i i i i -. f, 1 ... 1 1.' J"- '. Vol. xx r Uoone, "watauga county. c, Thursday" Abdnsr im ' . no. is. . - r . .. .. ' i i I,, - - ii i -i i " " ' ' "1 . The little attacks of Stomach tmu ; Mo and stomach Jisorderii will un. v ' - , I'doubte'lly lead to chronic dyspepsia iinless yoU take something for a saf Bcient time to strengthen the stom. ach and give it a chance to get wel if you take Kodol in the beginning ? Ihe bad attacks of dyspepsia be avoided, but if you allow these little 'J attacks to go unheeded It will take f! ' ttodol a longer time to put your stomach in good Condition again. Gat a bottle of Kodol todaly. Sold C by J. M. Itdoges., PROFESSIONAL. n I ATTORNEY At LAW ? : ' ..ANNEtt ELK,N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Watauga Mitchell and adjoining counties. J 6OJ. i VTodd & Ballot ATtOHNEYS AT LAW. JEFFERSON, N. C . - Will practice in all the courts ' Special attention girt-to to real a of ata InW flfld POlleCtlOnS, VDV" , : 6-15-'0?. fJDMtlND JONES -LAWYER LENUIK. N. (;,- Will Practice Regularly in the lonrts of w&tauga, u 61 '07. . I-:':r F. A; LINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW,-' ''! BOOJIE. N. C. ' 1 " Will practice in the courts 0 the 13th Judicial District ia al matters of a civil nature. 6-11-190?. J. C. FLETCHER, ' Attorney At Law, lil)00NE, x. C Careful attention given to collections. . 7 U LOVILL ATTORNEY AT LAW,- BOOM., A'. C. W"Special attention given to all bneioeV entrusted to his care."S A, A. HoIsdaW, , 1attorney at law- J Mountain City, 7entifsee. Will practice in all the courts f Tenneflaee, State aBd Federal, flpecial attention given to col' lections and all olier matt rs of a legal nature. Office north east of court boOse. i)ct. 11, 1907, v C 0 RACCCV Ci 0. uurrtii BOONE, N. C ? ' Prompt at tep tion given to all matters of a legal LHtqre. SSir Abstracting titles sM collection of claims & special- 'tf. ' - ' ' M'07. tNDERTAKETl&EMBALMER SHOt'NU - - Tennessee, ; Has Vavnished and Glasrf .White ' Coffins; Black liroadoth and White Plush Caskets; Bhck and .White Metaltc C a V e 1 0 Robes, " Shoes and Finishings, " Extra large Coffins and Cs kets always on hand. 'Phone or. " dern "iven Hpecial attention. - R. ROSS DONNELLY. CeWitt's Sidney end Blanker Piils FOR BACKACHE' Rowctilt or Tii6 Ppotilc. . (Charlotte News.) "Shall the people rule?"thi'0?er ehfidowing quest ion' confronting the American people jut now, and tne issue of paramount itn-portant-e in the Democratic plat form, was declared by Hon. 'Jim' Sherman, in bin acceptance spr-ech delivered vthe 20th, to be "no 1H8UP. ; Shw"! the neoole shall ruin.' -- 1 - - - tirgsd Mf. Hhertnan, andcoutinu- ing he offers moi'e assurance, ''Barely the people have ruled. 8urely the people will rule," Now let's see: Do the people really nuV, as Mr. Sherman de clares, dr is the voice of the peo ple lost in the noise the "Big Stick'' has made for the pant few yearn ,. , .; , ; Think toil the yeople -tne great ftrtfly dt men who pdy' the taxes --favor a do-nothiqg congress whose only record ttade was of extravagance? .The last two ces sions of the nation e ccntfress cost taxpayers over , one billion dollars each. The. "people put the cost but did they do it will ingly? Do the majority of American citizens favor the gigantic enlarg ment of our army and navy, as planned by the few leaders who think for the "people?" 1 t h e burning desire of the peace lov ing American citizen that his shall be a noation of war and of conquest a nation that can brag of the greatest navy on earth? If, indeed, that is the wish es of the 'people' there is a way to satisfy the desire the election of. Tatt, will guarantee martial trlory if nothing else. Mr. Sherman eays "Shall the people rule?" is not an iseue, and if we judge by the recent adminis tration for the pnat decade, it is not. The only "inBue'' has been the will of the !'Big Stick" and that will has dominated over the wishes of the people. . The "Bitf Stick" has forced a