' " ' r. i7 4. VOL. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. C THURSDAY SEPTEMBER' 3. 1008. NO. 10. 1 l:fli)8V & A: I: f 4 , The little attacks of stomnchtrou be,and stomach disorders" will un. doubtcdly lead to chronic dyspepsia unless you take something for a suf ficicnt time to strengthen the stom ach and give it a chance to get well If you take Kodol in the beginning - the bad attacks of dyspepsia will be avoided, but if you allow these little attacks to go unheeded it will take - Kodol a longer time to put your stomach in good condition again. Get a bottle of Kodol today. Sold by J, M. Udogcs. - ' PROFESSIONAL. ; L.D.L0WK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNER ELK, N. C. t Will practice in the courts of Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining counties. 7 C'07 Todd&Ballou. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ;' JEFFERSON, N. C. Will practice in all the coiutB Special attention iven to renl estate law and collections. . - G-15-'07- EDMUND JONES LAYEU -LENOIR. N. l- Will Practice Regularly in ' the Courts of Watauga,, .6.1 '07. ' : F. A. LINNEY, -ATTORNEY AT LA W,- BOONE, N. C. Will practice in the courts of .the 13th Judicial District In all matters of a civil nature. .6-11-1907. " J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, BOONE, N. C. .Careful attention given to collections. V. Ii- LOVILL ATTORNEY AT LAW, .-BOONE, N. C. 6Special attention given .to all business entrusted to his care. 7-9-'08 A, A, Holsclaw, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mountain City, lennpssee. Will practice in all the courtH of Tennensee, State and Federal. iSnerial attention given to col- , lections and all oilier matters of ah gal nature. Office north east of court bouse Oct. 11, 1907, ly. E. S. GOFFEY If -A 77 OKA Ei'Al LA W,- - COONE, N. C- Prompt attention given to all matters of a legal x.ature. VST Abstracting titles and collection of claims a npecml 1-1 07. Ross Connelly. 0 N DERTAKER & EM BA 1 -M ER SUOIHV3, - - - Tennewwe, Has Vanished and Glass White Coffins; Black Broad loth and White Pimm Caskets; Bbick and White Meta'ic Caskets Robes, Hhoea and FinwhingK, Extra large Coffins and C6 kets always on hand. 'Phone or. dert given special attention. R. ROSS DONNELLY. DeWtt's Kidney and Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE That Tariff .Speech. ' The acceptance speech of Mr. Bryan net. the country talking.' It won converts by the thous and, for it displayed a conserva tism many had fancied foreign to Mr. Brynn. The situation was curiously covered in a manner that left no room for objection to the Presidential candidate with any man styling himself a Democrat. Honesty and candor have always been the distinguish ing yirtues of the Nebraskan, and realizing that certain issues his name bad been linked with in the past, were out ol date, he frank ly pledged to follow the platform, if elected, remembering that a platlorm "is binding for what it omits as well as what it includes."' Many thinking men who had fan cied Mr.. Bryan to be a danger ous man, whether with reason to do so or not, were convinced by his speech that no safer or saner tan could be put at the head of the government, papers like the New York World, many of them,- that had previously fought Bry an, were con verted by this speech and are today dealing valiant stroTfesiu his cause. The acceptance speech, howev er, only covered the main issue in a geuvral way; and because Mr. Bryan had announced he would discuss tho leading issues, before the people at greater length at a later date, great interest center ed about the promised' treaties on these issues. The tariff speech was the first of the series. Mr. Bryan's treatment of this great isNue has won for him more strength in oar opinion, than anything that has yet been done in his cause. His treatment of the tariff was the work of ,a mastermind, one fnrnilliar with every phase of the great issue, and fully cognizant of all the evils that have sprung up through the Republican policy of a high pro tective tariff. The logic of this speech is irrefutable. TJie respon sibility of present day evils ari sing f m a Republican protec tive tariff are placed at the door of the party in power, and in a manner leaving no way Jor uyoid ing the resjionsibility. Mr. Bryan proved that the party in power is so deplorably intertwined with the special interests that the pros ent tariff system has fostered that it is rendered incapable of shaking off the embrace. In re turn for a perpetuation of present tariff laws the giant trusts have reciprocated in the form of cam paign contributions. Tho fact that the Chicago platform is de void of a publicity plank demon strates that the tarty