Til llrt4oi!fro riomnProf I fi 3 W ul3U3 UciliUlldl! Ijitriol slt tin1 I 'ost titlivf ,it lloonr, .V. C, us seroihi- -. cl;is ni:lll lllMlier. m usckiptiox hates: (tnf vrnr f J. 00. ; Six Months I'lirfe months '-. .,lvtrTiingniTcsitjriuut?i , I on iipphcution. LOCAL NEWS. Corn planting in now on in full blast in this section. The Eastern Star Chapter at J. d. m.. tomorrow. -Wanted: all your unwashed wool clear ot tags und burrs, at a good price. I). J. Cottrell. Kev. John I'. Hagnman, of IxMioir, was over last week look ing alter his interests here. -Mrs. M. IJ. IHuckburn is visit ing her parents on Meat Cump this week. See that jour premises are thoroughly cleansed before the hot weather sets in. Mrs. Richard (Jragg is siwnd in-! a few days with her daugh ter, Mrs. Will Winkler, iu Caldwell county. Don't fail to see Sherwood's ad this week. He is prepared to save you money and wants you to know it. ('apt. 15. 11. Brown aud neph ew, Mr. Thos. Brown, of Shoun's Tenn , transacted busiuess in the village Monday. Special Bargain sale at H. M. Green's the 14th and loth ol May. Watch for new ad next week. -Note call in this Issue for An nual Meeting of the Watauga Kail road Co.t to be held in Boone on the first Monday in June. 1,1. H. Grubb, of Hast Bend, lnd., and J. Had lb ese, of Zion ville, purchased the Latham Har mon Knob lands sold last Mon day. Found near the Democrat of fice last Mon lay, a p-iir of color . ed .gl isses in leather cae. Owner , can get same by culling and pay ing for this notice. rapt, E. F. Lnvill left Tues day morning lor a few week's business trip to Colorado. He hopes to return some time in June. Register (Jrngg is still con fined to his room. but. the worst is over, and with proper care on hie own part, he will be out a gain ere long Mrs. Boyden is still very ill, but we are glad to note that she is some better, and hopes of her permanent recovery are now m .tertained. Solicitor Lin Ley tells us that his father, who has been very ill at his home in Alexander coun ty for some time is thought to be some better. Sheriff Ragan returned By num Holsclaw to the reformato ry last week, and the authorities there sent him on to the peniten. tiary at oncewhere he will serve out his sentence. The merchants of the town will fee that the Merchants' Pro tective Association will be reviv ed at once. All merchants who want their names added on the new list w ill please write to the Secretary. N 0 T I C E. The stockholders of the Wa tauga Rail Road Company are hereby uotified that the annual meeting ol the stockholders of the said Watauga Rail Road Co. will be held in Boone, X. C.,in the office of the Company on the first Monday in June. 1909, it beiug the 7th day of said month for the purpose of electing Due c tors of said company for the en suing year and transacting any other business that may come More said Company. This May .0,1009. F. A. Linxky, President. E..S. Cokkky, See'y & Tieas. Mr. Julian Jiwe, of Banner ' Klk, has M-iit hi.- Hm, who has btH-u in declining lie.iltli for quit m long time, to the Johns Hop- kirn Hospital in Baltimore for i A imi imui. .Mrs. . l. itrjun gotangni n. an little fall from a flight of; stain last Sund.iv morning, j but fortunatelv received no iniu - ( ry fu,ther than some right pain- I fi l bruises . , rcnienilieied .To ti,05,,, who us so Kinoiy in a nnanciai way .... . , this week, we wish to tender our thanks, and to those who are still in urn-ars with us, we wish to say the amounts are badly needed ut this shop just now. At a meeting ol the directors of the B. & B. It. Turnpike held "'I1"01 ,U9t Monday J. W.Far tiling was re-eiecieu president una the old board of directors retain ed for the ensuing year. Considerable freezes on Sun day aii'l.Monday mornings last, und tlu fruit crop is seriously damaged, if not eutirely destrby ed. We are told that the early wheat on Cove Creek is also bad ly hurt. The 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Banner, ol Banner Elk, died on Saturday last. The child had been under treatment at the Billingsly hos pital in Statesville for some time and brought home only a few daj's before its death. J. Arthur Wilson, of Beaver Dams, who underwent an opera tion for hernia at the Memoriol Hospital at Richmond. Ya-, on the