigate The Superior Advantages Offer, ed By tbe Department of Law at Tr i n 1 1 y College For Catalogue and further infor mation, Address , D. V. NEWSOM. Regis-tar, Durham, N. C THE ()RTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF ACR1CUITURE AND ARTS Practical education in Agriculture; in tivil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; injCotton Manufac turing, Dyeing and Industrial che- mistiy. Tuition I45 a year; Board fro a month, uo bchOlarhhips seats on , uy 9. . - Address THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh N. C. Very Serious It is verreerioua matter to ask tot .ou medicine and the wrong one given yon. For this reason we urge yon In buying to be careful to get the genuine B . Liver xueaicme Thn mntaHnn nf W td Mils. ble medkine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, ia finiv ly established. It does not Imitate other medicine, It is better than others, or it would not be the- fa vorite liver powder, with a larger (ale ttan all other combined. , 1 . .. SOLD IN TOWS n raaaa RwmammmmBsmi HU f 1 B I! tl V- II ' ! Aetable Preparation&r As similating the Food andEegula ting theStomads aMBoweb of Pr Jmoles DigcationCheerful nessandRcstContaliu neither Opiumforphine norMineral Not Narcotic. tiia t Apcrfecl Remedy forConsQp non,SourStotrach,Diarrhoca Worms Convulsions .Fcverish aess and Loss OF SLEEP. TatSinJle Signalure of NEW YORK. ' TTwr r mi duwct eopyar Thousands of ladies If you do, stop and think. cally and positively NO! Then make up your niind to prevent or core It Will "I fraffered 9 years" writes Mrs. Sarah J. Hos kins, of Cary, Ky. "I had female trouble and would 3 nearly cramp to death. ' nearly kill me with pain. 1 tried everything to get relief, but failed, and at last bejpn to take Cardui. Now I can do my housework with ease and I give Cardui the praise for the health I enjoy!' !Try. . AT ALL DRUG STORES There never was a thin woman who would admit that she was that way all over. FOR SALE. Ninety acres of fine grass lands, having on it a pood barn and three Veres of fine orchard, the trees all bearing. One splendid farm near the ' town of Montezuma, containing 54 acres in timber the remainder in fine timothy. AI90 a good twelve-room hotel, well furnished, in the town of ! MontezVma two lot, a cottage, barn, cellar, poultry house, spring house and fine running water, all goeH together. Come and see me at once or you will lose a bargain. J. C. CARPENTER. . Montezuma, N. C. 4-3-3". The Charlotte Observer. THE nAUGEST AND BEST. NEWSPAPER IN N.C. Eveijr Day id the Year $8. n Year. The Observer consists of 10 to'i? pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sun day. It handles moie news matter, local, State, national and foreign than any other North Caralina news paper. TBE SUNDAY OBSERVER, is unexcelled as a news medium and is also rilled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER, issues Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1. per year, is the largest paper for the money in jhis section. It consists of 8 to 10 pages, and prints all. the' news if the week local, State, na. tiona aud fcreign. , . Ac ;ress, . . , THE OBSERVER CO. Chaklotjk 2i. C. rMin For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ... ... . . - v ..v Bears Signature In Use For Over 1 Thirty Years turn suffer agoniea erory month. Is it natural! Emphati tnia needless suffering! I JO Help Ton My back and side would The only way to uae a great opportunity is to Berve it. OASTOHIA. Bearatfce "MjJUjIMhnjJ BOtpt Blgaatete rrampur ohuajid In ml eonntrtet, or Me rtc. Taaoc-MAenS, cartau ami ConyrigliU rwt tend. MikI Sketch. Modal or Ptoto. (orf-.ii raport ou pMmtstxIii,. ml eutiKlat THIOTI.V comtibcntul. rveat Btaauet ezcliulTClr. SurBHatnt taferenwa, WiOaawata urrnton ibould aiiT. om hftnd boom on How loobtauand Hell sairnta,Wkattii. venuonawlll pay.Row to irtapwtnnjindotim aioablc tBlonnailoa. Bnt bito to aay addreM. D. SWIFT & CO. Kill Cutta4k C4 til-L.t i fk A , Bead nodul.skeicb or l' nolo 01 iDTfi.Hnn ln ireerepon on How to Secure Patents trad Hi WASHINGTON ' vVik4it, YEARS A Trade Mamia a. . . DeaiaNa ' 'ffi" COPYRIOMTt Ac mrantinn a probably olarth a. Cnmngntk Patent taken thronco. M un a fViw Sciemwic fimma. WW j m 1111301 .