W 1 t U 11 vol.. XI nuUXi:. WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C. nil'SDlIAV JULY 1. WMK NO. J f l ol M II.!.. J. H. IIAIIIiIN. COUNCILL & HARDIN, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Limestone, To? newe. Write us hat vouwnnt in the u" ""-"''" w v ol farminu lands in this fer-j "'MV ""v"-a!ly recognized. To til country nndwewilldoourb..st!,ll,, 11 w n matter o Mi ti please you. ll-10 I m I t'l!l POll SALE. I ',I.U' "- - - - - - One ami nnu half miles west ol I'.ooue N. C good locution con venient to first class school For . terms and Particulars, address (i. R. LONG', Williamsbiug, Butte, Mont. I'ROFLSSJOSAL. NAT T. DULANEY, M. D., -SPECIALIST - FourlhSt. Bristol Tenn.-Va. Eye and Throat Diseases. Refraction for Glasses. L,D.I.0WE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAN NEK ELK, N. C. tfayWill practice in the courts Watauga, Mitchell and adjoining C 'unties. 7 6.'JS EOMUNI) JONES LAW YE It LKXOlll. N. i)t Will Practice Regularly in the Courts of Watauga, 6-L 'oS. F. A. LINNEY, -ATTUUXKV AT LAW, nooNK, N. c. Will practice in t lie coniis of the l:ith .Indicia.1 District in all matters of a civil nature. G-ll 11)08. ; J. C. FLETCHER, Attorney At Law, liOOXK, N. C. Oa reful attention piven ollfictions. W. It LOVILL - ATTO UN K Y A T L A W BOOSh, A'. C. 8Spe:ial attention given :o all busineHs entrusted to i!8 care."3 7-9-08. A, A. Holsckw, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mountain City, lennesmee, Will practice iu all the courts of Tennessee. State and Federal. Special attention given to col lections and all oiier matters of a Ujial nature. Office north east of court house Oct. 11, 1907, ly. E. S. GiiFFEY f -A T'lORMli A 1 LA W,- BOONE, N. C. Prompt attention given to t!l matters of a legal nature. 83 Abstracting titles and collection of claims a special ty. l-l-'09. R. Ross Donnlley. UNDERTAKER & EMBALM ER BIIOUN'S. Tennessee, Has Varnished and (Haas White Coffius; Black Broad.loth and White Plush Caskets; Black and White Metalic Caskets Robes, Shoes aud Finishings, " Extra large Coffins and Cas ketB always on band, 'phone or ders given special attention. K.ROSS DONNELLY. Thf Exact fact Ab at fiouk-Worm Di lease. ' l'roirreK.-ivt KnrnnT. Tn f.-ir n-h iuix importance of Dr riiiiilt s W. .Siilcs's discov-1 .1 .1. . 1. 1 l: : . l"( l,K- signmcunce. nnu u is srrai dying to see lliat t he press of our educational leath rs are now no (less thoroughly aroused to its importance i hau our physicians themselves. I There is indeed great hope for J our Southern country in this dis covery, i' or generations we hnvoi Had a class of people ol the best stock that the world ktioivs, "the purest Anglo Saxon blood in A- merica, as we nave prou'lly claimed, aud yetstrangely niark- d ami by such inertia and un- progressiveness as to excite the comment of all t raveleis and stu dents of society. Travelers from I other sections observing them have always explained the trou ble upon either one ot the other of two theories, both alike hurt ful and discreditable to the South. The first theory has been that, these people are hopelessly degenerate, and the second has been tlmt the climate of the South was hopelessly unhealthy. Dr. Stiles's discovery s h o w s that neither one of Micse assump tions is correct. The trouble is not the fault either of our cli mate in itself or of degeneracy in the character of the people. The trouble is a physical one caused by a parasite probably brought over from Africa by the negroes, ami wincn can live only m a warm climate. If the discovery stopped here, little good would have been uc complished, but the good news goes further. It is not only easy and cheap to cine a person at tacked by hook-worm disease, but it is possible lo stamp out the trouble entirel v just as we are exterminating the cat tl lick in the South, and thereby exter minating Texas fever, the hook worm,-like the tick, being a par asite which can live only in warm climate, but which science has at last found a cheap, prac tical and easy way of combat ing. There is nothing discreditable about having hook-worm disease The parasite exists in the soil and any person going bare-footed may become infected. Chil dren ot a'l classes are likely there fore to develop the trouble, and whetever a boy or girl becomes sallow-faced, colorless and list less, especially if there has been a case of "ground itch," hook worm disease is probable, and the simple treatment advised may not only restore health but may actually save life. Thous ands and thousands of chidivu in the South have undoubtedly (lit d who miejit have been saved if Dr. Stiles's discovery had been made a hundred years ago. A North Carolina country doctor reported the other day that of 120 pale persons treated by him, 114 had hook-worm disease. We mention these things now simply as preliminary to saying that Dr. Stiles, whose investiga tions have given him national and even international fume.has prepared The Progressive Farm er what is perhaps the first com plete and authoritative state ment he has ever printed as to the symptoms, treatment and prevention of the hook-worm dis ease, and this article will appear in an early issue of The Trogres siveFHiiner, togetherwith a nam ber of notable and illuminating illustrations prepared especially for our paper. This art icle w ill be one of the most striking features of t h e year and should have the earn est attention of every reader of out paper. Simmons Hs (iroirn in Senate. l.CXillLt'MI Jli-pllt.-ll. I'.iirk, w rit iiiir to ilic Char-' loi te Observer from U'ashit'gton ; has thf billowing: Senators Kim inoiis, o North Carolina, a n 1 j Dolliver. of Iowa, havi- gotten more legitimate and wholesome inlyi-i t i-iny: out of t he tariff del-ate in I lie Senate than any oth- er two men there. Whether right or wrong in their respective po sitions thev have convinced those who are keeping track of t h e.1 featured it, and there is no doubt Payne-Aldrich bill, that they are j that before its genuineness was alert, able, informed and coutu- 'generally tjuesi ioued that ithelp geous. jed the Republican cause. That Oil the one side of the chamber j was its purpose and nobody be Simuions has led the fight for a.lievesthat l'.rumlenbuig concei stjuare tleal lor his section of the j vetl tin; fraud merely for the country and its people in an at-; money the Times paid Tor the ar niosphere of protective schedule, jtich. llehind him was some Ro und on the other Dolher h a s t publican shrewd knave who pull proved himsell a champion hgh-jed the" strings, ter for rights that he claims fori Rut for Mrs. Cleveland tin his constituents. The two men fraud might not have been ex represent an entirely different j posed. Though in the depths of citizenry, which exists under to- j mourning she promptly declared tally different .conditions. Sin mons and Doliver, ench laboring er wrote it or signed it and she insr in different fields, have made ; went into the courts and irave themselves known and felt in the ' testimony that relieved her bus fiivatest deliberate lcgislatiye j ban's name from the attempt to body in this country. This one j make him ay what he never be am! all niustndmit, whetherthey Sieved. In this, as in all things. agree with their views and votes or not Ten years ago, when Senator Simmons drove out the Republi cans and Populists united under one banner for pelf and pie, the average North Carolinian who did not know him dismissed him dismissed him as a political wire puller and niincompoop, unfit for anyihing else than to manage a red-shirt campaign against sou thern Republicans and their al lies, which were composed of a horde of illiterate negroes a n d several thousand carping popu lists, but today he is seen in a different light. His colleagues point to him as one of the most forini luble men in Congress. His everlasting industry, his ever- ready pugnacity, his never fail ing courage, physical as well as moral, and his genius for organ ization hayo caused him to be ranked witli the best. Keen in sight, daring courage and eom bativeness are his greatest as sets, lie convinces the onlooker that he liaseouvictionaiid pluck. Standing in the open, every day in the week, he is ready to be counted. The lenso does not ap peal to him, nor will he take ref uge on it in time of distress. There used to be, and 1 believe there is yet, something in the Tar Heel blood that makes a man admire the fellow who fights for what lie thinks is right and does not retreat under fire. In the campaigns of lftflS and 1900 when a real general was needed, Simmons was in the saddle, to which he had been elevated by crj ing democrats. At that time many called him a bluffer but his bitterest, enemy would not apply that term to him now. He is anything but a, bluffer. The fighting spirit is in his bones. Newspaper men who did not know that his name was on the list of senators have become in terested in Mr. Simmons and whateves he says is considered good copy. The brilliant Bailey compels attention, ami so does the rugged, original Tillman, and now ami evermore, the fighting Simmons. Could Not Be Hetter. No one has ever made a