lUtli ult. writes us that he is improving nicely and hopes to be able to return home in the near future. It does seem that some peo ple have a weakness for letting their cattle run ut large within the corporate limits of the town, regardless of the fact that it is a violation of both the town and State laws. Xo use to kick. Just keepyoui cattle up-that's all. . L. Bryan, Eeq is having his office and the 'L' to his resi dence neatly painted, which is adding much to the appearance of his pretty property. Thomas Sullivan, the veteran painter, is doing the w ork He has also ta ken the contract to paint the new dormitory at the A. T. S. All persons indebted tome are hereby notified to make set tletnent by May 15, as all ac counts unset t tied by that time will be given to an officer for col lection. If you owe me you know it. You got my goods, and 1 know it. If you cau pay me please do it. If you don't pay me the of ficer will sue for it. Please settle and oblige, I). J. Cottrell. Married on Thursday night last in the parlor of the Black burn Hotel, Mr. June C. Brook shiro to Miss Cynthia, daughter of Mr. Wiley Blackburn, of Meat Camp, Rev. J. F. Davis perform ing the ceremony. The groom is a prosperous farmer and by dint SHOW COMING. Look out lor the Campbell A- musemei.t Co. at different points in Watauga and adjoining conn - ties through May and June, with the greatest Moving Picture show ever iu the mountains, con sisting of machine and string mu sic, a collection of 100 stationa ry views, life size. Also some of the latest illustrated songs, and over 3,000 feet of the latest mo ving scenes, and a variety of oth er amusement 8 too tedious to mention. People tell us they had rather visit our panoramic show that to visit a common circus. A feast to the eye, ph asing to the ear and inspiring to the mind. Strictly first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. See dates and posters. Come, ev erybody and bring everybody else. A. J. CAMPBELL, Prop. Wlam also prepared to do Photograph work; up-to-date in every respect. Now is the time to get good und cheap picture work. Only a short stop in.each section. ' A.J. CAMPBELL, Artist. ot c!oe a plication to bust - ness In li aiuni:-d usnug little sum. The bride lias seiit much time in the village lor the past few years, and is much liked by it i . . an w no know iter a genial, vi """, " ir muh- huh? n thorough business lady. The f i . I 1 i r . i i -'nocrai, i-i oenan oi in.ir ma ' "J" fiicnds in Watauga, extends j to tlie happy couple hearty con- 'grntulations and wishes fort hem lull the happiness possible in fu i . . , 1 1 1 tllr lit.. j ... a,.. -Judge W. It Councillnnd wife, of Hickory, wnc in town u few "ours Friday. As Mrs. Hoyden, the Judge's sister, was better, and he biingdueat court in Con cord on Monday, left on Lis re turn the same afternoon. Dr. J B. Couicill, of Salisbury, and Mrs. Emma Taylor, of Hickory, were also in the village on the same mission during the week. The municipal election held in Boone last Tuesday gave us the following efficient officers for the next two yeurs: Mayor, W. L. Bryan; Aldermen, M. P. Crit flier, L. L. Critcher and Adol phus L. Cook. The town is to be congratulation upon the out come of the election, us we may rest assured that the interests of the town will be well guarded by these worthy gentlemen. A few nights ago, after that quiet gentleman, Mr. John Rob inson, ol Sands, had retired, he heard loud and boistrous lan guage at the road near his resi dence. He arose, and found the vile epithets were being directed at him by three men then nearer the house. He asked them whut they wanted and a pistol shot was the reply, the ball entering the step just below the old gen tleman's feet. He went for his gun, uud snapped au empty bar rel at the fleeing ruffians, and by the time he could fire the oth er barrel the' must have been out of range as there has been no shot-besprinkled, night ma rauding tough reported in that section. The old Confederate vet eran, with an abundance of nerve still left, is sure to locate his as sailants, and when he does, it is to be hoped that the most se vere penalty ol the law m;iy be meeted out to them let them be who they may. Such conduct is a withering blight on any commu nity. X OT I C E. Owing to farling health I wish to sell my entiie stock of geueial merchandise will sell or e t house. Terms: Part cash down, remainder on G and 12 months time. I have a nice line of goods no shelf-worn stuff to offer. 