dared nut enter a fight for continuance in office without the succor the; trusts have always given. " If the tariff is ever revised, it will not be accomplished by the Republican party, whose very ex istence has been made possible' by the power the protected inter ests have wielded. , Commenting on the t a r i ff speech . of Mr. Bryan, and argu ing the futility of the Republican party's promises of tariff revis ion, the Atlanta Journal says: "Speaker Cannon's unfriendly attitude towards tariff reform has already been shown during the time he has presided over a Republican Congress. -.Mr! Will iams sought to secure a reduc tion on all articles on which the tarifl was morethanonehuhdred per cent. It was a measure which it, would poem, in all conscience, that the Republicans could have granted. But Speaker Cannon saw to it that like much other salutary legislation it was sti fled in the house, and was never even given a hearing. 'Speaker Cannon, will preside over the wx House, ia the event of a Republican victory, and his friend and associate, the vice presidential nominee, will, under the same circumstances, preside over the Senate. There is but lit tle chance that any tariff revis ion of importance will be able to run the gauntlet of these two worthies, whatever might be the sentiment of the party as ex pressed in tho platlorm. "Tariff revision under a Demo cratic administration, supple mented by an income tax would make afi least a genuine begin ning toward equalizing public burdeus and towards the sound and statesmanlike policy of a reveuue measure, with only inci dental protection. Such being the case the only hope of relief from the 'mother of the trusts', which lies at the bottom of all our evils, is the election of the Democratic candidates who will give us real tariff reform." Charlotte News. Summer complaint and other se rious ailments common in hot wea ther can be traced to the stomach nine cases out often. Keep the atom ach in good order right now by keeping a bottle of Kodol handy in the house all the time but especially during this month. Kodol whenever you feci that yeu need it. Thut is the only time you need to take it. Just when you need it; then you will not be troubled with soul stom nch, belching, gas on the stomach, bloating, dyspepsia and indigestion. Sold by J. M. Hodges. . The Philadelphia Record says that more money is spent for ad vertising than in any other field of human endeavor. According to computations made the total investments in all form of public ity has grown to a thousand million dollars u year, which sum equals one 'per cent ol the entire wealth of the nation and nears the total value of all imports. This investment sells over fifteen billion dollars worth of goods. The average cost of advertising is one dollar for every fifteen dol lars worth of stuff sold. And some folks don't , think adverti sing pays, Lexington Dispatch. Excellent Health Advice. Mi'H. M. M Davison, of No. 379, Gilford Ave. San Jose Cab, says: "The worth cf Electric Hitters as a general family reme dy for head ache, biliousness and torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I ain prompted to say a word in its favor, for the benefit of those a seek ng relief from such nflic'ions. There is more health for the diges- tTve organs in a bottle of Electric Bitters than 111 nny othrr remedy 1 know of." HM under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. Hickory Democrat: a band of Gypsies are encamped out on the Moores Ferry road about two miles Irom town. Their occupa tion while here is ho'fse trading and other things of a nature more surreptitious. On Wednesday night tho Gypsy nature broke loose in a free-lor-all fight which was participated in by men, wo men, babies, dog baggage and all. As a result one of the men with an unpronou'icible name is longuishing in the Hockory cala boose. While Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup especially recommended for children, it is, of.couise, just as good for adults. Children like to take it because it tastes nearly as'"yood as maple fugar. Its laxative' principle drives the cold from the system by a geiieral, natural, yet copious ac. tion of the bowels. Sold by J. M. Hodges. .. ' tDon't over step yotuvt'lf in an attempt to put Uft foot forward. . Necfsntj ot Tariff Krvisluu. In his speech at Des M. lines Mi Bryau returns to the cause of tariff reform. It was as the chain pion ol this cauQe that Mr. Bry an first became a national fig ure; it was in this causo that ho compelled the notice of serious, intelligent men; in this cause be came a leader ol tho Democratic party. He attacks the principles of pro tective duties where it is moat weak, (1) That its beneficiaries' axe a limited