salve, ointment, lotion or balm to compare with bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healers of cuts, corns burns, bruises, sores scalds, boils ulcers, eczema, saltrheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, chapped hands it's supreme. Infallible for piles. Only 25c ft sll druggists. Tlielrnftrid Wise Wife Tlcre has not been surf tlie foitiv ol the Moray letters so th spicabl'' a pi"cc of campaign forgery as lhi'Hililii-ntiuti during the I ist campaign ol a lei tripi-i- portiug to liaye been writ ten ly (inner Cleveland just hefoie his diaili favoring- ihe election of .Mr. Taft. It was so clever a hir gery as to deceive the New York I'lines which featured it. The Re- publican campaign managers j to friends that her husband nev- Mrs. Cleveland showed herself u true and w ise wile. Since the days of Dolly Madison no woman hrs graced the White House who cur ried sti'-h a charm and manner as Mrs. Cleveland. She won the peo- , pie by her beauty of person and her tracious wa vs ami made itsi hospitality muict tiing that gave the White House a distinction that was not borrowej from any court or salon. Those who agreed with her husband on publicques tions ami those who held oppo sing view s gave her unstinted ad miration. The appearance of Mrs. Cleve land in court to honor her bus band's memory and expose the wrong done liini shows herj strength ot character ami her conception of a public duty as well as of a. drivatereponsibility, Neis and Observer. A Thrilling Rescue, How I'.ert R. Lean, of Cheny, Wash., was saved from a fnjjhtful death is a story to thrill the world. "A hard cold" he writes, '-brought on a desperate lung trouble that baffled an expert doctor here. Then I paid fio to $15 a visit to a lung specialist in Spokane who did not help me. Then I went to Califonia, but without benefit. At last I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me and now I am as well as ever." For lung trouble bronchitis, coughs and colds, asth ma, croup and whooping cough it's supreme. 511c and .! 1. 00. Trial bot tles free, ( J iarauteed by all drug gists. ShoMnkiM Alltiwanci.H. The woman whom everybody likes is tolerant aud broad-min ded. She iilvruvs sees the best side of everybody. Slit? is above reproach herself, but she is the first to make allowances fc those who have wandered off the path, and to hold out a lHping hum! of friendship to them. She pities where others blame. She 'stands up' for her friends iind her enemies too. if she should happen to have any. And she is t horoughly good na 1 11 red, She can admireother peo ple's beauty, accomplishments and successes whole-heartedly. There is uothingenviousormean or petty or small about her. Her philosophy is bright, stimula ting. She sees things as they are, takes them as they come, and makes the best of them. Lx. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A One Dose for Coughs Children cough at night? Give them Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Often a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough. Good for easy cases, hard cases; good for acute cases, chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and frankly, just what he thinks of this old standard remedy. No alcohol in this cough medicine. . C.Auer Co. . Lowell. Mass. 1 A Ftctin licadltuildiiigl Charlctti.' News. The Atlanta .Journal tells of a remarkable fete in roadbuilding, accomplished bv Mr. Tufts at A lay liver makes a lazy boy. An active brain demands an active liver, laxative fur boys and girls thai Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor about them. ii,,r,i, ,,.-,t ;.. l. s J" M.tlmncm to'blv caused by rheumatism of t h liilliuioi. ill ilia luiuuoni'-tii ' ' have the New York to Atlanta i apital-to-capitnl route chosen. "One of the most notable iuci dents in the irood roads move menl set on foot by the At'anta Journal and the New York Her-j iilrl was neeniiiiilished bv Mr. Leo' nard Tufts, proprietor of a 0,1 Jfe ChaflOtte m. 000 acre tract of and and a .iAUflKST ANI) BEST group ot resort hotels m and a- NF vYSPAl'FR IN N C round Pinehurst N C., who hir- ; ; , ' . ' ed 200 men and 100 teams at his) -i- own expense, for the special pur-j ,., . ' ,. ' . .' - i h". Observer consists of 10 to I? pose of extending a stretch of ; p:1;Jt.S(1:lilv an(, 30 to 33 pagcs Sun road over which the scout cars :j:iVi it i,alKiles mole new s matter, would pass. "The road, as far as it extend ed, was already equal to the fa mous macadam turnpike of the Shenandoah Valley, and when Mr. Tults learned that the scouts would puss that way