1 am situated in the center of Boone and have one of the best stands in town. If you wish to purchase, come to see me or write at once. I) J. COTTRELL. IT IS WELL WITH YOU. If you have a watch that needs repairing or any little job you wish done bring or send it to me at my office at Silverstone and I will give you a first class job. I also keep a nice line of grocer ies and other goods that I will Sf ll you real cheap for cash or good produce. 1 Thanking vou for the nice nut ronage. vou have given me and hope for a continuance of the same. 1 am. Yours Very Trulv. S. M. GREENE, Jeweler WK WANT WOOL. We will pay the highest cash price for wool delivered at Elk Park, N. C , or at Elizabcthton, Tenn., or will come toyour house and buy your wool if you have enough to justify it. Remember we pay CASH. Don't fool your wool away, thinking you ai get ting a big price and take factory goods in exchange. Make them talk cash to you. This is the way to know how much you are get ting for your wool We will pay you the name of Jfl.OOperpound for your wool il you w ill takeour goods in exchange, at exchange , prices. We don't want you to be , deceived. We tell you ".hat we will pay for your wool in cash. Write M. F. Hopkins, Elizabeth-' ton, Tenn. April 22, 4 1. I ' -2uite a iiuihImt of hn-nl-tax elections are tiending in many ditri t in Wnt.iuguthismonth. this indicates that tlk people , want long.-r and better schools, t LOOK, RKA DIACT! For the next CO days, beginning Saturday May the 8th I will sell my entire stock of mens, youths and children SUITS AT COST. I will also put in this cost sale a lot of shoes. Men's La dies and children's Slippers, Ladies hats, mens and boys straw hats. A lot of dry goods and Notions will go in' this sale. j Dont fail to investigate this proposition for I have over! 100 suits besides odd pants for come first served. This is no catch scheme but strictly a BUSINESS PROPOSITION. This Sale will be strictly for cash in hand. No goods charged. Remember the date, Saturday May the 8th, and continuing for 60 days Yours for Business, W. F. SHERWOOD, Amantha, N. C. May 6th 1909. J. v. w higiit, President I. s. HAMUO, CiiKhier, MERCHANTS & TRADERS BANK. tflluuntdin Gihjy vft'tmcssee, Transacts a General Banking Business. 1 ( ( ) o o STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS. J. W. Wright, I. S. Kambo, R. F. Wright E. E. Butler, J S. Donnelly, H. T. I). Wills, R. E. Con nelly, ,J. .. ills, . l. rsinvtlie, Wagner, Wm H. Wilson, J. T. Fuller. NON-STOCKHOLDING DIRECTORS.-.!, (i. Rutler, T. H. Suth erland. L. H. Hawkins, W. S. Cole, J. B. D. Robinson, W.'F. Shull, M. E. Wilson, John H. Bingham. ISTliKPAXK'OV KR? It makes no difference whether the panic is over or not, you evidently want to save every dollar you can. We nave just unloaded A Solid Car Load of Grass Seed. This seed was bought on the December market and this fact alone postively puts us in position to save you money. We firmly believe that you can buy your seeds now from 10 per cent, to 20 per cent, less than vou can buv them late in the season as the market invariably advances as tne season comes on. A Hint to the Wise is Sufficient. Our place will still be headquarters for Fertilizers, Far ming Implements ot every description and all kinds of Builders Hardware. London Stoffel Hardwar Company (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Mountain City, Tennessee. N. B. Our Motto is "to keep what the People Want." c. J. iAii.n:ii, president. i. At. si ddkhtii. cashier, II A Mi OF IIL0MM; HOI K; BLOWING ROCK, N. C. This Institution is offering its patrons every facility consistent with safe Banking. We buy and sell exchange, discount commercial pa pers and give our customers every convenience of Banking Business. We pay four per cent, interest on time deposits. No account too large or too small for us to handle. Call in and see us when convenient, or write us. We are always glad to meet you. How to Increase the Yield of Fruit Increased fruit crops are more often the result of good manage ment than of good