continuation of eur passeNfoon of the Philip pines. Is it the will of the people that this republic shall go into territorial acqmsianon business that Iihs wrought havoc w i t h the monarchies ol the old world? We hardly think that the people believing in the inalienable rights ol all free born citizens to liberty and the persuit of h up piness could favor further military control of our inland possessions. But, 'he people have had naught to do in the matter . , V Again, the people believe in a jroverniflent of the people rather than a goverumentconerolledby trnNtsand monopolies, which it protect e to be reimbursed by liberal contributions for the favor How many trusts has the party that has been iu'power for over forty years, put out of buerrwss? How many of ttiose enemies of theroecrole'B interest s.been throb- tied? How many, think yCm, will be put out in the next decKOde by the present party, which bos been able to remain in office be cause of the bribe-money these combines have put up. Mr. Sherman neyer Baid a wiser thing than that, "Shall the peo ple rule? was "no ifsue'V with his party. Had he desired that the people be given an honest chance to rule to ;have their votes 'counted against other votes rather than matched a irafnst trust purchase money, he wauld have fought for a publicity plank in bis platform. Tlie peo pie will never rule unless they are given a fair chance at the polls. A fair chance of public expression can never be had so long as trusts are allowed to pollute political elections with their bribery funaa; Is Mr. Sherman .willing that all illegal contributions be refused 'hv hi"v.rty? V Unlly Mr faXt.nnr n,nv of his 1 Indians of the Sopthwest. I so. Nor is Mr. Tatt nor anyomis party Managers. It would mean sure defeat. So long as it 18 pos sible Mr. Sherman will see .to it that popular rule "is not an issue. Mr. Sherman winds up by d&lar irlg the "overshaddwing issue ol the campaign rally is: Shall the admiuistration of President Roosevelt bo approved?" . Mr. Taft both began and wound up irt the same strain Between this proposition and that set forth by Mr. Bryan as the cardinal issue Of the day, Shall the. people rule?" we be lieve the hope of Democracy for success this fall is exceedingly bright,", . " . Mr. Taft admits he is to be the "I want to sell this cow, owing to rheiviiatism in my left kg, . . t 1 caun-.-j; bv her nicking ar, a ienco post nnd hitting me. ,When I first purchased her she was very wild, but I have succeeded in taiming her ho 1 can peep through the corral without her tearing the gate clown. To a man who is a good christian nnd docs not fear death she would be a vulua ble animal. But I want to sell her to some one who will treat her right. She is oiie fourth short horn and two fourths hyene nnd and the rest just cow. She will be Hold cheap for cah.Ex. While Kennedy's Lpxati veCough Syrup especially recommended for children it i, of coui se, just as good for adults. Children liketo tatfe it because it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Its laxative principle drives the cold from the system by a general, natural, yet copious ac tion of the bowek Sold by J. M. Indians of the Sopthwcst Iherearenow in New : Mexico about 25.000 Indiana We have "red uced"-their number 25 per cent, within little nlore1 than half a century.' Our "civilizing" in fluences seem to be more distrnct ive, prdportioriately, than the guns and torches and slave-dri- ver's whins of , the Spaniards There are twenty schools in New MexicOj with an average attfln daridS of 7& ptipils, About on third of this number attend , the reservation schodls. The others prefer the private or "pay" schools, At the time of the American conquest there were about 60,' 000 Indians in the "arid valley" of Arizona, more than half that number being Apaches. Now there are about 15,000 the A neches beinff reduced to about fl.Odd. The Anaches refuse to be Civilized the remeraberance of ths freouent "Anaches wars" ol