few; (2) That its advantage to the laboring man is deceptive and does not really exist; (3) That to the agricultu ralist and the vast body of con sumers it is oppressive; (4) That it leads to corruption and bar gains between government and protected interests. Particularly forcible is Mr. Bry an in laying bare this last and progressively vicious conswjuenc of high protection. He shows the direct connection, the hardly con cealed money partnership, be tween the Republican party and tho manufacturers; tbe large con tributions paid by one iu return for past favors to come by the other. While the rest of the coun try has unfortunately forgotten it, the astute men at the head ol tho Republican party have jeal ously followed the advico of Fos ter's famous "fry the fat" letter to Stanley M. Quay. Under the rejime thus estab lished, tho manufacturers write the tariff schedules and dictate to Congress what tax shall be levied on the consumer. "The method of procedure Is simple. It is a case of confidence. The yoters have confidence in Re publican leaders; have confidence iu a Republican Congress; a Re publican Congress has confidence in the Ways and Means Commit tee; the Ways a.id Means Com mitteeehas confidence in the men who represent the trusts, and the trusts write the tariff law, and thus secure to them selves the right to levy tribute to the public." ' C.r mch a partnership be di soh lid" asks Mr. Bryan, Is the Republican party willing, or if willing, is it able, to (rive the measure of relief so obviously needed by the country? Its last history, its present rawnliership, its present affiliations, forbid the hope that its delayed promise of reform will be carried out, ex cept as of old, in the interest of the lusty infant industries. He is an optimist indeed who can see any expectation of genuine reform in the hands of Joseph G. Cannon, - Senator Aldrich and Messrs. 1'ayue, Dalzell and Sher man. ."'.' Mr. Bryan enforces thesecardi nal truths: That the protective system is not right in principle; tliat it is not wise; that it is not n'cessary. But the change to a revenue basis should be gradual. "The Democratic plan does not contemplate an i in m 0 d 1 a ,t e change from ono system to an other; it expressly declares that the change sho 11 be g ad uu I. We believe th'-tt the experience the people have bad with protection lor protection's sake has led them to favor a restoration of the tariff by gradual steps' to a revenue busk" Iu awakening the American peoplstothe necessity' of tatiff reform; in demonstrating the .in equalities of its but dens; in um king plain to them the fallacy of the arguments that support it, Mr. Bryan can do a groat ser- ' if . ii . vice. Jie uas me equipment as well as the influence to perform it eRectuallly Urn ovn closing words should give Lire, both gui dance and hope: ' ,-lf the Republican party is to' have the support of those who find a pecuniary profit in the ex ercise of the taxing power as a private osnet in their business, we ought to have the support of that large majority of the peo ple who product! the nation's wealth in tune of peace, protect tho nation's Hag in time of war, and ask for nothing from the government but even-handed jus tice." The Richmond Times-Dis patch. Dues your b;icl; ache? Do you hav.) sharp pains in the side and thu little part of the hack? This is due. usually, to kidney trouble, TakeDe Witt's Kidney and Bladder IMls. They will promptly relieve weak bat'k, backache, rheumatic pains and all Kidney and Bladder, dis orders. Sold. by J. M. Ilodiics METHODIST CHURCH AFTER SPEAKER CANNON. The M. E. Church has liegunan active crusado for the election of a speaker ''who will allow Con gress to vote on the "inter-state liquor shipment bill." The church has over three millions of com municants, has created the Tem perance Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with authori ty to represent the donomina t'on in all temperatico matters. Ihts society Is managed by a board composed of a bishop and fiftren members named by t h e bishop and elected by tho late General Conference. Tho board of managers has organized and di rected the chairman to take steps tobegiu an active com pa'gn. An qtficial address has been itemed to all members of tho ,denomination asking thoir co operation. The "shipment bill" which has been pending iq Con gress for at least five years does not seek to impose prohibition upon any locality but provides that liquor whipped from one State to another shall immedi ately upon crossing the bounda ry become subject to the laws of the State into which it has been consigned --Ex. Tho Airship Line' Within the next two or three months a regular line of airships will be put into service between New