he adver tised for the men and teams nec essary to extend the road still further. "It was one ol the most gigan tic undertakings in the history of North Carolina, which has al ready taken a leading position in this gooil roads work, and as a consequence more than two miles of good road were built in four days and a half. "Catching the inspiration of Mr. Tufts' example, the farmers suspended work and the saw nulls shut down in order to give every available employe an oppoit.uni ty to work on the roads before the scouts came along. After the wearisome si retches of bad roads, made worse by the rains, it was a grateful relict to come into such an excellent, high way, and if thecapital-to capital route is not selected as the offi cial route it will not be the fault of the people of North Carolina in the sec'ion through which the scouts have just passed. It is incidents like this which vindicate the judgment of the Journal and the Herald inestab lishing the good roads and relia bility contest. The practical fruits ol it are being made mani fest all the way between Atlanta and New Y'ork and by the time tin great contest is pulled ofT Ihe highways bet ween Proud way aud Whitehall will be the peer of any roads in the I'nited Stntes." This should incite our people to action. There is a good possi bility t.f getting Charlotte in the other line proposed, and again The News urges special efforts to this end. Trouble Makers Ousted. When a sufferer fron stomach trouble takes Dr. King's Nevv Life Pills, he's mighty glad to see his dyspepsia and indigestion tty, but more, he's tickled over his new, fine appltite, strong nerves, healthy vig or, all because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right. 25c at all druggists. Even the man who cuts the lawn thinks the way he does it is proof he understood public af- jajrs A widow has learned better than to trust a man, but she has also learned how to bear disappointment. Nu better He knows. A canidate stands on his party platform and hisoj pot rut jumps on it. Lame shoulder is almost invaiia. i muscles and yields quickly to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment, This liniment is not only prompt anl effectual, but in no way isasrcab!e to use. Sold by J M. 1'tK,cs- local, State, national and foreign than any other North Caralina news paper. THE SUNDAY OliSERYER. is unexcelled as a news medium and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. SEMI-W EEKLY O V, SERVER, issues Tuesdays and Fridays at $1. per year, is the largest paper for the money in this section. It consists of S to 10 pages, and prints all the news if the week local, State, na. tiona ami foreign, Ac less, THE OBSERVER CO. Charlotte S. C. Watch Repairing. More good watches are ruined inthe handsol inexperienced work men than in anv other rvav. A watch is too costly an article to entrust to any one who may claim the title of Watchmaker. Durfng my ninnv years of bus! ness I have always given the clo sest attention to ihe careful re pairing and adjusting of watches brought to me and have bought none other than the best mater ah My charges are never exces sive; only enough to cover ihe cost ol the work; neither do un necessary work nor charge for work I do not execute. Don't wait until your watch refuses to run before having it cleaned, ad. usted and freshly oiled. J. W. BRYAN, GraduateAY atch-inaker & Jeweler A young man seldom begins to rise in the world until after he set tles down. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Root, the great kidney, liver a.ij Br4J ijliidaer remedy, n cause of its remark. ulile health restoring I Jriperlif3. Swatii Hoot tti 1 fills ulmost j every, i: h in ovt r- coming rheumatism, i ; 11, .. i.,,.i- i ;.i 11 neys, liver, madder g anil every jjart of the urinary passape. It corrects inability to hold water aud scalilingpaiii in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go oftcu through the day, and to get up many times darina; the night. Sv. ainp-Roct is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, aud lias proved so successful that a special ar rangement has beeu made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and liov to undout if you have kid ney or bladder trouble. reailill.' this kimiptoiib IIMK!aSl!25SE vv ueu writni!? mention Bi'- offer in this paper and MSaifS8Si send your address to in. ivmiiur x V.O., oianip-Kou liinghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent aud one-dollar si.e bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bingbanton, N, Y., a every bottle. mr 1 mm .. 1 i f V 1 1