the past generation still rankk- in the revengeful breasts of the remnant of this once powerful tribo. Tourints get a glimpse of the decendants of these once "noble red men", at the railwn v stations in Arizona, New Mexico and California. At the hot town 'of Yuma, about 1,000 friendly Indiana live on the banks of the Iriver, and subsist by selling trink lets to travelers. The money is ispent mostly for "firewater." iTheso yagabonds are known rts "Yuma Indians," having lost not onlv their possesions bnt , their tribal name. They are the , lowest of their race, and are not a pure type. The same may be Haid of those at Tucson, and other points along the railroad. At Albuquerque, Santa re aw; at other points in New Mexaco, a mild type of the Pueblo Indians is seen, with hi baykr-t, blanket and t.rinl fts, which lie offers to sell to his white brother, Some of thew cling totlieirTiritivedrep'' but it does not ceein to .fit tliem any better than their new civilis ation A sadder type still is pcen at tho railway stations in the Mainv desert, and at tho mining camps 111 northeastern Arizona a n southern California. They have reached the lowest stiigo in hu man degradation and have com bined all the vices of civilization with the loss 'of their manhood. It requires only a short menta calculation to estimate the date of the extinction of the red men of the Southwestz-Outers Book fnr .Ti uly. Fo'r Sore Feet. 't have found Bucklen's Ami Salve to be the proper thing to use for sore feef", as well as fo'r healing Sum gores, cuts, and all manner ,f abrasions,'1 writes Mr. W Stone hi East Poland, Me. It is the prper r 00 for piles. T'y t. Sold under f ;uarantee by all drnggists. i$c, 'I nr. I It mattors not whether Will take Anytftuyr oil giitiscilpllon. Will we take eggs on subscrip- ion? We'll take the entire out m ot tlie hennery ior me next six months and pay for it m sub scription. Well take lye boapl clean rags, pant patches, old bones, wood, green hides, hound pnps, old clothes, lumber, cull ties, wogon tire, peanuts, stick candy, onion's, crackers, turnip greens, sausage, town lots, cabf bage Hives, irCdrlihgs or rauk cows, sorghmn.'punipkins, spring mules', well seasoned shouts, bqui pillows, footstools, bachelor but tons, patents medicines, eight day clocks, patent churns, harnie made socx, shoice scrap irons, old maids nnd chmving gum. You can bring them by the wagon oad, armful, in two bag., by the yard, gallon or ton, in droves, swarms or schools.. Yes', we'll ike them. We'll take anything to get you to subscribe. Mocks- ville Record. Why-James Lee Got Well, Everybody in Zanesv.ille, O., knows Mrs. Marv Lee. of r ti r a I route 8. She writes "My husband, James Lee, firmly believen he owes his life to the use Dr. Kings New Discovery. His lungs were so se vcrely affected that consumption seemed iuvitable, when a friend re commended New Discovery, We tried it, and its use has restored him to perfect health." Dr. Kine's New Discovery is the king of throat and ' , lung remedies. F01 coughs nnd colds it has no equal. The first done gives relief. Try it: Sold under guarantee by all druggists. 50c and Tral bottle free. "Is Mr. Iirvnn turning to mam tnon?" asks the Cansas City Star. Oh, no He's turning to :jhe pho nograph. There are many Imitittors of De Witt's Carbonized Witch Hazel Salve but just one original. Noth ing elso is just us goodlnsim. onDe Witt'?, It is elensing, cooling and toothing. Sold by J. M Hodges, Said the presiden't of one of the great universities, in addressing his .students, ''Show me the young man who has had failure and has now won his way to suc cess, and I will back him." A man who has never had any failure, whose course ha been one of un broken prosperity, has not the resonrces of strength and riidtir- rtnee stored away in bl life that he has, who" has suffered defeats arid then has risen again a n d pressed forward to victory. Sel. CASlVOZtXAi ft"" li IM Km Hau tinfl ftuctt NOTICE. hwt.h Carolina. Watausra