luck. Kruit trees and fruit plants need a liberal supply of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers The trees absorb plant foods that is, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash from the soil just the same as any other crop. Experi ence has shown this over and over again. This truth has become so well recognized that " return to the land what the tree removes if you would expect the best results " has become an axiom with the best growers. Apple, pear, peach, orange and other fruit trees soon respond to careful fertilization. But be sure to use the best fertilizers. " I made a test with other companies' fertilizers," says Mr. H. O. Lowry, of Manatee County, Fla., "and yours proved to be the best. The yield where I used Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer, was just twice as much as where the other two companies' fertilizer was used." Hundreds of users say Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are cheapest because of their good qualities give better satisfaction and quicker results. Many facts of great interest and value to fruit growers are pub lished in the new l!e9 Farmers' Year liook, a copy of which will be sent free on application to any of our sales offices. Virginia'Carolina Suits Office) Richmond, V. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta. Oa. Sarannah, Ga. Memphis Tenn. (inlaQirollna) " Chemical f '.. S. tVffcy and T. II- Tay- lr and others ut tended a ni'-etiuir of the directors of the Ci.ffey Wagon Works in Ienoir last wik. you to select from. First i w. l'. di'mian, vii-e-Prpniilent J.K. WAI.r-H, Aft. Cuxllicr. .1. 1". Sutler, 15. K Urown, I). M. Chemical Co. Sales Offices Purtiim, N. C. Charleston. S. C. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La. ri.YMOTH-iiu k r:;;s. I will sell pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock Is at $1.00 per 13 during the seaton. Miis. J. R. Phillips. Sugar Grove, X- C. DON'T FORGET When you, come to town, you will find a lot of Grocer les, Dry Goods, Suspenders, Candies, Cakes, Oranges, Lemons, etc., Maple Suar, Tin-ware, Brooms, Sheath ing Paper, Plaster Board and fine Toilet Soaps at my place. I will offer to the trade for the next few days a line of Ladies' Hats from 20 to 35 cents each. A rare chance to get a hat for little money. Grape nuts, postum, corn Starch, posttoasties, shred ded wheat, syrup pears, peel ed peaches, Argo Red Sal mon, magic yeas, etc., just in. 500 Search Light match es for 5 cents. Give me a call and I will be sure to please you. ours Very Truly, thi: RACKET. R. M. Green, Prop. Attention, Buyers! If you are in need of cloth ing you will find it to your interest to call on me and ex amine my stock of pawn-brokers poods, I have them in all styles and sizes, almost as good as new for better than a good deal of the new cloth ing, and the price is a great deal lower, so low that even the poorest people can wear good clothes. I also have new clothing for children boys and men at about 25'per cent less than you can buy else where. If it is shoes vou need just give me a call. I handle the farmers tieo. DeWitt shoes, no better made at t he price, my sIiocr are new and up to date my store is fust filling up with bargains iu depaitment, I have no leaders to bait you, but all business done on business principles. I sell for pay. 1 don t like to wait. Time and tide wait lor no one, why should I; when in Roone be sure to give me a call, Its a pleasure to show you my goods. Yours for trade, ,D Jones Cottrell Coming to Town? If so vou are most cordial ly invited to visit my store, get my prices, and then de cide for youtself whether or not I am prepared to give you as good or better bar gains than you can get else where. Remember the al mighty dollar has a great purchasing power when ex pended at my store. A good line of groceries, su gar, coffees, rice, lard, flour, etc., always on hand. Dry goods, notions, toilet artic les, candies and nuts. A big lot of school supplias, pens', pencils, tablets, inks, in fact anything you want in this line. Comeand see me. Chickens, eggs, butter and other good produce always taken at the highest market prices. Come. Yerv Respectfully, L. L. CRITCHER, (Near SchooK'ampus.) OASTOntA. Bean th T! Kind Yob Have Always Boogbt