York and Boston. That is the rather startling announce ment made by Capt. Baldwin, whoso airship that was recently experimented with Pfc Fort May er, is to be purchased by the U- nited States government. The announcement of the establish ment. of the airship line between the cities named, was made in all seriousness by Cant. Baldwin nt a Pi ettrto: of armv officers and newspaper m"n in 'Washington, lie declared that he has cont rac ted with Millionaire (Hidden 04 a number of dirgibles to fly be tween Xew York and Boston. Tbe intention is to later put on a line of airships from New York to Washington and gradually extend the lines over the whole country. Thin found lik a dream biit.it must be rni"in' t ' that tlm it,l 'irpin Hlciit irnl fiboilt ' thej eopie weie siepncni ai.ons, (l.A fvt-l Lit.loniltAof 4VCi Hl'Cf rrt I 'II'" Mini If ; ( I 1 li W tiv l Vii' lonr t 1 road, the tpfctcmph and all gre,,t . invention; of the past. A for Phr,.i.;,.tu it l,n alwflva bftl the t hroincle it lias aiwa.8 nai , iT . 1 1. . ..: AlttA..' i IjlUll J i 1 ' I I IV Hf4. I''lS VS VI1VUO i It tin nob expwtaJ, however, to Charlotte Citronide. For Sore Feet. '1 have found Buck ten 'a Salve to be the proper thinj; to use for ore feet, as well as for healing hums, sores, cuu, and ul . mAnner of abrasions.' writes r. t otonc of East Poland. Me. It is the prper , ., . . , , , , too for piles .1 ry it. bold under tuaM", hli drug SUtst. TMUHIIMllWlWamMiitHil A Hair A- essmq ff you vriih a bigh-class hair, drcsbirg, we arc sure'Aycr's Hair Vigor, new improved for mula, will greatly please you. it keeps the hair soft and j smooth, makes It look rich and 1 U- Ul 'alii , J.'l VYvlUa ellUlllK Ol- the ends. And (t keeps the s;-3!p free fro.-n dandruff. rf j r.M cknnj Ir e color of hiit . A 9 llhvvt H to year 4k Mm !out tt. tbii Ao b Mr Uirwtr.!ioefiri?tiiii mi At (be sains rime tn new Aysr's Hair v'i(ir Ii a i!tnoj5 hair tonic, promoting tiic (-tot in cf the hair, keeping all the tiiseri of t!.t- hili tiid scitp in healthy cumCtton. The l:air stops filling, dsn viiit LVAVp.-srs. A splendid dressing. m v i T- vf Co., tewtil. Jhn. Physicians arc about the only men who rcnllv onjov ill-health. x Laxative , Cough Syrup coiTAnra hoztot xsm tar Relfrms Cokt hy workfoff thsm out of . tl system through eaptou aitd hskhf action of the bowels. k ' Rslievs Coughs by cleansing lb mucous ir.smbranss ot tit threat hsH( and bronchi.! tube. "As pleasant to the test ss Mrpto Sugar" : Children Like It For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Trf UWt Klifat ind Bladder PWj-Sjro ni Stft, The Chariolta Observer. Til R iUl'iRST ANl. BEST NEWSPAPER I N N.C Lveiy Day in tho Year $8. H Year. T1A: Observer consists of 10 to 12 pages daily arid so to 32 pnges Sun day. It handles mow news mutter, local, State, national and foreign tbiin iiny other North Ciiraljnjv newej paper, THE 'SUNDAV.OHoERVEIt. ik unexcelled ns a newsmecbuin nnd is also tilled with excellent mattef of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERV EJt, issues Tuesday and Fridays, 'at $t per year, is the largest paper for tha money in this bection. It consists of 8 to to . pages, and prints all tho newt! f the week local, Slate, WW tiotia.aiid fcreign, ' A kress, THE OBSERVER CO. C'harlottk . C. Most girls are aware that big boTs on tho-ir sbos make their feet look smaller. The Cause of Many ' Sudden Death3, Tlu-re is & flis.t.is?1 previiliitK !y thtj country most dan;erru eMuscsadeccp rt tn"i v4 i..i...rt...li.M '' dentlis are caasted Trs &Jf ease, ptieuinouia. 1 X.M ficart taihut ot r apoplexy are oncq th r"ult of kid nev 'diaciise.-. If . I kidney trouble is VI u allowedtoadvonor Nl-JK;. ed blood will at tack the villi organs, caueing catarrh , l,1Cftk ,1' M'n a,,J aslc away cc!1 by w!l" ,,l3(,aw lroubie! ai,(,f,t always result r.ni 1 .lari.iir.mu-rit tif 1w 1-tf1nasi mA n'n iu Miio.itwiuvm vi n.v. j a tVZZZ ma badlvyoucBii muhs no nustatce by inking Iir. Kiimefs warop-Kuot, tlioj ' t killlIi hvef !d tladder remedy. Ti . . -j.L j vjti a, ...r t wv. f,f .v mm-- ' w mm.wmt omct t ,,0 uiog tndtoget tip many times during nivht. The wild ana tne extraorntnary eliect of wantt-Koot is soon realized, It stand the holiest for its wonderful I cures of tlie most distressing cases. , Swamp-Root is ykasaut to take and i oue-d'illar bize i.ouluj.. You may have sample bottlu of this wonderful new dis Covery uu l a Ixiok that tells all about it. both .snnt free by wnil. Addreae, Di". Ktl !. c. r-. rt : 1. .... x V- niM1 u.rii;a mt-iuiou rcflilimr thi PeneroUft i offer in "this paper. IWt oiaka any : t:iitUke,but remember the name.Swamu j Root J)r iilitier cs Swamp-Root, aud tr kddre-il BiiiEbjiutoM, N. V., ou yf- MA mXsQcN oZ LIGHT VR i n Tl? -