Coun tv. Fall Term.lUW. liobert fn.Ht-vh .1 A Mast, administra tor ol J J Mast, dec d, Will W Holsclaw and J U smith, sure ties. Hie defendant. J A Mast nbove mined will take notice that an irt.iim entitlod ns abo ve has been ooimenrnd in the superior court bf Watau'-a countv to recover lie nam of about ?7; 00 arid in (Test on the same duo by tbs de- mdrnit's intestate to the nluin iff in this action, Pitne bctrg due w note triven to plaintiff said J 1 M.'LHt, decupped: and the said Jefendaut will further take no ire that he is requiie'l toappea at tho next. term of the superu ourt of sftid county to be held n the 14th day ol September 90S' it beinsr the second M on lay in Kuiil oioritli, at the court loufie in hfdd countv in llonne, N. t'. ninl answer or demurtothe om plaint ThirtL'Sth d:i.r of Ju y li)0S Trios M S. C ".,i)ii''Ut. 1 tH", or TI'?tWtofinrtot,t if yon have kidney W blfillitlft will npi-ly 10 the ConM.,laj,jtl, tr,,ie. Mentiou this paper L.n Ha. y,-Wr.( i. ix m n ii fi Tf t fll H.lid I .tti.n wiiilnwit Iir. Itlhnrr & Co.. Binir-i A Hair Dressing If you wish a high-ciasi hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved for mula, will preatly please you. It keeps the . hair soft find smooth, makes it look rich ind luxuriant, prevent iplktlng i1 tne ends. And it Keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Doct net ehanft th tolr 0 M titlt, A fcratU wttk mk Mia II IkewTt to nt turn 4o M fc Mr. Al the time tlm the new Aver'a Hiir Vigor Is strort; hair tonic, promoting tl.e grovth of the bair, keeping all the tissues of (be hair and scalp in healtbf r.nuiHori. The hair stops falling, dsn- dm!. CisAppaii1. A splendid dressing. JliuJa by lh3.0, Ayn 0., towtU, Mm 1 Nowata is is the name o. town in Oklahoma. It Is natat ally a dry town. Kennedy Laxative C09TAIN3 nONET ASD TAfi " . Rellovas Colds by Working them col of thQ system through a copious and healthy otton of tho bowels., n Ralievas Coughs by oln&lng wd muoous msmbrtnes of to throat, ebati and bronchial tubas. "A pleasant to the toaU as Mapte Sugar Children Like lb rof IUCKACHE -WEAK IQDVETS Tti , Qafrnil Mm api KiitH PCI Sun aod b An erpert mind reader could make a fortune in Wall street just tiow by telling what Mr.lln'r ririum thinks.' - CASTOR A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Kava Always Bought ara the Times are getting better. A New York exchange notes thac Mr. John D. Rockefeller is paint ing his barn. Judffp Taft is said to' be! ''fnkfl' all thrdiigh." Staying at. Ho'f) Snm'tir Itnu m nnnitt mrina Iiinf hot in the collar, . L J Ofie Tie Ridcejs hi . , WealieQed by . 0?ei-Wori' Onhcaltby Kidneys Make Impure Mood.' It' Ufced to tie cousidered that only erirmry and bladder troubles were to b traced 10 me Kiaiieyg, hut now modern )) scieace proves that nearly an uwease fesve'tttetr beinfiine' fp .the sojdtx these most fmportaaf organs. ," The kidneys filter, and purify the blood , that is their work. , Ti,ir.fnr wii(n onr kidnevsare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body Is sflected and how every organ seems to fail to do ita duty. '" . ' ; If yon sre iick or " fed badly." bttfa (akinj? the great kidney remedy, Do Kilmer's Swimi-Root, because as oou. aa your kidneys are -well tbey will helri . all the other orjanr to health. A trial, will convince uyotn?.. , . . . , ;- I( you ar ick you can Hoke Bo mis take by first doctoring votir kidneys.. Tlie ciilil and the extraor tliuaiy ellect of Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the greaf ktduey remedy, ia soon rettli-ed. It, stands the hiphest f ot its wonderiul etirea; on Us rienw by an ..... .i..n.. -rL.-'t--pl.-' hn t iVa Vim tt.rv sii L Ulft BUtrple IHHU Tkr.7V.off5wmp-ttoo4 Lr.mton. N. Y. Doa t Uicke any mistake,' j but n'Mumn-T Uw nam!, SivsrnivRooJ.' i Dr. Kilmer's Stfamp-Rool,' and be tfo dtesa, UiKlumrton-, N. Y..onw-W? relief h -U' j 'i i i l i i 1 i u i v ii X1 i

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